Page 14 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 14

P14  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY 28, 2021                                                                                              PAKISTAN
          ‘Not Answerable to Maryam or Nawaz’                                                       Senator Ali Zafar Has Concluded What the

                                                                                                            Government Didn’t Hope for!
        Badin:  PPP Chairman Bilawal                                 aimed at bringing the PPP back to
        Bhutto-Zardari said on Wednesday                             the multiparty alliance remained                           FIA action and Khalid Javed Khan
        that  the  PPP  was  not  answerable                         ineffective as Bilawal did not attend                      acted as an umpire between the two,
        to PML-N Vice President Maryam                               the dinner though senior leaders of                        according to sources. Ali Zafar was
        Nawaz or PML-N supremo Nawaz                                 his party did.                                             told that FIRs were registered in com-
        Sharif and that his stance remained                             Talking to Dawn, PPP leader                             pliance with the recommendations
        unchanged.                                                   Farhatullah Babar said the meeting                         of the Sugar Inquiry Commission.
            Addressing a press conference                            had broken the ice and provided a                          Besides, the FIRs were not registered
        in Badin, Bilawal was responding to                          platform for the opposition lead-                          against Tareen only but against all
        a question from a reporter on Mary-                          ers to get together and speak to one                       those  who are  accused  of  malprac-
        am’s recent comments that the PPP                            another. He also said it was not the                       tices in the case. After hearing both
        had not responded to the show cause                          PDM’s meeting and therefore the                            sides, the Attorney General voted in
        notice sent to it and had shown h e r                        PDM issue had not come up for dis-                         favor of Shehzad Akbar and held that
        support to comments by Paki-stan                             cussion at the event.                                      that the action against Tareen was jus-
        Democratic Movement (PDM) Sec-                                  Babar  said  the  PPP  delegation                       tified.
        retary General Shahid Khaqan Ab-                             had assured Shehbaz that the party                             In this regard, ‘The News’ sent
        basi.                                                        would support all moves of the joint                       questions  to  Ali  Zafar  and  Shehzad
            Abbasi  had  said  on  Tuesday   would consider his stance and state-  opposition that would block the way          Akbar both but neither one of them
        that there was no place for the PPP   ments to be official PML-N policy   of “anti-people decisions” in the up- Islamabad: Following his fact-find-  responded. The Attorney General is
        within the opposition alliance until   and conduct its politics according   coming budget.  ing investigation, Senator Ali Zafar   also tightlipped on this matter. How-
        it restored the trust it had betrayed.   to that.               Bill for protection of journalists has come to the conclusion that PTI   ever, he told a journalist that he is the
        He said that the PDM had sought a   He added that the PPP respect-  During Wednesday’s press con- stalwart Jehangir Khan Tareen is be-  referee in this matter and whatever is
        response from the PPP, which Bi-  ed Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F)   ference,  Bilawal  also  said  he  was  ing unfairly targeted by the govern-  decided by Ali Zafar requires approv-
        lawal had torn into pieces. “We had   chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman and   grateful to the Sindh government,  ment agencies, an opinion contested   al from him. So far, he is not ready to
        asked for a response. Join together   the two parties had had a “good re-  law department and the journalist  by the prime minister’s camp dur-  accept Ali Zafar’s findings thus rais-
        the torn pieces [of the show-cause   lationship and contact”. Bilawal said,   community for the bill for the pro- ing a meeting held in this regard. A   ing the likelihood that the report will
        notice], read it and give us the clari-  however, that the PPP was engaging   tection of journalists being approved  formal report hasn’t been submitted   never be formalized, let alone made
        fication we had sought,” Abbasi had   in politics based on its vision, prin-  by the committee in the Sindh As- yet;  however,  its  key  findings  have   public. (The above-mentioned discus-
        said.                         ciples, with respect and “we don’t   sembly.                been shared.                  sion was based on the key findings; he
            At Wednesday’s press confer-  change our stance.”           “This will hopefully become law   The News has learnt that Sena-  didn’t formally share the final draft of
        ence, the PPP chairman acknowl-   He called on those who wanted   after being passed by the Sindh As- tor Zafar aired his findings at a meet-  the report.)
        edged that he had torn the show   democracy to flourish, civilian su-  sembly. It is with great sadness that  ing presided over by Prime Minister   Tareen sees Ali Zafar’s report as
        cause notice and there was no   premacy and actually wanted to op-  we have to pass such bills in the 21st  Imran Khan. Attorney General Kha-  a ray of hope for him. No matter if it
        change in his stance on the PDM.   pose Prime Minister Imran Khan to   century, when you should get all  lid Javed Khan and Advisor to PM   remains inconsequential for the cases
        “We are not answerable to Maryam   “instead of opposing the PPP, our   protection according to the Consti- on Accountability Shehzad Akbar   against him, he wants the findings to
        or Mian Sahib. We are answerable to   friends in the opposition should tar-  tution.”     were also present in the meeting.   be made public. Doing so will dent
        the PPP and the PPP’s workers and   get the government.”        He condemned the swiftness  Sen Zafar concluded that the charges   the government’s efforts to damage
        we think the real joy will be in do-  Attempt to revive PDM  with which journalists were being  against Tareen didn’t hold much sub-  his reputation, his close aides believe.
        ing politics together with the PPP’s   Shehbaz on Monday had host-  targeted and subjected to injustice  stance and that he was further tar-  On the other hand, the government
        workers.”                     ed a dinner reception for all main-  and said Sindh Information Minister  geted through the registration of FIRs   officials believe that publicizing Ali
            Bilawal said that Shehbaz   stream opposition parties in what   Nasir Shah was constantly engaged  against him and his son.  Zafar’s report will tarnish beyond re-
        Sharif was the leader of the opposi-  appeared to be an attempt to revive   in efforts to follow-up and punish   His  findings  didn’t  go uncon-  pair its anti-corruption mantra. Not
        tion  in  the  National  Assembly  and   the PDM.            anyone involved in injustice with  tested.  Shehzad  Akbar  was  asked  to   only Tareen but all those implicated
        the PML-N president, thus the PPP   However, the effort apparently   journalists.         give alternative facts in defense of the   ZAFAR, P28

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