Page 12 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 12

P12  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY 28, 2021                                                                                              PAKISTAN
            Vaccination Drive for All Adults Begins as                                                  Top Pakistan Health Official

           NIH Starts Production of CanSino Vaccine                                                Doesn’t Foresee India-like Scenario

                                                                            shifted here and packed
                                                                            in the NIH.
                                                                                The  machinery was
                                                                            arranged, staff trained
                                                                            and finally the first batch
                                                                            was packed, which passed
                                                                            the stability test.
                                                                                The  official  said
                                                                            PakVac was used on the
                                                                            initial batch of 500 doses
                                                                            but now it was being con-
                                                                            sidered to use the name
                                                                            CanSinoBio on the re-
                                                                            maining vaccine batches.
                                                                                “The test trial of the
                                                                            first batch has been com-
                                                                            pleted, which included
                                                                            stability test, safety test,
                                                                            sterility test and spike
                                                                            protein  test.  Overall
        “Congratulations to the NIH Pak team and its leadership for successful fill/finish (from concen-  120,000 doses have been
        trate) of the CanSino vaccine with the help of CanSinoBio Inc. China. The product has passed   prepared and a tentative  Faisal Sultan said Pakistan was still in the middle of a third wave of infections that
        the rigorous internal QA testing. An important step to help in our vaccine supply line,” Special   date for the launching  began earlier this year, flooding hospitals with COVID patients. But he said he hoped
        Assistant to the Prime Minister on Health Dr Faisal Sultan gleefully tweeted  ceremony is May 30,” the  the tide of new cases would subside in the coming weeks
                                                                            NIH official said.
        Islamabad:  Pakistan on   VID vaccination,” Umar   NIH, requesting not to   Special Assistant to  Islamabad: Pakistan’s top health of-  doses imported commercially.
        Wednesday opened up    said.                 be named, said 120,000   the Prime Minister on  ficial said Monday the COVID-19   He said Pakistan after months of
        its coronarvirus vaccina-  A day earlier, the   doses of Covid-19 vac-  Health Dr Faisal Sultan  variant  that  devastated  neighboring   wait received its first supply of CO-
        tion campaign to every-  government announced   cine had been packed and   also confirmed that the  India, causing record infections and   VID-19 vaccines through the UN-
        one aged 19 or older as it   it had started produc-  hopefully a launching   vaccine was ready for use.  deaths,  has not yet been found in   backed COVAX initiative, over 1.2
        scrambles to protect more   tion of China’s single-  ceremony would be held   “Congratulations to  Pakistan.            million doses of the Oxford-Astra-
        of its 220 million people.  dose CanSino vaccine at   by the end of the current   the NIH Pak team and   Faisal Sultan said Pakistan was   Zeneca vaccine, earlier this month.
            Pakistan initially had   the National Institute of   month.     its leadership for success-  still in the middle of a third wave of   However, he said Pakistan is relying
        to deal with vaccination   Health (NIH).         “Though  the  name   ful fill/finish (from con-  infections that began earlier this year,   on vaccines purchased from China
        hesitancy and a shortage   A tweet by the gov-  PakVac was used for the   centrate) of the CanSino  flooding hospitals with COVID pa-  and enough funds were available for
        of vaccine supplies and   ernment’s official account   first batch, there has been   vaccine with the help of  tients. But he said he hoped the tide   such purchases. – AP
        had limited shots to peo-  said three million doses   a change of mind and the   CanSinoBio Inc. China.  of new cases would subside in the
        ple aged 30 or over.   of the vaccine would be   vaccine would be called   The product has passed  coming weeks.            Tareen Group
            But  with  purchases   produced per month   CanSinoBio as the Chi-  the rigorous internal QA   “I don’t foresee an India-like
        and donations from Chi-  to “significantly reduce   nese are sensitive about   testing. An important  situation in Pakistan,” he told The As-
        na and allocations from   Pakistan’s dependence on   the names of their prod-  step to help in our vac-  sociated Press.  Vows to Remain
        the World Health Orga-  importing vaccines from   ucts,” he said.   cine supply line,” Dr Sul-  Pakistan recently offered medi-
        nization and the GAVI   other countries”.        “The test trial of the   tan tweeted.    cal  aid  to  India  to  help  handle  the   Together
        Vaccine Alliance, it has                     first batch has been com-  Pakistan has report-  COVID-19 crisis there, but the For-
        18 million doses and is  120,000 doses       pleted, which included   ed more than 900,000  eign Ministry  says  New  Delhi  did   Lahore:  The Jahangir Tareen group
        now secured more than
                                                     stability test, safety test,
                                                                                                                                held another huddle here on Tuesday
                                                                                                  not respond. Pakistan and India have
        keen to get them out into   ready for        sterility test and spike   and some 20,465 deaths.  a history of bitter relations and they   against the advice of those close to the
        the population.                              protein  test.  Overall  On Wednesday, authori-  have fought two of their wars over   premier and pledged to seek ‘relief’
            “We decided to open   launch within      120,000 doses have been   ties reported 2,724 new  Kashmir since gaining independence   for their leader (Tareen).
        up vaccination registra-                     prepared and a tentative   infections and 65 deaths  from Britain in 1947.     Punjab minister Ajmal Cheema
        tion  for  all  19  years  and   a week      date for the launching   in the previous 24 hours.  Sultan said Pakistan avoided   hosted a dinner for the Tareen group
        above,” Asad Umar, min-                      ceremony is May 30,” the   Pakistan  has  ad-  a scenario similar to India because   at a farmhouse on Bedian Road on
        ister in-charge of super-                    NIH official said.     ministered 5.3 million  thousands of beds were added to hos-  Tuesday to give a “message to the pre-
        vising anti-COVID op-      With  120,000  doses   CanSino was the first   vaccine doses with sup-  pitals and the production of oxygen   mier that they are united to achieve
        erations, said in a post on   of Covid-19 vaccine hav-  Chinese vaccine to have   plies from three Chinese  was increased as part of a contingency   their goal – a clean chit for Mr Tareen”.
        Twitter.               ing been packed at NIH,   undergone clinical trial in   companies - Sinopharm,  plan.                Over 20 PTI lawmakers and Mr
            People can sign up   the relevant authorities   Pakistan and was admin-  Sinovac and  CanSinbio   However, Sultan said that “we   Tareen attended the dinner.
        from Thursday, he said.  are considering reverting   istered to around 18,000   - and the Oxford-Astra-  are not out of the woods yet” and peo-  A  member of  the group told
            “So now registra-  back  to using the name   people. Initially, the vac-  Zeneca shots.  ple should get vaccinated if they want   Dawn after the meeting that they
        tion will be open for the   CanSinoBio after initially   cine was brought to the   Pakistan’s  private  to return to a normal life.  would continue holding such huddles
        entire national popula-  printing PakVac on the   country, but later it was   sector has imported near-  His comments came hours after   to ‘make them relevant’.
        tion which is approved   first batch.        decided that concentrate   ly 50,000 doses of Russia’s  Pakistan reported one of the low-  “Although our  concerns  related
        by health experts for CO-  An official of the   of the vaccine would be   Sputnik-V vaccine.  est single-day death tolls from CO-  to funds for development works and
                                                                                                                                transfer and posting (of officials in
                                                                                                  VID-19 in recent months, with 57
           SC Summons High Court’s Record in Shehbaz Case                                         fatalities                    our constituencies) have been ad-
                                                                                                      Pakistan has repeatedly ex-
                                                                                                                                dressed by the Buzdar administration,
                                                                                                  pressed grief over the COVID-19   our main issue is to secure a clean
        Islamabad: The Supreme   former chief minister was                  plementation of its order.  situation in India, where authorities   chit for our leader (Tareen),” said the
        Court on Tuesday sum-  filed and when it was tak-                       The AGP contended   reported 4,454 new deaths in the last   member.
        moned  the  complete  re-  en up for hearing.                       that the High Court was   24 hours, bringing India’s total fatali-  “We have been given an assur-
        cord from the Lahore      The government has                        also seized with former   ties from the virus to 303,720 out of   ance in this respect too but till he gets
        High Court (LHC) and is-  made Mr Sharif, Fed-                      chief minister’s contempt   27 million cases.       the relief we will not release the pres-
        sued notices to the respon-  eral Investigation Agency              of court petition for not   Pakistan has registered about   sure on the government and such a
        dents in the federal gov-  (FIA) and director general               allowing him to fly abroad   903,600 cases and 20,308 confirmed   gathering will continue.”
        ernment’s appeal against   immigration and passport                 which may result in the   deaths since the pandemic began in   The rebel group held the meet-
        the High Court’s May 7   through the director gen-                  implementation of the   early 2020.                 ing days before the FIA’s filing of a
        conditional permission to   eral  interior  as  respon-             High Court order, if ac-  Sultan said Pakistan would try   ‘complete’ investigation report before
        former Punjab chief min-  dents in the appeal. Attor-               cepted.               to vaccinate a third of the country’s   the court in Tareen and his son Ali
        ister Shehbaz Sharif for his   ney General for Pakistan                 Justice Ijazul Ahsan   population by the end of this year.   Tareen’s cases.
        medical treatment abroad.  (AGP) Khalid Jawed Khan                  also wondered whether   “Pakistan is offering free vaccinations   Both the father and the son are
            A two-judge Supreme   represented the govern-  former chief minister to   the government had com-  to all, there is no discrimination be-  on pre-arrest bail in the FIA cases till
        Court bench, consisting of   ment. After issuing the   go abroad for medical   mitted  contempt  of  the   tween rich and poor,” Sultan said.  May 31.
        Justice Ijazul Ahsan and   directions, the apex court   treatment.  High  Court,  adding  Mr   The government offers Pakistan-  Barrister Zafar had been tasked
        Justice Sajjad Ali Shah,   adjourned the hearing for   Justice Sajjad Ali   Sharif was a parliamentar-  is the Chinese-made Sinovac, Sino-  by PM Khan with overseeing the sug-
        took up the Interior Min-  a week.           Shah wondered how the   ian and leader of the op-  pharm and CanSino vaccines as well   ar scam probe last month. Although
        istry’s appeal against the   The court observed   appeal of the government   position in the National   as AstraZeneca doses.  Barrister Zafar says he has yet to sub-
        High Court order. The   that the government, pri-  could be heard when Mr   Assembly, requiring re-  Sultan said the Pakistani govern-  mit his analysis of the FIA probe in
        apex court observed that   ma facie, appeared to be   Sharif had already with-  spect.    ment has so far vaccinated more than   the Tareen case to the premier, there
        the  record  should  clarify   in contempt of the LHC   drawn his application   Justice Ahsan ob-  5  million  people,  compared  to  only   are reports that he has already pre-
        when the petition of the   decision  that  allowed  the   from the LHC for the im-  SHEBAZ, P28  35,000 who were vaccinated with   sented it to the premier.
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