Page 25 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                           JULY 16,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25
                     Ten Principles of Success in the Light of Sirah

          n By Dr  Muzammil H. Siddiqi                                                                                          be upon him - gained success and if
                                                                                                                                we follow them today seriously and
             e have indeed in the Mes-                                                                                          sincerely, we can also achieve suc-
             senger of Allah a beautiful                                                                                        cess.
        Ypattern (of conduct) for any                                                                                               (Taken from a talk of Maulana
        one whose hope is in Allah and                                                                                          Waheeduddin Khan)
        the Final Day, and who engages
        much in the praise of Allah. (Al-                                                                                        COVENANTS FROM P24
        Ahzab 33:21)                                                                                                             World (2013), which has been trans-
            Prophet Muhammad – peace                                                                                             lated into Spanish, Italian, Arabic,
        and blessings of Allah be upon him                                                                                       and Indonesian. He is the Editor-in-
        - was Allah’s messenger. He came to                                                                                      Chief of Islam and the People of the
                     guide all humanity                                                                                          Book:  Critical  Studies on the  Cove-
                     to the right path.                                                                                          nants of the Prophet, a three-volume
                     His mission was                                                                                             encyclopedic work on the letters and
                     to show the way                                                                                             treaties of the Prophet Muhammad.)
                     of success in this
                     world and salva-                                                                                               References
                     tion  in  the  here-                                                                                           Acciona. 2019. “A Brief History

                     after. He gave us                                                                                           of Human Rights.” Acciona. <https://
        the best example in his own life and                                                                             jeff erson-

        those who followed him truly and                                                                                         papers/catalog1783/>. Accessed 1 Oc-
        sincerely were the most successful                                                                                       tober 2019.
        people. By studying his life (Sirah)                                                                                        Bill of Rights Institute. 2019.
        we can learn many important prin-                                                                                        Founding Documents. <https://billo-
        ciples for living a successful life here                                                                       
        and achieving the eternal success in                                                                                     ments/>. Accessed 1 October 2019.
        the life to come.                                                                                                           Cantemir, Dimitrie. 1734. His-
            Few years ago in one of our                                                                                          toire de l’empire Ottoman. Vol. 2.
        Sirah Conferences Maulana Wa-                                                                                            Paris: Despilly, 1743. <https://books.
        heeduddin Khan, a prominent                                                                                    >.
        Muslim thinker and writer from                                                                                              —. The History of the Growth

        India, spoke and gave us ten prin-                                                                                       and Decay of the Othman Empire.
        ciples of success in the light of Sir-                                                                                   London: James, John and Paul Knap-

        ah. Today I would like to remind us   opportunities.        educated people. The Prophet (saw)   war and find a time to strengthen   ton. Internet:                 <https://books.

        these principles. They are useful in                        announced that if any one of them   yourself. Now history tells us that the>.  Accessed  1  October

        all situations and should be kept in   3. Third Principle: To change   would teach ten Muslim children   Muslims, after three years of prepa-  2019.

        mind always.                  the place of action:          how to read and write he would be   ration, advanced again towards the   Hutson, James H. “The Found-

                                          This principle is derived from   freed. This was the first school in the   Roman border and this time they   ing Fathers and Islam: Library Papers

            1. First Principle: To begin   the  Hijrah.  Hijrah  was  not  just  a   history of Islam in which all of the   achieved a resounding victory.   Show Early Tolerance  for Muslim
        from the possible:            migration from Mecca to Medina.   students were Muslims, and all of                        Faith.” Library of Congress. <https://

            This principle is well explained   It was to find a more suitable place   the teachers were from the enemy   8. Eighth Principle: To bring

        in  a  saying  of  Sayyidah  A’ishah  –   for Islamic work, as history proved   rank. A British Orientalist remarked   the battle in one’s own favorable   html>. Accessed 1 October 2019.

        may Allah be pleased with her. She   later on.              about the Prophet, “He faced adver-  field:                     Jefferson, Thomas. 1989. Thomas
        said: “Whenever the Prophet had                             sity with the determination to wring   This principle is derived from   Jefferson’s Library: A Catalog with the

        to choose between two options, he   4. Fourth Principle: To make a   success out of failure.”  the incident of Hudaibiyya. At that   Entries in His Own Order. Washing-
        always opted for the easier choice.”   friend out of an enemy:                            time, the unbelievers were deter-  ton, DC: Library of Congress. <http://

        (Al-Bukhari)  To  choose  the  easi-  The Prophet – peace be upon   6. Sixth Principle: The power   mined to engage Muslims in fight-

        est option means to begin from the   him - was repeatedly subjected to   of peace is stronger than the power   ing, because obviously they were in   jefferson/88607928.html>. Accessed 1

        possible; and one who begins from   practices of antagonism by the unbe-  of violence:    an advantageous position. But the   October 2019.
        the  possible will surely  reach his   lievers. At that time the Qur’an en-  When Mecca was conquered,   Prophet, by accepting their condi-  —. 2000. Thomas Jefferson 1783

        goal.                         joined upon him the return of good   all of the Prophet’s direst opponents   tions unilaterally, entered into a pact.   Catalog of Books. Boston: Massachu-
                                      for evil. And then, as the Qur’an   were brought before him. They were   It was a ten-year peace treaty. Until   setts Historical Society.               <https://

            2. Second Principle: To see   added, “You will see your direst en-  war criminals, in every sense of the   then, the meeting ground between ersonpa-
        advantage in disadvantage:    emy has become your closest friend”   word. But the Prophet did not order   Muslims and non-Muslims had been   pers/catalog1783/>. Accessed 1 Octo-
            In the early days of Mecca,   (41:34). It means that a good deed in   to kill them. He simply said: “Go,   on the battlefield. Now the area of   ber 2019.

        there were many problems and   return of a bad deed has a conquer-  you are free.” The result of this kind   conflict became that of an ideologi-  Library  of  Congress.  “Thomas

        difficulties. At that time, a guiding   ing  effect  over  your  enemies.  And   of behavior was miraculous. They   cal debate. Within two years, Islam   Jefferson: Jefferson’s Library.” <https://
        verse in the Qur’an was revealed.   the life of the Prophet is a historical   immediately accepted Islam.   emerged victorious because of the
        It said:  “With every hardship there   proof of this principle.                           simple reason of its ideological su-  jeffl  ib.html>
        is ease, with every hardship there is                           7. Seventh Principle: Not to be   periority.                Miltitz, Alexander von. 1838.
        ease.” (94:5-6). This means that if   5. Fifth Principle: To turn mi-  a dichotomous thinker:                            Manuel des Consuls. London : Asher.

        there are some problems, there are   nus into plus              In the famous Ghazwa of Mu’ta,   9. Ninth Principle: Gradual-  <>. Accessed

        also opportunities at the same time.   After the Battle of Badr, about   Khalid ibn al-Walid decided to with-  ism instead of radicalism:   1 October 2019.
        And the way to success is to know   70 of the unbelievers were taken as   draw  Muslim  forces  from  the  bat-  This principle is well established   Morrow, John Andrew. 2017. Is-

        the problems but also to avail the   prisoners of war. Some of them were   tlefield because he discovered that   by a Hadith of Al-Bukhari. Sayyidah   lam and the People of the Book: Criti-
                                                                                   his army was   Aishah – may Allah be pleased with   cal Studies on the Covenants of the

                                                                                   disproportion-  her - says that the first verses of the   Prophet. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cam-
                                                                                   ately  outnum-  Qur’an were related mostly to faith,   bridge Scholars Publishing.

                                                                                   bered.  When   to heaven and hell. And then after a   —. 2015. Six Covenants of the
                                                                                   they   reached  long time when people’s hearts had   Prophet Muhammad with the Chris-

                                                                                   Medina,  some  softened, the specific commands to   tians of His Time. Tacoma, WA: Cov-
                                                                                   of the Muslims   desist from adultery and drinking   enants Press.
                                                                                   received  them  were revealed in the Qur’an. This is   —. 2013. The Covenants of the

                                                                                   by  the  word  a clear proof that for social changes,   Prophet Muhammad with the Chris-
                                                                                   “Furrarun  (O  Islam  advocates the  evolutionary   tians of the World. Tacoma, WA: An-

                                                                                   deserters!)”  The   method, rather than the revolution-  gelico Press and Sophia Perennis.
                                                                                   Prophet  said,  ary method.                      Mosheim,  Johann  Lorenz  von.

                                                                                   “No. They are                                 1765.  Ecclesiastical  History.  Internet:
                                                                                   Kurrarun (those    10. Tenth Principle: To be   <>. Accessed
                                                                                   who will return   pragmatic in controversial matters:   1 October 2019.
                                                                                   and advance).”     During the writing of Hudaibi-  Mujahid, Abdul Malik. “Prophet

                                                                                   Those people of   yya Treaty, the Prophet – peace be   Muhammad  Honored  by  the  US  Su-
                                                                                   Madinah  were  upon him - dictated these words:   preme Court as One of the Great-

                                                                                   thinking   di-  “This is from Muhammad, the Mes-  est Lawgivers    of the World in
                                                                                   chotomously, ei-  senger of God.” The Quraysh delegate   1935.” Sound Vision. <https://www.

                                                                                   ther fighting or   raised objections over these words.

                                                                                   retreating.  The   The Prophet promptly changed the   muhammad-honored-by-the-us-su-

                                                                                   Prophet said no.   word  and  ordered  to  write  simply   preme-court-as-one-of-the-greatest-

                                                                                   There is also a   Muhammad, son of Abdullah.   lawgivers-of-the>. Accessed 1 October
                                                                                   third option, and   These  were the principles   2019.

                                                                                   that  is to  avoid   through which the Prophet – peace   COVENANTS, P28
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