Page 2 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
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P2  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JULY 16,  2021                                                                                 ADVERTISEMENT

                       UMMAH RELIEF                      Serving Humanity For Over
             UMMAH   RELIEF                              25 YEARS
                       Zakat, Fitra, Sadaqa, kaFFara, Fidya and FiSabeelillah/donation
                   “Charity Extinguishes Sin Like Water Extinguishes Fire”- Noble Hadith
          We are committed to providing food for the hungry, shelter for the
          homeless, and medicine for the sick. Ummah Relief International is a
          grassroots organization. We believe it is our duty as Muslims to carry on this
          noble mission to help and assist needy people on the basis of humanity.
          URI provides emergency relief all over the world when disastrous situations
          occur as well as helping in the following countries where people live in
          severe poverty:
            Afghanistan  India  Lebanon  Palestine  Yemen
            Albania  Indonesia  Mali  Somalia
            Bangladesh  Kashmir  Myanmar(Burma) Sudan
            Bosnia   Kenya   Nigeria  Syria
            Ethiopia  Kosovo  Pakistan  USA
          CORONAVIRUS: Ummah Relief International remains committed to providing aid, informational instructions, and basic
          medical supplies to those areas hardest hit by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please consider making an additional
          $25 donation to provide additional support to these Covid-stricken areas.
                                        Donate Generously for the Betterment of Humanity       and
                                                  Sponsor an Orphan ..............................................$30 per month
                                        Please send your
                                       donation* payable to:   Educational Sponsorship for 1 child .................$30 per month
                                       UMMAH      Sewing Machines for women ........................ $75 per machine
                                       RELIEF     Food for a family of 7 ........................................$125 per month
                                      INTERNATIONAL  Food Basket for refugees ................................... $185 per family
                                         P.O. Box 1426   Drinking Water Hand Pump .................................................$500
                                       Elgin, IL 60121 USA  Tandoor: Bread Making Oven ..............................................$450
                                       Tel: 847-622-0574    Rebuilding of houses ......................................... $850 per house
                                       Fax: 847-741-3816
                               Children With Disabilities ....................................$30 per month
                                                  Tube Well drinking water .......... Visit our website for options!
            Donate even easier with  QuickPay! Send your donation to
                Call 1-800-713-4482   For online donations, please visit:
                   YES! I want to support Ummah projects, please accept my tax deductible contribution
           Tax ID # 36-3954960 Not for Pro t:501 (C) 3  (Check /Money Order Accepted)
            First Name:                      $10,000  $5000  $1000   $500   $250   $100  $50   Other
            Last Name:                       YES! I’d like to donate an ADDITIONAL $25 to support Covid-stricken areas
            Address:                         My Monthly Donation  One Time Donation  VISA/MC  AM-EX  DISCOVER
            Unit/Apt#:                     Card No.:
            City:         State:  Zip:     Exp. Date:     CV No.:
            Phone:         Cell:           Signature:
           * Ummah Relief International may use its discretion to redirect donations where the need is greatest
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