Page 26 - Pakistan Link - January 29, 2020
P. 26

        P26  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JANUARY 29, 2021                                                                                  COMMENTARY
                                Everlasting Charm of Pakistan-India Cricket Rivalry
                 n By Vijay Lokapally                                                                                    support came from Gavaskar, who backed the
                                                                                                                         team to win the 1992 World Cup.
           ndia and Pakistan matches have always                                                                             I take pride in narrating an anecdote

           been closely and fiercely contested but                                                                       here from India’s 1996 tour to England. India
        Ithere is mutual respect for each other’s                                                                        had lost the first Test at Birmingham and was

        cricket. — File photo                                                                                            training hard at Lord’s when it had a surprise
            April 1978, the news was prominently                                                                         visitor in form of Miandad. He was not happy
        displayed on the sports page, ‘Pakistan stars                                                                    at India losing to England and he made an ap-

        for Abbas Ali Baig Benefit Match’. Pakistan                                                                      pearance at the ground to share his experience
        cricketers in the 1970s were stars, all of them.                                                                 of tackling seam and swing bowling. I remem-
            I lost little time in reaching out to my                                                                     ber him asking the Indians, “Bhai, kaise haar
        childhood friend, Ghaus Mohammad, a fa-                                                                          gaye aap is England team se (how could you
        mous football commentator now. Ghaus and                                                                         lose to this England team)”. He gave a pep talk

        I would spend hours on the field, sometimes                                                                      to the Indians. Among the attentive lot were
        just the two of us. I would bowl and he would                                                                    Rahul Dravid and Sourav Ganguly, who both
        keep the wickets. Eventually, he went on to                                                                      went on to make fantastic debut appearances
        represent Delhi as a goalkeeper in the Santosh                                                                   in the Test.
        Trophy National Football Championship.                                                                               India and Pakistan cricket matches have

            The star list was awesome: Asif Iqbal, Ma-                                                                   always been closely and fiercely contested.

        jid Khan, Zaheer Abbas, Imran Khan, Mush-                                                                        True, there have been some acrimonious inci-
        taq Mohammad, Sarfraz Nawaz, along with   and Hunte. It was a memorable game for me   when  I interacted  with the  same stars as  a   dents, but friendships have always been forged

        Ian Chappell, Conrad Hunte, David Hookes.   and Ghaus and for years we shared the stories   journalist, realized how incorrect I had been.   off the field. There is mutual respect for each

        For me, the only attraction was Majid Khan;   with our friends.            There was respect for Indian cricket in Paki-  other’s cricket. How can anyone forget the
        the majestic, graceful, debonair, who could   Strange, a few months after I watched   stan and I personally looked forward to meet-  standing ovation that Wasim Akram’s team

        smash the bowlers without moving his feet.  the Pakistan greats in action I was praying for   ing cricketers from Pakistan at tournaments in   was accorded at Chennai in 1999 when it won

            There was no way I was going to miss the   their failure. India was touring Pakistan and I   Sharjah, England, Sri Lanka, Nairobi, Toronto.  the test match in a breathtaking finish. It was
        match. Bunking school was not the challenge.   was now on the other side. I prayed for India                     an unforgettable show of spirit and has stayed
        Getting entry to the Ferozeshah Kotla was.   to succeed and I also prayed for Majid and Za-  I came to realize how silly this all was.   with every member of that Pakistan team.

        There was no pocket money we could fall back   heer, Imran and Sarfraz, Iqbal and Mushtaq to   Cricket was only a game and in later   It was my good fortune that no Pakistan
        on. It had been spent on buying the cricket kit.   fail miserably.           years when I interacted with the same   cricketer ever refused an interview for The

        And then Ghaus found a solution. The score-  The  first  Test  at  Faisalabad  was  drawn.   stars as a journalist, realized how   Hindu and Sportstar where I worked. Cricket

        board at the Kotla was manned by a family   Zaheer and Javed  Miandad smashed the  In-  incorrect I had been. There was respect   between India and Pakistan is easily the most

        which stayed in a two-room house just below   dian bowlers ruthlessly. India responded   for Indian cricket in Pakistan and I   followed competition in the world. It generates
        the iron structure.                   through  GR  Viswanath’s  century  and  some   personally looked forward to meeting   excitement of the highest quality and as Asif
            Ghaus reached out to a friend who knew   solid batting from Sunil Gavaskar alongside                         Iqbal told me recently, “It is far superior to any
        the family well. We were ushered into the   Dilip Vengsarkar. India lost the next match at   cricketers from Pakistan at tournaments   competition between any two nations in the
        house early morning and then surreptitiously   Lahore as Imran and Sarfraz played havoc and   in Sharjah, England, Sri Lanka, Nairobi,   world. Far more intense than the Ashes”.
        into the stand next to the house. It was an easy   Zaheer toyed with the Indian bowling. India   Toronto. With time, I rediscovered my   It is indeed a pity that India and Paki-

        entry, and we were so delighted to watch the   lost at Karachi too but Gavaskar hit a century   heroes from Pakistan when I heard them   stan do not play each other as often because
        stars in action. My eyes were hooked on the   in each innings. Miandad again tormented the   praise their Indian counterparts highly.   their matches need to be competed on neu-
        Pakistan cricketers and what a galaxy it was.  Indian bowlers.              Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Miandad,   tral venues, essentially at ICC events. In turn,
            To  have  watched  them  in  action  was  a   Pakistan came to India in 1979-80 and                          it takes away the charm of watching a Virat

        grand achievement. The searing heat of Delhi,   lost the series 0-2. I began liking the Pakistan   Imran, Rameez Raja never missed an   Kohli against Pakistan in a Test and a Babar
        being April and extremely hot, was forgotten   stars again. But two years later it was again   opportunity to praise Indian cricketers.   Azam taking on Indian bowlers in similar cir-
        as we soaked in the glory of seeing some of   Pakistan  dominating  India.  This  time  more   For Pakistan cricket, the greatest support   cumstances. It also means their records would

        the greatest names from across the border. As   comprehensively though. India succumbed to   came from Gavaskar, who backed the   be deprived of performances against each
        expected, Majid Khan made his runs without   the reverse swing of Imran and Sarfraz and the   team to win the 1992 World Cup  other. What a shame that Sachin Tendulkar
        moving his feet. Zaheer Abbas produced some   punishing bats of Zaheer, Miandad and Mu-                          and Wasim Akram did not face each other
        silken drives the likes of which we had never   dassar Nazar. Of course, Mohinder Amarnath,   With  time,  I rediscovered  my  heroes   in a Test from 1989 to 1999, a whole decade.

        seen. Imran and Sarfraz bowled with fire. Asif   Gavaskar, Kapil and Vengsarkar did well but   from Pakistan when I heard them praise their   There is hope in the times to come when In-
        Iqbal made his presence felt too.     it was Pakistan all the way. How I hated the   Indian counterparts highly. Wasim Akram,   dia and Pakistan may get to play at least one

            There was a young Indian too who made   Pakistan stars for destroying my heroes.  Waqar Younis, Miandad, Imran, Rameez Raja   series a year on their own soil. This generation

        his mark in that match. Kapil Dev arrived with   I  came  to  realize  how  silly  this  all  was.   never missed an opportunity to praise Indian   of cricket fans deserves such a treat indeed.
        a bang as took the wickets of Majid, Zaheer,   Cricket was only a game  and in  later  years   cricketers. For Pakistan cricket, the greatest   Dawn/ ScoreLine
                           Century in First Test at Hometown a Dream Come True: Fawad
                 n By Khalid H. Khan                                                                                     setting up the stage and then [Mohammad]
                         Karachi                                                                                         Rizwan and Faheem [Ashraf] all contributed
                                                                                                                         when they were needed most,” Fawad added.
             esilience has been the hallmark of                                                                             Meanwhile, Maharaj conceded bowling
             how Fawad Alam plays cricket, all                                                                           to someone with the unconventional batting
        Rhis  life. Last  Wednesday  saw him                                                                             style Fawad has was frustrating for South Af-
        once again give ample sights of these vir-                                                                       rica.
        tues. A third ton in a Test career, abruptly                                                                        “Yeah, it was tough for the bowlers out
        shortened by shenanigans of the men re-                                                                          there because of the way Fawad led the fight-

        sponsible for selecting the Pakistan nation-                                                                     back but I thought we did well to control the
        al team.                                                                                                         scoring rate [of Pakistan]. We have never seen
             “Obviously there is nothing more sat-                                                                       a batter who adapts such an awkward stance
        isfying than scoring a Test hundred in your                                                                      while being at the crease. But the way he
        hometown, and that too at first attempt,” Pak-                                                                   [Fawad] batted was something to be praised,”

        istan’s batting hero told reporters during the                                                                   the frontline slow left-armer remarked.

        virtual presser after his making a courageous                                                                       “It was difficult to find the right spots

        109 that eventually placed the hosts into a po-                                                                  to put Fawad in bother because his [batting]
        sition of strength.                                                                                              style is something we’ve never experienced
            “I’ll never forget this moment in my                                                                         before. Credit to him for playing a splendid
        life even though it had been long overdue.                                                                       knock under immense pressure.”
        The century in New Zealand [102 at Mount                                                                             “I think the wicket looks pretty good

        Maunganui last month] was special too be-                                                                        at the moment but yeah, one can’t say how
        cause many had written me off. But this one                                                                      it would play [over the remaining days]. But

        gave me more joy because the team needed it                                                                      one area that we must improve is to get de-
        most. I had left it to Almighty Allah to grant                                                                   cent runs in the second innings. No one can

        me success while coming into this Test. I had                                                                    say whether there’ll be deterioration setting

        dreamt of achieving something special that I                                                                     in batting deep into the match. There are
        could cherish for the rest of my life. Scoring a   “Both Ajju [Azhar Ali] and myself decid-  ourselves and were rewarded for our collec-  footmarks created by the bowlers that could
        ton in a hometown is a feat everyone dreams   ed together last night that pressing the panic   tive hard work.   come into play. And Yasir Shah being a wrist

        of. Couldn’t have asked for more after what   button won’t do any good and the best way   “Honestly speaking, we felt that we could   spinner, can troubles our batters,” he ob-

        I had performed today. At the moment I’m   out of what happened on the first day [when   put them [South Africa] on the defensive by   served.
        feeling over the moon.”               Pakistan were in the mire at 33-4 at stumps]   rotating the strike regularly and we did exact-  “It is imperative that we should restrict
            Fawad said despite the poor start by   was to get the negative thoughts out of the   ly that. As a team we are proud of the way we   Pakistan’s lead to a minimum and try to bat

        Pakistan, he was confident that the remaining   mind,” Fawad went on. “Our sole goal was   came  back  into  the  Test.  Everyone  chipped   as long as possible to set a decent target [to
        batsmen were capable of doing good.   to bat today as long as we could. We applied   in well. Azhar was simply outstanding for   chase],” Maharaj remarked.
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