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VOL. 31/29 Friday, July 16, 2021 6 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 AH
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American University
el i - P34 – PAKISTAN LINK – JUNE 4, 2021 Religious Affinities or Animosities?
n By Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui
Pakistan Link
gious Hin the pre-September 11 period? A
ow did an average Muslim per-
ceive the United States of America
country to envy and despise? A bulwark of
Christianity and Judaism? A sworn enemy
RAf - of Islam? Undisputed leader of the West on
a collision course with the Ummah?
The answer to all such questions is in the
Despite misgivings about US foreign pol-
icy and Washington’s ambiva-
lent posture on crucial issues
fi nities or such as Palestine and Kashmir,
Muslims have been profound-
ly appreciative of America - a
country that unreservedly
embraces diversity of race,
faith and creed like no other.
Those who take the Oath of
Anim o si - Allegiance with teary eyes admire the country
infinitely more.
I have vivid recollections of my child-
hood impressions of the United States: The
stagecoach winding its way on a dusty trail, ea-
ger prospectors panning for gold, the rush for
California, and entrancing characters - Buffalo
ties?* by Bill, Daniel Defoe, Kit Carson, Lone Ranger,
bounty hunters et al. – triumphantly striding
the ‘Wild West.’
With time, I came to identify the US as the
epitome of anything and everything quintes-
sential with its prestigious Ivy colleges that were
soon to be the focus of all our strivings. Not
A k h t a r many of us could make it to Cornell or Har- ciful and all-powerful, Maker of Heaven and … At the same time, I was able to insist on the as his creatures and bear witness of true broth-
ing a few minutes of reflection in that place of
vard. But the unrivalled excellence of American out the religious affinity between Muslims of violence. I, therefore, was given the propi-
institutions continued to exercise a magnetic and Christians: “Upon the Muslims, too, the tious occasion to renew my sentiments of es-
worship I turned to the only God of Heaven
pull on professionals, including the men in the Church looks with esteem [respicit]. They adore teem for Muslims and the Islamic civilization and earth … May all believers see themselves
khaki, who were keen to avail of an opportunity [adorant] one God, living and enduring, mer-
erhood.” Towards the end of his visit, the Pope
to train at Fort Benning or West Point.
A closer exposure to American academics earth and Speaker to men. They strive to submit
stood shoulder to shoulder with Istanbul’s
M a hm ud and Nobel Laureates had a singularly benefi- wholeheartedly even to His inscrutable decrees, Towards the end of Grand Mufti Mustafa Cagrici for about a min-
his visit, the Pope
cent influence on my formative years. Profes-
ute. He kept his arms crossed at his waist. His
just as did Abraham, with whom the Islamic
lips could be seen moving silently. Grand Mufti
sors Hans Bethe, Michael Moravscik, Octave faith is pleased to associate itself. Though they
stood shoulder
du Temple, Nicholas Negroponte, et al., were do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere
Mustafa Cagrici prayed aloud and touched his
not just outstanding achievers but fine human [venerantur] him as prophet. They also honor
face in the traditional Islamic gesture at the end
of the prayer. The Pope nodded and the two ex-
[honorant] Mary, his virgin mother; at times
beings too.
Come September 11, 2001 and the scene they call on her, too, with devotion. In addition,
changed gifts.
F a r uq ui dramatically alters. The media churns out story they await the day of judgment when God will to shoulder with jority among the Muslims and the Christians to
The visit should prompt the moderate-ma-
Istanbul’s Grand
after story to suggest that Islam and the West give each man his due after raising him up…
are on a collision course! There is a concerted Although in the course of the centuries many
be seized of their responsibility – to be con-
Mufti Mustafa
effort to lend credence to Huntington’s ‘Clash quarrels and hostilities have arisen between
scious of religious affinities and to shun age-old
of Civilizations.’ A negative perception is aired Christians and Muslims, this most sacred Syn-
animosities. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
od urges all to forget the past and to strive sin-
day in and day out through newspapers, TV, ra-
are three Abrahamic religions whose followers
( E d it or , dio, and films. We are more than familiar with cerely for mutual understanding. On behalf of Cagrici for about a have a lot in common and they ought to work
for a common cause.
the ridicule that Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, all mankind, let them make common cause of
minute. He kept his
According to Wikipedia, “Islamic–Jewish
Denzel Washington and a host of others hurled safeguarding and fostering social justice, moral
on the Muslim world without the slightest call values, peace and freedom.”
relations started in the 7th century CE with
arms crossed at his
the origin and spread of Islam in the Arabian
Viewed in this context, the visit of Pope
of compunction.
Which brings us to the oft-debated debate: John Paul to the Ommayad Mosque in Damas-
peninsula. The two religions share similar val-
Are Islam and the West on a collision course? cus on May 6, 2001, was an event of singular
waist. His lips could
ues, guidelines, and principles.’ Islam also in-
P a k i sta n Professor Ralph Braibanti, an eminent scholar importance. He was the first Pope to set foot on silently. Grand Mufti corporates Jewish history as a part of its own.
Muslims regard the Children of Israel as an
who served on the faculty of Duke University as a mosque and his message on the momentous
be seen moving
important religious concept in Islam. Moses,
day was truly befitting: religious conviction was
early as 1953, makes the incisive point in an il-
the most important prophet of Judaism, is also
luminating essay “Islam and the West: Common never a justification for violence. The Pontiff,
considered a prophet and messenger in Islam.
Cause or Clash?” published by the Center for who gave a new dimension to Judeo-Christian
Mustafa Cagrici
Moses is mentioned in the Qur’an more than
Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown ties with his visit to Rome’s synagogue in 1985,
Link) has cil II, Nostra Aetate (In Our Times) 1965 was Muslims and Christians have offended one prayed aloud and recounted more than that of any other prophet.’
University. An excerpt:
any other individual, and his life is narrated and
said it was time to open a new chapter in rela-
tions with the Muslims. “For all the times that
“The ecumenical decree of Vatican Coun-
There are approximately 43 references to the
Israelites in the Qur’an (excluding individual
a stunning repudiation of an attitude towards another, we need to seek forgiveness from the
touched his face
prophets),’ and many in the Hadith. Later rab-
Islam regnant for more than half a millennium. Almighty and to offer each other forgiveness…
It erased in a few poetically elegant sentences Better understanding will surely lead to a new
binic authorities and Jewish scholars such as
in the traditional
way of presenting our two religions, not in op-
the imagery in Dante’s characterization of Mo-
been add- hammed as seminator di scandalo e di scima. Its position as has happened too often in the past, at the end of the Views and opin- letters, pieces, in
Islamic gesture
newly sensitive appraisal of Islam eclipsed the but in partnership for the good of the human
somewhat less felicitous but more potentially family.”
powerful final sentence of paragraph 3: ‘On
A few years later another news story
behalf of all mankind, let them [Muslims and emanating from the Vatican appeared equally
by authors and
heart-warming: Pope Benedict XVI expressed
prayer. The Pope
Christians] make common cause of safeguard-
ing and fostering social justice, moral values, unreserved admiration for Muslims and Islam
ed to the peace and freedom [et pro omnibus hominibus and called for freedom of religion and faith that together for mankind, for life, for peace and for pearing in Pakistan Link and Urdu Link adver-
nodded and the two
justiciam socialem, bona moralia necnon pacem rejects all forms of violence.
tisements, etc ap-
Returning from a four-day visit to Turkey
et libertatem communiter tueuntur et promove-
that included an unscheduled stopover at Istan-
are their own. The paper neither shares
“This is clearly an exhortation to act. The bul’s Blue Mosque, the Pope discussed his trip
nor endorses them and thus should not
errors of the past were acknowledged, animosi-
during his weekly audience at the Vatican. “On importance that Christians and Muslims work
be held responsible for the views/opin-
one side, it is necessary to rediscover the real-
ties were to be forgotten, and points of agree-
American University, Washington
ions of the writers & advertisers.
ment between the two religions were portrayed ity of God and public importance of religious justice.”
The Pope described his visit to the mosque
without animus or condescension,” writes the faith, on the other to assure that the expression
erudite professor.
as “a gesture that was not initially planned but
of faith is free, devoid of fundamentalist degen-
Nostra Aetate unequivocally spelled eration, capable of firmly repudiating any form that turned out to have great significance. Dur-
DC’s ‘World of Islam’ 2021 Sylla-
bus for the upcoming Fall semes-
ter. It will be read by students and
taught on August 31 as part of the
n By Elaine Pasquini introductory lesson for the course.
process, but more importantly, in a re- The Atlantic Council’s Shuja plagued the past.” ‘World of Islam’ is taught by
gional peace process.” Nawaz expressed the need for the Lisa Curtis, senior fellow for the Professor Akbar Ahmed, an emi-
s the United States contin- The ambassador argued that the United States to strengthen its rela- Center for a New American Security, nent Pakistani-American academic,
ues the withdrawal of all its US-Pakistan relationship would con- tionship with Pakistani civil society also stressed the need for the Biden author, poet, playwright, filmmaker
Atroops from Afghanistan, ex- tinue to be framed by external factors, and concentrate on economics as a administration to direct its attention to and former diplomat who has been
perts on a June 29 webinar hosted by particularly with respect to Pakistan’s way to build a more productive rela- improving the United States’ economic described as “the world’s leading au-
the Hudson Institute in Washington, growing alignment with China. “I tionship. relationship with Pakistan. “The focus thority on contemporary Islam” by
DC discussed the future of Pakistan’s think there will be strategic choices In addition, Nawaz pointed out should be on trade, investment and the BBC. According to Prof Ahmed,
relationship with the United States. that Pakistan will have to make, par- Pakistan’s strategic importance, not- climate change or similar issues,” she Faruqui’s editorial note “is a strong
Husain Haqqani, the Hudson In- ticularly in the digital area in the fu- ing it is one of the largest Islamic states said. scholarly piece that examines the ur-
stitute’s director for South and Central ture,” he added. in the world, is a nuclear power and is Elaborating further on Curtis’s gent issue of the clash of civilizations
Asia and former Pakistani ambassador Olson predicted that the rela- strategically located, bordering China, suggestions, Joshua White, associ- and explores the dialogue of civiliza-
to the United States, moderated the tionship between the two countries India, Iran and overlooking the Ara- ate professor of the practice of South tions, offering a convincing counter-
timely hour-long discussion. will shift from one that emphasizes bian Sea. Asia Studies at Johns Hopkins School point to Huntington’s thesis.”
Former US ambassador to Paki- security and counterterrorism to an Ambassador Robin L. Raphel of of Advanced International Studies, Students in Prof Ahmed’s
stan Richard Olson, now a senior ad- alliance that focuses instead on eco- the Center for Strategic and Interna- added public health and energy as is- course include Christians, Jews,
visor to the United States Institute of nomic and commercial issues as well tional Studies and former Assistant sues the Biden administration might Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs who
Peace, pointed out that Pakistan has as people-to-people issues. “This is an Secretary of State for South and Cen- want to tackle together with Pakistan. are guided to look rationally and
played an important role in support- area which has not been terribly devel- tral Asian affairs suggested the US- “These are fertile areas for cooperation humanely at the world.
ing American military efforts in Af- oped,” he stated. Pakistan relationship should “forego with Pakistan and ones I think would Religious Affinities or Animosi-
ghanistan. Pakistan is attractive to the US all of the hype of strategic dialogue form the basis for cooperation in the ties? by Faruqui signifies a special
“I think we have to recognize that economically because of, among other and instead be placed on a more mod- future. These are natural areas where status, one that is acknowledged
Pakistan will be important to the Unit- things, its large and growing youth est plane and not be overloaded with Pakistani leaders can conflate their in the syllabus of a class at a major
ed States in terms of security interests population and burgeoning middle issues.” This, she argued, would “make interest and cooperation with a mix of American University.
as we wind down the military aspects class. “This is the kind of country the relationship more stable, predict- public sector engagement and stimu- Faruqui earlier has written for
of our involvement in Afghanistan,” American companies should want able, sustainable and…would take late private sector investment which multilingual UNESCO and IAEA
he said. “To the extent the US contin- to invest in,” he noted, but Pakistan pressure off the parties so they could I think would be welcome by this ad- publications.
ues to support the peace process there would have to undertake some fairly actually feel ownership and more con- ministration.” *https://www.pakistanlink.
will be an important role for Pakistan serious economic reforms to become trol over the relationship and avoid (Elaine Pasquini is a freelance org//Opinion/2021/June21/05/01.
both in the intra-Afghanistan peace “a genuinely attractive venue.” the unrealistic expectations that have journalist. Her reports appear in the HTM