Page 24 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 24
Never “Marry” a Stock
n By Saghir Ahmed Aslam
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
(The following information is provided solely to ed- FOUNDATION
ucate the Muslim community about investing and finan- P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 |
cial planning. It is hoped that the Ummah will benefit
from this effort through greater financial One Million Meals
empowerment, enabling the community
to live in security and dignity and fulfill
their religious and moral obligations to-
wards charitable activities)
A common error for many is to “fall 50 C $1 $5 $10
in love” with the companies that they provides provides provides provides
worked for and retired from. The investors stay with the
long position through thick and thin. There are often Sometimes luck will hold and the company will be 1 meal 2 meals 10 meals 20 meals
high potential corporations which have not realized brought out or recover on its own. This may take several
their dreams. The stock may not have performed well years. Many times a hard reality.
for several reasons: (Saghir A. Aslam only explains strategies and for-
1. No earning - new companies often take a long mulas that he has been using. He is merely providing
period to pay off the under writers. information, and NO ADVICE is given. Mr Aslam does
2. Poor management - the finest investor or scien- not endorse or recommend any broker, brokerage firm,
tist can make a poor CEO. or any investment at all, nor does he suggest that any-
3. Poor product - it may be ahead of its time or even one will earn a profit when or if they purchase stocks,
falling behind its as newer technology moves ahead of it. bonds or any other investment. All stocks or investment
4. Insufficient capital - unable to fund plants and vehicles mentioned are for illustrative purposes only. Mr
supply needs. Aslam is not an attorney, accountant, real estate broker, Donate online via check or card at
5. Legal problems - suits from disgruntled employ- stockbroker, investment advisor, or certified financial
ees or leaders or patent infringements problems. planner. Mr Aslam does not have anything for sale.)
RECONCILIATION FROM P6 be impossible given the current to draw more blood from the Ring or call us at (408) 244-3282
youth should be taught that they are hostile atmosphere, which is laden Road scandal. And yet, in this game Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
destined to peacefully coexist and be with profound hatred and mistrust. of power, the fatal blow may have to
encouraged to use social media to A process of reconciliation first be- wait.
communicate with each other, as the comes central to achieving an en- The clouds are darkening yon-
future rests in their hands. during peace. der and the faint rumble of thunder
v) Art exhibitions: There are The US with the strong back- is echoing across the distant horizon. Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
scores of Israeli and Palestinian artists ing of the EU and the Arab states – Dawn
who have never met or delved into must use their leverage to pressure Countries Buying Selling
each other’s feelings and mindset to both sides to fully adhere to such a AMAZON FROM P4 Rs. Rs.
see how their works reflect their lives. process and demonstrate that they and merchants to grow their sales.
Joint exhibitions should take place are keen on seeking peace or face Amazon currently owns about
both in Israel and Palestine. These serious consequences. Otherwise, 33% stake in Pakistani e-tailer Clicky. USA 155.00 156.00
cultural exchanges can expand to in- any new peace talks will be nothing pk through its acquisition in 2017 of UK 219.00 222.00
clude music festivals, theater perfor- but an exercise in futility. Dubai-based online retailer Souq. Souq S.Arabia 41.70 42.20
mances, and other forms of art. (Dr Alon Ben-Meir is a profes- acquired this stake in the Pakistani com- Japan 1.41 1.44
vi) Public discourse: Universi- sor of international relations at the pany in late 2016. Amazon operates in Euro 188.50 191.00
ties, think tanks, and other learning Center for Global Affairs at NYU. South Korea through a partnership with UAE 42.20 42.80
institutions should organize round- He teaches courses on international SK Telecom.
table discussions on the inevitability negotiation and Middle Eastern There is already a cottage indus- (*May 28, 2021)
of coexistence and how both sides can studies) - try of gig workers that has sprung up in
remove the barriers to make it not Web: Pakistan to support merchants who have
only inevitable but desirable. Such been unofficially selling products on AMMWEC FROM P19 Makkah with dedication and compas-
small enclaves can be disseminated GAME FROM P10 Amazon Marketplace. These Pakistani build responsible leadership that re- sion, first as a Saudi health ministry
online to millions of people, includ- thing a government with insecurity merchants have registered from coun- flects the best of America. employee and later through his private
ing Israelis and Palestinians, instantly. and performance anxiety needs is tries such as the United Kingdom which On behalf of our esteemed clinic located near Safa and Marwa on
vii) Forums to discuss conflict- a mega scandal. Could PTI think it are already on Amazon’s approved list. board, I would like to thank YOU, the road to Mina.
ing issues: Joint forums should be could be an exception to the rule of Pakistani gig workers include our dear community members and Ahmad Masood Rahmatullah,
established, consisting of qualified governance in Pakistan? The only Amazon Virtual Assistants. These are supporters, for your ongoing dedi- the administrator (Mohtamim) of Ma-
Israelis and Palestinians with varied thing that smells worse than the Ring freelancers providing services such as cation and involvement. So many of drasah as-Sawlatiyah, Makkah, in a
academic and personal experiences Road scandal is the bumbling man- customer call centers, administrative you donated to our Ramadan Food condolatory note posted on Facebook,
who enjoy respect in their field, are ner in which the government is han- tasks, fulfillment, and web development. Drive and gave us the opportunity to has observed: “My Cousin Dr Yousuf
independent thinkers, hold no formal dling it. Online freelance marketplace Fiverr help individuals and families in need. Raza Siddiqui passed away, in Makkah.
position in their respective govern- Zulfi Bokhari’s unceremonious lists over 7,000 Pakistanis who advertise Together, we have fed hundreds of He was practicing there for over 50
ments, and have thorough knowledge sacking can cut both ways. The gov- themselves as Amazon Virtual Assis- families across America as they cel- years and was very close to my father
of the conflicting issues. ernment is spinning it as an evidence tants, more than from any other country. ebrated the holy month of Ramadan! from mid-1970’s to late-1980’s, when
viii) The role of the media: In- of accountability, but there are whis- To become successful on Amazon As always, thank you for your he worked with Rajab & Silsilah Co.
stead of focusing almost solely on vi- pers inside the Red Zone that his Marketplace, Pakistani exporters will ongoing support. We appreciate your His Clinic was in front of Madrasah
olence and acrimonious charges and departure may have many more rea- need to select and learn a lot about their feedback and look forward to staying as-Sawlatiyah. At that time, the Mayor
counter-charges which make head- sons. This does not inspire too much target countries/markets and customer in touch! of Makkah (Bhai Saadi) and Madrasah
lines, Israeli and Palestinian media confidence in the workings inside the preferences. They will have to design, (Anila Ali is President of as-Sawlatiyah’s Mohtamim were also
should also be encouraged to report inner sanctum of Camelot given that build or choose products that are in AMMWEC) our relatives. He [Dr Siddiqui] has two
on positive developments between Zulfi Bokhari was considered the great demand in their target markets. daughters; both are doctors and both
the two sides to inform the people closest among the close advisers and Initially, Pakistani exporters will SIDDIQUI FROM P19 sons-in-law and granddaughter are also
that the bilateral relations are not all friends of the prime minister. What likely need to establish a significant in- was a big occasion for Hauta Sudair as doctors. His elder son-in-law Dr Adel
discouraging. In addition, journal- did he do to earn the ire of his boss? ventory of fast-selling products at Ama- for the very first time a VIP was visiting Bakhsh’s father was a Minister in Saudi
ist exchange programs will bring re- All that the Red Zone insiders say at zon warehouses in the United States and the town. Amir’s people placed carpets Government. May Allah grant him
porters to the field on the other side, this point is that tension had been use FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) ser- on sand dunes and arranged for the Ma- Jannat-ul-Firdous and forgive his sins.
where they can see and report on the building up for weeks. vice to provide quick delivery to Ama- jlis. All school children gathered in lanes May Allah, Rahmanir Rahim expands
reality free of political propaganda Pakistani politics is evolving zon Prime customers. Pakistan export- and sang the Saudi national anthem to his grave and lights it with his blessings.
and bias. back into a familiar pattern. Sheh- ers will also have to ensure quality to greet the Ambassador. The party was at- Ameen.”
The conflagration between Israel baz Sharif is stitching up differences satisfy these customers and avoid nega- tended by dignitaries of the town; it was Dr Siddiqui was a compassionate
and Hamas, which has caused mas- and slowly building a coalition of the tive online reviews. a big event in Hauta Sudair.” philanthropist and an avid reader. He
sive destruction and terrible loss of willing. He will create space for his Listing of Pakistani sellers on a In the mid-1960s Dr Siddiqui quietly helped the needy in Pakistan
life, especially among the Palestin- party, and the opposition, at the PTI’s global e-commerce platform is good was posted in Makkah. He and his col- and India. He used to give books as gifts
ians, should remind everyone that expense. Jehangir Tareen will flex his news but it is only the first step toward leagues won the hearts of Saudi people to his friends. He encouraged people
this round of hostilities, like all pre- muscles through his two blocs and becoming successful exporters. A lot through their dedicated service. Many to get education. He helped his driver
vious ones, will not be the last. Both keep saying “boo” to the PTI leader- more investment, attention and hard of Saudi royal family members were Suleman’s son to become an engineer.
sides must come to their senses and ship while galvanizing institutional work will be needed to realize its full his patients. Because of his dedicated He was a true Momin. He is survived by
realize that they must find a way to support in his typical low-profile, potential. service, the Saudi government offered his wife and two daughters.
coexist peacefully, because the alter- high-impact way. Zulfi Bokhari may (Riaz Haq is a Silicon Valley-based him Saudi nationality. For more than May Allah SWT bless his soul
native is more wars and bloodshed. denote one of the thousand cuts on Pakistani-American analyst and writer. five decades, Dr Siddiqui treated three and assign him the highest station in
To achieve a lasting agreement will PTI’s body and enable the opposition He blogs at generations of thousands of patients in Jannat-ul-Firdous. Ameen.