Page 22 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 22
Book & Author
Iftikhar Husain: Eye Donation For The Corneal Blind — From Darkness to Light
n By Dr Ahmed S. Khan operation. The broad objective of
Chicago, IL obtaining local donor [Surayya Be-
gum] eyes could only be achieved
And God said, ‘Let there be by a widespread movement aimed
light,’ and there was light” - at people generally and not confined
“(Genesis 1:3). to motivating a small section of any
And light has been illuminat- area. I have therefore, referred to
ing the cosmos for billions of years. the motivation efforts as the EYE
It is said that the seeing eyes are a DONATION MOVEMENT in this
great gift, and the vision, the greatest book and in fact it is, and has all
blessing from God. along been, a MOVEMENT. When
In Pakistan, the name Edhi is the Eye Donation Movement was
synonymous with social welfare. Be- started in Karachi in 1961, the prob-
fore Edhi became an icon for social lems and obstacles in its way ap-
welfare, back in the 1950s, 1960s and peared insurmountable in a Muslim
1970s, organizations like All Paki- country. I never expected that local
stan Women’s Association (APWA) donor eyes would become available
and a large group of very dedicated in my lifetime. The only result I ex-
people were busy doing social work pected was that the public opinion
in various walks of life. One such would be educated and motivated
person was Mr Iftikhar Husain, gradually so that, maybe after 20
the founder, and President of Paki- years, local donor eyes might start
stan Eye Bank Society (PEBS), who coming in small numbers. How-
transformed the lives of thousands ever, contrary to this expectation,
of blind people by restoring their vi- a cornea from the first local donor
sion via cornea transplantation. eye was grafted in 1966... This book
In Eye Donation For The Cor- is primarily meant as a help to new-
neal Blind — From Darkness to Light comers in the field of Eye Donation
(Pakistan Eye Bank Society, June Movement. The book is more of a
1988), Mr Iftikhar Husain chroni- compilation of some of the articles
cles his pioneering work and strug- and notes I wrote during the pe-
gles spanned over 27 years viz a viz riod and also includes some of the
eye donation for the corneal blind in points the voluntary workers and I
Pakistan. The book has prefaces and have been making in discussions
forewords for the first and the re- and speeches on the subject…This
vised editions followed by ten chap- transplantation. He had addressed opment of Eye Donation Movement to know the history and the hu- book has been written for another
ters: The beginning, Breaking the these issues in his Urdu book titled in Pakistan — Mr Iftikhar Husain manitarian nature of its objectives. purpose also. If the Eye Donation
Obstacles, The Struggle, Extension Falah Key Juss’taa’Joo (The Pursuit has fulfilled a long felt need in do- For such individuals in general and Movement has become a reasonable
Nationwide, Import of Eyes from of Well-Being) published in 1999, ing so. I have studied at first hand research workers in particular, this success in a Muslim country like
Sri Lanka, Local Successes, Case- by Tamsaal Askari, managing editor with great interest the activities of book would be a great source of Pakistan, a similar success can be
work and Rehabilitation of Patients, of monthly Ujallah, Karachi, in col- the Eye Bank during the last seven- factual information. There is a great expected in other Muslim countries
Motivation Centers and training laboration with Pakistan Eye Bank teen years. The sincerity of purpose dearth of standard books on Social also. Certain Muslim countries are
of Workers, Eye Donation in the Society. and painstaking efforts with which Services in our country. This book already impressed with its success in
Muslim World, and Why Human The book starts with a mes- the founder of the movement Mr is a valuable addition to the books Pakistan and are starting Eye Dona-
Cornea? The epilogue is followed sage from Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Iftikhar Husain and his colleagues on this subject. I pray that the Eye tion Movement in their respective
by four appendices: Religious Opin- khan. Begum sahiba, after the death have struggled to popularize the Donation Movement may ultimately countries. This book will be of some
ions, Dr F. G. Hudson Silva, Scleral (1951) of her husband, the Late Mr idea of Eye Donation in Pakistan is banish corneal blindness from Paki- help to them in planning and pro-
Graft, and Technical Functions of Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime praiseworthy. I have no doubt their stan.” gramming their ventures ...”
Eye Banks. Minister of Pakistan, continued her selfless efforts will meet with further In the preface (First edition: In the foreword (revised edi-
Iftikhar Husain was born in dedicated social service activities. successes. I am of the opinion that March 31,1978), the author high- tion) Justice (Retd) Qadeeruddin
June 1912 at Jullundur, British In- She was the Founder President of every sane Pakistani should feel du- lights the objectives of the book: Ahmed, Chief Justice of the High
dia. Following a brilliant academic the All Pakistan Women’s Associa- ty-bound to donate his or her eyes “The Eye Bank idea was conceived Court of West Pakistan, reflect-
career at Bareilly College, Bareilly, ing on the opposition to eye dona-
he received MSc (Mathematics) tion, writes: “Those who oppose the
degree from the Agra University in grafting of corneas also contend that
1934. He served with the Govern- it amounts to blinding a healthy eye
ment of India (1937-1947) and the in the next world for giving sight to
Muslim University Aligarh (MUA: a diseased eye in this world. Leav-
1947-1948), where he had the honor ing aside the question of spiritual
of working with two great vice chan- validity of the argument, one may
cellors: Zahid Husain (who later es- point out that those who object to
tablished the State Bank of Pakistan) transplant do not seem to worry at
and Nawab Muhammad Ismail the prospect that healthy eyes are
Khan (a prominent leader of All buried in graves after death and be-
India Muslim League, and a close come dust. If blinding a healthy eye
companion of Quaid-i-Azam). Af- after ‘death’ in this world amounts to
ter migration to Pakistan, he joined making it blind in the next world,
an oil company ESSO and served then not a single eye will have eye-
as Finance Director and Assistant sight on the Day of Judgement be-
General Manager; in July 1973, after cause all eyes are bound to rot and
25 years of service (1948-1973) he perish before that Great Day...”
retired and dedicated his energies Referring to the legal vacuum
for social welfare work. Since 1956, that exists in the area of eye dona-
he had participated in social service tion, Justice sahib states: “Mr If-
activities through The Karachi Lions tikhar Husain points out that there is
Club, and later served as its Chair- absence of law that may be helpful in
man; and in 1961, to help thousands Late Mr Iftikhar Hussain, Founder and President, Pakistan Eye Bank Society (left), and his advertisement campaign (August/ this work. I for one attach more im-
of corneal blinds in Pakistan, he September 1967) to raise awareness about eye donations in Pakistan (center and right) portance to the support of the peo-
initiated and pursued his pioneer- ple among whom we live and work.
ing work with dedication for the Eye tion (APWA) and active participant for those of his compatriots who initially as the start of another So- The real task is to win them over and
Donation Movement all over Paki- of many other important welfare are deprived of the gift of sight. It cial Welfare Agency in Karachi like let them feel that donation of eyes is
stan. organizations for women based in was under this sentiment that three many others in existence. But es- like giving the most precious articles
In an environment where the West and East Pakistan. Begum sa- years ago I also bequeathed my eyes. tablishing even one Eye Bank in a in charity for the benefit of the de-
process of Ijtihad had been stalling hiba had served as the Ambassador I am sure this book would be read Muslim country could not be pos- ceased. It is the gift in the name of
due to lack of appropriate training of Pakistan to the Netherland, Italy, with great interest among the intel- sible without changing the peoples’ Allah of two rarest pearls of the first
and intellectual mentoring of schol- and Tunisia. She also served as Gov- lectuals and social workers alike and thinking on the subject, without water. Happily, the kith and kin of
ars, Iftikhar Husain faced many ob- ernor of Sindh. In her message, she pave the way for further progress changing their attitude towards tra- the deceased persons are by and by
stacles in obtaining favorable fatwas writes: “I am very happy to learn that of the Eye Donation Movement. ditional ideas and notions inherited convinced that the Movement has a
(religious opinions) from religious an authentic book has been written As this Movement makes headway, from father to son for centuries and very bright side. Our citizens have
scholars for the human cornea on the evolutionary stages of devel- more and more people would want without receiving their willing co- already begun to donate their eyes.