Page 17 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 17

COMMUNITY                                                                                                          MAY 28,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P17

              Community Link

          VOL. 31/22                                                  Friday, May 28, 2021                                       16  Shawwal 1442 AH

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         The First Word in                        Ahmad Faraz: The                         Nadia Hussain                            For news,

         Ghazal, the Last                         Wind Whistles in                         Is Calling Out                           updated round
                                                                                                                                    the clock, visit
         Note in Silence                          the Wilderness                           Nabila                         
                        Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar in Houston, Texas

         Houston:  Countries and leaders   stanis. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s de-  importance of enhanced bilateral   knowledged the huge potential for   Governor Punjab  also  met
         engage with each other at many dif-  sire for a broad-based partnership   trade and economic cooperation   expanding the Pak-US relationship   other overseas Pakistanis to ap-
         ferent levels, the most important   with  the United  States  that  would   to  promote regional connectivity.   and agreed to work towards further   prise them of Pakistan’s initiatives
         foreign policy decisions are typi-  advance the two countries’ shared   Dr  Chaudhry  highlighted overseas   enhancing the engagement of the   for peace under the leadership of
         cally made at the highest political   interests in regional spheres. He   Pakistan’s efforts for facilitating a   overseas Pakistanis.  Prime Minister Imran Khan. He

         spheres. Overseas visits by top of-  held meetings with the Houston   shared responsibility towards Paki-  Highlighting the government’s   said issues of Palestine and Kash-

         ficials provide unique insights into   community at  Consul  General   stan  and  the  Muslim  world  and   emphasis on economic develop-  mir must be resolved immediately
         foreign policy priorities and the   Abrar Hashmi’s residence.   the  key  international stakeholders.   ment  and connectivity, Governor   as per the UN resolutions and that
         conduct of diplomacy.            A high-level separate meet-  He also thanked Governor Pun-  Punjab emphasized Pakistan’s de-  all the political and religious parties
            Governor Punjab Chaudhry   ing  was  held  to  engage  pivotal   jab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar   sire for closer trade and investment   of  Pakistan,  as  well  as  220  million
         Mohammad Sarwar was recently   overseas Pakistani, Dr Mubashir   for his invaluable contributions   ties with the successful and influen-  Pakistanis, are united on the issues

         in Houston and met overseas Paki-  Chaudhry, who underscored the   to regional philanthropy. Both ac-  tial overseas Pakistanis.  of Palestine and Kashmir.
        Disney+ Releases Trailer for American Eid, the Story of a Young Pakistani Girl in the US

              merican Eid, a short film   with her older sister, and embraces                                                   means to be seen.”

              centered around a Paki-  her new home, while her new home                                                             A virtual press conference was
        Astani Muslim girl, has been   embraces her,” reads the synopsis.                                                       held for Launchpad. It was revealed
        announced by Disney+ as part of   As the girl navigates a familiar                                                      that the show will be getting even
        its exciting new series Launchpad   time in an unfamiliar place, her in-                                                more seasons, welcoming even

        Shorts.  The  series  includes  five   spiring story follows familiar cor-                                              more directors and writers. “I think

        other films based on individual   ridors for immigrants; Pakistani or                                                   when you watch this collection of

        creators’ perceptions of the theme   otherwise. Other films have similar                                                films, there’s so much beauty and

        “discover.” It will stream on the   tales, such as Hao Zheng’s Dinner                                                   life affirmation,” said Senior Man-

        platform starting May 28.     is Served, which follows a Chinese                                                        ager Phillip Yaw Domfeh.
            The film American Eid was   student at an elite American board-                                                         “Not to the expense of telling

        announced on Disney Studio’s Ins-  ing school.                                                                          the truth, exploring tough themes,
        tagram, with a fast-paced yet heart-  Altaf is a Pakistani expat her-                                                   being true and honest and recog-
        warming  trailer. We see a young   self; she grew up in Kuwait and now                                                  nizing your pain [in] moments
        Pakistani girl who has recently   lives in the US. She had her short                                                    where you haven’t felt like you be-

        moved to the US with her family   film One Small Step screened at                                                       longed or understood. The way that

        and is prepping for Eid. Though, to   the Cannes Film Festival in 2019                                                  they just so nimbly navigated all of
        her, Eid doesn’t feel the same as it   and was shortlisted for the BAFTA                                                that as storytellers is just something
        did back home.                Student Film Awards. She also has a                                                       that I hope will lead to discoveries

            The film was written and di-  nomination for the Young Director                                                     for our audience members,” Dom-

        rected by Aqsa Altaf. “Ameena,   Award at Cannes Lions 2019 under                                                       feh said.
        a Muslim Pakistani immigrant,   her belt.                   that are being told and to give ac-  be mentored by members of Walt   In addition to American Eid
        wakes up on Eid to find out that she   Disney+ created LaunchPad   cess to those who have historically   Disney Studios Motion Pictures   and Dinner is Served, season one of

        has to go to school. Homesick and   with  the  intention  of  showcasing   not had it.” For the first season,   Production, Walt Disney Anima-  Launchpad also includes short films

        heartbroken, she goes on a mission   live-action short films from “a new   Disney received 1,100 applicants,   tion Studios, Disney+, Lucasfilm,   Growing Fangs, Little Prince(ss),

        to make Eid a public school holi-  generation of dynamic storytellers”   of which it chose six filmmakers,   Marvel Studios, and Pixar, as they   Let’s be Tigers and the Last of the
        day, and in the process, reconnects   and “diversify the  types  of stories   awarding them the opportunity to   worked to tell stories about “what it   Chupacabras. Images
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