Page 28 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 arrest of Tareen, the prime minister is the august institution of judiciary,” It is believed that given the con- multilateralism with the UN playing a
for the breaking of their pledge, and reported to have assured that it would the petition said. versation, Pakistani authorities have central role”. He highlighted the need
their refusal to acknowledge God’s not happen under his watch. Instead, The petition said the single had so far with the new US adminis- for increased international coopera-
messages, and their slaying of proph- he countered the allegations of vic- judge in chamber was not justified to tration, Washington has linked future tion to deal with climate change and
ets against all right, and their boast, “ timization by saying that the other ac- pass ex-parte mandatory order with- cooperation with Pakistan delivering environmental degradation, and debt
Our hearts are already full of knowl- cused are not being arrested because out notice to the government and to on the Afghan peace process. relief for developing countries as they
edge”- nay, but God has sealed their Tareen has not been arrested. Howev- allow Mr Sharif to travel abroad as he Unlike the past, this time the US dealt with the economic effects of the
hearts in result of their denial of the er, it has been learned that the FIA had was involved and required in many does not want to give any incentives pandemic.
truth, and [now] they believe in but proposed the arrest of all the accused. cases pending before trial courts. to Pakistan before the Afghan end-
few things -; and for their refusal to The matter is expected to be resolved It said the High Court did not game. If there is a peace deal to the CHECKS FROM P1
acknowledge the truth, and in two weeks. However, the real power provide an opportunity of hearing satisfaction of the US, there is a likeli- recently filed taxes.
the awesome calumny which they ut- players were opposed to the move who to the government and did not grant hood of Washington offering certain More than 900,000 “plus-up”
ter against Mary, and their boast, “Be- said any such act would send a nega- due time for seeking instructions incentives to Islamabad on trade, payments were sent out, the IRS said.
hold we have slain the Christ Jesus, tive message in the business commu- from the concerned departments economy and other issues. Those payments are issued to people
son of Mary, [who claimed to be] an nity which is already scared of the ac- and authority. Moreover, the Nation- Meanwhile, sources said Moeed who received an initial check based
apostle of God!” However, they did countability drive. – The News al Accountability Bureau (NAB) was may visit Washington soon following on their 2019 tax filings but are eli-
not slay him, and neither did they not impleaded in the case. his recent meeting with the US NSA... gible for more money based on their
crucify him, but it only seemed to NISAR FROM P15 – The Express Tribune 2020 taxes.
them [as if it had been so]; and, ver- ency). BLUEPRINT FROM P1 People could be eligible for the
ily, those who hold conflicting views The decision came in the wake ton. KASHMIR FROM P1 supplemental checks if they made less
thereon are indeed confused, having of reports that the federal govern- However, there has been a con- ons as agreed in the Simla Agreement in 2020 compared to 2019 or claimed
no [real] knowledge thereof, and fol- ment is set to promulgate an ordi- sensus among the policymakers that between Pakistan and India. a new child or dependent on their
lowing mere conjecture. For, of a cer- nance within days, de-seating those Pakistan needs to move away from Addressing the press conference, 2020 taxes, according to the IRS.
tainty, they did not slay him: nay, God members of elected houses who have geo-strategic to geo-economics. At FM Qureshi said that he had briefed In addition to paper checks, the
exalted him unto Himself – and God not taken oath of their respective of- an Islamabad Security Dialogue held the president on the “dire situation” in latest batch of payments also includes
is indeed almighty, wise. fices within a stipulated time. earlier this year, Pakistan’s civil and Indian-occupied Kashmir and drawn 900,000 direct deposit payments, to-
Delay in taking oath military leadership talked about that his attention to the similarities between taling over $1.6 billion.
PIA FROM P13 Assembly Secretary Muham- shift. the Palestinian and Kashmir issues. He The third round of stimulus
The documents pointed out mad Khan Bhatti had barred Khan In line with that approach, highlighted the common demands of checks — worth $1,400 for most
that the PIA Board of Directors in its from taking oath on Monday on the Prime Minister Imran Khan in the people and said both issues had been Americans — was included in the
351st meeting in 2013 had approved plea that certain petitions were pend- March formed an Apex Committee UNSC agenda items for decades. $1.9 trillion American Rescue plan
upgrading business class seats and ing adjudication with the Lahore that was tasked with formulating a “Pay attention. These are interna- signed into law by President Joe Biden
inflight entertainment system, High Court to bar him from taking new strategy on ties with the US un- tional obligations. The UN must play on March 11.
changing cabin ambiance including the oath after a delay of around three der the Biden administration. that role of responsibility which is due,” Individuals making less than
carpets, seats, covers, curtains, side years. The 14-member committee is stressed the foreign minister. $75,000 qualify for a $1,400 pay-
trim, toilets, gallery, business class The assembly staff approached headed by Foreign Minister Shah “The Kashmir dispute is a reality ment, while couples making less
utility pack/gift items, etc. Khan on Tuesday, who had expressed Mahmood Qureshi and comprises and no one can deny it or remove it from than $150,000 qualify for a combined
According to the documents, his intentions of moving a court of ministers for finance, national food the UNSC agenda.” $2,800 payment, plus $1,400 per child
the then PIA chairman, Nasser Jaf- law, and told him that he could take security, economic affairs, informa- Speaking about other topics dis- or adult dependent.
fer, approved a firm – Sogema – for the oath as no stay order had been is- tion technology, national security ad- cussed in the meeting, Qureshi said he What should you do if you’re eli-
changing seats of the entire fleet of sued against it by any court. viser, and PM’s aides on commerce, had also briefed Bozkir on the evolving gible but haven’t received a check?
Boeing 777 “dishonestly and illegally Once considered second to climate change, human resource de- situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s The IRS recommends that people
with ill motives by abusing his offi- Nawaz Sharif in the party, Khan had velopment, power and investment. role in its peace process. The president, who don’t usually file a tax return file
cial position”. refused to contest the 2018 polls on The Terms of Reference of the for his part, said that many countries their taxes for 2020 now in order to
The national carrier’s Board of the PML-N ticket after developing committee solely focused on finding thought they were important but “some get any benefits for which they’re
Customer Services Committee did differences with the party chief. The ways and means to seek coopera- are more important.” eligible, including the 2020 Recovery
not recommend the firm, Sogema, differences ranged from the kind of tion between Pakistan and the US in He said the solution to the Afghan Rebate Credit, the Child Tax Credit
and it was also not the lowest bid- relations to be maintained with the the fields of economy, trade, busi- issue would have regional and global ef- and Earned Income Tax Credit.
der, the documents revealed. The military establishment to the hege- ness, energy, technology and climate fects therefore “I think what Pakistan is People who receive some form
FIA said Irfan Elahi, who was sec- mony of the ‘House of Sharif’ within change. doing together with Turkey and Afghan- of federal benefits, including Social
retary Civil Aviation and became the PML-N, as he had publicly re- This is seen as a clear departure istan is very important,” adding that it Security, should file a 2020 tax return
PIA chairman after Jaffer, and acting fused to accept Maryam Nawaz as from the earlier approach adopted was necessary to take the opportunity so the IRS has their most recent infor-
CEO, Hildenbrand, also “dishon- the next party chief. by Pakistan and the US that largely and “appreciate your efforts and hope mation, including on qualifying de-
estly” approved advance payments The PML-N distanced itself focused on security cooperation with that you will come with a success story”. pendents, in order to issue payments.
to Sogema and another firm, Pana- from Khan’s decision to take oath, Afghanistan. Bozkir also praised Prime Minister People who are experiencing
sonic, without bank guarantees and saying he had parted ways with the Sources said Moeed went to Imran Khan and his efforts, particularly homelessness, the rural poor and
in violation of Public Procurement party and contested the polls as an Geneva with a ‘blueprint’ envisaging the 10 Billion Tree Tsunami initiative, others who don’t get federal benefits
Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules, independent candidate. The party’s Pakistan’s desire to broaden relation- giving voice to the difficulties being could still be eligible for stimulus
the documents stated. Punjab Information Secretary Azma ship with the US beyond security co- faced by countries by debt issues and checks, but they need to file a tax re-
They further said that till No- Bukhari said the disgruntled leader’s operation and Afghanistan. Pakistan’s performance in dealing with turn in order to receive money, the
vember 2016, without executing any decision was personal, and the party Different ministries and depart- Covid-19, which he said was “remark- IRS said.
formal agreement, the PIA made ad- had no hand in the government’s ef- ments made several proposals iden- able” and comparatively much better People can check the status of
vance payments of €5,331,600 and forts to block his bid to take oath. tifying potential areas of cooperation than other countries. He also hailed FM their relief checks by going to the Get
$756,449 to Sogema and Panasonic, between Pakistan and the US. The Qureshi’s leadership on the Palestinian My Payment tool here.
respectively, in violation of PIA rules. SHEBAZ FROM P12 Board of Investment (BoI) has pro- issue as important and said he had rep-
“All advance payments without bank served whether Mr Shebaz Sharif re- posed to attract more US foreign di- resented Pakistan in the world “in a very US FROM P1
guarantee are violation of section 39 ally had a medical emergency that led rect investment in Pakistan, especial- good way”. working day since Friday’s Senate
of PPRA,” the documents said. to an urgent hearing of the case. ly through technology firms. The BoI FM Qureshi in turn thanked the hearing where Helvey claimed hav-
Furthermore, “the material/ But the court was reminded that also seeks US investment through UNGA president for his visit and said: ing overflight access to Afghanistan,
items and services against which the former chief minister’s bail plea special incentive regimes. “We always look forward to your com- the issue resurfaced at an afternoon
advance payments/agreements were was rejected on medical grounds and The Ministry of Commerce has ing to Pakistan, you are a friend of Paki- news briefing at the Pentagon.
made were never received by PIA.” that there was no record supporting suggested that an American-Pakistan stan and in our humble way [...] we will “Is there anything that the US
the fact that he had a medical emer- Economic Zone could be set up near be acknowledging that and recognizing is looking for right now from Paki-
ZAFAR FROM P14 gency. Karachi port to allow reprocessing at your services.” stan in terms of what happens after
on different charges under the watch The AGP said though Mr Sharif concessional rates. Later in the day, Bozkir met Prime the withdrawal (from Afghanistan)
of Imran Khan will consider them- was the opposition leader and re- It has also proposed to enhance Minister Imran and the two held dis- is complete? Is there any update on
selves vindicated. spectable, justice should be served in structured engagement through cussions on regional and international other possible basing agreements in
Imran believes that he wasn’t un- accordance with the law. TIFA Ministerial Council and Busi- peace and security, sustainable develop- the region for counter-terrorism op-
fair with Tareen on moral grounds. The AGP contended that the ness Opportunities Conference. Last ment and economic recovery efforts in erations once the Afghan withdrawal
In the above-mentioned meeting, the High Court had taken the plea of Mr time, the TIFA council meeting was view of the Covid-19 pandemic. is done?” a journalist asked.
prime minister was very candid in Sharif the same day when it was filed. held in May 2019. The US-Pakistan According to a statement by the “I don’t have any specific up-
his views about Tareen who, he said, In the original petition, the In- TIFA is the primary mechanism for Prime Minister’s Office, the premier and dates in terms of the potential for
commanded a lot of influence in the terior Ministry had pleaded that the both countries to discuss trade and UNGA president exchanged thoughts overseas bases there, after our with-
present setup in the beginning. His single judge of the High Court in investment issues and focus on ways on Palestine, the Jammu and Kashmir drawal. These are obviously diplo-
disqualification notwithstanding, the chamber was not justified in passing to strengthen the bilateral relation- dispute, Afghan peace process, and il- matic discussions that are ongoing
prime minister made several high- the order without summoning the ship. licit financial flows from proceeds of and are clearly not complete,” Pen-
profile appointments on Tareen’s rec- record, a report from the concerned The United States continues to crime, corruption and bribery. tagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby
ommendations, PM is reported to departments or the authority. be Pakistan’s largest market for ex- The prime minister appreciated responded.
have told the meeting. Tareen himself The petition contended that ports. Bozkir’s role in convening the special “We’re exploring a range of op-
was appointed the Chairman of Agri- the High Court order was an order The Ministry of Commerce has session of the UNGA on the situation tions and opportunities to be able to
culture Task Force, he further said of passed in violation of law. also sought early finalisation of pro- in Palestine, emphasizing the need for provide a credible and viable over-
Tareen. Then came the floor and sugar “It is submitted with profound posed legislation on Reconstruction a “just and lasting solution in line with the-horizon counter-terrorism capa-
shortage scandal and people started reluctance and regret that such or- Opportunity Zones, which had been relevant UN resolutions and two-state bility, and there’s lots of ways you can
blaming the premier for shielding ders, if allowed to remain in field, promised by the Bush administration vision”. do that. Overseas basing is just one of
Tareen. shall cause severe damage to the im- in return for Pakistan’s support to the Prime Minister Imran also under- them. So, nothing to report on that
Regarding the likelihood of the partiality, integrity and reputation of US war in Afghanistan. lined Pakistan’s “strong commitment to front.”... - Dawn