Page 10 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 10
n By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai The Sacrifices of the People of occupation.
Washington, DC Lone Sahib was a great personality
blessed with great talents, not only as a politi-
n the annals of history, nations and Kashmir Will Not Go in Vain cian but also as a deep thinker. By far the most
peoples are often blessed with leaders, vivid recollection I have of Lone Sahib was his
Iguides and activists who play singular speech at the United Nations headquarters in
roles providing leadership that transcends New York during an OIC–Foreign Minister
inspiration and casts a last- Annual Meeting on September 27, 1999. The
ing impact on these societ- participants were fascinated by his presenta-
ies. tion.
May 21, 1990 was the Lone Sahib said, “I am grateful for the
day when the Indian occu- opportunity to address the Organization of
pation forces assassinated an the Islamic Conference as the voice of the
illustrious Kashmiri freedom All Parties Hurriyet Conference, the genuine
fighter, Mirwaiz Moham- embodiment of the aspirations of the Kash-
mad Farooq along with 70 mourners when miri people.” He added, “Indeed, to speak of
the army resorted to firing on his funeral humanitarian tragedies and injustice without
procession while it was on its way to Martyrs mentioning Kashmir is like reciting the Ho-
Cemetery. Twenty-two years later, on May 21, locaust without mentioning Auschwitz or the
2002, Indian forces also killed Khawaja Ab- Palestinian Israeli cruelties without mention-
dul Gani Lone, leader of All Parties Hurriyet ing Shaba and Shatila refugee camp slaugh-
Conference who had come to Martyr’s cem- ters.”
etery to pay homage to the Kashmiri martyrs, Lone Sahib shocked the conscience of
including Mirwaiz Sahib who gave their last the OIC leadership by asking: “Is the lesson
full measure of devotion in unflagging pursuit of Kashmir to be that a nuclear power with
of a just and noble cause. May 21 will remain an attractive economic market can defy in-
embedded in the history of Kashmir and in ternational law, human rights, and morality
the hearts and minds of millions of Kashmiris with impunity? What would that do to the
as the day of supreme sacrifice. cause of non proliferation? What would that
While our martyrs earned a choice place do for the cause of humanity? What would
in the Hereafter, the Indian occupation forces that do for securing adherence to the interna-
earned the dubious honor of creating more tional norms, universal values and above all to
martyrs over 100,000 to date and the count gunned down for their leadership role in edu- just two weeks before I was forced to leave the United Nations Security Council resolu-
goes on. These martyrs include infants, wom- cating their people in their struggle for self de- Kashmir. This meeting took place during the tions?”
en, and the old; they are common Kashmiris termination. They were gunned down because visit of the Imam Kaaba to Kashmir when The people of Kashmir will never forget
as well as outstanding scholars and leaders. the selfless contribution and the tireless efforts
In many ways, Mirwaiz Sahib and Lone Lone Sahib shocked the conscience of the OIC leadership by asking: of the Mirwaiz Sahib and Lone Sahib. Their
Sahib were yet other martyrs to the cause, an- “Is the lesson of Kashmir to be that a nuclear power with an attractive efforts will remain forever a milestone in the
other addition to the list of martyrs of Kash- economic market can defy international law, human rights, and history of the freedom struggle of Kashmir.
mir being compiled since 1931 when our peo- The vision of Mirwaiz Sahib, Lone Sahib
ple first raised their voice against tyranny and morality with impunity? What would that do to the cause of non and the unity and sacrifices of the people of
alien occupation. proliferation? What would that do for the cause of humanity? What Kashmir will undoubtedly lead the Kashmiri
When in 1990 the winds of change blew freedom struggle to its logical conclusion, that
across the world, destroying dictatorships would that do for securing adherence to the international norms, is freedom from the occupation and alien sub-
and occupations, the people of Kashmir also universal values and above all to the United Nations Security Council jugation.
renewed their struggle. During our period of resolutions?” Let us all rededicate ourselves to the vi-
quiet the world had forgotten us. Now, they sion of our martyrs and continue our struggle
were filled with hope and longing of a new in unity with full faith in Allah (Subhanahu
dawn. It was at this crucial juncture that the they reminded the world about the pledge Mirwaiz had been kind enough to invite me wa Taala) to whom belongs victory and de-
Mirwaiz Sahib and Lone Sahib emerged to that was agreed upon by India and Pakistan, along with the Imam to the Mirwaiz Man- feat, success and failure.
present a much larger aspect of their leader- and championed by the democratic powers, zil. We discussed the issues of mutual con- May Allah accept the sacrifice of the fel-
ship. They not only rekindled the issue afresh including the United States and endorsed by cern, and, more importantly, the ways for the low Kashmiri martyrs. Ameen.
but also gave it a new vigor and meaning. the UN Security Council. resolution of the Kashmir issue. I could dis- (Dr Fai is the Secretary General of Wash-
Mirwaiz Sahib and Lone Sahib were I had the good fortune of having a de- cern within him a selfless desire to serve and ington-based World Kashmir Awareness Fo-
brilliant and articulate statesmen who were tailed meeting with the late Mirwaiz in 1980 emancipate his people from under the Indian rum -
From SS to JKT to Zulfi B: Has the Great Game Begun?
n By Fahd Husain ticked the first four items on this list government who grudgingly admit-
Islamabad, Pakistan and is probably on the fifth or sixth ted on Monday: “Whether we accept
one. It needs to take a strategic pause it or not, the hottest ticket today in
vents are cascading down before it slips to the seventh, eighth Punjab is that of the PML-N.”
the capital like a gushing or ninth level. But is this hot ticket needed
Ewaterfall, and an important If the siege mentality starts to now? The change in Punjab can hap-
one was expected to take place on dominate political calculus however, pen with the snap of a finger, but one
Monday (more on mistakes tend to happen. Jehangir politician in Punjab who has his nose
this in a bit). When Tareen’s formal formation of parlia- very close to the ground believes that
troubles come, they mentary blocs in the national and the establishment has not indicated
do so in combina- Punjab assemblies is a major escala- a change in its priority yet. Could
tions of three. For tion in this intra-PTI civil war. This Tareen then have escalated matters
the beleaguered PTI was no easy decision for Tareen. He without any assurances of support?
government, the is not known to be an impetuous per- Probably not, says this politician
triple whammy of Sheh-baz Sharif, son. His decision-making is careful, who has served as a parliamentarian
Jehangir Tareen and, yes of all the prudent and well-thought out. Even both in the national and provincial
people, Zulfi Bokhari, is generat- his provocations are nuanced. This leadership of the PPP as well as the they say. assemblies. However, he believes that
ing a perfect storm of paranoia, in- move is therefore not only a product ANP. Most are expected to attend. So what do Shehbaz Sharif and the “system” has not generated any
security and, yes of all the things, of glacial planning, it also resembles The healing has begun. Jehangir Tareen know that Prime winks or nods that could start push-
encirclement. Inevit-ability comes a glacier in terms of what we see The same pattern is evidenced Minister Imran Khan does not? Well, ing many ruling party constituency
armed with its own irony. above the surface and what lies be- in a renewed attempt by the PML-N this right here is where the plot thick- politicians in Punjab under a new
But wait. Are politics, and poli- neath it. There is a pattern. to pivot from antagonism to greater ens. With nearly forty parliamentar- umbrella.
ticians, hyperventilating without a It is the same pattern that may accommodation. Insiders believe ians with him, Tareen can pull the In other words, Tareen may have
genuine cause? unveil itself this coming Monday. there is a groundswell within the rug under the Usman Buzdar gov- indicated he can bend Punjab, but he
PTI is new to this game of pow- Inside the Red Zone, an important party to step back from confronta- ernment in Punjab with one wag of is not saying if he wants to break it. A
er and cannot be faulted for mistak- meeting is scheduled to take place in tion and create a working relation- his finger. He and his supporters may warning shot? Those in the Red Zone
ing warning shots as the final blow- the afternoon. In the deepest bowels ship with the establishment. say all they want that they are part of who have the ability to connect dots
ing of the trumpet. As someone who of the Zone, where the cabinet min- “I can say with confidence,” the PTI and will remain so, but the are beginning to read the pattern:
has closely followed the rhythm of isters and other powerful people live, claims a senior party leader, “that 99 very fact that formal parliamentary people in position of power are not
Red Zone politics for the past three a grand gathering of the opposition is per cent of PML-N parliamentarians blocs have been announced — with happy with others in lesser position
decades, one can say the pattern this taking place. Yes, it is the first serious want a breakthrough for a better rela- a pack leader each in Islamabad and of power and are piling up the pres-
rhythm weaves for the government attempt to re-weaponise the quasi- tionship with the establishment.” Lahore — belies these self-effacing sure. A thousand cuts can lead to se-
of the day from the time it takes of- dormant alliance PDM. The leader So has the party made a strate- claims. The vast majority among the vere injuries — and more.
fice goes something like: (in this of the opposition Shehbaz Sharif has gic decision in this regard? Not yet, JKT group are hardened constitu- Which is why the PTI govern-
order): exuberance, confidence, ar- taken a major initiative and invited say those who are privy to the dis- ency politicians and therefore not ment is limping across the Rawalpin-
rogance, performance anxiety, insti- all the members of the opposition cussions. But the winds are blowing really beholden to the PTI ticket. di Ring Road instead of driving on it
tutional tension, instability, insecuri- in the parliament to lunch. Special in that direction and Shehbaz Sharif In fact, they probably agree with a at cruise control. The last
ty, conflict, and finally panic. PTI has invitations are being sent to the top has his hand on the steering wheel, very senior member of the Punjab GAME, P24