Page 4 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 4
Pakistan Link n By Mowahid Hussain Shah Wrong Track
he post-pandemic verdict
Advisory Board is out. 71% of Americans
Dr Sohail Masood Tthink America is heading
President in the wrong direction. This was
Arif Zaffar Mansuri disclosed through an NBC News poll
on October 31. It is
Editor a startling statistic.
Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui The same poll found that overall
approval of Biden’s
Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan) job performance is
Shabbir Ghori at an all-time low of 42%. The pan- demic has brought to the forefront
Resident Editor Urdu Link the underlying malaise. When the
& Director Video Operations moment arose to showcase leader-
Anwar Khawaja ship, it is leadership that has been missing in action.
The needle in the US has not
Manager Sales & Advertising moved on gun terror, which stalks the land through random mass
shootings. Why? Lack of political
Regional Offices
will. Across America violent crime
has surged during the pandemic.
YKKB There has been a general decline of civility and national cohesion,
alongside fraying of family ties and
Sacramento, CA erosion of discipline.
On the world stage, US leader-
San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA ship has faltered. The incompetent handling of the pandemic by health
czars and their mixed messaging Midwest. A mass casualty attack 19, 1995. This time, the targets net. Fortunately, for America, the
New York, NY spread confusion, leading to vaccine was planned by right-wing white were Muslims for just being Mus- plotting of mass murder of Somali
hesitancy. supremacists against a Somalian lim. The point was made that while Muslims was thwarted by vigilant
Houston, TX Bad behavior has been conta- neighborhood in Garden City, Kan- the national focus was on Muslim federal law enforcement. gious. Brawling and fights on air- sas, in the heart of the Midwest. It militancy, beneath the radar, rise of Hate groups are not just con-
planes are happening all too often. fined to America. Their message
Phoenix, AZ According to the FAA, this year has trolled and splattered across there have nearly 5,000 such inci- Noteworthy was it to watch the just-released the globe. The Christchurch, New
Ontario, Canada dents (Lori Aratani, “’One of the documentary, “The Informant: Fear and Zealand, massacre at two mosques worst displays of unruly behavior’ on March 15, 2019, was inspired by
in the skies,” Washington Post, Oc- Faith in the Heartland,” produced by the mass atrocity in and near Oslo,
Letters to the Editor tober 29, 2021.) A major increase is Norway, on July 22, 2011, by Anders
also occurring of students engaging ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos. It Breivik, as well as by hateful messag-
Readers are welcome to express their opinion
in these columns. Please keep your letters in violent behavior in school (NBC es from the “Dark Web” embedded
brief and to the point. Letters without full Nightly News, October 31.) depicts how hate and fear has entrenched in America.
name, complete address, and a daytime
phone number will not be published. The trauma of lockdown, so- Does it matter? Yes. Juxta-
Also, copies of letters sent to other news- cial isolation, online rumor-mon- itself in the American Midwest. A mass pose the aforementioned with hate
papers are not encouraged. Letters can be
mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at gering and false information has emanating from Hindutva circles in
the Pakistan Link Headquarters address exacerbated hate and fear. Donald casualty attack was planned by right-wing India, not from the fringe, but from
listed below.
Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub- Trump’s blunt Muslim-baiting has white supremacists against a Somalian the very top of policymakers.
lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC, had a wider impact, and made seg- Hatred, once unleashed, can be
DBA PL Publications, LLC. ments of society steeped in despair self-consuming and catastrophic,
Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA and frustration particularly vulner- neighborhood in Garden City, Kansas, in with no winners. That was the abid-
and additional mailing offices.
POST MASTER: Send address changes to able to cues from the helm blaming the heart of the Midwest. ing lesson of World War II of which
Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238, Anaheim, CA
92815 others for their woes. this generation has a hazy notion.
The management has the right to refuse Noteworthy was it to watch the Meanwhile, amidst all this com-
to print any advertisement, news, article,
letter or any other material. In case of just-released documentary, “The persuasively presents how the xe- white supremacist extremism went motion, and under the watch of the
any errors in advertisement the manage- Informant: Fear and Faith in the nophobic rhetoric of Trump fueled unchecked. And now, according to feckless Biden presidency, the Dem-
ment will not be liable for more than the
amount paid for the advertisement to the Heartland,” produced by ABC an- white rage and radicalized militia the FBI, it constitutes the single big- ocrats have lost the Governor’s race
Link. chor George Stephanopoulos. It groups, who were pushed to con- gest domestic terror threat. Many to the Republicans in pivotal Virgin-
Advertisements in Pakistan Link are
placed in good faith. The newspaper is not depicts how hate and fear has en- vert resentment into kinetic action à of these radicalized groups get their ia, foretelling broader implications.
responsible nor endorses the contents of trenched itself in the American la the Oklahoma bombing of April news from YouTube and the Inter-
any advertisement. In case of a frivolous
lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear the total cost
of the suit, including but not limited to the
Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees. COP26: Climate Change, Modi, Methane and Cow Burps
n By Riaz Haq methane, a greenhouse gas which is dustrial emissions will require plug- and domestic use of fossil fuels like
Information for CA 84 times more potent than carbon ging leaks in the production, trans- natural gas, oil and coal. At COP26
Subscribers ndia’s largest cow herd in the dioxide in warming the planet. In- mission and distribution networks of in Glasgow, 104 nations agreed to cut
The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail- world makes it the third big- dia has over 300 million ruminants, natural gas. methane emissions by 30% by 2030.
ingly completed by Wednesday every
week and its copies are handed over to Igest global methane emitter. about one-third of the global cattle There are a number of ideas India refused to join this agreement.
the mailing house for prompt dispatch Methane is a potent greenhouse herd population. Pakistan has about being pursued to reduce emissions Pakistan, the eighth largest methane
to the subscribers. The Link should gas with a global 100 million buffalos and cows. from buffalos and cows. These range emitter, did make the methane cut
reach its destination on time if there is
no delay at the post office. If a delay is warming poten- from animal feed additives to pro- pledge.
occasioned it is in no way attributable tial (GWP) 84 Industrial Emissions duce less gas to the use of face masks.
to the performance of Link’s manage- Views and
ment. In case of delayed receipt of Pak- times greater than Majority of the methane emis- A sensor in the animal face
istan Link or missing issues, please con- CO2. At COP26 in sions in the industrialized world mask detects the percentage of meth- opinions ex-
tact your local Post Office and submit a pressed by
“Publication Watch” form. Glasgow, 104 na- come from fossil fuels, including ane that is expelled when the cow ex- authors and
tions agreed to cut natural gas, oil and coal. In India, hales. When methane levels exceed a
methane emissions by 30% by about 30% of the methane comes certain limit, the mask channels the c o nt r i b u -
tors in arti-
PAKISTAN LINK 2030. India, represented by Prime from industrial processes while 70% gas towards an oxidation mechanism cles, letters,
Minister Narendra Modi, refused
inside, which contains a catalyst that
is contributed by livestock. In Paki-
Headquarters to join this agreement, as did the stan, industrial and domestic con- converts methane into CO2 and wa- o p inio n
P O Box 1238, Anaheim, CA 92815 top two emitters China and Rus- sumption of natural gas contributes ter, and expels it from the device. pieces, reports, advertise-
Tel: 714-400-3400 ments, etc appearing in Pak-
Fax: 714-400-3404 sia. Pakistan, the 8th largest meth- 40% of methane emission while the Summary: Burps and farts from istan Link and Urdu Link
E-Mail: ane emitter, did make the methane rest come from agriculture. ruminants like buffalos and cows are are their own. The paper
cut pledge. a major source of global warming. neither shares nor endorses
Cattle Emissions Solutions These emissions contain methane
Pakistan Office Cow burps and farts are major Both industrial and agricultural gas which is 84 times more potent them and thus should not
42 Rehman Court contributors to global warming. The sources of methane emissions need than CO2 in causing global warm- be held responsible for the
Plaza Square, Off M. A. Jinnah Road digestive processes of ruminants, in- to be managed to achieve a 30% cut ing. In addition, there are significant views/opinions of the writ-
Karachi-74400, Pakistan ers & advertisers.
cluding buffalos and cows, produce by 2030 pledged by 105 nations. In- methane emissions from industrial