Page 15 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 15
Protests Erupt as Indian Troops Kill Former President Mamnoon Hussain
Three Kashmiris in IOK Shootout Passes away in Karachi at 80
dian troops in the Himalayan re- good character,” a tweet by the PML-
gion. N president’s account quoted him as
Authorities issued a curfew saying.
in Pulwama town and cut off in- “He was Nawaz Sharif’s trust-
ternet on mobile phone services, a worthy, loyal and ideological compan-
tactic aimed at making organizing ion. He steadfastly stood by the party
anti-India protests difficult and through all the highs and lows.
discouraging dissemination of “His services for the country and
protest videos. the nation will be remembered for
Shortly after the shootout, long,” Shehbaz said.
anti-India protesters threw stones Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed
at government forces and chanted Bajwa expressed his condolences on
slogans seeking end of Indian rule Hussain’s demise. “May Allah bless his
over the occupied region. Govern- soul & give strength to the bereaved
ment forces fired tear gas at the family to bear this irreparable loss,” he
protesters. No one was reported was quoted as saying by the ISPR.
injured during the clashes. Foreign Minister Shah Mah-
Locals said government mood Qureshi tweeted: “My deepest
troops detained several people condolences on the passing of former
Indian paramilitary soldiers stand guard on a road leading towards the site of a and forced them to sit in front of Karachi: Former president of Paki- President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hus-
gunfight in Pulwama, south of Srinagar, Indian occupied Kashmir on Wednesday
— AP them as shields during the clashes. stan and PML-N loyalist Mamnoon sain. May Allah grant his family the
Wednesday’s fighting comes Hussain passed away in Karachi on strength to bear this great loss.”
Srinagar: The Indian military by the military said. Three fighters amid a surge in violence in the re- Wednesday after a prolonged illness, Who was Mamoon Hussain?
said the fighters opened fire at sol- were killed in an ensuing eight- gion. according to his family and party A textile businessman from Ka-
diers and police as counter-insur- hour long operation and two rifles Last week, authorities in the leaders. He was 80. rachi, Hussain was born in 1940 in
gency troops surrounded a neigh- and a pistol were recovered from region dismissed 11 Kashmiris Hussain served as the 12th Presi- Agra and migrated with his parents to
borhood in the southern town the site, the statement said. from their government jobs for dent of Pakistan between September Pakistan in 1947.
of Pulwama on a tip that fighters Locals said troops set fire to alleged links with fighter groups. 2013 and September 2018. He had He was a graduate of the Institute
were hiding there. one house and blasted another They included two sons of a top replaced Asif Ali Zardari and was suc- of Business Administration, Karachi.
Troops retaliated and trapped with explosives, a common ‘anti- Kashmiri commander and two ceeded by Arif Alvi. Chaudhry Tariq and another
the fighters in a house, a statement militancy’ tactic employed by In- police offi cials. He was diagnosed with cancer PML-N leader, Nasiruddin Mehm-
in February last year and was under ood, told that Hussain
SJC Seeks Legal Clarity on NAB Chief’s Removal treatment at a private hospital in the received his education up to Matric at
city for some days where he breathed
home, before going to attend college.
his last, according to his former coor- He mostly remained associated
Islamabad: The Supreme Judicial post-arrest bail by the Lahore High dinator and PML-N Sindh additional with the shoe business of his family
Council (SJC) has deferred fur- Court, the reference claimed, while secretary general Chaudhry Tariq. which was established on a big scale
ther deliberations on a 2019 refer- alleging that the video clip raised Hussain has left behind a widow in the then East Pakistan (now Ban-
ence until the federal government questions about “partial, biased and three sons. The time and place gladesh). Later, he started exporting
comes up with a solution to a le- and discriminated” accountability of his funeral prayers was to be an- fruits. “He may be considered as one
gal lacuna about the procedure for process. nounced later, Tariq said. of the pioneers of fruit exporters,”
removal of the National Account- During the NAB inquiry, the Politicians belonging to various Mehmood commented.
ability Bureau (NAB) chairman. meeting of suspect Gull with the parties expressed grief and condo- Hussain joined politics in the late
Presided over by Chief Justice bureau’s chairman and their sub- lences at the passing of the former 1960s following his close association
Gulzar Ahmed, the SJC had taken sequent telephonic conversation president. with politician-cum-businessman Ab-
up the reference moved by Advo- amounted to gross misconduct on President Arif Alvi expressed dul Khaliq Allahwala.
cate Chaudhry Mohammad Saeed part of such a noble and highest sorrow over his demise, saying he He remained the joint secretary
Zafar against NAB chairman Javed postholder like that of the head of shared the pain of his bereaved family. of the then Muslim League in the
Iqbal whose four-year tenure is go- the accountability bureau, accord- PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif 1970s. He subsequently turned his
ing to complete on Oct 8. ing to the reference. also shared sadness over Hussain’s focus on his business and was consid-
The reference was moved be- The complainant requested death. “Today, we have lost a valued ered an active member of the Karachi
fore the SJC against the backdrop the SJC to initiate an inquiry person who loved Pakistan and had a Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
of a leaked video showing alleged against the NAB chairman regard-
clandestine meetings of the NAB ing his alleged gross misconduct PIA to Fly 32 Flights for Overseas
chairman with a suspect facing countability Ordinance (NAO) besides ordering a forensic test of
NAB inquiry, Tayyaba Gull. 1999, which deals with the ap- the alleged video to ascertain its Pakistanis Stranded Abroad
The Pakistan Muslim League- pointment procedure of the NAB veracity.
Nawaz (PML-N) government had chairman, says that the president The reference pleaded before
appointed Mr Iqbal as chairman of in consultation with the Leader of the council that a simple denial
the anti-graft watchdog in October the House and the Leader of the on the part of the NAB chairman
2017 after reaching consensus with Opposition in the National Assem- about the video was insufficient
the then opposition leader in the bly, appoints the bureau’s chairman and raised questions on the entire
National Assembly. for a non-extendable period of four accountability process.
On Monday, the complainant years. The ordinance links his re-
appeared in person before the SJC moval to the procedure set for the BLAST FROM 13
to plead his point. removal of a Supreme Court judge. demned the incident”, expressed
However, the proceedings The condition of removal of a condolences with the victims and
were postponed after the SJC superior court judge under Article the injured, adding that it “will do
suggested that Attorney General 209 of the Constitution has been its best with Pakistan to deal with
for Pakistan Khalid Jawed Khan mentioned for becoming incapable the incident”.
should seek instructions and clar- of properly performing the duties “The Chinese Embassy in
ity from the federal government of his office by reason of physi- Pakistan hereby reminds Chinese
about the removal procedure as cal or mental incapacity or found citizens, enterprises and projects in Karachi: The Pakistan International Saudi Arabian sector for the Paki-
Section 6 of the NAB ordinance guilty of misconduct. However, Pakistan to attach great importance Airlines (PIA) launched a 32-flight stanis and their families stranded
was apparently silent about powers the specific forum, which is SJC, to them, pay close attention to the operation on Monday to bring back there.
of the SJC-like forums to remove as referred in the laws governing local security situation, strengthen Pakistanis stranded abroad because From the Central Asian States,
NAB chairman. the appointment and removal of the safety of project personnel, take of the coronavirus-induced restric- the PIA administration has decided
The issue cropped up dur- the auditor general of Pakistan and strict precautions, and do not go tions on air travel in the world, of- to operate 8 special flights to Tash-
ing the SJC proceedings when the the federal ombudsman, has not out unless necessary,” the statement ficials said. kent while one flight would take
2001 Supreme Court judgement in been named in the case of the NAB read. PIA officials said that the spe- off from Bishkek. Similarly, special
the Asfandyar Wali Khan case was chairman. It, however, added that Paki- cial flight would be operated over flights would also be operated for
cited that ruled the NAB chair- The complainant, Advocate stani authorities “were investigat- the five days period, to repatriate the Kabul from Monday till Friday.
man should be appointed by the Saeed Zafar, through the reference ing the cause”. Pakistanis before Eidul Adha, which The airline has said that pre-
President in consultation with the alleged that ‘personal meeting’ Later in the day, Foreign Min- falls on July 21. “In this regard, spe- cautions would be taken during
incumbent CJP. But the SC judge- with an accused person in a ‘private ister Shah Mahmood Qureshi of- cial flights will be operated from flights therefore, all the passengers
ment did not deliberate on how room’ and allegedly indulging in fered his condolences to his Chi- July 12 to July 16,” a source said. should fully comply with corona-
to remove the NAB chairman, as- ‘objectionable acts’ was very much nese counterpart Wang Yi on the The source said that 5 special virus-induced standard operating
suming that since the president ap- ‘immoral’ and the act on the part “tragic incident in which a bus flights would fly from Qatar, Mus- procedures (SOPs). It also said that
points the chairman he also has the of the NAB chairman fell squarely carrying Chinese workers plunged cat, Dubai, Lebanon, Abu Dhabi people coming to the airport to pick
power to terminate his service. within the purview of ‘misconduct’. into a ravine after developing a me- and other Gulf countries. He added up their loved ones should also fol-
Section 6 of the National Ac- Ms Gull was subsequently granted chanical failure”. that 11 flights had been added to the low the SOPs.