Page 6 - Pakistan Link - May 28, 2021
P. 6

P6  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY 28, 2021                                                                                                 OPINION
                         There Will Be No Peace Without a Process of Reconciliation

                n By Dr Alon Ben-Meir                                                                                    logical and practical implications, especially
             Center for Global Affairs at NYU                                                                            as both sides move toward substantive peace
                      New York                                                                                           talks.
              o one should have the illusion that                                                                            People-to-people measures on the
              once a ceasefire is established, Israel                                                                    ground
        Nand the Palestinians should or can                                                                                  As the above measures are taken, people-
        negotiate a peace agreement. Given the de-                                                                       to-people interaction becomes a n a t ura l
                     cades-long deep hatred and                                                                          process conducted in a constantly improving
                     distrust, a process of recon-                                                                       atmosphere. The following measures are being
                     ciliation must precede such                                                                         pursued today on a small scale and should be
                     negotiations to achieve an                                                                          greatly expanded.
                     enduring peace                                                                                          i) Mutual visitation: Israel and the Pales-
                        Since a ceasefire between                                                                        tinian Authority must agree to allow mutual
                     Israel and the Palestinians has                                                                     visitation. It is hard to exaggerate the value of
                     been agreed upon, there are                                                                         such visits when ordinary Israelis and Pales-
        those  who advocate  that peace negotiations                                                                     tinians meet in their respective places of resi-
        between the two sides should commence im-                                                                        dence to share experiences and understand
        mediately to prevent future conflagration and                                                                    each other’s grievances and concerns, and of-
        bring an end to the destructive seven-decades-                                                                   ten discover that their shared interests and as-
        old conflict. I could not disagree more. Where-                                                                  pirations are far greater than their differences.
        as a peace agreement based on a two-state                                                                            ii) Women activism: Activism by Israeli
        solution must eventually be the outcome, no                                                                      and Palestinian women can be a very impor-
        agreement can be reached unless it is preceded                                                                   tant part of the reconciliation process. Israeli
        by a process of reconciliation for a period of at                                                                and Palestinian women should use their for-
        least five years to mitigate the ingrained hatred   against each other. Indeed, rather than prepar-  educational institutions. Both sides must stop   midable power to demand that their respective
        and distrust between them. Such a process   ing the public for the inevitability of peace and   disseminating inaccurate historic accounts   leaders end the conflict. The role of women in
        would consist of multiple measures that run   engaging in constructive public dialogue, they   in their textbooks and reinforce that through   ending the conflict in Northern Ireland offers
        simultaneously  on  government-to-govern-  have been poisoning the political atmosphere   their public discourse.  a vivid picture of how women can impact the
        ment and people-to-people levels, which can   and setting one side against the other, creat-  Taking no provocative action: The Pal-  course of events.
        accelerate and enhance the implementation of   ing the perception that peace is an illusion and   estinians should not turn to the International   iii) Joint sporting events: Sports are an
        the reconciliation process.           that the differences between them are simply   Criminal Court (ICC) to charge Israel with   incredibly useful tool in building camaraderie
            There are several preconditions upon   irreconcilable.                  crimes against  humanity, and  must prevent   and friendship between the two sides, whether
        which Israel must agree to allow reconciliation   Establishing an economic relationship:   any terrorist attack against Israeli targets. Isra-  competing against each other or as part of a
        to advance unimpeded. This includes: no fur-  Israelis and Palestinians must develop a strong   el on the other hand must not unduly restrict   joint team. Football, basketball, and other
        ther annexation of a single inch of Palestinian   economic relationship. Other than trade, Is-  the movement of Palestinians, and must stop   sports teams can meet alternately in Israel and
        territory, no expanding settlements beyond   raeli investors should be encouraged to invest   the practice of night raids and end the demoli-  Palestine to train and compete, and together
        their established parameters, and maintaining   in the future Palestinian state. Economic ex-  tion and/or eviction of Palestinians from their   they can cheer the generous spirit of the game
        the current status quo of Jerusalem.  changes,  investment,  and  development  will   residences anywhere, and especially in East   where the victory is the game itself, not the fi-
                                              foster  a very  close  relationship  between  the   Jerusalem.             nal score.
            Government-to-government reconcilia-  two sides.                           Maintaining security cooperation: Israel   iv) Student interaction: Palestinian and
        tory measures                            Modifying school textbooks: Israel and   and the Palestinians should not only continue   Israeli students should connect with one an-
            Halting  the  mutually acrimonious  pub-  the Palestinians must modify their textbooks   to collaborate on all security matters but fur-  other and talk about their aspirations and
        lic  narrative: Israeli and Palestinian leaders   to reflect an objectively more accurate and   ther augment future cooperation. Alleviating   hopes for the future. Israeli and Palestinian
        must stop their acrimonious public narratives   less biased historic account throughout their   concerns over security will have both psycho-  RECONCILIATION, P24

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