Page 19 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 19

COMMUNITY                                                                                                          JULY 16,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P19
           Hundreds Gather at Times Square to Commemorate Kashmir Martyrs Day

        New York: In recognition of all those   world,” Dr Mir added.  unabated. Thousands of women have   upon India to give the people of Kash-  want peace but peace with dignity and
        who  have  laid  down  their  lives  so   Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary   been gang raped, not to talk of mass   mir the right to self-determination.  honor. No country whatsoever has the
        that the people of Kashmir may live   General, WKAF,  commenting  on   graves and children who been blinded   Sardar Haleem Khan, leader of   right to decide the fate of Kashmir,
        with their heads held high, a peaceful   the tragic day, stated: ‘It was on July   by pellet gun wounds.    JKLF, said that the mantle of the free-  as it were the people of Kashmir who
        protest took place at historic Times   13, 1931, that the foreign occupying   Dr Khan added that the only   dom struggle of Kashmir has been   have the right to determine their po-
        Square, New York, on July 13, 2021to   Dogra troops shot dead 22 Kashmiris,   solution to all major problems in the   successfully passed on to the younger   litical future.
        commemorate the  90th anniversary   in  cold  blood,  in  front  of  Srinagar   region lies in the peaceful resolution   generation and they are resolute and   Khalid Awan, President of Peo-
        of  the ‘Martyrs  Day’. Hundreds of   Central Jail.’ Since that ominous day,   of Kashmir. And that bilateral talks   determined to take it to its logical   ples Party USA, urged the Biden ad-
        people attended the protest which was   Kashmiris have organized peaceful   between the two nations have never   conclusion. The people of Kashmir   ministration to place Kashmir on its
        organized by the Washington-based   protests,  seminars and conferences   taken off  and direct involvement  of   have made it clear that the final solu-  radar screen as India and Pakistan are
        World Kashmir Awareness Forum   throughout the world.  July 13th is   USA is needed if they are serious to   tion of the Kashmir dispute demands   nuclear-armed. He said that Kashmir
        (WKAF).                       forever scarred in the collective minds   achieve tangible results.  that  the Kashmiri leadership must   has a special place in the manifesto of
            Dr Ghulam Nabi Mir, President   of the people of Kashmir as the day   Dr Amerjit Singh, President,   be  a  part  of   the  negotiations  with   the Pakistan Peoples Party and the is-
        WKAF,  said on July  13,  Kashmiris   when the freedom movement was   Khalistan Affair Center, said the Modi   India and Pakistan. He appealed to   sue cannot be ignored by the people
        around the world are honoring the   greeted with bullets.” Now, ‘Martyrs   Regime in line with Nazi Germany is   the world leaders to persuade India   of Pakistan.
        martyrs of the first massacre of Kash-  Day’ memorializes all those innocent   persecuting minorities in India. The   to release Mohammad Yasin Malik   Others who spoke included:
        miri Muslims in Srinagar in a political   victims, who have been forcibly si-  Indian State has declared an ‘All Out   who is the symbol of independence in   Sardar Taj Khan, Sardar Zarif Khan,
        uprising that took place in 1931. Indi-  lenced since 1989 by the Indian mili-  War’ against Punjab, Jammu  & Kash-  Jammu & Kashmir.  Sardar Shoaib Irshad, Sardar Niaz
        an invasion and occupation of Jammu   tary and paramilitary forces.  mir and Nagaland states where Sikhs,   Saleem Qadri,  representative of   Khan, Azad Shah, Umar Hayat, Yasir
        and Kashmir in 1947 has led to over   Dr Fai added that the desire for   Muslims and  Christians are in the   Masarat Alam, said that Kashmiris   Maqsood, Waseem Maqsood, Sardar
        100, 000 deaths of innocent Kashmiris   self-determination is the one very big   majority. We all should ‘hang togeth-  are determined to press on with the   Mushtaq, Sardar Habib-ur-Rehman,
        and massive human rights violations   “element” India should be concerned   er’ rather than being hanged separate-  resistance  movement  until  total  and   Sardar  Zubair  Khan, Muhammad
        and long jail sentences.      about, yet it continues to pretend to   ly. The  right of self- determination   complete freedom is achieved. He de-  Hussain, Ms. Rubina,Ms. Abida Baji,
             “Kashmiris are demanding to   the world that it does not exist.  How-  is ‘the only solution’ for our survival.   manded the unconditional release of   Raja Razzak, Hurriya Waqar, Sardar
        exercise their right to self-determi-  ever  long  India  refuses  to acknowl-  Freedom of Khalistan and Kashmir is   all political prisoners, including Ma-  Farooq,Advocate, Sardar Imtiaz Khan
        nation  as  mandated  by  the  UN  Se-  edge it, the decades-old movement in   imperative and  inevitable.  sarat Alam.  Garalavi,  Daud Maqsood, Zafar
        curity Council. We ask the people of   Kashmir will not simply die out.   Ariful Haq Arif, one of the senior   Sardar Sajid Sawar said the Kash-  Haqani, Mahmood Akber, Irfan Mir,
        the world to stand up and speak up   Dr Imtiaz Khan, Professor at   most journalists of Pakistan who orig-  mir issue needs to be resolved as soon   Umer Hayat, Azad Gilani, Moham-
        for the freedom of Kashmir. Our ap-  George Washington University Medi-  inally hails from Kashmir, said that it   as possible for the sake of interna-  mad Azim, Yasir Maqsood, Nasim
        peal to the Biden Administration is to   cal Center, said that today we have   was a colonial power -  Great Britain   tional peace and security. As citizens   Maqsood, Abdullah khan, Sultan
        seriously engage India, Pakistan and   gathered to commemorate the mar-  -  who  created  the  problem  of  Kash-  of the digital world, we demand from   khan, Habib, Shabaz Sayed, Bagim
        legitimate representatives of Kashmir   tyrdom of 21 innocent Kashmiris.   mir. He believed that it could be the   all peace-loving countries to come   Star, Farooq Blooch, Auringzab,
        in a results-oriented peaceful resolu-  The atrocities on the peace-loving   sole super power – the United States   forward and support our cause.   Ishtaq Raja. -  gnfai2003@yahoo.
        tion of this most serious conflict of the   people of that region are continuing   – which has the leverage to impress   Amna Habib  said Kashmiris   com
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