Page 19 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 19

COMMUNITY                                                                                                          MAY 28,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P19
                                         A Nature-Friendly Diplomatic Initiative

        Left to right:  Mrs Phoebe Kapouano (EU Delegation), Mrs Isabel Fezas Vital (Portugal), Mrs. Anamaria Maior   Left to right:  Mrs Susi Weiss (Austria), Mrs Anamaria Maior (Romania), and Mrs Isabel Fezas Vital (Portu-
        (Romania), Mrs Monika Langer (Luxembourg), Mr Martin Bengtsson (Sweden), Mrs Sol Cabanas (Spain), Mrs   gal)  - Photo: Monika Langer
        Danara Kazykhanov (Kazakhstan), and Mrs Susi Weiss (Austria) - Photo Elisabeth Herndler
             n By C. Naseer Ahmad     friendly  diplomatic  initiative.  dences sustainably and contribute to   about sustainability (e.g., zero en-  tourists sometimes might not be
                                      There is something to be learned   a cleaner and greener environment   ergy buildings)     mindful of the trash they leave be-
              here are many ways dip-  from this initiative because of the   by doing the following:  In cooperation with SRW-DC,   hind.
              lomats  and  their spouses   inspiration and dedication of all   •   Avoid waste/recycle  “A Volunteer Day in the Woods”   During this noble effort, the
        Tserve their countries while   those involved.                  •   Switch to green energy,   sponsored by the Luxembourg   participants walked three miles in
        representing them in Washington.   “Sustainable  Residences  in   don’t waste energy       Embassy was not only community   order to collect trash. This collective
        Often, diplomats are working be-  Washington  DC”  (SRW-DC)  is  a   •   Use  Rainwater  for  irriga-  service but also taking care of the   effort was not only great teamwork
        hind the scene and away from the   network of the Spouses/Partners of   tion, reduce use of water  environment. Diplomatic spouses   but an exercise in humility – re-
        limelight. An example is “A Vol-  the EU Member State Ambassadors.   •   Use organic/green clean-  and staff spent a day collecting trash   specting mother nature and dem-
        unteer  Day  in  the  Woods”  orga-  This network welcomes like-mind-  ing products        on the scenic Sugarloaf Mountain in   onstrating that despite the high of-
        nized recently by the Luxembourg   ed ambassadors’ spouses/partners   •   Special  actions  like  tree   Maryland. Due to Sugarloaf Moun-  ficial status, working to protect the
        Embassy in cooperation with the   from all over the world. SRW-DC’s   planting and waste collection  tain’s proximity to Washington DC   environment serves humanity in
        European Union, truly a nature-  goal  is  to  run  the  diplomatic  resi-  •   Excursions to learn more   and its popularity as a historic park,   immeasurable ways.
          MPAC Hollywood                    AMMWEC                             Prominent Physician Dr Yousuf Raza

           Bureau Looking                Hosts National
              for Talented               Interfaith Iftar                              Siddiqui Departs in Makkah
             Screenwriters                                                  n By Dr A. Khan

                                               n By Anila Ali                 Chicago, IL
                                                                          r Yousuf Raza Siddiqui, a
                                              ith the 2021 Ramadan        prominent  Pakistani-Sau-
                                              season just behind us, I  Ddi physician passed away
                                      Whope you had a blessed       in Makkah on May 21, 2021. His
                                      and joyous Eid. Ramadan was a   funeral prayers were offered after
                                      month of reflection, generosity,   the fajr prayers at Al-Masjid al-
                                      and peace. In that spirit, we are   Haram and later he was buried in
                                      proud to have hosted a National   Jannat al-Mu’alla, located north
                                      Interfaith Iftar, which was viewed   of Al-Masjid Al-Haram, the cem-
                                      by thousands of people across the   etery where Prophet Muhammed’s
           n partnership with Open Screen-  globe.                  (SAW) wife Hazrat Khadija (RA),
           play and Muslim Kids TV, the   It was so heartwarming to   grandfather, and other ancestors
        IMPAC Hollywood Bureau is     see leaders from so many differ-  are buried.               When Saudi Airline’s Boeing 707   stani ambassador decided to visit
        “looking for talented screenwriters   ent faiths and backgrounds come   Yousuf Reza Siddiqui was born   landed at the Riyadh airport, Dr Sid-  Al  Majma’ah a  town  near Riyadh,
        to write a pilot episode for a new an-  together to honor our holy month   in 1938 in the State of Bhopal. He   diqui found out that there were no   to  meet  Pakistani  doctors  serving
        imated action-adventure children’s   of Ramadan and to share their sup-  received early education in Bhopal   buildings at the airport, all custom   in the region. When the Pakistani
        series called Time Hoppers: The Silk   port  for  AMMWEC.  As  Congress-  and Aligarh and later moved with   formalities and passenger handling   ambassador’s DC-4 plane landed
        Road, to be streamed globally on   woman Abigail Spanberger stated,   family to Thana Bhawan (UP, Brit-  were done under a tent and in a tin   on the Al-Majma’ah’s dirt runway,
        Muslim Kids TV,” according to an e-  “I have been impressed by the work   ish India), one of the seats of 1857   shack.  there were no airport buildings, he
        mail message, It adds:        of  AMMWEC  to fight religiously   revolts against the British. After par-  Dr Siddiqui was initially post-  was greeted by Pakistani doctors
            “Time Hoppers: The Silk Road is   motivated hate and bigotry through   tition Dr Siddiqui’s family migrated   ed by Saudi Health Ministry at the   and Saudi  Amir.  After his  meet-
        a planned 13-part 2D animated TV se-  inclusivity and fostering shared ex-  to Pakistan. In the early 1950s, he   Government dispensary in Hauta     ing with the Pakistani doctors, the
        ries for children aged 6-9 years. The se-  periences.” Other esteemed speakers   passed his Intermediate exam from   Sudair (located about 140 km north   ambassador decided to return the
        ries follows the adventures of a group   included Congressmembers Katie   C&S Government College, Shikar-  of Riyadh) and then at a hospital in   next day to Riyadh by car. Dr Yousuf
        of  gifted  friends who  travel  through   Porter, Judy Chu, Jamie Raskin, Lee   pur, Sindh, and got admission in   Al-Kharj (a town located southwest   Siddiqui requested the ambassador
        time to rescue Muslim scientists dur-  Zeldin, Brendan Boyle, Bonnie Wat-  the  Liaquat  Medical  College  (later   of Riyadh).   to visit Hauta Sudair as it would be
        ing the Golden Age of Islam, while   son Coleman, Charlie Crist and Ted   became a University), Hyderabad,   Dr Yusuf Siddiqui’s younger   on his way to Riyadh. The ambas-
        shedding light on their accomplish-  Deutch, along with many other hon-  Sindh. After completing his MBBS,   brother Shahid Siddiqui narrates   sador agreed. It was late night, Dr.
        ments and contributions to science.  orable public servants. Thank you all   he practiced in Hyderabad.  an interesting event that took place   Siddiqui informed Amir of Hauta
            “We want you to write a screen-  for watching and joining!  In 1958, after the deterioration   in Hauta Sudair: “After arriving in   Sudair of the visit. The Amir sent his
        play  for  an exciting  12-minute  pilot   The Iftar was also a wonder-  of Saudi-Egyptian relations, the gov-  Saudi Arabia, the Pakistani doc-  men to Al-Majma’ah to buy fruits
        episode that takes our cast of charac-  ful opportunity to connect with old   ernment of Saudi Arabia expelled all   tors won the hearts of Saudi people   and snacks for the next day’s party in
        ters on an adventure in the world de-  partners and to build bridges with   Egyptian doctors from Saudi Ara-  through their professional and com-  the  Ambassador’s  honor.  All  shops
        scribed in the series synopsis, while   new ones. This past month, we also   bia. The Saudi government hired a   passionate service and care.  Unlike   were closed but when the Amir’s
        adhering to the story arc and episode   partnered and collaborated with   large number of doctors from Paki-  Egyptian doctors, Pakistani doctors   staffers told the shopkeepers about
        formula provided. The audience for   other women’s organizations such as   stan’s West and East wings. Dr Sid-  refused to accept any monetary bak-  the importance of the occasion they
        this series are children all over the   NEBAF to empower women and   diqui was part of this large group. In   shish or gifts from patients on top of   opened their shops. The next day
        world.”                       AMMWEC, P24                   the early 1960s he arrived in Riyadh.   their government salary. The Paki-  SIDDIQUI, P24
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