Page 23 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 23

COMMENTARY                                                                                                         JULY 16,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P23

        Mr Iftikhar Husain’s cool, calm and   Aquila Kiani observes: “In fact, any   cial Order which we all are so much   of corneas, they tacitly agree to the   ciety (PEBS), established in the
        persistent efforts are clearing up the   act intended for the good of human-  desirous to establish.”  action. (3) Emotional: Imagine a   1960s by late Mr Iftikhar Husain
        cobwebs of confused thinking and   ity should be regarded as ‘MUSAL-  Discussing the obstacles in ac-  family just bereaved of a dear one   for  the  prevention  of  blindness
        soon, we hope that many a blind   E-MURSILA’ which is one of the   quiring the donor eyes, the author   and within three hours of death, a   and cure eye-related diseases, has
        shall see the daylight.”      accepted source[s] of Law in Islam   states:  “… Some of the difficul-  doctor arriving with equipment for   grown into a PEBS Eye & General
            In the foreword (First Edition)   by all the Muslim jurists and can be   ties are discussed below: (1) Legal:   removing eyes from the dead body.   Hospital (1993) in Karachi. During
        Dr  Aquila  Kiani,  Professor  and   legalized. Besides there are many   The legal position of taking eyes   The shock of the bereavement gen-  the past four decades, the hospital
        Chairman (1964-1972) Depart-  verses in the HOLY QUR’AN giving   out of dead bodies is not clear. In   erally is so great that it blunts the   has diversified its services which
        ment of Sociology, University of   guidance for the application of the   advanced  countries  there  are  laws   power of reasoning, at least in the   now include Gynecology, Maxillo-
        Karachi, reflecting on the Eye dona-  laws of the QUR’AN under the uni-  providing  that  every  adult  person   first few hours after death and there   facial, Physiotherapy and Labora-
        tion movement, writes: “Never has   verse of “ISLAH-E-BAINUN-NAS”   has the right to sign a will, authoriz-  will be very few people who, in that   tory Testing. It is very saddening
        the mind’s eye perceived an account   for the moral, physical and intellec-  ing donating his/her eyes to an Eye   state of mind, agree to the removal   to find that on the PEBS’s website
        so vividly as the story of the Eye   tual betterment of the Muslims. Af-  Bank, after death for use in restor-  of eyes from the dead body. This is   (
        Donation Movement in Pakistan.   ter all, what are the HAQOOQ-UL-  ing the sight of some blind person   the field in which the social worker   pk/) there is no photograph or bi-
        Its direct appeal to the readers lies   IBAD? The individual owes a duty   or for research seeking to prevent   has to work with persistence in or-  ography of Mr  Iftikhar  Husain. It
        in the sincerity of purpose of the   to his fellowmen. If he wills in his   blindness and to find cure for dis-  der to educate the people to act ra-  is so unfortunate  that our society
        founders established both through   lifetime a part of his body to be used   eases of the eye... In Pakistan there   tionally in such situations”.   forgets our heroes and pioneers so
        words and deeds. The pioneering   after his death to benefit a person in   is no such law. We hope that the   In 2016, after the demise of   quickly!
        spirit permeates throughout the ar-  need of such a part, this should be   Government will assist us  by pro-  Abdul Sattar Edhi sahib, per his   Eye Donation For The Corneal
        duous  struggle  for  helping  people   considered as the most sublime hu-  mulgating a law on these lines. (2)     will, his eyes were used to restore   Blind — From Darkness to Light by
        to restore their vision. The sev-  man act and the person as the most   Religious: Many traditional-type   vision for two blind persons in Ka-  Iftikhar Husain is a historical docu-
        enteen years of persistent efforts   righteous and noble. The primary   religious leaders frown upon any   rachi. Pakistan has the third highest   ment that chronicles the evolution
        gradually dispelled the despair and   objective in the entire episode of   move designed to disfigure or dis-  population (two million) of blind   of institutions and practices for the
        darkness that seemed to hinder the   the Eye Donation Movement has   member dead bodies, including re-  and impaired-vision persons in the   prevention  of  blindness  and  eye
        Movement in its beginning years….  been to make people of Pakistan   moval of eyes. Personally, belief that   world. According to the Pakistan   cures in Pakistan during the 1960s
        It is gratifying to note that a Muslim   alive to their duties towards those   any action intended for the good of   Eye Bank Society (PEBS), Pakistan   and 1970s. It is an interesting read;
        country like Egypt has a law based   who stand in need of them and to   humanity at large cannot be against   receives around 300 to 400 eyes an-  people who want to excel in social
        on the Fatwa by the Mufti giving   show a concern for others so that   religion because religion itself is   nually from Sri Lanka International   work can benefit from this impor-
        a ruling in favor of removing eyes   we as true Muslims are able to fulfil   for the good of humanity…My in-  Eye Bank, Colombo, but Pakistan’s   tant work.
        from dead bodies for the purpose of   HAQOOQ-UL-IBAD in the true   formal discussions with certain   annual requirement is in thousands   [Dr  Ahmed  S.  Khan
        corneal graft operations…”    sense of the term. The performance   Muslim religious leaders show that   which could only be met through   ( is a Ful-
            Expounding on eye donation   of such humanitarian duties alone   whereas they are not yet prepared   raising awareness for eye donation.    bright Specialist Scholar (2017-
        viz a viz Islamic values and laws, Dr   can give stability to an Islamic So-  to  support  openly  the  transplant   Today, Pakistan Eye Bank So-  2022)]
                                                             ‘Hidden Diabetes’: The                                      adds that high blood sugar levels often inter-
                    n By Alice Hall                                                                                      levels” as early as possible, explains Dr Vas. He
             he charity Diabetes UK has warned                                                                           play with other metabolic conditions, such as
             the UK is facing a ‘diabetes time-          Symptoms You Might Miss                                         high blood pressure, obesity and abnormal
        Tbomb’ after nearly 2.5million suffer-                                                                           cholesterol - all of which can trigger an “in-
        ers missed checks due to the pandemic. GPs                                                                       flammatory state” in the body. This balancing
        have performed 41 per cent fewer health                                                                          act influences how likely you are to experience
        checks in the last year, and the backlog has                                                                     serious complications later down the line.
        put millions of patients at risk of complica-                                                                        Experts are also concerned about the rise
        tions related to the disease, which include                                                                      in hidden diabetes, which is where people al-
        heart disease and sight loss.                                                                                    ready have blood sugar levels that are above
            The charity’s chief executive Chris Askew                                                                    the World Health Organization guidance.
        said: “Missed appointments and missed or de-                                                                     Research by the University of Exeter last year
        layed diagnoses can devastate lives.”                                                                            showed that half a million adults may have
            One in 10 people over the age of 40 is                                                                       type 2 diabetes without realizing.
        now living with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes                                                                       Two well established symptoms to look
        in the UK. A recent study undertaken by the                                                                      out for are polydipsia and polyuria; feeling
        University of Exeter revealed that those with                                                                    thirsty all the time and needing to go to the
        Type 2 diabetes wait an average of 2.3 years,                                                                    bathroom more often. “You feel like you want
        and sometimes more than five, before getting                                                                     to drink sweet things, because the body is
        diagnosed. The findings, which are based on                                                                      asking for sugar. Because you are drinking a
        data from more than 200,000 patients, stress                                                                     lot, you end up urinating more often,” says Dr
        the importance of regularly screening people                                                                     Vas. Another sign is unexplained weight loss.
        over the age of 40, who are more at risk of                                                                      “If the body can’t use the glucose in its system,
        developing the condition. The wait to get di-                                                                    it will start to use alternative fuel such as fat,”
        agnosed often leads to delays in getting treat-                                                                  he says. “Because the muscles, and other or-
        ment, which increases the risk of serious com-                                                                   gans, are unable to access the blood sugar they
        plications such as heart disease, strokes or eye                                                                 need, you will also feel tired.”
        problems.                                                                                                            Thrush is a lesser known sign of Type 2
            Dan Howarth, head of care at charity Di-                                                                     diabetes. It usually occurs around the genitals,
        abetes UK, explains the delay could be down                                                                      but also around the mouth, armpits and in
        to how difficult it is to identify the symptoms                                                                  between the fingers. “Because you are losing
        of Type 2 diabetes; often they occur slowly,                                                                     fluids - water, salt plus glucose - the content
        and are easily confused with other conditions.                                                                   of your urine has changed, allowing for the
        Normal  blood  sugar levels range between                                                                        formation of candida yeast [thrush],” says Dr
        3.5mmol/L and 6.9mmol/L, and the diagnosis                                                                       Vas.
        point is generally 7mmol/L. “[However] you                                                                           Skin changes are also something to be
        only start to get symptoms, such as needing   Experts are warning that the reduction in di-  warrant a diagnosis with Type-2.   aware of. “Glucose and insulin help to regu-
        the toilet more often, when your blood sugar   agnoses rate means that the NHS now faces a   “[Prediabetes] has no symptoms. As your   late wound healing, so the process can be
        levels are above 11mmol/L. Even then, people   “huge backlog” of undiagnosed patients.   blood  sugar  levels  go higher,  the body will   impaired by Type 2 diabetes,” he says. This
        often don’t notice the symptoms and put them   This comes at a crucial time for the na-  mount symptoms. Even this group of individ-  increases the risk of wound infections - and
        down to something else, such as their stress   tion’s health. Being obese is a crucial risk fac-  uals can have complications, such as a three   in the worst cases, amputations - later down
        levels or their age,” explains Howarth.   tor for developing Type 2 diabetes, yet over   times higher risk of developing eye problems   the line.
            Although men are more at risk of devel-  lockdown one in three people gained weight                              One study found that insomnia could
        oping Type 2 diabetes, the study showed that   and decreased their physical activity. A sepa-                    also be a risk factor associated with develop-
        women are more likely to experience a delay   rate study found that more than half admitted   “Screening and detecting   ing Type-2 diabetes. Researchers from the
        to their diagnosis. “There is some specula-  to snacking more, meaning that delays in di-  early gives people extra years to   Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden,
        tion here, but it could be because women put   agnosis rates could only add to the number of   understand their diagnosis, and   found that people with insomnia were 17
        their symptoms down to other factors such as   people developing serious complications later                     per cent more likely to develop diabetes than
        hormones, stress or daily activities,” explains   down the line.            hopefully prevent them suffering     those without.
        Howarth. Those who aren’t considered to be   In patients with Type-1 diabetes, the   from more serious complications   Because of how tricky it can be to rec-
        obese, or whose blood sugar was at the lower   body attacks the cells in the pancreas, which   later down the line,” says Dr Pras  ognize symptoms it is crucial to understand
        level of the diabetes range, were also more   stops insulin from being created. In Type-2,                       your risk factor. Being overweight, your eth-
        likely to have a delayed diagnosis.   the pancreas either doesn’t produce enough                                 nicity, your family history and smoking can
            As this new warning shows, the lock-  insulin or it becomes ineffective at transport-  such as diabetic retinopathy. There is also an   all increase your chances of developing Type-
        down backlog has also been a driving factor   ing glucose - something known as insulin re-  increased chance of developing kidney prob-  2 diabetes, and regular screening is recom-
        in the number of undiagnosed diabetes cas-  sistance. Dr Prash Vas, consultant in Diabe-  lems and early nerve damage,” he says.  mended for those who are at risk. “Screening
        es: at least 60,000 cases of Type 2 diabetes in   tes at London Bridge Hospital, explains that   The good news is that prediabetes is re-  and detecting early gives people extra years
        the UK were missed after lockdown began in   Type-2 diabetes “exists on a continuum”. At its   versible through lifestyle changes, such as a   to understand their diagnosis, and hopefully
        March 2020, as patients were less likely to see   earliest stage it is known as prediabetes, which   healthy diet and more physical exercise. How-  prevent them suffering from more serious
        GPs and get referred for checks, according to   occurs when your blood sugar levels are just   ever, a delay to diagnosis means you can lose   complications later down the line,” says Dr
        research from the University of Manchester.   higher than normal, but not high enough to   the opportunity to “optimize your blood sugar   Pras. - The Telegraph
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