Page 23 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 23

COMMENTARY                                                                                                         MAY 28,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P23

        known valleys                     “Listen,”                     These flags of light, sound and   From word, the heavenly foun-  Bloodied  are  the streets  and
            The way memories from home-   She  said,  “Don’t  come back   breeze                  tain,                         paths.

        land implored me to return,   merely to keep the word.          Would not bow even in sham-   I drank the elixir of life.   Puddles of blood in every
            The very same feeling over-   Such people often return,  bles.                            Word — the beginning of the   house-yard,

        comes me today;                   As they become tired of                                 truth,                            Doors and thresholds strewn

            As if I would go through the   Being helpless               Dreams are words,             A talking flame of intuition,  with bodies,
        same agonies and pains.           And lonely in separation.     Dreams are lights,            God of all.                   Every corner now a shamble.

            As it, someone would call me                                They are Socrates
        again, “Come back”                You go ahead,                 And Mansoor.                  Word and Order                Few living shadows and some
                                          Quench  your  thirst at every                               Mad and carefree is the poet   tents
            You and I                 river.                            I am Alive                    Alone, without a court or a   Still survive;

            Every- day when the sun de-   My anguish would not protest;  I am still alive         shelter.                          A few flags and songs
        scends from the mountain          No matter what eyes you allure,  You pelted stones at me,   To create the word is his religion  Remain after the storm.

            A long falling, anxious shadow  What heart you entice.      Entombed me,                  He shares everyone’s pain.
            Says to the wall,                                           Had me stung by snakes                                      Merchants of oil fields,

            “Come with me,”               But,                          Crucified,                    He tells the truth and suffers  The generous ones are but hap-

             And the wall, drunk in its   When the flame                Poisoned,                     And yet speaks the truth.  py;

        pride,                            Of your yearnings for me      Burned,                       The dictator has many lackeys  In the haven of their palaces

            Evasive of the bondage of ac-  Flares up and intensifies;   Yet, I am alive, eternal      The world is afraid of him.   The eunuchs are sitting pretty.

        companiment                       And your heart cries out,     Like the truth.

            Would only smile at its old com-  Then You should return.”                                He carries the sword, and the    The Wind Whistles in the Wil-

        panion’s desire.                                                My face, eyes, arms,      flag and the horn             derness  is a very valuable endeav-

            Which  wall has ever  walked                                Lips                          Dreams are his as are the inter-  or to share the beauty of Ahmed
        with its shadow?                  Dreams do not die             Are all alive             pretations.                   Faraz’s poetic expressions with the
            And which one has forever     Dreams do not die             I, the meteor of the night    Yet he fears the poet     global audience. M.H.K. Qureshi
        stood in its place?               Dreams, unlike the heart,     Fell, broke and scattered     And is killed by truthful words.   has done a wonderful job of render-
            Time is a friend, neither to the   The eyes, the breath,    Yet I go on dancing, shining                            ing Ahmad Faraz’s poetry into Eng-

        wall                              Would not scatter, if shatter,                              Karbla - Beirut           lish. Indeed, in growing uncertain-
            Nor to the shadow.            Or wither away with death.    My strength lies              My children’s bodies      ties and agonies of today’s Covid-19
            And now under the rubble Of                                  Neither in my hair, nor in my   Have attires of wounds.  pandemic world, Ahmad Faraz’s
        stones and dust lies scattered,   Dreams,                   nails.                            Empty laps of mothers are  verses are a very much needed rem-

            The pride of that wall.       They are the light,           I did not hide myself in the con-  Graves without epitaphs.   edy for pacifying the aggravations

            The sun shines,               The melody and the breeze  fines of city walls              The young ones we used to have   of human behavior. (Dr Ahmed S.

            But who knows where the shad-  They could not be stopped by   Nor walked amidst the protec-  Are killed every day.   Khan ( is a

        ow is?                        black mountains,              tive shadow of swords;            The flowers of my garden  Fulbright Specialist Scholar - 2017-

                                          Would not burn in the hell fire   My power and strength was  Are diminished every moment.   2022)

            Return                    of persecution.                   The word.

                          Twitter Responds to FM Qureshi Being Accused of Antisemitism
           n  a  recent  appearance  on   that there are calls for peace and                                                    stream Western media accountable
           CNN, Foreign Minister Shah   for equal human rights for both                                                         for  their  shameful  and  genocide
        IMahmood Qureshi has been     sides, for Palestinians  and for  Is-                                                     apologetic coverage of the Israeli
        accused of making antisemitic   raelis, without anti-semitic talk and                                                   occupation and onslaught of Pales-
        remarks through the invocation   rhetoric.” She went on to quiz the                                                     tine isn’t ‘antisemitism.’ And jour-
        of damaging tropes against the   FM on Hamas’ role in the situation,                                                    nalists playing victim instead of ob-
        Israeli people by journalist Bi-  to  which the FM retorted,  “When                                                     jectively reporting from the ground
        anna Golodryga. However, the   you do not engage, when there                                                            warrant all criticism.”
        accusation has received a divided   are no negotiations, where there                                                        Ex-senator Farhatullah Babar
        response, with pro-Israeli social   is occupation, when there is geno-                                                  tweeted in response to the journal-
        media users lauding the journal-  cide, when there’s war crime, when                                                    ist’s claim, “I don’t hold any brief for
        ist’s actions and the pro-Pales-  there’s ethnic cleansing, then an ex-                                                 @SMQureshiPTI but really don’t
        tinian responses questioning the   tremist element takes advantage of                                                   understand how remarks that Israel
        media bias against the Palestinian   that situation.”                                                                   has deep pockets and great influ-

        struggle  and  accusing  the  jour-  When accused of antisemi-                                                          ence in media be regulated by any

        nalist of finding antisemitism in   tism by the host over his remarks                                                   stretch of the imagination as ‘anti-
        a statement that was essentially   Qureshi said, “I have never been an-                                                 semitic slur’.”

        anti-Zionist.                 ti-semitic and I never will be.” After                                                        In response to the clear media

            “Israel  is  losing  out.  They  are   Golodryga asked if the FM would                                              bias, Twitter user @tequieremos
        losing the media war, despite their   condemn antisemitism and the an-                                                  shared a thread compiling evidence
        connections,”  said  the  FM  during   ti-Jew sentiment that is taking hold                                             of  Western  mainstream  media  si-
        his appearance on the CNN show.   due to the violence in Palestine, he                                                  lence on the Palestinian struggle for
        The journalist followed the state-  responded saying, “Absolutely. I am                                                 freedom. He tweeted, “The Israeli

        ment  asking  for  clarification  on   not justifying any of that.” The jour-                                           narrative is deeply entrenched in

        what their connections were. “Deep   nalist further pressed that the FM                                                 mainstream  discourse  in  the  US.
        pockets,” he replied, adding later,   had begun the conversation with a                                                 The analysis of the media coverage

        “they  are  very  influential  people.   harmful antisemitic trope, to which   tween Israel and Hamas. Instead,   nal.”  of Israel’s occupation over the last

        They control the media.”      she has taken offense. He respond-  he began the interview by invoking   American comedian Katie   50 years across five major Ameri-
            Golodryga went on to accuse   ed saying, “What I’m saying is, look   an anti-semitic slur.”   Halper responded to the tweet as   can  newspapers  shows  that  there
        the FM of making an anti-semitic   at the perception the world has, you    In response, several Twitter   well. She said, “Dear Non-Jews   are ‘deep pockets’ of Israeli lobby.”
        remark,  to  which  he  responded,   cannot ignore that.”   users called out Golodryga for the   who are rightfully criticizing Israel:   Journalist @Fereeha tweeted

        “Well, you see, the point is, they   The journalist responded say-  media bias against Palestine. Am-  when people try to silence and gas-  emphasizing the distinction be-

        have a lot of influence. They get a   ing the perception is incorrect, to   mar Ali Jan, a prominent Pakistani   light you as an antisemite for not   tween ‘Israelis’ and ‘Jews’. She
        lot of coverage. Now, what balances   which the FM responded saying,   academic, replied to the tweet say-  ‘standing with Israel’ say you stand   wrote, “Biana, do you even under-
        that is the citizen journalist who has   “Could be wrong, but that is the   ing, “Anchors/guests on CNN regu-  w/ Jews criticizing Israel includ-  stand the meaning of anti-semetic?
        been reporting, sharing video clips,   perception. Negate it. By  giving  a   larly term Palestinian resistance   ing @blselem (Israeli human rights   He didn’t even utter the word ‘Jew’
        and that has jolted people, and   balanced coverage, negate it.”  ‘terrorism’  and  paint  Israel’s  war   organization), and that conflating   or even made a feeble reference to

        woken up people, and people who   The journalist later tweeted   crimes as ‘self-defense’. No account-  Jewish identity w/ blind support of   it. All he said was media controlled

        were sitting on the fence are today   a clip of the interview, saying, “I   ability for that. But if a Muslim   Israel is antisemitic.”  by Israel. After bombing of @AJEn-

        speaking up.”                 had planned to speak with Paki-  guest points out Israeli influence on   Journalist Iman Sultan criti-  glish offices only last week, do you

            The journalist went on to ask   stan’s foreign minister about paths   US media, it becomes an unforgiv-  cized the media bias in a tweet as   still want to refute the claim?” – The
        why we could not “separate the fact   towards a peaceful resolution be-  able crime. The hypocrisy is crimi-  well. She wrote, “Holding main-  Express Tribune

         PERCEPTIONS FROM P21          can Jews are less emotionally attached   Bowman’s position on Palestinian is-  by Hashimee, the activist popular on   made voting decisions solely based
         also don’t necessarily view Israel as an   to Israel than older generations. Half   sues was measured to avoid alienat-  TikTok. Currently, it has 20 co-spon-  on candidates’ stances on the Israeli-

         endangered state. Nor is the trauma of   of  Jewish  adults  under  the  age  of  30   ing Jewish voters, but Plitnik believes   sors.  Palestinian conflict, but Plitnik said
         the Holocaust as close to young people   described themselves as very or some-  that  as  more  young  Americans  vote,   But that’s still a far cry from the   he’ll be watching the progress of Mc-
         as it has been to previous generations.  what emotionally attached to Israel,   it’s likely that the idea that supporting   three-fourths  of  Congress  members   Collum’s bill as well as whether the
            For instance, Edery, who is Jewish   while two-thirds of Jews 65 and older   Israel is a “safe” political position will   who signed a letter in April calling for   issue arises at all in the 2022 midterm
         and frequently traveled to Israel when   consider themselves very or somewhat   change.   US aid to Israel to be funded without   elections.
         she was younger, said that while her   emotionally attached to Israel.  Khalidi believes that, in the fu-  conditions. “Reducing funding or add-  For  young  Americans,  the  con-

         views evolved in college, some mem-  According to Plitnik, a significant   ture, conditional aid will be a litmus   ing conditions on security assistance   versation has evolved to a straightfor-
         bers of her family are still “very Zion-  political sea change was the 2020 de-  test for where Americans fall on Is-  would be detrimental to Israel’s ability   ward human rights issue, according to

         ist.”                         feat of Eliot Engel, an influential pro-  raeli-Palestinian  issues.  That  includes   to defend itself against all threats,” the   Plitnik.

             According to a Pew Research sur-  Israel congressman from New York,   Democratic Minnesota Rep Betty Mc-  letter reads.  “It’s a great shift,” he said, “a very

         vey conducted in 2020, young Ameri-  at the hands of Rep. Jamaal Bowman.   Collum’s H.R. 2590, the bill supported   Americans haven’t historically   important one.” - Yahoo News
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