Page 28 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 28
COVENANTS FROM P25 liable energy, Biden’s anti-fossil fuel Biden administration means business. ROADMAP FROM P1 opened two weeks ago are now shut-
Ravndal, G. Bie. 1921. The Origin of policies are costly and counterpro- Lina Khan acknowledges the ectivity. tered again. Bars, restaurants and all
the Capitulation and of the Consular ductive. popularity of the convenience and the He expressed the hope that nonessential businesses have been
Institution. Washington: Govern- (Dr Mark W. Hendrickson is free services offered by the large tech- there would be more frequent high- ordered to close by 12:30 a.m., and
ment Printing Office. <https://books. a retired adjunct faculty member, nology giants like Amazon, Facebook level engagement between the two further restrictions are expected to>. Accessed 1 October economist, and fellow for economic and Google but she worries about countries in the coming days. soon follow.
2019. and social policy with the Institute the longer-term implications of their Speaking about Afghanistan, As in the U.S., where Delta is
Runciman, Steven. 1968. The for Faith and Freedom at Grove City anti-competitive behavior. “As con- Dr Yusuf said the Taliban were also now the leading strain, COV-
Great Church in Captivity: A Study or College) sumers, as users, we love these tech much more mature, chastened and ID-19 case numbers in Europe that
the Patriarchate of Constantinople from MASKS FROM P18 companies,” she said. “But as citizens, restrained than before. Much of the had been dropping in the past three
the Eve of the Turkish Conquest to to achieve. They advise that a school as workers, and as entrepreneurs, we territorial gain made by the Taliban months are back on the rise.
the Greek War of Independence. Cam- “should not exclude students from in- recognize that their power is trou- after the start of withdrawal of for- While Europeans are gener-
bridge: Cambridge UP. person learning to keep a minimum bling. We need a new framework, a eign forces was not through use of ally taking the reversing of course
Sale, George, trans. 1734. The distance requirement,” the guidelines new vocabulary for how to assess and force, rather the result of a demor- without excessive grumbling, public
Koran. London: C. Ackers. Internet: state. address their dominance”, she told the alized Afghan force surrendering to health scientist and sociologist Rich-
< When it comes to masks, the New York Times. them. ard Carpiano, professor of public
TranslatedByGeorgeSale> / <http:// new federal guidelines also list situa- (Riaz Haq is a Silicon Valley- He said Pakistan’s policy on Af- policy at the University of California,>. Ac- tions in which authorities may appro- based Pakistani-American analyst ghanistan was very clear as it pro- Riverside, hopes that things don’t get
cessed 1 October 2019. priately maintain universal masking and writer. He blogs at www.riazhaq. moted an inclusive political settle- so bad in the US. “We’re in a quan-
Salmon, Thomas. 1744. Modern requirements — and some examples com) ment with a view to ensuring that dary. We’ve opened up, and so if there
History, or, The Present State of All apply to California. They include a re- the Afghan territory was not used is a need to go back to mask mandates
Nations. Vol. 1. London: T. Longman. cent increase in the COVID-19 trans- AFGHANISTAN FROM P1 against it. or things get bad enough that we’re
<> .Accessed mission rate, occurring in LA County stan”. The international community is having to go back into closing places
1 October 2019. and elsewhere. Overall infection rates “We are both concerned as also being informed about Pakistan’s down, that is going to be politically
Senate Documents. 1921. Vol. remain far below what they were at neighbors of Afghanistan that the concern over the potential fallout of tricky. It would be a political tight-
9. Washington, DC: US Government the height of the winter surge. people of Afghanistan have suffered the Afghan crisis, particularly the rope we’d have to walk.”
Printing Office. < LA County has urged all resi- for the last 40 years,” he said while re- new influx of refugees. Pakistan fears
com>. Accessed 1 October 2019. dents to wear masks indoors in pub- ferring to the Uzbek leader. that up to 0.7 million new refugees WAVE FROM P1
Spellberg, Denise A. 2013. Thomas lic. Officials reported a doubling of “And as neighbors, we feel they could come in the country if the vio- Dr Sultan disclosed that as per
Jefferson’s Qur’an: Islam and the Found- new cases this week compared to last, are our brothers, that there should be lence intensified further. data collected by the NCOC, it is evi-
ers. New York: Vintage Books. with 1,107 reported Friday compared peace there, there should be a peaceful On Pakistan-India relations, dent that Pakistan is facing a fourth
Stubbe, Henry. 2014. Henry Stubbe to 549 the previous Friday. There are political settlement. So we discussed NSA Yusuf said the onus was on In- wave of the coronavirus. After a decline
and the Beginnings of Islām: The Origi- 320 people hospitalized in the county that in detail and we also resolved dia to start the dialogue process after in the number of cases of the infection,
nall & Progress of Mahometanism. Ed. for COVID-19; last Friday there were that the neighbors — Uzbekistan, Ta- reversing the wrongs in held Kash- large cities like Karachi of late have
Nabil Matar. New York: Columbia Uni- 280. jikistan, Iran, Pakistan and even Tur- mir, particularly the Aug 5, 2019 been reporting high positivity ratios.
versity Press. The CDC said that the wear- key — we will try and help facilitate a decision, its efforts to change de- When asked to identify the main
Van Dyck, Edward A. 1881. Ca- ing of masks should be considered peace process in Afghanistan.” mographic balance in the occupied cause of the cases spiking in Pakistan,
pitulations of the Ottoman Empire when there is increasing community In this regard, Prime Minister territory plus the release of political the prime minister’s aide said people
Since the Year 1150. Washington: Gov- transmission of a COVID variant Imran said he hoped that the for- prisoners and lifting of the internet were tired of business activities shut-
ernment Printing Office. <https:// that spreads more easily — or makes eign ministers of the above countries blockade. ting down again and again due to the people sicker. That could be the situa- would meet first and “then we will Senator Mushahid Hussain different waves of the infection. As a
ulationsot00statgoog/capitulationsot- tion with the Delta variant, according go on and try and have a summit so Sayed, who was chairing the session, result, many people forego wearing
00statgoog.pdf>. Accessed 1 October to California health authorities. that we can stop what looks like a civil said the committee would present masks and taking other precautions,
2019. - MAYDAN Ghaly added that both the CDC war” in Afghanistan. its own ideas and input as well on which leads to a spike in cases of the
and California recognize that vari- His remarks come as the Taliban the issue of national security so that infection.
BIDEN FROM P8 ous safety strategies work together have swept through much of Afghani- any policy that was formulated by “However, we must keep in mind
stated, “Somehow we have to figure in layers to make a school environ- stan’s north as US-led foreign troops the government could be inclusive, that coronavirus vaccines are the most
out a way to boost the price of gaso- ment safer — with vaccination being complete their withdrawal. The Af- broad-based and representative of all effective weapon against the coronavi-
line to the levels in Europe” (i.e., $6- foremost among them... Los Angeles ghan government now holds little shades of opinion. rus,” he said, adding that every person
$8 per gallon). And remember when Times more than a constellation of provin- He also proposed that lawfare be must at least get one dose of the vac-
Obama himself pronounced that cial capitals that must largely be re- made an integral component of Paki- cine.
Americans “can’t drive our SUVs … LINA FROM P1 supplied by air. stan’s approach on national security
and keep our homes … 72 degrees too many Americans that means ac- According to a joint declaration and underlined the need for a com- QUOTA FROM P1
all the time?” Displaying the elitist cepting a bad deal for things that you issued after talks between Prime Min- prehensive counterterror strategy as “The high-income countries have
attitude that rules apply only to you can’t go without.” ister Imran and President Mirziyoyev, well as a creative India policy that been able to inject $70 trillion to
and me, but not to powerful people, Lina’s 2017 seminal paper en- the two leaders discussed the security also has a broader South Asia per- stimulate their economies. While de-
Obama kept the White House so titled “Amazon’s Anti-trust Paradox” situation in Afghanistan in detail as spective. veloping countries on the other hand
warm that his senior advisor David broke new ground in the application also the ongoing peace process. Senator Mushahid said that are estimated to need at least $4.3tr
Axelrod defended his boss, saying, of anti-trust law against powerful “The parties stressed the neces- given the new emerging situation to come out of their crisis and imple-
“He’s from Hawaii, okay? He likes technology monopolies like Amazon, sity to resolve the conflict through in which national security could no ment this. They have unfortunately so
it warm. You could grow orchids in Apple, Facebook, Google and Twit- Afghan-led and Afghan-owned po- longer be defined in terms of military far secured less than 5pc access of this
there.” ter. Traditionally, the US anti-trust litical process through peaceful and might alone, the concept of human amount,” he regretted.
In addition to adopting poli- actions have been focused on keep- inclusive negotiations resulting in [a] security must include elements that He recalled that he had proposed
cies to restrict the supply and raise ing consumer prices low. This nar- comprehensive political settlement,” were crucial for the well-being of the the creation of new IMF special draw-
the price of fossil fuels, and the grat- row focus has helped big technology the statement said. people of Pakistan, including health, ing rights as an effective way to gen-
ing attitude whereby elites lecture us companies like Amazon, with its low It said the Uzbek president climate change, population planning, erate development financing, adding
about the evils of fossil fuels while prices, or Google and Facebook with “highly appreciated the role of Paki- food security and water scarcity. that it was essential that high income
not making any personal sacrifices their “free” services, to avoid antitrust stan in promoting the peace process countries voluntarily reallocate part
for the cause, President Biden seems scrutiny. in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s contri- DELTA FROM P1 of their unutilized IMF quota and this
to be trying to undermine US en- Lina was born in London in 1989 butions to the socio-economic devel- the variety that shuttered the world should be approved urgently.
ergy independence. We used to be to Pakistani parents who migrated to opment of Afghanistan”. in 2020. He said he hoped at least $150
dependent on oil from the Middle the United States when she was 11. Prime Minister Imran, mean- In France, President Emmanuel billion will be reallocated to finance
East. Then the United States essen- She graduated from Williams College while, hailed Uzbekistan’s efforts for Macron announced on Monday that sustainable development projects in
tially achieved energy independence. with a BA degree and then studied Afghanistan’s socio-economic recon- patrons must now present “health developing countries through the
Under President Biden, however, US law at Yale University. She is now an struction through the implementa- passes” showing full vaccination or IMF, World Bank and other finan-
independence is in retreat. We cur- associate professor at Columbia Law tion of a number of major projects. a negative COVID test to enter bars, cial institutions. “The restructuring
rently are importing record amounts School in New York City. During the press conference, cafés, restaurants, theaters or muse- of high cost debt is another essential
of oil from one of our country’s ma- US tech companies are facing PM Imran emphasized the need to ums. Greece and Portugal have im- instrument to provide fiscal space in
jor geopolitical rivals, Russia. In ad- increasing scrutiny in Washington improve air and land connectivity posed similar requirements for those development finance for the affected
dition, Biden is rushing pell-mell to over their growing size and power. In between Pakistan and Uzbekistan by wishing to dine out or check into ho- developing countries,” he added.
convert US electricity generation to October 2019, an investigation by the increasing flights and road links. He tels. In the Netherlands, nightclubs He highlighted that any com-
solar and wind power, which could House Judiciary Committee issued a said Pakistan was really excited about and discos, closed for a year, opened mon framework for debt restructur-
make us increasingly dependent on 449-page report. It accused the big the Termez–Mazar-i-Sharif–Kabul– for mere days before Prime Minister ing should not involve protracted
rare-earth metals from our number technology companies of charging Peshawar railway project, adding that Mark Rutte ordered them shut again. negotiations that would defeat the
one geopolitical danger, the increas- high fees, forcing smaller customers it would “change everything if we can “What we thought was possible purpose of debt relief. At this critical
ingly aggressive China. into unfavorable contracts and of us- have this railway line”. in practice turned out to be wrong time commitments made to provide
If you want to pay higher prices ing “killer acquisitions” to constrain Speaking about cultural ex- after all,” Rutte explained. concession and grant finance to de-
for energy and leave our country vul- competitors. “To put it simply, com- changes, the premier said it was “ex- In Malta — the world’s only veloping countries, including 0.7 per
nerable to unreliable and potentially panies that once were scrappy, un- tremely exciting” that the two coun- country where over 70 percent of cent official development assistance
hostile suppliers, then the Biden ad- derdog startups that challenged the tries had decided to make a film on the population has been fully vacci- (ODA) commitment and the advance
ministration’s return to the Obama status quo have become the kinds of Mughal emperor Babur. He stressed nated — the government has barred window of $50bn, must be fulfilled.
administration’s policies opposed to monopolies we last saw in the era of that the youth of Uzbekistan and all entry to people who have not been “Similarly, fulfilment of the com-
domestic production of hydrocar- oil barons and railroad tycoons,” it Pakistan “must know this connection, vaccinated. mitment made by developed coun-
bons is exactly your cup of tea. For said. The appointment of Lina Khan which stayed for hundreds of years Curfews are being reinstated tries to provide $100bn by year in cli-
Americans who want inexpensive, as FTC commissioner sends a clear between this part of the world and in Spain; in Barcelona, a hotbed of mate finance is vital, including for the
abundant, domestically produced re- signal to the US tech giants that the our part of the world”. the Delta variant, nightclubs that success of the COP-26 in Glasgow.”