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Pakistan Link
MAY 28, 2021 – PAKISTAN LINK – P1
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 31/22 16 Shawwal 1442 AH Friday, May 28, 2021 US & Canada $1.00
He Can Bring ‘Not Answerable The Story of a For news,
Peace between to Maryam or Young Pakistani updated round
the clock, visit
Jews & Muslims Nawaz’ Girl in the US
Pakistan Presents Blueprint for Ties with Biden Admin US Talking to Pakistan, Others
for Maintaining Access to
n By Kamran Yousaf n By Anwar Iqbal
Islamabad: When the newly ap-
pointed National Security Adviser Washington, DC: The United
Dr Moeed Yusuf quietly met his US States Department of Defense has
counterpart Jake Sullivan in Geneva said that it is discussing various op-
last Sunday, he presented him with tions with Pakistan and other states
a “Pakistani plan” that envisages the in the region, including the poten-
future of Pakistan-US relationship. tial for having bases there, but the
Breaking from the past prac- talks remain inconclusive.
At a recent congressional hear-
Record 2.2 Billion Shares ing, US Assistant Secretary of De-
Change Hands at PSX fense for Indo-Pacific Affairs David
F. Helvey told the Senate Armed
Karachi: The Pakistan Stock Ex- Services Committee that “Pakistan
change (PSX) saw an all-time high has allowed us to have overflight and
daily trading volume for the second access to be able to support our mili-
consecutive day on Thursday, with tary presence in Afghanistan”.
2.21 billion shares traded in a single Following that, Foreign Of-
session. fice Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez
A day earlier, the PSX had made Chaudri later told journalists in Is-
history with a record-high 1.56bn lamabad that “there is no US mili-
shares traded. Pakistan National Security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf and his American counterpart Jake Sullivan — APP/Reuters tary or air base in Pakistan, nor was
On Thursday, the market man- any such proposal envisaged. Any
aged to break Wednesday’s volume tice, the plan seeks bilateral coop- velopment told The Express Tribune and the US has often been seen as speculation on this account is base-
record by a huge margin of ~654 eration with the US based on econ- that Pakistan is seeking a “paradigm transactional as Islamabad for long less and irresponsible and should be
million shares, a closing note by Aba omy, trade and business instead of shift” in its approach as far as ties has relied on the country’s strategic avoided.”
Ali Habib securities said. security and defense. with the US are concerned. location for leverage with Washing- On Monday, which was the first
SHARES, P11 Sources familiar with the de- Relationship between Pakistan BLUEPRINT, P28 US, P28
American Jews & Muslims New Round of Stimulus Checks
Resume Interfaith Efforts Raise Kashmir Issue at ‘United Nations Platform More Strongly’ Going out to Americans
n By Joseph Hammond Islamabad: United Na-
Religion News Service tions General Assembly
(UNGA) President Vol-
Washington, DC: Palestinians kan Bozkir said on Thurs-
and Israelis have begun to clear the day that it was Pakistan’s
rubble and rebuild in the aftermath duty to bring the issue of
of the most recent conflict. Mean- the Jammu and Kashmir
while, in the United States, many dispute to the United Na-
Muslim and Jewish groups are seek- tions platform with more n By Summer Lin
ing to once again rebuild interfaith vigor.
networks and resume efforts put on Addressing a press Washington, DC: A new batch of
pause during the hostilities. conference in Islamabad more than 1.8 million COVID-19
Multiple faith leaders who along with Foreign Min- relief payments have been sent out
spoke to Religion News Service ad- ister Shah Mahmood to Americans, according to the In-
mitted that such efforts were strained Qureshi after their meet- ternal Revenue Service.
by the latest battles in the Holy Land. ing in the day, the UNGA The IRS announced Wednes-
Yet, Muslim and Jewish leaders in president lamented the lack day that the checks, with effective
the United States have vowed to con- of large political will for the payment dates through May 26,
tinue the efforts despite complica- resolution of the Kashmir started going out in the past two
tions imposed by the geopolitics of dispute compared to the weeks, bringing the total number
the Middle East. Palestinian issue which had of checks that have been sent out
“While some in our American more will behind it. under the latest stimulus bill to 167
Muslim and Jewish communities “I think it is the duty, United Nations General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir (left) and Foreign Minister Shah Mah- million and a total value of around
wish to close down partnerships and especially Pakistan’s, to mood Qureshi address a press conference in Islamabad on Thursday — DawnNewsTV $391 billion.
see the other side as only an ally or bring this [issue] to the Half of the payments, valued at
adversary,” said Ari Gordon, Ameri- United Nations platform the Kashmir issue were of ing the status of Jammu accordance with the UN around $1.9 billion, went to people
can Jewish Committee director of more strongly,” said Bozkir, the same age. and Kashmir and said a charter and UN Security who didn’t have updated informa-
Muslim-Jewish relations, “those who adding that he agreed that He called on all par- solution was to be found Council (UNSC) resoluti- tion filed with the IRS, but who have
EFFORTS, P16 the Palestinian issue and ties to refrain from chang- through peaceful means in KASHMIR, P28 CHECKS, P28