Page 25 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 25
Who Are the Real Believers? Gems from the
Holy Qur’an
n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi
ho are the real believers?
Prophet Muhammad
W– peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him - was very
much concerned that his follow-
ers should be believes in the true
sense of the word. His concern was
that the believers must have sound
faith and sound character. There
are a number of Ahadith in which
the Prophet –
peace be upon
him - described
the believers’ life
and behavior
with beautiful ex-
amples and para- From the translation by
bles. I would like Muhammad Asad
to mention ten examples for our (Leopold Weiss)
knowledge and inspiration.
A believer is a peaceful and About the translator:
caring person: Muhammad Asad, Leopold
The believer is the person Weiss, was born of Jewish parents in
whom people consider safe for their Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900,
money and their persons. (Majma’ and at the age of 22 made his first visit
al-Zawa’id, 5625) to the Middle East. He later became
The word ‘iman’ comes from an outstanding foreign correspon-
the root ‘amn’ which means safety dent for the Franfurter Zeitung, and
and security. The Prophet wanted after his conversion to Islam travelled
to emphasize that faith is not just and worked throughout the Muslim
belief, but it is also the peaceful, world, from North Africa to as far
caring and trustworthy character. east as Afghanistan, India and Paki-
The person of faith must be honest stan. After years of devoted study he
to all people. People should feel se- became one of the leading Muslim
cure about their money and persons scholars of our age. His translation
when dealing with a true believer. ‘Tell us what it is, O Messenger of The Prophet – peace be upon ample of a believer is like a horse of the Holy Qur’an is one of the most
A believer is a person of nobil- Allah.’ He said, ‘It is date-palm.’ him - emphasized that a true be- connected to its stud. It moves and lucid and well-referenced works in
ity and generosity: (Al-Bukhari ) liever is like gold, precious, pure and then comes back to its place. The this category, dedicated to “li-qaw-
The Prophet – peace be upon Date-palm was the most bene- good. If he/she goes through trials believer may forget sometimes but min yatafakkaroon” (For people who
him- said, “Do not call grapevine ficial tree for the people of Arabia. It and difficulties, they make him even he/she comes back to faith.” think).
‘karam,’ because the ‘karam’ is the needed very little water and care; but better. He comes out stronger and (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
believer’s heart. ” (Bukhari and it was useful for them in all seasons. shines more. 11097) Chapter 4,Verse 48
Muslim) It provided them food to eat, its A believer produces only good If a horse strays, he knows how Verily, God does not forgive the
Arabs used to call grapevine stones were used as feed for animals, things. to go back to its stable; but a donkey ascribing of divinity to aught beside
‘karam’ (generosity and gracious- its trunks, branches and leaves were By Him in whose hand is Mu- keeps wandering and does not know Him, although he forgives any lesser
ness) because they used to think that used for building homes and putting hammad’s soul, the example of a be- how to come back to its home. A be- sin unto whomever He wills: for he
vine revived the heart and caused roofs on them. Palm-tree could sur- liever is like that of the honey-bee. liever is not someone who does not who ascribes divinity to aught beside
generosity. The Prophet wanted to vive under very harsh climate and its It consumes good and it produces forget and who does not transgress; God has indeed contrived an awe-
emphasize that it should be faith food was most nutritious and ben- good things. It does not break, nor but a true believer will always re- some sin.
that make people kind and generous. eficial for them in all seasons. The spoil.” (Ibid) turn to his/her senses and would not
The effects of vine are mostly harm- Prophet said that this should be the Honey-bee does not consume keep wandering like a donkey. Chapter 4,Verse 75
ful, but the true believers’ hearts are way of a Muslim. A true Muslim is anything bad and whatever it con- Believers support each other: And how could you refuse to
always full of kindness and nobility. simple, strong, with little needs and sumes it even brings out better than A believer for the believer is fight in the cause of God and of the
A believer is always beneficial: a lot of benefits to all people. what it took. The honey-bee sits on like a building, each part support- utterly helpless men and women and
It is reported that one day the A believer is pure with shiny flowers but it does not break them ing the other. The Prophet joined his children who are crying, “O our Sus-
Prophet asked his companions: character: or spoil them. The Prophet wanted fi ngers together . (Al-Bukhari, 475) tainer! Lead us forth [to freedom]
‘Among the trees there is a tree “By Him in whose hand is Mu- the believers to be like honey-bee in The believers must support out of this land whose people are op-
whose leaves do not fall and it is hammad’s soul, the example of a be- their work and efforts. each other in matters of goodness pressors, and raise for us, out of Thy
like a Muslim. Tell me what its name liever is like that of a piece of gold. A believer knows how to han- and piety. They should act like a grace, one who will bring us succour.”
is?’ People went thinking about all The goldsmith puts it under the heat, dle tough situations: building: each brick supporting the
kinds of desert trees. Abdullah (ibn but it does not change and does not “The example of a believer is other brick. Chapter 4,Verse 83
Umar) said, ‘I thought that it was lose itself. like an ear of corn; it bends some- Believers correct and improve Will they not, then try to under-
date-palm, but I was shy (and did (Suyuti, Jami’ al-Masanid, times but it becomes straight; the each other : stand this Qur’an? Had it been issued
not reply). Then the people said, 24576) example of a disbeliever is like a “A believer is the mirror of his from any but God, they would surely
cedar, it stands brother.” have found in it many an inner con-
straight until it A mirror points out the wrong; tradiction!
falls and does but it does not save it or publicize
not understand.” it. A believer does not get angry Chapter 4,Verse 125
(Musnad Aha- when his brother tells him about his And who could be of better faith
mad ibn Hanbal, shortcomings and mistakes, just as a than he who surrenders his whole
14468) person would not get angry with the being unto God and is a doer of
A believer mirror shows him his problems. good withal, and follows the creed of
goes through Believers care for each other: Abraham, who turned away from all
good times and The example of believers in that is false – seeing that God exalted
rough times. He/ their mutual love, compassion and Abraham with His love?
she knows how care is like one body: if one part of
to handle each it has pain, the whole body joins it Chapter 4,Verse 152
situation. A be- with sleeplessness and fever. (Mus- But as for those who believe in
liever is not rigid lim, 6538) God and His apostles by endeavoring
and inflexible All believers must be united to make a distinction between [belief
because rigidity and connected with each other like in] God and [belief in] His apostles
destroys and up- one body. Every part of the body and make no distinction between
roots. cares for the other. If some people any of them – unto them, in time,
A believ- in the Ummah suffer the whole Um- will He grant their rewards [in full].
er knows his/ mah should feel the pain and un- And God is indeed much-forgiving,
her limits and happiness. They must support each a dispenser of grace.
knows how to other.
correct him/ Chapter 4,Verse 155-158
herself: (Khutbah at ISOC – Jumada al- And so, [We punished them]
“The ex- Ula 29, 1431/ May 14, 2010) GEMS, P28