Page 13 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                           MAY 28,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13
           British Virgin Islands Court Unfreezes                                                    No Bases to Be Allowed in

              PIA Assets in Reko Diq Award Case                                                      Country, Says FM Qureshi

        Islamabad:  The High Court of                                                             Islamabad:  Pakistan on Tuesday
        Justice in the British Virgin Islands                                                     ruled out the possibility of providing
        (BVI) on Tuesday ruled in favor of                                                        its military bases to the United States
        Pakistan in a case initiated by Tethy-                                                    for counterterrorism operations in
        an Copper Company (TCC) for at-                                                           Afghanistan.
        tachment of assets belonging to the                                                           Foreign Minister Shah Mah-
        Pakistan International Airlines In-                                                       mood Qureshi used the opportu-
        vestment Ltd (PIAIL), including ho-                                                       nity of winding up a discussion on
        tels in New York and Paris, as part of                                                    “Israel’s systematic assault against

        its efforts for the enforcement of the                                                    Palestinian worshippers in Harm-al-
        Reko Diq award.                                                                           Sharif (Al Aqsa mosque) during the
            “Pakistan has won the BVI                                                             holy month of Ramadan” to reject as

        case initiated by TCC to enforce                                                          unfounded the reports to this effect
        the ICSID [International Centre for                                                       and made it clear that the govern-
        Settlement of Investment Disputes]                                                        ment would never provide military
        award,” stated the International                                                          bases to the US, nor would allow
        Disputes Unit (IDU) housed inside                                                         drone attacks inside Pakistan.

        the Attorney General Office within                                                            The remarks came following
        the premises of the Supreme Court                                                         US President Joe Biden administra-
        of Pakistan, adding that all ex-parte                                                     tion’s acknowledgement that it was
        orders obtained by the TCC earlier                                                        in talks with several Central Asian
        had been set aside.                                                                       neighbors of Afghanistan to exam-  with the victims of aggression  and
            The TCC had initiated the case                                                        ine where it can reposition troops   are very clear, this is not a conflict.

        for the enforcement of the July 12,                                                       to prevent the landlocked country   This is a one-sided war,” the resolu-
        2019, $5.97 billion award against                                                         from once again becoming a terror-  tion reads.
        Pakistan by the ICSID in the Reko                                                         ist base for groups like Al Qaeda.  It also called for establishment

        Diq litigation.                                                                               But US officials have not named   of an international independent pro-

            “A short while ago judge-                                                             Pakistan, which shares a nearly   tection mechanism for the Palestin-
        ment was announced by BVI High                                                            2,600km border with Afghanistan,   ian people.
        Court,” Attorney General for Paki-                                                        nor have they commented on media    Two Ex-PIA
        stan Khalid Jawed Khan said while                                                         speculation that the subject of mili-
        talking to Dawn, adding that it was                                                       tary bases may be under bilateral   Chairmen, Former
        a great legal victory for Pakistan as                                                     discussions.

        well as the Pakistan International   “Justice prevails!” said PIA in a tweet after the verdict became public. “By the   The foreign minister’s remarks   CEO Booked for

        Airlines (PIA).               Grace of Allah and with the prayers of all our countrymen, courts in BVI decide   also came after a Pentagon official

            The AGP said all the orders   in favor of PIA, releasing all hard-earned assets i.e., Roosevelt NYC & Scribe   said Pakistan had allowed the US   Causing Loss of

        earlier passed against PIAIL — a   Paris. Great victory for PIA and Pakistan. We won this together!”  military to use its airspace and given
        company which is also incorporat-                                                         it ground access so that it could sup-  Rs1.25 Billion
        ed in the British Virgin Islands —   communicated to Pakistan on Dec   a formula for calculating damages   port its presence in Afghanistan.
        had now been recalled by the BVI   23, 2020.                for the cancelled lease based on   David F. Helvey, Assistant Sec-

        High Court, adding that it had also   At the time, the AGP office   the assumed profits Tethyan might   retary of Defense for Indo-Pacific

        removed the receiver appointed for   had said Pakistan would vigor-  have earned from the mine over   Affairs, told the  US Senate Armed
        the Roosevelt Hotel, New York, and   ously pursue proceedings initiated   56  years.  In  July  2019,  the  tribu-  Services Committee last week that
        the Scribe Hotel, Paris. The cost of   by TCC in any jurisdiction and   nal slapped a $5.97 billion award   the US would continue its conver-

        litigation was also awarded.  that the government reaffirmed its   against Pakistan for denying the   sation with Pakistan because it had
            On  December  16,  2020,  the   commitment to protecting national   mining lease to the company.  a critical role in restoring peace to

        BVI High Court through an ex-  assets wherever they might be lo-  The fine, including the dam-  Afghanistan.
        parte order had attached the assets   cated.                ages award and interest, is equal   Foreign  Minister  Qureshi,
        belonging to the Pakistan Interna-                          to about two per cent of Pakistan’s   while responding to the concern of
        tional Airlines Investment Limited,   What is the Reko Diq dispute?  GDP.                 a lawmaker that if a civil war broke

        including the company’s interests   TCC is  a 50-50 joint  venture   Immediately thereafter, the   out in Afghanistan after US pull-  Karachi: The Federal Investigation

        in the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhat-  of Barrick Gold Corporation of   TCC had commenced proceed-  out it would have implications for   Agency  (FIA)  on  Monday  reg-
        tan, New York, and Scribe Hotel in   Australia and Antofagasta PLC of   ings for enforcement of the award.   Pakistan, said the country favored   istered a case against two former
        central  Paris as well as  frozen  40   Chile. The Reko Diq district in the   In  November  2019, Pakistan  had   a responsible, orderly withdrawal.   chairmen of Pakistan International

        per cent interest of PIA in a third   southwest of Balochistan is famed   challenged the award and initiated   “Because what we were fearing and   Airlines (PIA), a former acting CEO,
        entity, Minhal Incorporated. The   for  its mineral  wealth,  including   proceedings seeking its annulment.  we still fear and are concerned that a   and arrested a former director of the

        BVI court in its Dec 16 order had   gold and copper.            In March 2020, the AGP office   vacuum created in Afghanistan can   national airline on charges of caus-

        also appointed the receiver on an   The  ICSID  tribunal  had  tak-  announced that it had filed a re-  drag or suck the country back into   ing losses of over Rs1 billion to the

        interim basis.                en up the dispute between Paki-  quest on November 8, 2019, for the   the decade of 1990s. There could   exchequer.

            The IDU said the BVI High   stan and the TCC after the latter   annulment  of  the  award  rendered   be anarchy, and, God forbid, a civil   FIA Sindh  Director Amir Fa-

        Court had ruled that it had no ju-  claimed $8.5bn when the mining   by the ICSID on July 12, 2019.  war,” he said.     rooqi told  Dawn  the  investigative
        risdiction to decide the matter and   authority of Balochistan rejected   Alongside the plea for annul-  About the Palestine issue, the   body had registered a case against

        the  receiver appointed  had  been   its application for a multi-million   ment, Pakistan had also requested   foreign minister said the first goal   PIA ex-chairmen Nasser Jaffer and
        discharged with immediate effect.  dollar mining lease in the province   a provisional stay on the enforce-  of ceasefire had been achieved, but   Irfan Elahi and former acting CEO

            Prime Minister Imran Khan   in 2011.                    ment of the award issued against   this was not the solution. He said   Bernd  Hildenbrand  and  also de-
        has also appreciated and lauded the   According to details available   the country on November 18, 2019.  the United Nations secretary general   tained former director engineering

        efforts of the IDU and the office of   on Tethyan’s website, the Reko Diq   Pakistan was granted the pro-  had been asked to play a role in re-  Maqsood Ahmed.

        the AGP that helped in securing a   Mining Project was to build and   visional stay upon initiating an-  vival of the peace process. He said a   “They caused loss of Rs1.25bn

        great victory for Pakistan, the IDU   operate a  world  class copper-gold   nulment proceedings after which   permanent solution to the problem   and made advance payments for up-
        said.                         open-pit mine at a cost of about   a hearing to confirm the stay order   was sine qua non for durable peace   gradation of business class seats and

            It said that the provisional   $3.3 billion. The company says its   took place over ‘video link’ in April   in the Middle East. He said the US   entertainment system in years 2014-

        charging order against PIA’s com-  1998  agreement with the Balo-  last year. On September 16, 2020,   should also play its diplomatic role   16,” the official said. “The seats were

        panies was also set aside entirely,   chistan  government entitled  it to   the tribunal finally ruled in favor   in this regard.  never replaced and the system never
        while TCC was ordered to pay costs   the mining lease, subject only to   of Pakistan, confirming the stay on   Mr Qureshi said the president   installed.”

        of the present proceedings. Thus   routine government requirements.  the enforcement of the award.  of the UN General Assembly would   The case has been registered

        the “attempt to steal Roosevelt and   The project stalled in Novem-  However, on November 20,   arrive in Pakistan on Thursday on a   under sections 409 (criminal breach

        Scribe hotels has been frustrated”,   ber 2011 after the application was   2020, the company moved a sepa-  visit on his invitation.  of trust by public servant), 420

        the IDU said.                 rejected. Pakistani officials say the   rate case in the BVI High Court   The house unanimously ad-  (cheating and dishonestly inducing

            “Justice prevails!” said PIA in   mining lease was terminated by the   for the enforcement of the award   opted a resolution condemning the   delivery of  property),  109  (punish-

        a  tweet  after  the  verdict  became   government because it was secured   which  included attachment  of the   unprovoked war of aggression un-  ment for abetment) and 34 (com-
        public. “By the Grace of Allah and   in a non-transparent manner.  assets belonging to Pakistan Inter-  leashed by Israel against defenseless   mon intention) of the Pakistan Penal
        with the prayers of all our country-  By then, the company had in-  national Airlines Investment Ltd,   Palestinians in occupied territories.  Code (PPC) and section 5 (2) of the

        men, courts in BVI decide in favor   vested  $220  million  in  Reko  Dig.   a final decision on which came out    “The Senate of Pakistan also   Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947.

        of PIA, releasing all hard-earned   The  mining  company  sought  help   today in Pakistan’s favor.  expresses its deep resentment at the   According  to  official  docu-

        assets i.e., Roosevelt NYC & Scribe   from the World Bank arbitra-  The ICSID is still considering   hypocrisy and double standards of   ments seen by Dawn, the FIA ini-
        Paris. Great victory for PIA and   tion tribunal in 2012, and it ruled   Pakistan’s  appeal against  the  pen-  various countries whose condemna-  tiated an inquiry into PIA’s state of
        Pakistan. We won this together!”  against Pakistan in 2017, rejecting   alty over its decision to cancel the   tion is missing, but which still talk   affairs under the directions of the

            Information about the attach-  an earlier decision by the Supreme   Reko Diq mining lease for the TTC   of human rights, despite being com-  Supreme Court, which had ordered

        ment proceedings and the earlier   Court.                   and a final hearing will take place   plicit with the aggressor. We reject   a special audit of the airline in 2018.
        order of the BVI High Court was   The tribunal then opted to use   in 2021.               any attempt to equate the aggressor   PIA, P28

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