Page 18 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JULY 16,  2021                                                                                       COMMUNITY
                                   GoFundMe Raises $1 Million for Family of Murdered

                                           Uber Eats Driver as Teen Jailed for the Crime

            n By Danielle LaZoellner                                                                                            guilty to second-degree murder in
        Washington,  DC:  A  GoFundMe                                                                                               “I never meant to do it,” the
        was set up for the family of an Uber                                                                                    teenager said in court on Tuesday,
        Eats driver after he was killed dur-                                                                                    adding, “I will change,” according
        ing an armed hijacking – and it has                                                                                     to The Washington Post.
        raised more than $1 million.                                                                                                The other teenager, who was
            Mohammad Anwar, 66, of                                                                                              15 at the time of the crime, also re-
        Springfield, Virginia, was working                                                                                      ceived the same sentence.
        in Washington DC on 23 March                                                                                                During her sentencing, the
        when two teenage girls assaulted                                                                                        15-year-old told Mr Anwar’s fam-
        the man with a stun gun and at-                                                                                         ily, “No matter how much stuff I’ve
        tempted to steal his car, according                                                                                     been through, I would never inten-
        to police.                                                                                                              tionally murder someone,” accord-
            The two girls, ages 13 and 15                                                                                       ing to The Washington Post.
        at the time of the incident, jumped                                                                                         Police have not publicly iden-
        into Mr Anwar’s Honda Accord in                                                                                         tified the teenagers due to their age.
        Washington DC’s Navy Yard and                                                                                               Mr Anwar’s daughter spoke
        drove off with it while the man                                                                                         out against the two children fol-
        clung to the side of the vehicle.                                                                                       lowing the 15-year-old’s sentenc-
            They crashed the car, and the                                                                                       ing.
        man, who was married with three                                                                                             “I cannot move past that side-
        adult children and four grandchil-                                                                                      walk on N Street on March 23rd,
        dren, died from the incident.                                                                                           where he lay broken, while one of
            “Mohammad Anwar was a                                                                                               you was only concerned about your
        hard-working Pakistani immigrant                                                                                        phone,” she said, Washington’s Top
        who came to the United States to                                                                                        News reported. “You broke most of
        create a better life for him and his   Late Mr Anwar’s daughter spoke out against the two girls following the 15-year-old’s sentencing. “I cannot move past that side-  the bones in his body. No amount
        family,” the GoFundMe page states.   walk on N Street on March 23rd, where he lay broken, while one of you was only concerned about your phone,” she said, Wash-  of years you spend in any facil-
        “He was simply at work yesterday   ington’s Top News reported                                                           ity can ever make you go through
        evening, providing for his family,                                                                                      even one per cent of that pain.”
        when his life was tragically taken   raised for the family since starting   at the time of the incident, was or-  DC’s Department of Youth Reha-  She added: “I can never, and
        in an appalling act of violence.”  the fundraiser three months ago.  dered by a judge on Tuesday to re-  bilitation Services until she turns   will never, forgive you for the pain
            More than $1 million has been   One girl, who was 13 years old   main in the custody of Washington   21. This came after she pleaded   you caused him.” – Independent
         Keeping Pools Free of Hidden Electrical Hazards                                           Professor Muhammad Hanif        California to Require
                                                                                                     Virginia State University

                                                                                                          Passes away                  Masks at School

                                                                                                                                     n By Colleen Shalby
                                                                                                                                     he new school year in Cali-
                                                                                                                                     fornia will start with stu-
                                                                                                                                Tdents and teachers wearing
                                                                                                                                masks, state officials announced
                                                                                                                                Friday, staking out a cautious po-
                                                                                                                                sition on a day when new federal
                                                                                                                                guidelines stressed the importance
                                                                                                                                of fully reopening schools and rec-
                                                                                                                                ommended masks  only  for those
                                                                                                                                who are not vaccinated.
                                                                                                                                   As part of a multilayered ap-
                                                                                                      Prof. Muhammed Hanif, a pro-  proach to limit the spread of COV-
                                                                                                  fessor of computer science at College  ID-19, those who are not vaccinated
               n By Paul Netter       and forensic consultant.       proper grounding essential.  of Engineering & Technology, Vir-  should wear masks indoors — and
                                          “Bonding would be the big-    “There’s a saying that the pool  ginia State University (VSU), passed  schools, health departments or states
                uch like a game of F-I-S-  gest issue because that’s the one that   is the best ground in the neighbor- away on July 9, 2021, in Karachi. He  may continue to require masks on
                H, swimming pool own-  people don’t see,” said English, who   hood,” said English. “So, if you have  was visiting Karachi to see his sib-  campus, the Centers  for Disease
        Mers should perform a task    serves Orange County and San Di-  a pool and your neighbors don’t, all  lings.            Control and Prevention said.
        that others should repeat.    ego. “Bonding needs to be complete   the electricity that goes down those    Muhammad Hanif received his   California has opted for a safety
            But, unlike the handstand in   and is a big issue with older pools   grounding rods is going to end up in  MSc (Applied Physics: 1985) degree  standard that is likely to be more cau-
        the  water  that  players  attempt  to   because  people  tend  to  move  their   your pool, which is OK if everything  from the University of Karachi and  tious than in many other states.
        avoid elimination in the swimming   equipment, move the junction boxes   is working properly and at the same  pursued his graduate studies at City   “We’re going to start with a re-
        pool game, there’s no balancing act   and convert from copper to plastic   voltage.”      University New York. Professor Mo-  quirement K through 12 that the year
        required to keep pools safe from   pipes.”                      Permanent or storable pools  hammad Hanif was declared as one  begins with masks,” said California
        hidden electrical hazards that could   Qualified pool contractors like   should never be built or set up un- of the best computer science profes-  Health and Human Services Secre-
        lead to shock injuries and even death   English will not only ensure proper   derneath power lines. If this exists,  sors at VSU by his students. He was  tary Mark Ghaly. “At the outset of the
        this summer.                  bonding of existing systems, they   there are clearance requirements and  instrumental in establishing the Pe-  new year, students should be able to
            What  is  required  is  an annual   will also assure that add-ons like   pool owners should consult SCE’s  tersburg Muslim Center (Masjid Al-  walk into school without worrying
        inspection performed by a licensed   metal handrails and the legs of slides   Local Planning at 800-655-4555 or  Huda) in  Petersburg,  Virginia, and  about whether they will feel different
        electrician or pool contractor.  are bonded too.             their local inspection agency.  later served as its president.   or singled out for being vaccinated or
            “Swimming pool, spa and hot   Bonding, however, isn’t the   Electronic appliances and de-  May Allah SWT bless his soul  unvaccinated — treating all kids the
        tub inspections are especially impor-  only thing that needs to be complete   vices are also strongly discouraged  and assign him a high station in Janet  same will support a calm and sup-
        tant and should only be performed   to avoid the serious injuries and   around pools or any water and  ul Firdous. Ameen.  portive school environment.”
        by licensed professionals,” said An-  more than 33 reported electrocu-  should be kept at least 20 to 30 feet              He added: “And we think that’s
        drew Martinez, vice president of   tions that the Consumer Products   away from the water’s edge.  or near swimming pools.  very consistent with what the CDC
        Safety, Security and Business Resil-  Safety Commission says have oc-  “Swimming pool, hot tub and   •   Stay far away from pow-  outlined.”
        iency at Southern California Edison.   curred in pools and spas since 2002.   spa electrical injuries are 100% pre- er lines with high-powered water   The CDC guidelines also em-
        “Licensed professionals will ensure   Equally important  and required  by   ventable,” said Martinez. “However,  squirters.  phasized the importance of offering
        that life-saving devices are present   the National Electrical Code is that   all electrical equipment must be in-  •   Carry long-handled clean-  in-person learning to all after pan-
        and working and electrical systems   all electrical pool equipment — in-  stalled, repaired and maintained by a  ing tools horizontally and stay at  demic-forced school closures and
        are safely grounded and bonded.”  cluding underwater lights, pumps   licensed professional to achieve that  least 10 feet away from power lines.  online learning kept many children
            In fact, improper bonding   and heaters — and surrounding out-  prevention. We urge our customers   •   If you feel a tingling sensa-  from campus, resulting in learning
        followed by faulty or nonexistent   lets and lighting have ground fault   to practice that prevention for a safe  tion while in the water, exit as quick-  losses and mental health problems
        ground fault circuit interrupters   protection.              summer of water activities.”  ly as possible, avoiding metal ladders  during months of isolation.
        and  improperly  installed  junction   English rates life-saving ground   Additional SCE pool, hot tub  and rails.         As an example to guide deci-
        boxes, especially on older pools, are   fault circuit interrupters right there   and spa safety tips include:  •   Power switches should be  sion making, the CDC describes a
        the electrical hazards that Rick Eng-  with bonding as most often needing   •   Downgrade 110-volt or  labeled so  they can  be turned off   situation in which not all students are
        lish of English Pool Consulting sees   repair, replacement or even instal-  higher pool lighting to 12-volt LED  quickly in an emergency.  vaccinated and physical distancing of
        most in a 43-year career as a licensed   lation in the first place, again, espe-  lighting to drastically reduce risk.  •   Rescuers should not enter  three feet between desks is difficult
        swimming pool contractor, builder   cially on older pools. And he calls   •   Never string lights above  the water until power is turned off.  MASKS, P28
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