Page 11 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 11

OPINION                                                                                                            MAY 28,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11
                     Open Letter to Administrator KMC                                             Anti-Semitism Has No Place in the Palestinian

                   about Neglect of Galerie SADEQUAIN                                                  Movement but Many Pakistanis Haven’t
                                                                                                                    Gotten the Memo
                                                                                                       akistan  is standing in  soli-  from Zionism. One is a religion and
                                                                                                       darity with Palestinians but   the other is an ideology and nationalist
                                                                                                   Pmany people don’t seem to    movement for the re-establishment of
                                                                                                   understand the difference between   a Jewish state. These past few years we

                                                                                                   supporting  Palestinians  and  being   have seen how nationalist movements
                                                                                                   anti-semitic. For many, these are two   such as those espoused by Trump in
                                                                                                   sides of the same coin but this is far   the US and Modi in India are breeding
                                                                                                   from the truth.               grounds for hate.
                                                                                                      The most recent example of this   Hating one group of people is not

                                                                                                   is PTI MNA Kanwal Shauzab’s hate   the solution. Jews aren’t doing this,
                                                                                                   speech in the National Assembly. In   Israelis are and not all Jews support

                                                                                                   her speech she glorified Adolf Hitler   Israel. Palestinians are the victims of
                                                                                                   and said he left some Jews alive dur-  genocide and ethnic cleansing but that

                                                                                                   ing the Holocaust as a lesson. A video   doesn’t mean people should be justify-
                                                                                                   of her speech was posted by the South   ing the genocide of millions of Jews.

        Galerie SADEQUAIN Signage paid by SADEQUAIN Foundation in 2017 (left) and its dilapidated condition today (right)  Asia Media Research Institute on Twit-  The Palestinian movement isn’t

            n By Dr Salman Ahmad      SADEQUAIN Foundation USA in 2017   Sadequain is among a handful of   ter but has since been removed as it   benefitting from your bigotry and anti-
                                                                                                   violated the platform’s rules.
                                                                                                                                 semitism. It’s being discredited.
          SADEQUAIN Foundation USA    requested and was duly granted permis-  Pakistanis, who can rightly be called a   You don’t need to listen to her   Thankfully, people called out

             he neglect and dilapidation of   sion by the concerned authorities to take   pride of Pakistan, and his work should   speech to get the gist of it — Jews are   misguided MNA Kanwal Shauzab on
             Galerie SADEQUAIN located   necessary actions and bring the Galerie   transcend generations. But the responsi-  bad and Hitler wasn’t so bad after all.  Twitter. - Images

        Tat the historic Frere Hall is a bad   to a respectable condition.   bility of keeping Sadequain’s legacy alive   It  should be common sense for

        reflection on KMC and disrespectful    Subsequently, the Foundation   falls on the new generations.  anyone, most of all a public repre-  SHARES FROM P1
        to Sadequain and his gift to the citi-  spent US-$50,000 on the repairs of the   SADEQUAIN Foundation USA is   sentative,  to  not  glorify  a  maniacal   “Pakistan Stock Exchange adds

        zens of Karachi.              Galerie, furnishing of the Galerie with   located in the USA. It has limited ex-  dictator responsible  for the  genocide   yet another feather in its cap by at-
            Galerie SADEQUAIN was estab-  new roof, new lighting, new carpets,   posure in Pakistan, yet it invested time,   of millions. Don’t fight hate with hate   tracting all-time high trading vol-

        lished in Frere Hall in 1986, while Sade-  new furniture, and provided several   energy, and money to save Sadequain’s   and, for God’s sake, don’t try to justify   ume of 2.21 billion shares in [a]
        quain was working on the ceiling mural   dozen high-quality framed artworks   legacy in Pakistan in the form of an im-  genocide. But this sudden glorification   single day,” it noted.

        titled Arz-o-Samawaat.        representing  Sadequain’s  wide  array  of   pressive Galerie in Frere Hall named   of Hitler isn’t new to Pakistan.  However,  the  equities  wit-

            Sadequain passed away in Febru-  work.  Beides, a  Galerie  SADEQUAIN   after Sadequain. SADEQUAIN Founda-  Veena Malik praised Hitler re-  nessed a volatile session Thursday,

        ary 1987 before he could complete the   signage on a marble slab was mounted   tion USA did not ask and did not receive   cently (though she later retracted it and   with the benchmark KSE-100 index
        ceiling mural. The night Sadequain   next to the main road in front of Frere   anything in return. Yet, the custodians   said she had been hacked) and count-  ending the day at 46,791 points with

        passed away, dozens of his paintings   Hall across from the Marriott Hotel.  of Galerie SADEQUAIN, who are paid   less Tweeps have been vocal in their   a loss of 21.56 points, despite gain-
        kept in storage in Frere Hall were stolen   In February 2017, the newly fur-  employees of KMC tasked to maintain   abuse of Judaism and Jewish people.  ing  more  than  391  points  in  early
        and this was duly reported in the media,   nished  Galerie  SADEQUAIN  was  in-  the Galerie, were derelict and have wit-  To make it clear, Hitler is not   trading hours.

        but no action was taken by the authori-  augurated by the Mayor of Karachi Mr   nessed the gradual deterioration of the   someone to praise: praising a homi-  The technology and communi-

        ties.                         Waseem Akhtar at an impressive cer-  hallowed shrine named after one of   cidal maniac isn’t helping Palestine. It’s   cation sector continued to remain

            Since Sadequain’s death, the Gal-  emony.               Pakistan’s true icons and did nothing to   detracting from the cause and is add-  in the limelight on Thursday, with
        erie SADEQUAIN has been a victim of   I am disappointed to report that   prevent it.       ing to claims that opposition of Israel   950m shares, or 43pc of the aggre-
        neglect and left to deteriorate over time.   soon after the inauguration of the Galer-  I urge you to take necessary ac-  is anti-Semitism. Israel does not rep-  gate trading, captured by the penny

        There has been no measurable effort to-  ie SADEQUAIN, most of the improve-  tion to restore the 2017-glory of Galerie   resent Judaism anymore than the Tali-  stock WorldCall Telecom (WTL)

        ward the upkeep and maintenance of the   ments made and paid by SAFDEQUAIN   SADEQUAIN.  SADEQUAIN  Founda-  ban represent Islam. We must learn to   alone — the highest-ever volume
        Galerie.                      Foundation USA were dismantled, and   tion USA will once more stand firm with   separate the religion from the people   recorded in a scrip, according to a

            Disappointed and concerned over   the Galerie was rendered back to its old   resolve to shoulder its responsibility for   committing human rights violations.  daily roundup by Ismail Iqbal secu-
        the desecration of Sadequain’s memory,   decrepit condition.    the restoration of Galerie SADEQUAIN.     We also need to separate Judaism   rities.

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