Page 12 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 12
Qureshi for Achieving Political Settlement Fresh Inquiry against PML-Q Gets Second
Gandapur Ordered
‘At the Earliest’ in Afghanistan Muzaffarabad: The Chief Elec- Ministry in Federal Cabinet
L a ho r e:
tion Commissioner (CEC) of Azad The Paki-
Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) retired stan Muslim
mental to peace process”. Justice Abdul Rashid Sulehria on League-Quaid
He added that neither Pakistan Tuesday rejected an inquiry report by (PML-Q), an
nor the international community nor the Returning Officer (RO) of LA-1, important ally
the people of Afghanistan wished for Mirpur-I on the issue of grant of cash of the Pakistan
“a repeat of civil war”. by federal minister Ali Ameen Gan- Tehreek-i-In-
The minister further said Paki- dapur to a PTI activist at an election- saf-led coali-
stan and Afghanistan’s destinies were related event in Dadyal and ordered tion govern-
“inter-twined”. him to resubmit a fresh inquiry after ment, finally
“We believe working together identifying the culpable as well as the got a second
will help us realize stronger regional beneficiary in the matter. ministry in the Center under an agree-
connectivity and greater people- Without taking any name, he ment both parties had entered into at
centric linkages,” he wrote, adding also declared the time of the 2018 general elections.
that he looked forward to hosting his that proper Moonis Elahi, the scion of the
Afghan counterpart in Islamabad to proceedings Chaudhry family of Gujrat, was in-
continue the collective efforts. should be ini- ducted into the cabinet as Federal
tiated against Minister for Water Resources.
Chaman Border the minister and Works Tariq Bashir Cheema was
Before him, Minister for Housing
in the police
Closed station [con- the only PML-Q leader serving in the
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi meets his Afghan counterpart Haneef cerned] and federal cabinet.
Atmar in Dushanbe — Photo: Shah Mahmood Qureshi Twitter conf is c ate d The development came nearly
Quetta: The Taliban on Wednesday money be a week after a delegation of PML-Q
Dushanbe: Foreign Minister Shah loss of many lives. He emphasized claimed they had captured the stra- made its part as an evidence. leaders including Punjab Assembly
Mahmood Qureshi on Tuesday the need to take immediate steps to tegic border crossing of Spin Boldak On July 4, Mr Gandapur had at- Speaker Chaudhry Parvez Elahi and
stressed upon the Afghan leaders to decrease violence, leading to a com- along the frontier with Pakistan, con- tended an event in Ganhair village on Mr Moonis met Prime Minister Imran
achieve a “negotiated political settle- prehensive ceasefire. tinuing sweeping gains made since the outskirts of Dadyal where he had Khan in Islamabad.
ment at the earliest” as US forces Stressing that “negative state- foreign forces stepped up their with- given some cash to one Chaudhry Ra- “Yes, Moonis Elahi has been
withdraw from the country, saying ments” could not cloud Pakistan’s drawal from Afghanistan. sib, a local PTI activist, for repair, for made Federal Minister for Water Re-
such a measure would bring peace, positive contribution to the Afghan “The Mujahideen have captured the time being, of some badly dam- sources today,” Minister for Informa-
stability and prosperity in Afghani- peace process and that “blame game an important border town called aged portions of a link road in the tion and Broadcasting Fawad said on
stan. will not serve the region,” the foreign Wesh in Kandahar,” said Zabihullah presence of PTI candidate Chaudhry Tuesday.
In a meeting with his Afghan minister urged his Afghan counter- Mujahid, a Taliban spokesperson in Azhar Sadiq.
counterpart Haneef Atmar on the part to address all concerns through a statement. After the video clip of the event Nadeem Nusrat
sidelines of the SCO Council of For- established institutional mechanisms, “With this, the important road went viral on social media, PML-N Survives Assassination
eign Ministers meeting in Dushanbe, including the Afghanistan-Pakistan between (Spin) Boldak and Cha- lodged a complaint with RO Raja Attempt in US
Qureshi reaffirmed Pakistan’s “con- Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity. man and Kandahar customs have Shamraiz for action against both Mr
sistent support” to a peaceful and He said Pakistan looked forward come under Mujahideen control,” Sadiq and Mr Gandapur. Karachi: For-
united Afghanistan, which is at peace to hosting the review meeting of he said. Mujahid assured traders and In response to a showcause no- mer Muttahida
with itself and its neighbors, the For- APAPPS in Islamabad at the earliest. residents there that their “security is tice served by the RO, both Mr Sadiq Qaumi Move-
eign Office said in a statement. “Pakistan supports a peaceful guaranteed”. and Mr Rasib appeared before him ment convener
The foreign minister remarked and stable Afghanistan, which would However, the Afghan interior on two consecutive days on Thurs- and head of
that Afghan leaders should seize the yield mutual dividends and benefits ministry insisted the attack had been day and Friday last to record their US-based ad-
current “historic opportunity” and in terms of peace in the region, eco- repelled and government forces had statements wherein they pleaded not vocacy group
take advantage of international con- nomic prosperity and regional con- control. guilty. Voice of Ka-
vergence on the final settlement of nectivity,” he added, according to the Meanwhile, Chaman Assis- Mr Rasib informed the RO that rachi Nadeem
the Afghan conflict by working to- FO. tant Commissioner Arif Kakar told the federal minister was known to Nusrat has
gether on an inclusive, broad-based In a tweet after the meeting, that security was on high him for a long time and had visited survived an as-
and comprehensive political settle- Qureshi said the path ahead was ul- alert. “The Friendship Gate at the Ganhair on his request because he sassination at-
ment. timately to be determined by Afghan Chaman border has been closed,” he wanted his help for repairs of the tempt in Houston, his party said.
Qureshi also expressed concern leaders “from whom flexibility is es- said. No comment has been made so rundown link road. A statement received here stated
over high levels of violence in Af- sential to achieve a negotiated settle- far from Pakistan regarding the cap- Continuing, he had informed that Mr Nusrat hosted an event in
ghanistan which have resulted in the ment and any blame games are detri- turing of the crossing. the RO that the minister had given Houston on Sunday afternoon and left
him just Rs390,000 from his pocket with VOK leader Shahid Farhad in a
World Will Not Accept Government and not Rs500,000 as claimed by car. It said that while travelling on
many on social media and that Mr
Imposed by Force in Afghanistan: US Sadiq had nothing to do with what Highway 59 South, Mr Farhad spotted
a black SUV suspiciously trying to get
The RO had confiscated the closer to his vehicle and then he noticed
Washington, DC: The US State ty, the fundamental and basic respect amount in favor of the government “a hand coming out of the backseat
Department has strongly reminded for human rights is non-negotiable.” and submitted a detailed report to window of the suspicious vehicle with
the Taliban that the world will not Price said, “The international the EC. a handgun”.
accept the imposition by force of a community has been very clear that Speaking to Dawn on Friday, He instinctively pulled the brake
government in Afghanistan. Briefing any government that doesn’t respect the RO had maintained that since the resulting in misfire from the assailants.
the media on Monday, the US State the basic and the fundamental rights complainant from the PML-N could Multiple shots were fired. Mr Nusrat
Department spokesperson Ned Price of its people won’t be in a position to not establish the involvement of Mr also witnessed empty bullet shells flying
said it is imperative for any Afghan accrue that international support.” Sadiq in this affair, he had given him in the air and hitting the front portion
government to have the support of Regarding the mandate of Am- a warning to ensure observance of of his vehicle, the statement said, add-
the people in order to have legitima- bassador Khalilzad, the spokesper- the code of conduct in future. ing that the attackers escaped on the
cy and assistance and popular man- son said he will urge “the sides to However, in an official commu- highway.
date within that country. engage in serious negotiations, to nication addressed to the commis- “Mr Nusrat and Mr Farhad have
He also made the international determine that political roadmap for sion’s secretary Sardar Ghazanfar, the lodged an official report at the local
community support contingent with a future for Afghanistan that leads to CEC not only found faults with the police station and informed pertinent
a just, political settlement in Af- a just and durable settlement. Both RO’s report but also rejected it out- authorities, who have started an investi-
ghanistan. He was responding to a of those are very important to us. right. gation into the incident,” the statement
variety of questions on the situation “A settlement cannot be durable said. Mr Nusrat was then the London-
in Afghanistan, the uptick in vio- On the uptick in violence and if if it is not just, and this has been a But the partnership with the Afghan based convener of the unified MQM
lence, visit of US envoy Ambassador a government installed on the basis guiding principle for us all along. people and Afghanistan’s leaders will when party founder Altaf Hussain
Khalilzad and support for ANDSF. of force would enjoy international Therefore, we’re calling for a just set- never change, as we support the di- made an incendiary speech on Aug 22,
Price said, “We continue to call recognition, the State Dept official tlement.” Price reiterated that “if the plomacy seeking a just and durable 2016. Later, the party in Pakistan sacked
for an end to the ongoing violence. ruled that out, saying “the world will political settlement in Afghanistan is political settlement. him replacing him with Dr Farooq Sat-
We know that violence has been not accept the imposition by force of not just, it won’t be durable in large In response to another question, tar as the convener of the coordination
driven largely by the Taliban. We a government in Afghanistan.” He part because the international com- the US State Dept spokesperson said, committee of the MQM-Pakistan.
know that a negotiated settlement said the legitimacy, assistance and munity won’t be there to offer the “This department and our allies and He then led the London faction
between the Islamic Republic and popular mandate within Afghanistan backing that successive central gov- partners around the world think – of the MQM as its convener and later
the Taliban is really the only way to for any Afghan government is only ernments in Afghanistan require.” that any government that might come parted ways with Mr Hussain and
end 40 years of violence and, im- possible if that government has the To another question, Price said to power in Afghanistan will require moved back to the US, where he first
portantly, to bring to Afghanistan’s support of the people. Furthermore, we’ll continue to support the Af- not an insignificant degree of assis- launched a ‘Free Karachi’ campaign and
people the safety and security and he stressed that “for the United States ghan National Security Forces which tance from the international commu- then turned it into the Voice of Karachi
the peace that they seek.” and for the international communi- will transition and shape over time. nity.” advocacy group.