Page 10 - Pakistan Link - July 16, 2021
P. 10

P10  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  JULY 16,  2021                                                                                              OPINION
                       Thomas Jefferson and the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad

              n By John Andrew Morrow                                                                                    al-Haritha who was a bishop. Sale also notes on
                                                                                                                         several occasions that the Prophet Muhammad
             he revelation that Thomas Jefferson had                                                                     protected the People of the Book in return for trib-
             a Qur’an and that Islam had influenced                                                                      ute. In other words, anyone who reads the trans-
        Tthe Founding Fathers of the United States                                                                       lation of the Qur’an by George Sale is introduced
        was groundbreaking. Inspired by the find-                                                                        to the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad. As
                    ings published by Denise A.                                                                          far as Sale was concerned, “Mohammed gave his
                    Spellberg in  Thomas Jefferson’s                                                                     Arabs the best religion he could, as well as the best
                    Qur’an: Islam and the Founders,                                                                      laws, preferable at least, to those of the pagan law-
                    a work that appeared in 2013, I                                                                      givers” (ii).
                    set off to study the nearly sev-                                                                         Not only did Thomas Jefferson have a Qur’an
                    en thousand titles in Thomas                                                                         which refers to the Treaty of Najran, I also found
                    Jefferson’s  personal  library  in                                                                   that he had complete accounts of the Covenant the
        search of any traces of the Covenants of the                                                                     Prophet. Thomas Jefferson, the Founding Father,
        Prophet Muhammad, namely, the charters of                                                                        the second vice president of the United States from
        rights and freedoms that the Messenger of God                                                                    1797 to 1801, and the third president of the Unit-
        had granted to the Christians of the Middle East                                                                 ed States from 1801 to 1809, owned a copy of the
        and the world. The results of this research are                                                                  Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman or The History of the
        remarkable. They confirm that Thomas Jeffer-                                                                     Ottoman Empire  by  prince  Demetrius  Cantemir
        son, one of the Founding Fathers of the United                                                                   which contains a complete account of the Cove-
        States of America and its third President, had                                                                   nant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of
        numerous accounts of the Covenants of the                                                                        Mount Sinai and a full translation of Sultan Selim’s
        Prophet in his library collection. This suggests                                                                 decree of authentication, renewal, and perpetual
        that the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad,                                                                      protection. It reads:
        along with multifarious other sources, may have   man Empire, signed by President John Adams in   excel each other in good works: Unto God shall ye   Among the rest were the monks inhabiting
        played a role in the creation of the Declaration   1797, proves this to be true. It reads:  all return, and then will he declare unto you that   Mount Sinai. Of these something very particular is
        of Independence, the Constitution of the United   As the Government of the United States   concerning which ye have disagreed. (5:48)  related, which, since I don’t think it is mentioned
        States, and the Bill of Rights.       of America is not, in any sense, founded on the   And if they incline unto peace, do thou also   anywhere but in a fabulous treatise of a Sinaite
                                              Christian religion; as it has in itself no character   incline thereto; and put thy confidence in God, for   monk, I shall here insert. They say, though fabu-
            Islam and the Founding Fathers    of enmity against the Laws, religion, or tranquility,   it is He who heareth and knoweth. (8:61)  lously, that Mahomet being, of mean birth, used
            When the American Constitution was rati-  of Muslims; and as the said States never entered   O men, verily We have created you of a male   to drive in his youth hired camels from place to
        fied in 1787, the Founding Fathers decreed that   into any war or act of hostility against any Muslim   and a female; and We have distributed you into na-  place. In these journeys, as he one day approached
        “Congress shall make no law respecting an es-  nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext   tions, and tribes, that ye might know one another.   Mount Sinai, the Abbot saw a cloud hovering over
        tablishment of religion or prohibiting the free   arising from religious opinions shall ever produce   Verily the most honorable of you, in the sight of   Mahomet’s head as he lay asleep in the open field
        exercise therefore.” In 1783, George Washington   an interruption of the harmony existing between   God, is the most pious of you: And God is wise   and defending it as it were from the sunbeams. The
        (1732-1799), the first president of the United   the two countries. (Spellberg 207)  and knowing. (49:13)        Abbot thence conjecturing there was something
        States, stated that “The bosom of America is open   As Denise A. Spellberg summarizes, “The   Peradventure God will establish friendship   more in this youth than was promised by his out-
        to receive . . . the oppressed and the persecuted of   treaty… unequivocally asserted that America’s   between yourselves and such of them as ye now   ward appearance, because so singular an omen, in
        all Nations and Religions; whom we shall welcome   government was neither officially Christian nor   hold for enemies: For God is powerful; and God is   his opinion, could only happen to the future Lord
        to a participation of all our rights and privileges…   inherently anti-Islamic” (207). The Treaty of Trip-  inclined to forgive, and merciful. As to those who   of those Regions, and therefore he went and sa-
        They may be Muslims, Jews, Christians of any sect,   oli, signed by Thomas Jefferson in 1806, also re-  have not borne arms against you on account of re-  luted him very civilly, inviting him into his room
        or they may be atheists” (Spellberg 5). When it   tains and reaffirms America’s official stance toward           and bidding him to take his rest quietly. When he
        came to workers, he judged people based on their   Muslim beliefs: “The Government of the United   The Declaration of Independence,   thought he had grained his goodwill by all kind of
        character as opposed to their creed: “If they are   States of America has in itself no character of en-  the Constitution of the United States,   civilities he asked him if ever he should become
        good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or   mity against the laws, religion, and tranquility of              Sovereign of those parts what his pleasure would
        Europe. They may be Muslims, Jews or Christians   Muslims” (Spellberg 216).    and the Bill of Rights enshrine   be  concerning the  monks?  Mahomet  answered:
        of any Sect, or they may be Atheists” (Spellberg 5).                          the rights to life, liberty, and the   “He would free them as Ruhban, (Keepers of the
            John Adams (1797-1801), the second Presi-  Thomas Jefferson and the Covenants of the   pursuit of happiness. They call for   Life or Course), dispersed though the world from
        dent of the United States and the first Vice Presi-  Prophet                  freedom of religion; freedom of    all tribute, and hold them in great honor.” He gave
        dent, described the Prophet Muhammad as one   The Founding Fathers were familiar with                            them this promise in an Arabic writing, and con-
        of the world’s “sober inquirers of truth” alongside   Islam.  They  were  familiar  with  the  Qur’an.  And   speech; and freedom of onerous   firmed it, for want of a seal, with the palm of his
        such figures as Confucius, Socrates, and Franklin   they also appear to have been familiar with the   taxation. They provide the right to   hand dipped in ink and impressed on the paper.
        and cited him as a model of compassion.  Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad. In fact, the   property, the right to a fair trial, the   Long after, when Sultan Selim was in Egypt,
            Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the third   Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad that was pub-  right to bear arms, and the right   the Abbot of Mount Sinai humbly came to him
        President of the United States, owned and read a   lished by Gabriel Sionita in Paris in 1630 under the          with Mahomet’s true or forged Instrument, which
        copy of the Qur’an. When it came to law, Thomas   name Testamentum et Pactiones was well known to   to petition the government for a   the Emperor purchased of the monks for four
        Jefferson insisted upon being universal. He op-  people of class, education, and culture in the 17th,   redress of grievances. They prohibit   thousand gold crowns, with a declaration of their
        posed  the  use  of  “Jesus  Christ,”  and  other  syn-  18th and 19th centuries. It was readily available in   excessive fines along with cruel and   being free from all tribute, and a confirmation of
        onyms, in bills, since it implied “a restriction of   Arabic, Latin, French, German, and English. The   unusual punishments. They create a   his Chatisherif of this and their other privileges.
        the liberty defined in the Bill to those professing   Covenant of the Prophet that was first published by        Selim’s  Charter  as translated  out  of  Arabic  into
        his religion only” (Spellberg 119-120). He specifi-  Sionita was reproduced in dozens of other books,   Union, establish justice, tranquility,   Turkish I read at Adrianople, and remember it to
        cally stated that the Virginia Statute for Religious   titles that were easily  accessible  in  both  Europe   general welfare, and the blessings   be as follows:
        Freedom (1786)  was  written  “to  comprehend,   and the United States. In fact, the Covenant of the   of liberty. They provide for political   “Since the monks of Mount Saini are come
        within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the   Prophet had been a best-seller since the 17th cen-  representation and democratic   to our sublime Divan, and have humbly repre-
        Gentile, the Christian and the Muslim, the Hindu,   tury. Consequently, I set off to search the nearly           sented, that Muhammed el-Mustapha, God’s Holy
        and infidel of every denomination.” Speaking of   seven thousand titles in Thomas Jefferson’s library   consultation. These rights, freedoms,   Prophet, (on whom be peace and health) being
        the Constitution of 1780, Massachusetts governor,   catalog in search of traces of the Covenants of the   and political principles are all found   heretofore by their monastery hospitably received
        Chief Justice Theophilus Parsons, affirmed that it   Prophet. And what did I find? I found that Thomas   in the Qur’an, the Constitution of   in his travails, and according to their slender abili-
        afforded “the most ample liberty of conscience…   Jefferson had a copy of the Qur’an, the translation   Medina, and the Covenants of the   ties adored with all kinds of honor and reverence,
        to Deists, Muslims, Jews, and Christians.”  completed by George Sale (1697-1736). In other                       graciously exempted this community of Nazarean
            Quoting John Locke (1632-1704), Thomas   words, this Founding Father would have been fa-  Prophet Muhammad   monks from their annual tribute, and in confirma-
        Jefferson asserted that “Neither Pagan nor Muslim   miliar with the multiple passages in the Qur’an in           tion of it was pleased to give a holy writing signed
        nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights   which God promotes tolerance, pluralism, peace,   ligion, nor turned you out of your dwellings, God   with his own hand, after his example, we also out
        of the Commonwealth because of his religion.” His   justice, and coexistence, including:  forbideth you not to deal kindly with them, and to   of our great clemency do ordain that the afore-
        ally, Richard Henry Lee, even passed a motion in   Let there be no violence in religion. (2:256)  behave justly towards them; for God loveth those   mentioned monks be free from the yearly tribute
        Congress on June 7, 1776, in which he asserted   Surely those who believe, all those who Ju-  who act justly. (60:7-8)  paid by the rest, and be suffered without molesta-
        that “True freedom embraces the Muslim and the   daize, and Christians, and Sabians, whoever be-  Say, O ye who have received the scripture,   tion to enjoy their churches and rites according to
        Hindu as well as the Christian religion.”  lieveth in God, and the last day, and doth that   come to a just determination between us and you;   their obsolete law. To this end, we have graciously
            The University of Virginia, founded by   which is right, they shall have their reward with   that we worship not any except God, and associate   ordered them an authentic copy of the Instrument
        Thomas Jefferson, includes a visual tribute to his   their Lord; there shall come no fear on them, nei-  no creature with him; and that the one of us take   of God’s Holy Prophet, confirmed by our inscrip-
        commitment to religious pluralism. It features the   ther shall they be grieved. (2:63)  not the other for lords, beside God. But if they turn   tion. We therefore enjoin every person exercising
        statue of an angel carrying a tablet inscribed with   We have also sent down unto thee the book   back, say, bear witness that we are true believers.   dominion or jurisdiction throughout our whole
        the words “Religious Freedom, 1786” and which   of the Koran with truth, confirming that scripture   (3:64)      kingdom, not to burden the said monks of the
        includes the names God, Allah, Jehovah, and   which was revealed before it; and preserving the   Say: O unbelievers, I will not worship that   tribe of Jesus with tribute or other political con-
        Brahma.                               same safe from corruption. Judge therefore be-  which ye worship; nor will ye worship that which I   tributions. And whoever shall act contrary to our
            Although some Americans believe that Is-  tween them according to that which God hath re-  worship. Neither do I worship that which ye wor-  Chatisherif and Mandate, know that he shall cer-
        lam has always been fundamentally at war with   vealed; and follow not their desires, by swerving   ship; neither do ye worship that which I worship.   tainly be punished and chastised. Given at Cairo,
        the West, the fact of the matter is that the Otto-  from the truth which hath come unto thee. Unto   Ye have your religion, and I my religion. (109: 1–6)  etc.” (1734: 168-169; 1743: 181)
        man Empire, the most powerful Muslim political   every one of you have we given a law, and an open   Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an also contains notes   Demetrius Cantemir, a Moldavian soldier,
        entity of the period, concluded a treaty with the   path; and if God had pleased, he had surely made   from its translator. In his commentary, George   statesman, and man of letters, once served as the
        United States that was inspired by the Covenant   you one people; but he hath thought fit to give you   Sale mentions the Treaty of Najran made between   legal adviser to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of
        of the Prophet. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship   different laws, that he might try you in that which   the Prophet and leaders of the Christian Najran   Constantinople. When  some  Muslims  tried  to
        between the United States of America and the Otto-  he hath given you respectively. Therefore, strive to   community: al-‘Aqib, Sayyid al-Najrani, and Abu   confiscate a church at the end of the 17th century,
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