Page 8 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 8
n By Abdul Malik Mujahid What Does insha Allah Mean? no intention of starting the event on Friday
Chicago, IL night at “6 p.m. sharp insha Allah” then don’t
have the printers put that down on the invita-
t wasn’t until my son, then still a young
child, started crying after I used the oft- So, if you’re planning a
Irepeated expression “insha Allah”, that I
really understood how bad the problem had wedding and have no
gotten. What does insha Al-
lah mean? intention of starting the
I had promised to do event on Friday night at
something for him, and uttered
my usual “insha Allah” when “6 p.m. sharp insha Allah”
it happened. Unbeknownst to
me, he had figured out that then don’t have the printers
when some Muslims use this term, often trans-
lated as “if God wills”, it does not mean the put that down on the
promise is a firm commitment. Rather, it can invitation card. Be straight
be translated as “maybe, maybe not” in practi-
cal terms, and most usually, “maybe not”. It is with people and do what
not something taken very seriously.
I was stunned. So, I started observing my you are originally planning
own usage of insha Allah.
Not long after that incident, I was sitting (e.g. “Reception: 7 p.m.;
in a meeting in Toronto and somehow the con-
versation turned to use of the word “insha Al- Nikah at 8 p.m. Dinner at
lah”. That’s when I mentioned my son crying. 9:30 p.m. insha Allah”)
A Muslim who was also attending the meeting
shared his own experience of a highly educated
woman had become Muslim in his city. She
asked the Imam to set up an appointment to
discuss matters of faith. They agreed to a date “And never say of anything, ‘Indeed, I will Insha Allah should not be used as a time- tion card. Be straight with people and do what
and time. do that tomorrow except [when adding], ‘If stalling tactic either. I have seen us use the ex- you are originally planning (e.g. “Reception: 7
But on that day of the appointment, she God wills’. And remember your Lord when you pression when we’re not sure we can commit to p.m.; Nikah at 8 p.m. Dinner at 9:30 p.m. insha
did not show up. The Imam was confused. forget it and say, ‘Perhaps my Lord will guide something, when we need more information or Allah”).
When they met at a later time, he asked her me to what is nearer than this to right conduct have to check with someone before we can say, Allah knows our intentions. We need to be
why she had missed the meeting. She explained tomorrow,’” (Qur’an 18:23-24). “yes, I can do this”. If you need more time to clear about them with others as well.
that since he had used the expression “insha This clearly and categorically explains that decide whether you can do something, just say If you are a Khateeb, make the Sharia of
Allah“ after setting a day and time, she assumed when a Muslim decides to do anything, he or so. But avoid using insha Allah unless you are insha Allah a topic of your Khutba; if you are a
the meeting was not a firm commitment. As a she should then say insha Allah. It means: I will sure you will do the task promised. teacher, talk about it with your students; if you
new Muslimah, based on the deductive knowl- do everything I possibly can to make sure I do A Muslim says things only when he or she are a parent, invite your kids to ask how you are
edge of how Muslims use “insha Allah”, she had task X. But the rest is up to God who controls means them. Allah asks us: using the phrase insha Allah.
come to the same conclusion as my son. all variable known and un-known to us. O you who have believed, why do you
This way of using sacred words is actually Insha Allah is a firm commitment to walk say what you do not do? Great is hatred in the
callous abuse. In Islam, insha Allah is a firm the walk and talk the talk, while simultaneously sight of Allah that you say what you do not do. time-management-how-to-cure-a-chronic-dis
promise, not a casual expression that can be being an expression of humility and acceptance (Qur’an 61:2-3) ease?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=17221a1
thrown about. of God’s control over all things. So, if you’re planning a wedding and have c-449a-467b-8bda-a77046adf404
n By Prema Rahman and Amine Ben A Litmus Test for US Foreign Policy United States, must insist on our own values of
Naceur justice, freedom, and equality by acting con-
MPAC sistently in the face of the disastrous human
rights crisis unfolding in India.
ast week, we wrote about the rise of Given the large number of American In-
religious intolerance in India and its dians who contribute to the economic, cultur-
Ltroubling implications for South Asia al and intellectual life of our nation, it would
and America. In this piece, we dive deeper be counterproductive to adopt measures that
into potential policy solutions. would demonize India and thus harm the
In 2014, the radical Hindu-nationalist, South Asian American population.
Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party There is no easy diplomatic solution to
(BJP) came to power as Prime Minister. Since this issue, but we have identified a few start-
his ascension to the throne, what was once re- ing points. First, we call for the confirmation
ferred to as the world’s largest democracy has of Rashad Hussain as the United States Am-
now been degraded to a “partially free democ- bassador-at-Large for International Religious
racy”, with some even going so far as to calling Freedom. Mr Hussain has a demonstrable
India an “electoral autocracy”. track record of promoting and advancing re-
Modi has been in feverish pursuit of ligious freedom with integrity. His appoint-
transforming India — an ethnically and reli- ment will allow the United States to affirm in
gious diverse nation of over a billion people multilateral forums and with its partners its
— into his vision of a religiously and ideologi- commitment to the fundamental freedoms of
cally homogeneous country. thought and belief that are so dear to our de-
India is swiftly sliding into the realm of mocracy and that constitute the DNA of our
authoritarianism, as clearly evidenced by its mer, for example, Indian authorities launched Indian Muslims. Indeed, prior to the recent political institutions.
increasing censorship of media, suppression an investigation into three Muslim journalists surge of violence, they were victims of a gener- We also call on our lawmakers to respect
of free speech, and abuse of civil rights and lib- and three Muslim members of the opposition alized policy of marginalization that consisted the 2017 law, Countering America’s Adversar-
erties. Communal tensions between its Hindu Congress party who shared a video of a group of depriving them of their means of subsis- ies Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), which
and Muslim populations have been weapon- of men attacking an elderly Muslim man in the stipulates that any country that engages with
ized by the ruling party as a part of this greater state of Uttar Pradesh. One of the journalists One of the journalists named Russia’s defense and intelligence fields could
political strategy to strengthen its reign over named in the police investigation is the award- face US sanctions. Through its recent $5.5 bil-
the country. winning journalist and contributor to TIME in the police investigation is lion arms deal with Russia, India is in direct
As the recent communal violence in and the Washington Post, Rana Ayyub, whom the award-winning journalist violation of CAATSA and as such must be
neighboring Bangladesh shows, the current MPAC honored with its Voices of Courage held accountable for violating the terms of our
politics of India is now bleeding across its and Conscience Award in 2020. and contributor to TIME and allyship. Though some have urged President
borders and carries the potential to destabilize India has approximately 172 million Mus- the Washington Post, Rana Biden to waive sanctions for India, doing so
the Subcontinent. If unchecked by the United lims, comprising 14.2 percent of the country’s would diminish the credibility of CAATSA
States, the Hindu-nationalist policies of the total population, according to the 2011 census. Ayyub, whom MPAC honored and further embolden India’s transgressive
Modi government will not only affect the lives A 2015 study by the Pew Research Center es- behavior.
of millions of South Asians in America, but it timates that by 2050, India is expected to have with its Voices of Courage and Finally, following President Biden’s prom-
will also bring into question the authenticity the largest Muslim population in the world. Conscience Award in 2020 ise to counter the growth of authoritarianism
and efficacy of President Joe Biden’s promise Despite the growing number of Muslims in through our foreign policy, we urge our Presi-
to “meet this new moment of advancing au- the country, however, their political and cul- dent and the State Department to promote
thoritarianism” through our foreign policy. tural presence has been challenged, especially tence by limiting certain economic activities the values of free speech, freedom of religion,
Freedom of speech and expression is a over the past decade, by an offensive Hindu that are mostly practiced by this minority or equality, and justice in India. Doing otherwise
hallmark of any democracy, but that is a fast- nationalist movement. by reducing their representation in political will only further diminish our already-tar-
disappearing right in India today. Journalists While violence is the most dramatic ex- bodies such as the Parliament. nished standing in the global community.
who expose abuses committed by the pro- pression of Muslim exclusion in India, other We must not lose sight of America’s en- (Prema Rahman is MPAC Policy Analyst
Hindu far right have become easy targets for forms of exclusionary policies have had a far during values in the name of temporary stra- and Amine Ben Naceur is MPAC Non-Resi-
censorship and, worse, persecution. This sum- more pronounced impact on the daily life tegic interests. It is imperative that we, the dent Senior Policy Fellow)