Page 15 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                           MAY 28,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
          Asad Umar Defends Economic Growth Figures,                                                Pakistan Stock Exchange Sets New

                     Praises PM’s Coronavirus Strategy                                                Record of Daily Traded Volume

        Islamabad: Minister for Planning,
        Development and Special Initiatives
        Asad Umar on Tuesday credited
        Prime Minister Imran Khan’s strat-
        egy for dealing with the coronavirus
        pandemic for the country’s better
        economic performance despite ear-
        lier projections.
            He made the comment during
        a press conference in Islamabad in
        which he discussed the figures re-

        cently released by the National Ac-
        counts Committee which estimated
        a 3.94 per cent economic growth
        rate this fiscal year, compared to a

        revised negative 0.47pc in 2019-20.
            At the outset, Umar said the

        federal cabinet analyzed the figures
        in  its meeting  in the day  after an   Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar (L) and Information Minister   The capital markets remained positive throughout Wednesday’s session as a variety

        intense debate was witnessed over   Fawad Chaudhry (R) address a press conference in Islamabad on Tuesday  of positive developments increased investors’ risk appetite

        the last few days. The minister said   to  invest  in  sectors  such  as  con-  ‘It is doing that because it   Karachi:  The Pakistan Stock Ex-  The total number of companies
        he  shared the  reasons behind the   struction that generated the most   sees something [in the future],” he   change (PSX) on Wednesday recorded   traded was 423 compared to 418 dur-
        growth rate with the cabinet.  employment.                  said, while stressing that “all high-  an all-time high daily trading volume,   ing the previous session. Of the scrips
            “In a year in which the world’s   He said the government had   frequency data is pointing towards   with Planning Minister Asad Umar   traded, 284 closed up, 125 closed
        big economies were in trouble and   been receiving statistics for months   fast pace [of  growth] and strength   attributing  the  development  to  the   down, and 14 remained unchanged.
        the challenge of Covid was there ...   and no one had raised any questions   in economy”.  market reacting to signs of sustained   The traded value increased by

        we had a comparatively better situ-  previously.                The minister said some people   economic recovery.      Rs4.83 billion to Rs28.34 billion.

        ation. The foundation stone for this   The minister shared that over-  were doubting the economic growth   The capital markets remained

        better economic performance was   seas Pakistanis had sent more than   rate because it was different from   positive throughout the session as a
        the prime minister’s decision” to   $5.4 billion in remittances in the   the projections by the World Bank   variety of positive developments in-  Current Account
        protect the poor and combat the   first 10 months of the year which   and the IMF. He pointed to last year   creased investors’ risk appetite, regis-

        coronavirus  in a  way that  people’s   would rise to around $6.5bn by the   when the National Accounts Com-  tered by a record high traded turnover   Posts $773

        livelihoods would not be affected,   year’s end.            mittee projected that the economic   of 1.56 billion shares.
        he said.                          “More  than  half  of  Pakistan’s   growth rate would be -0.38pc but   “New daily traded volume re-  Million Surplus in

            “There is no doubt people still   population is directly or indirectly   later revised it to -0.47pc.  cord set on the [PSX]. Today’s volume

        went through difficulty but [Paki-  linked to agriculture. Out of five big   The World Bank and IMF had   exceeded previous record by 39 per   10MFY21

        stan] remained better off as com-  crops of Pakistan, cotton [produc-  said back then that Pakistan’s econ-  cent,” Umar tweeted.

        pared to the rest of the world. The   tion] was not as good as last year’s.   omy would shrink by 1.5 to 2pc   He said it was reflective of the   Karachi:  The country’s current ac-

        world’s big organizations and peo-  Three of four crops — wheat, maize   which had not happened and the   market reacting to “signs of sustained   count (C/A) has been showing deficit

        ple also said work has been done [in   and rice — had record production   National Accounts Committee was   recovery” and “the successful contain-  each  month  since  December  2020,
        a better way] in Pakistan.”   this year.”                   proved “right”, he said.      ment of the Covid 3rd wave ... though   but it remained in surplus with $773

            Outlining  the  reasons  for  the   The  sugarcane  crop  this  year   He said he “understood the op-  risk still remains”.  million during the first 10 months of

        improved economic growth rate,   was also a bumper crop and the sec-  position’s worry” about the figures,   In  Wednesday’s  session, WTL   2020-21 — reflecting the additional
        Umar said because of the “innova-  ond-largest yield in Pakistan’s his-  especially the PML-N who was con-  carried the lantern of gains for the   support of higher remittances and ex-
        tive work” of the Ehsaas Emergency   tory, Umar disclosed. All of the data   cerned at how PM Imran and his   investors, which added volumes of   ports.

        Cash Program, money was given to   regarding crops had been available   team had “made the economy stand   707 million shares to the overall trad-  The latest data issued by the State
        nearly one-third of Pakistani fami-  for months but there was no contro-  on its feet when they left it in tat-  ing activity — almost half of the total   Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Tuesday

        lies, which was then put back into   versy attached to it, he added.  ters”.              intraday volume, while achieving a   showed that the current account defi-

        the economy when the people spent   “It is logical that if you see such                   steep gain of 41.23pc in its share price,   cit (CAD) contracted by almost 61 per
        it.                           growth  in  the  production  sector,   Committee approved to re-  a closing report by Aba Ali Habib said.  cent to $200m in April against $510m
            The State Bank of Pakistan   then the  services sector will also   view TLP ban           The bullish trend in share prices   in the same month last year.

        (SBP) played a “wonderful role” and   show growth. We do not get high-  Information Minister Fawad   parked the benchmark KSE-100 index   The  $773m  surplus  during

        took timely decisions, according to   frequency data for construction so   Chaudhry, who addressed the press   at the  46,812.31 level with  a gain of   10MFY21 has, however, changed
        the minister, while the Ministry of   we use cement sales as a proxy. Ev-  conference before Umar, apprised   511.65 points on Wednesday.  the economic situation for the gov-

        Finance gave a “very big stimulus   ery month, it is being reported in   the media of decisions taken by the   The  index  remained  positive   ernment, which has been struggling
        package” which boosted businesses’   newspapers that record sales have   cabinet, including the approval of a   throughout the session, touching an   to reduce the highest-ever CAD of

        confidence.                   taken place.”                 proscription review committee that   intraday high of 46,855.59  $20bn in FY18. Even if the remaining
            “The prime minister personally   Similarly, loans taken by the   would decide on the ban imposed   Of the 97 traded companies in   two months (May and June) witness

        [made efforts] for the construction   private sector were a good indica-  on Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan   the KSE-100 index, 77 closed up and   deficits, the C/A would end up with

        sector.  He  held  negotiations  with   tor of industrial activity and figures   (TLP) last month.  20 closed down. The total volume   surplus in FY21.

        the managing director of the IMF   were reported every month by the   Chaudhry said the proscribed   traded for the benchmark index was   The SBP has recently said that the

        (International Monetary Fund) and   SBP, he said. Data for the first nine   party had submitted a request to   306.27m shares.  country has posted a current account
        got concessions.” Umar contended   months of the year showed a 60pc   review the ban and under the Anti-  Sectors propping up the index   surplus this fiscal year after a gap of 17

        that daily-wage laborers earned the   increase in the number of loans tak-  Terrorism Act, the government was   were  Commercial  Banks  with  147   years which will help the economy to
        most from the construction sector,   en by the private sector in general   bound  to form  a committee com-  points, Technology and Communi-  come  out  from  the huge  pressure  of

        adding that Pakistan did not have   while there was an increase of Rs-  prising officials of the interior min-  cation with 99 points, Oil & Gas Ex-  deficits prevailing for a long period.
        trillions of dollars compared to big-  126bn in loans taken by the sector   istry for review.  ploration Companies with 73 points,   The CAD was $4.657bn in

        ger economies so it wanted people   for expansion purposes, he added.                     Textile Composite with 46 points and   10MFY20 which has now turned into
                    Chaudhry Nisar Takes Oath as MPA almost                                       Food and Personal Care Products   a surplus in the same period of FY21
                                                                                                                                helping the economy to stabilize on
                                                                                                  with 28 points.
                                                                                                      The most points added to the in-

                             Three Years after Being Elected                                      dex were by TRG which contributed   external fronts like higher foreign ex-
                                                                                                                                change reserves and stable exchange
                                                                                                  72, followed by OGDC with 45 points,   rate.
        Lahore: Estranged PML-    Speaking to reporters                     (Rawalpindi-III).     PPL with 30, MCB with 29 and BAFL   The country succeeded in keep-

        N leader and former in-  outside  the  Assembly,  he                   The former interior   with 28.                   ing its current account surplus despite
        terior minister Chaudhry   said he would undertake a                minister had confirmed    Sector wise, the index was let   increasing trade deficit which wid-

        Nisar Ali Khan took oath   visit to Lahore again soon               his decision to take the   down by Cement with six points, Pa-  ened by 21.6pc to $23.83bn during

        as member of the Punjab   during which he would                     oath in a statement on   per and Board with five points, Tobac-  July-April FY21. This was against the

        Assembly on Wednesday   hold detailed talks with                    Sunday. The politician   co with four points, Glass and Ceram-  trade deficit of $19.59bn in FY20.

        after the Assembly Secre-  media  persons.  When  he                from Chakri had said he   ics with three points and Chemical   The growing imports helped the

        tariat found no stay order   was asked which political              had made the decision   with two points.            economy to produce more exportable

        against his formally be-  party he would join, he                   after consulting his con-  The most points taken off the in-  products generating higher economic

        coming an MPA.         answered: “I am not going                    stituents.            dex were by FFC which stripped it of   activities.

            He was adminis-    [to any party] yet.”                            He had also clarified   22 points followed by FCCL with nine   Government  offi  cials  maintain

        tered  the oath of office   Khan  had  been                         at the time that taking the   points, MLCF with nine points, EPCL   that the higher imports supported the

        by   Punjab  Assembly  elected from Punjab As-                      oath would not affect his   with five points and PAKT with four   economic growth, which would be

        Deputy Speaker Sardar   sembly’s constituency PP-  34,000 votes, but did not   stance or belief (about rig-  points.    3.94pc in FY21 as was provided by the

        Dost Mohammad Mazari.   10 (Rawalpindi-V) in the   take the oath alleging rig-  ging in the 2018 general   The  all-share  volume  increased   National Accounts Committee (NAC)
        Khan entered the Assem-  2018  general  elections  as   ging that led to his defeat   election that led to his de-  by 885.98m to 1,563.36m Shares,   and was fully supported by the SBP

        bly through government   an independent candi-  in the National Assem-  feat in the NA constitu  while the market cap rose by Rs85.36   announcing that the GDP growth fig-
        chambers.              date with a margin of over   bly’s constituency NA-59   NISAR, P28   billion.                    ure was unanimous.
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