Page 20 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 20

P20  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JULY 16,  2021                                                                                    COMMENTARY
               n  By Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy                 What to Learn from China?                                        where the country hopes to be 20-30 years
                  Islamabad, Pakistan                                                                                    from now. No one takes the Planning Com-
                                                                                                                         mission of Pakistan seriously.
                hen Prime Minister Imran Khan                                                                                Third, Weber would confirm that strong
                categorically  endorsed  China’s                                                                         work ethics leads to high labor productivity,
        Wline on Uighur Muslims he suc-                                                                                  the backbone of economic growth. Although
        cumbed to political expediency: “Because                                                                         he knew only of Protestant-Calvinist workers
                      of our extreme proximity                                                                           and capitalists, the qualities of diligence, dis-
                      and relationship with Chi-                                                                         cipline, responsibility, punctuality and hones-
                      na”, he said, “we actually                                                                         ty of the skilled industrial workforce extends
                      accept the Chinese ver-                                                                            into the cultures of China, Japan, Vietnam,
                      sion.” A savvier politician                                                                        Korea, etc.
                      facing the Chinese media                                                                               In contrast, Pakistan’s labor produc-
                      might  have  tried  a  little                                                                      tivity is appallingly low — less than half of
                      hemming and hawing                                                                                 China’s. Many economists and businessmen
                      rather than dispense with                                                                          have pointed out that producing an item in
        truth, human rights and Muslim solidarity.                                                                       high-wage China is cheaper than in low-wage
        Still, one must not be too harsh on the PM;                                                                      Pakistan. Poor productivity owes to poor
        any country which owes its life to a power-                                                                      worker skills and general dissatisfaction. Ex-
        ful patron has little leeway.                                                                                    ploitative employers pay minimum wages, ig-
            Much loved by some but feared by oth-                                                                        nore principles of fairness and disallow griev-
        ers, China today is an economic superpower.                                                                      ance mechanisms. But the ethics of workers
        Geopolitics changed in 2017 when its GNP                                                                         are also low. Few take pride in or enjoy work,
        shot above that of the US. But what accounts                                                                     are diligent, or take initiatives. Like our par-
        for its phenomenal rise and ferocious prog-                                                                      liamentarians and professors, most are shirk-
        ress? Equally, one may ask: why has Pakistan                                                                     ers who need to be reminded of their duties.
        been on external life support from 1947 on-                                                                          These poor habits start from Pakistani
        ward and barely limped along? The difference                                                                     schools where kids are forced to focus on
        cries out for an explanation.                                                                                    exam techniques and taught just enough to
            Max Weber, the 19th-century German                                                                           get by. Cheat-ing  is  tolerated.  Some  parents
        sociologist, would have an answer. Since                                                                         — including those who emphasize religious
        his pioneering work, social scientists know   everything that American students learn —   tory of Kargil-like dead-end adventures and   rituals — encourage their children to cheat as
        economic growth goes hand-in-hand with   but  better.  Today’s  gaokao  —  the  cheating-  the military stays clear of trade matters. The   a way to get ahead. But, at a still deeper level,
        a society’s collective worldview and culture.   free university entrance exam — is a carry-  warrior  ethic  is  firmly  subordinated  to  the   quality education for all is impossible given
        Through data-driven research, Weber ex-  over from the rigorous exam system (keju) of   capitalist ethic.        extreme wealth disparities.
        plained why Protestants and Calvinists had   ancient China’s civil service.    In Pakistan’s case, warriors define the   In China such disparities had been
        far outpaced Catholics in generating wealth   Reputed to be the toughest in the world,                           evened up by Mao’s communism. Although
        and industrializing Europe. He concluded   gaokao beats even that for various IITs (In-  This attitude sets the tone for   huge excesses happened in the Cultural Revo-
        that progress-friendly cultures demand belief   dian Institute of Technology). Unfortunately,   education, both in school and   lution, education was universalized and hard
        in rationality, rule of law, planning, punctual-  educated in a memorization-heavy culture                       work celebrated. China is reaping dividends
        ity, deferred gratification, and expectations of   steeped in religious matters, most Pakistani   university. Knowing that universities   from its communist past. Pakistan never saw
        reward in this life rather than the next.  university professors — including those who   are the engines of progress, China   any such evening-up. Leaders of the Pakistan
            Certainly not how minorities should be   are HEC certified and with hundreds of re-  is super-careful about who gets   Movement — Jinnah and Allama Iqbal (the
        treated! But there’s much else that China can   search publications — would not clear Chi-  admitted. At the level of language,   post-1930 Iqbal) included — were staunchly
        teach Pakistan.                       nese university entrance exams.        reasoning and math skills, Chinese   anti-communist. Some were big landlords
            Were he alive today, how would Weber   Second, a reborn Weber would see Chi-                                 who saw danger in educating their serfs. Edu-
        see China in relation to Pakistan?    na clearly defining its national interest with   students are expected to know   cation was a low priority in 1947 and remains
            First, China’s worldview is — like that of   economic advancement being at the very top.   everything that American students   low.
        19th-century Protestants — entirely future-  As a rationalist-materialist country China   learn — but better. Today’s gaokao —   Curiously, the country that Pakistan’s
        focused and this-worldly. Notwithstanding   aims at becoming the world leader in space                           founders feared and disliked most (after Rus-
        the pride Chinese people take in their ancient   exploration, brain science, quantum comput-  the cheating-free university entrance   sia) is now Pakistan’s closest ally. It does bash
        science and civilization, there is no deep nos-  ers, electric cars, biopharmaceuticals, renew-  exam — is a carryover from the   its Muslims; the evidence is irrefutable. Yet —
        talgia and no calls for Ertugrul-like men on   able energy, etc. Five-year plans are followed  rigorous exam system (keju) of ancient   other than how religious minorities should be
        horseback to resurrect some ancient king-  to the letter; there is no empty chatter or arbi-  China’s civil service  handled — China has much to teach Paki-
        dom. Whether for good or bad, and whether   trary wish lists.                                                    stan. Among the most important lessons is
        under Mao’s revolutionary communism or   At the next level of priority is politics.                              creating a skilled workforce, giving dignity to
        under  Xi Jinping’s  capitalistic  communism,   To reunite with Taiwan, China rattles its sa-  national interest. Googling ‘national interest’,   labor, distributing wealth and public resourc-
        the Chinese are a plain, hard-headed lot.  bers from time to time. Nevertheless, China-  I found occurrences in speeches, university   es reasonably, emphasizing birth control,
            This attitude sets the tone for education,   Taiwan economic links are strong. Taiwanese   theses and in National Defense University   and encouraging a mindset oriented to the
        both in school and university. Knowing that   companies have invested  about $60 billion   publications. All such references were secu-  future rather than the past. If Pakistan wants
        universities are the engines of progress, Chi-  in China, and one million Taiwanese people   rity and India related. In this single-minded   to break the crutches of foreign dependence,
        na is super-careful about who gets admitted.   live in China with many running Taiwanese   approach, Pakistan-India trade remains hos-  that’s the way to go.
        At the level of language, reasoning and math   factories. The Chinese political leadership   tage to Kashmir being resolved on Pakistan’s   (The writer is an Islamabad-based physi-
        skills, Chinese students are expected to know   keeps its military in check. There is no his-  terms. Nowhere to be found is a plan for   cist and author. Dawn)
                                 Dilip Kumar: He Always Chose to Step up and Speak up

             n By Rakhshanda Jalil    dence  Hindi  cinema, Dilip  Kumar’s                        and producers-directors. At a seminal   able, organizing food supplies for those
                  Delhi, India        ouvre reflects the social and politi-                       meeting of the Indian Motion Picture   who were going hungry for days as
                                      cal cross-currents of modern India. A                       Association held at Dilip sahib’s home,   communal riots ravaged Bombay, and
             s  tributes  tumble  out  at  the   hapless farmer, an outlawed bandit, a            several landmark decisions were taken   later mobilizing money and legal aid
             passing of Dilip Kumar aged   fiery student leader, a trade unionist —               to break the impasse that gridlocked   for those who were unfairly detained
        A98 — with Amitabh Bachchan   Dilip Kumar essayed the new face of a                       the industry: actors, it was decided,   under the draconian Terrorist and Dis-
        going so far as to declare that when   new India as it unfolded. If Raj Kapoor            would not take on more than three   ruptive Activities (Prevention) Act. Of
        the history of Indian cinema will be   was the loveable tramp, Dev Anand the              films (on the floors) at a time, and   course, he paid a price for this. When
        written, it shall always be “before   yodelling Peter Pan, Dilip Kumar was                the directors-producers, on their part,   Pakistan honored him with its highest
        Dilip Kumar and after Dilip Kumar”   everyman.                                            would prune the shift timings to more   civilian award, the Nishan-i Imtiaz in
        — we shall leave it to the film critics   Not content with mere stardom,                  humane hours.                     1998, it was met with outrage in a
        and the serious student of Hindi cin-  Dilip sahib was possibly among the                     Appointed Sheriff of Bombay   cross-section of society, with not
        ema to assess his impact on the Hindi   earliest Indian actors  to  lend  his  star       (now Mumbai) in 1980, he worked for   merely threats and abuses directed
        film industry. For now, let us see him   status to a variety of causes — an early         the improvement of the city’s infra-  against the thespian, but regurgitation
        as the man who always chose to step   patron of the National Association for              structure, giving it the iconic Joggers   of the old “Pakistani spy” gossip by his
        up and speak up. When the moment   the Blind (NAB) who never missed its                   Park, where he himself went for his   old nemesis, the Shiv Seva.
        came to speak truth to power, here   annual fund-raising train run, he chose              early morning walks in later years. As   Javed  Akhtar  puts  it  best  when
        was a superstar who chose not to be   to lend his name and face to charitable             a Member of Parliament from the Ra-  he says that there is a virtue that has
        content  with  his  superstardom  but   institutions such as this and the Ali Ya-  them from rooftops, before ending   jya Sabha, he ploughed the MPLAD   become obsolete and that is dignity
        to put it good use, as and when re-  var Jung Institute of Speech and Hear-  at Azad Maidan. All through the late   (Members of Parliament Local Area   — Dilip Kumar was a personification
        quired.                       ing in Bandra rather than modelling   1950s and 1960s Dilip Kumar, along   Development) fund into improving   of that virtue. “Eik tehzeeb thii jo kho
            Born as Mohammad Yusuf Khan   for commercial gain. The film lyricist   with Sunil Dutt, also visited troops sta-  the Bandstand Promenade and the   gayii hai,” he says, ruing a lost culture.
        in Peshawar in 1922 in the home of a   and director, Gulzar, remembers Dilip   tioned at border postings for morale-  Bandra Fort area. However, it was the   “To be cool, happening and contempo-
        fruit merchant, he went on to enjoy a   sahib organizing donation drives and   boosting interactions with jawans.  Bombay  riots of  1992  that saw Dilip   rary are on the borderline of rudeness.
        career in the movies spanning five de-  rallies during the Indo-China war that   Gulzar  sahib  also  recalls  Dilip   sahib truly come into his own: turn-  Decency, reserve, measure, these have
        cades, blessed with a longevity enjoyed   began at Mumbai’s Shivaji Park, wound   sahib stepping up for similar interac-  ing his home into a command center   become un-cool and obsolete.”
        by few of his contemporaries. Along   their way through Crawford Market   tions for the benefit of the film in-  for relief work, rescuing those trapped   (Rakshanda Jalil is a Delhi-
        with Raj Kapoor and Dev Anand, the   and the gullies of Bhendi Bazaar, where   dustry, lending his moral gravitas and   in burning shanty towns, arranging   based writer, translator and literary
        reigning triumvirate of post-Indepen-  money would be literally showered at   serving as a bridge between actors   police protection for the most vulner-  historian. The Hindu)
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