Page 7 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                             JULY 16,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P7

            n By Dr Akbar S Ahmed                        A Great Christian Friend                                                flects some of that. Waking up and

              American University                                                                                                thinking, ‘I don’t know what my

                Washington, DC                                                                                                   neighbor’s thinking. They could
                                                                                                                                 be thinking anything. They could

           n October 2012, I had the                                                                                             be planning anything.’ A panic
           honor of travelling to Lam-                                                                                           reaction. When you realize that
        Ibeth Palace, the Archbishop                                                                                             you’ve  not  really  got  close  with
        of Canterbury’s official residence                                                                                       your neighbors, you can either

                    in London, and                                                                                               panic, or say, ‘Well I guess it’s time
                    attending the fi-                                                                                            I started, isn’t it?’ Either you react

                    nal major public                                                                                             by projecting all sorts of mysteri-
                    event of the Most                                                                                            ous and terrible things onto them,
                    Rev Rowan Wil-                                                                                               or you sit with them and listen.”
                    liams as the Arch-                                                                                              Even given these divides,
                    bishop of Canter-                                                                                            though, Williams was still able
                    bury.                                                                                                        to point the way forward for us

            The event, which focused on                                                                                          in building bridges and fostering
        the relationship between Chris-                                                                                          peace. In particular, he explained
        tianity and Islam, brought some                                                                                          it vital that Europeans take the
        of Britain’s top figures together in                                                                                     time to understand  both Islam

        celebration, including the arch-                                                                                         and the stories of their Muslim
        bishops of Wales and Ireland and                                                                                         neighbors. He explained, “We in
        Baroness Sayeeda Warsi. It was                                                                                           Europe  …  simply  need  to  edu-
        a day that, on its own merit, not                                                                                        cate ourselves about what Islam
        only brought Muslims deeper into                                                                                         really is. We need to listen really
        the heart of British society, but                                                                                        hard to the average Muslim neigh-
        also served as another example                                                                                           bor … to the real variety that you

        of Williams’s great efforts to bring                                                                                     can see outside any mosque on a
        together Christians and Muslims.  College at Cambridge University.   society. He recalled, “I remem-  and we agreed that what we really   Friday. So listen to the experience

            The archbishops of Canter-  He has continued his outreach to   ber a conversation with a British   needed to do was to reinvent the   of those who unobtrusively, but
        bury may well be best known for   the Muslim community through                            Mediterranean, in the sense that   faithfully, living ordinary Muslim
        their high-profile clashes with   many avenues, including lectures   Not only did he see a strong   around that great inland lake, the   lives fully within our society. Lis-

        English monarchs, always in ear-  to such Cambridge establishments   legacy in the Golden Age   great sea, as it was called in classi-  ten to them.”
        nest striving to defend the power   as the Cambridge Muslim College.   of Andalusia for Christian-  cal culture, there was this extraor-  As we parted ways, Williams
        and honor of both their post and   He has also written a critically ac-  Muslim harmony, he also   dinary melting pot and interac-  prayed to God to enable mem-
        the  Anglican  Church.  Williams   claimed analysis of the theology                       tion, by the classical, Islamic and   bers of different religions to come

        himself may be best remembered   of Augustine of Hippo, one of the   viewed Sicily, Eastern Europe   Byzantine civilization. And it is   together: “May God … open our
        for a more peaceful legacy. His   foundational Christian theolo-  and the entire Mediterranean   one, it’s one conversation, it’s one   hearts and our ears to one anoth-
        tenure as archbishop is fondly re-  gians, titled “On Augustine”.  basin as key examples of   story, that’s part of Europe too.”  er. And may God … whose will is

        membered for his strong outreach   Rev Williams has gracious-  Islam’s positive influence on   Williams was keenly aware   for our peace and our well-being
        to the Muslim community and   ly granted me several sessions   European society. He recalled,   of the harmful effects of stereo-  lead  us  hand in  hand  towards  a

        his bold initiatives in bringing the   throughout his storied career to   “I remember a conversation   typing and the extent to which   true worldwide community in
        Muslim and Christian communi-  discuss Christian-Muslim rela-  with a British politician a few   the negative image of Islam and   which none is forgotten, none is
        ties closer together — initiatives   tions. When conducting research   years ago, just as the Arab   Muslims was making it difficult   oppressed,  none  is  humiliated.

        that at times challenged Britain’s   for my latest project, Journey into                  for non-Muslims to accurately un-  Amen.”
        status quo. Williams stirred a   Europe, Williams agreed to sit   Spring was beginning, and   derstand Islam. In our discussion,   It is precisely in this spirit
        hornet’s nest during his tenure   with me and discuss on camera   we agreed that what we really   Williams said, “Even at the level of   that we, whether Christian or
        when he made the argument that   Christian-Muslim relations, par-  needed to do was to reinvent   government and educated public   Muslim, should reach out and
        the sharia and English laws were   ticularly in the context of Euro-  the Mediterranean, in the sense   discourse, you still hear strange   embrace each other. As Paki-
        in fact compatible. The statement   pean identity, and how he believed   that around that great inland   words like ‘Islamist,’ and I’m a bit   stanis, it is well worth remember-

        sent  British  politics  into  an  up-  the two religions could be brought   lake, the great sea, as it was   puzzled by a word like that. You   ing that the Quaid-i-Azam spent
        roar. Yet, this sharia controversy,   closer together. When asked about                   still hear this curious distinction   his only Christmas as Governor
        in continuing a storied tradition   European identity, Williams al-  called in classical culture, there   between ‘moderate’ and ‘radical’   General with the Christian com-
        of Archbishops challenging the   most immediately discussed the   was this extraordinary melting   Muslims, that is ‘nice’ and ‘nasty’   munity in a church in Karachi. In
        English status quo, went on to   key role Islam has played in Euro-  pot and interaction, by the   Muslims.”             a world where Muslims feel under
        confirm Williams’s place as an ex-  pean history and civilization. Not   classical, Islamic and Byzantine   Yet,  in his eyes, such simple   siege, wise and compassionate

        traordinary  intellect  prepared  to   only did he see a strong legacy in   civilization. And it is one, it’s   categorization  in  attempting  to   friends like Williams are crucial
        see out a logical path on the basis   the Golden Age of Andalusia for   one conversation, it’s one story,   understand the Muslim commu-  to build bridges of understanding

        of his own intellect and intuition,   Christian-Muslim harmony, he   that’s part of Europe too.”  nity in the West reflect a deeper   between the religions.

        not mere public opinion.      also viewed Sicily, Eastern Europe                          issue at hand — a wider sense of   (The writer is Ibn Khaldun
            Since his retirement, Williams   and the entire Mediterranean                         alienation that one feels from one’s   Chair of Islamic Studies at the
        has returned to academia and now   basin as key examples of Islam’s   politician a few years ago, just as   neighbors. He explained, “The   American University, Washing-

        serves as Master of Magdalene   positive  influence  on  European   the Arab Spring was beginning,   phenomenon of Islamophobia re-  ton, DC)

                              Kurti’s Momentous Opportunity to Transform Kosovo
             n By Dr Alon Ben-Meir    gration into the EU. But for Kurti to                                                     tions will not only punish the perpe-
                    NYU               succeed where his predecessors have                                                       trators but send a clear message to
                  New York            failed, he must focus on what is ail-                                                     all government officials that corrup-

             rime Minister Kurti has   ing his country while demonstrating                                                      tion has consequences.
             come to power fortified by a   his willingness to have a continuing

        Plandslide victory that allows   dialogue with Serbia as long as such                                                       Human rights
        him to have greater maneuverabil-  a dialogue does not compromise in                                                        Protecting human rights is one
                     ity and latitude to   any way Kosovo’s independence.                                                       of the utmost requirements that al-
                     initiate bold poli-  Kurti must tackle several major                                                       low the citizenry to feel safe, secure,
                     cies – be they do-  domestic problems to help Kosovo                                                       and live without fear or intimida-
                     mestic or foreign   stand on its feet and considerably                                                     tion. Human rights must be blind to
                     – to advance his   enhance its chances to integrate into                                                   color, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
                     country’s national   the EU, which he and his fellow citi-                                                 and religion, and all must stand
                     interest. Another   zens strongly aspire for.                                                              equal before the law. Moreover,
                     big    advantage                                                                                           children, in particular, have an
        Kurti enjoys is that US President   Corruption                                                                          inherent right to health care, free
        Biden has a special affinity to   Addressing the endemic cor-                                                           education, and adequate nutrition

        Kosovo  and  has  already  demon-  ruption in Kosovo from within gov-                                                   to grow cognitively healthy. Indeed,
        strated his wholehearted willing-  ernment strata as well as the private                                                social equality is the bedrock of hu-
        ness to assist Kurti to overcome   sector should top his agenda. To                                                     man rights.
        many of the problems facing his   weed out corruption is a monumen-  spections should be men and wom-  prospective integration into the EU   Citizens who are not abused,
        nation since its inception in 2008.  tal task and cannot be dealt with   en of impeccable reputation and in-  will dramatically improve.  whose rights are not violated, and

            Whereas any newly-born coun-  in a wholesale fashion. The State   tegrity who enjoy the public’s trust.   The recent arrest of seven offi-  who are treated fairly and with dig-

        try goes through the painful pro-  Inspector General office should be   Dealing with corruption will have a   cials at the Agency for Agricultural   nity become more productive and

        cesses of becoming economically   adequately funded and given the   direct effect on foreign investments,   Development, suspected of taking   patriotic, caring deeply about their

        viable, self-reliant, and at peace,   authority to inspect the working of   as investors shy away from countries   bribes in  exchange  for receiving   country and often going out of their
        Kosovo faces the extra burden of not   any ministry or private companies   where corruption is widespread, es-  grants, and the pending arrest of an   way to contribute to the welfare and

        being recognized by its neighbor,   at will and with no advanced notice.  pecially when government officials   additional 23 people provide a good   wellbeing of their society.

        Serbia,  which  is  impeding  its  inte-  The persons involved in the in-  are on the take. In addition, Kosovo’s   example. These arrests and prosecu-  KOSOVO, P24
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