Page 12 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 12
Islamabad High Court Seeks Responses ‘Saqib Nisar Directed Not to Release
over GB Ex-Judge’s Affidavit Nawaz, Maryam before 2018 Elections’
tice Aamir Farooq of the
IHC and asked him not to
grant bail to Nawaz Sharif
and Maryam Nawaz be-
fore the general elections
in 2018.
Justice Minallah,
however, made it clear
that he would not hesitate
to proceed against former
CJP Nisar if the above-
mentioned respondents
bring an iota of evidence
to substantiate the allega-
The court observed
that admittedly no at-
tempt was made to seek
clarification from the IHC
registrar or to verify the
From left: Former chief justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar, former chief judge of Gilgit- contents of the purported Former Chief Justice Saqib Nisar when approached categorically denied that he
Baltistan Rana Mohammad Shamim Ahmed Khan, and journalist Ansar Abbasi affidavit. had ever directed any of his subordinate judges in connection with any judicial order
Justice Minallah not- whether it pertained to Nawaz Sharif, Shehbaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz or anyone else
Islamabad: The Is- the next date of hearing. filing the news report and ed that the journalist was Islamabad: Former chief judge of following is the content of Shamim’s
lamabad High Court The court appointed whether verification of even unaware that Justice the apex court of Gilgit Baltistan statement on oath:
(IHC) on Tuesday issued the Pakis¬tan Bar Coun- contents of the purported Aamir Farooq was not a Rana M Shamim has stated in a no- “I Justice Dr Rana Muham-
show-cause notices to for- cil’s vice chairman, the affidavit was made in ac- member of the bench nor tarized affidavit that he was a wit- mad Shamim, former Chief Judge,
mer chief judge of the apex Pakistan Federal Union cordance with the edito- that the latter at the rel- ness to the then CJP Saqib Nisar’s Supreme Appellate Court of Gilgit
court of Gilgit-Baltistan of Journalists’ president, rial policy and journalistic evant time was abroad on direction to a high court judge not Balistan (31 August 2015 to 30 Aug
Rana Mohammad Sha- Advocate Faisal Siddiqui norms. ex-Pakistan leave. More- to release Nawaz Sharif and Maryam 2018) do hereby make the following
mim, editor-in-chief of and Reema Omer as amici Mr Abbasi responded over, he said, the counsel Nawaz on bail at any cost before the statement under oath:
Jang Group Mir Shakeel- curiae in this matter. that confirmation of the for the Sharif family who 2018 general elections. 1. In July 2018 while I was
ur-Rehman, The News “The attorney general affidavit was sought from were seeking suspension “Mian Muhammad Nawaz serving as the Chief Judge of the
editor Aamir Ghouri and for Pakistan or the advo- its executor, i.e., Rana of sentence were also not Sharif and Maryam Nawaz Sharif Supreme Appellate Court of Gilgit
senior journalist Ansar cate general for Islamabad Shamim, adding that he contacted to verify wheth- must remain in jail until the general Baltistan, Justice Mian Saqib Nisar,
Abbasi over publication Capital Territory, as the was only a “messenger” er they had requested that elections are over. On assurances the then Chief Justice of Pakistan,
of a report about an affi- case may be, shall pros- and had not violated any the petition be fixed be- from the other side, he (Saqib Nisar) came to Gilgit for vacations along
davit of the GB’s ex-judge ecute the alleged contem- journalistic norm. fore the general elections became calm and happily demanded with 27 family members and stayed
claiming that former chief nors,” the court order said. Mr Abbasi insisted held on July 25, 2018. another cup of tea,” this is what is in the guest house of the court.
justice of Pakistan Saqib Mir Shakeel-ur- that he had fulfilled all the Justice Minallah said said in the affidavit of the former top 2. That one evening when I, my
Nisar had influenced the Rehman, Aamir Ghouri journalistic obligations the then registrar of the judge of GB talking about the then late wife, the Chief Justice of Paki-
judicial proceedings to and Ansar Abbasi ap- before filing the story; Supreme Court, referred top judge of Pakistan. stan Mian Saqib Nisar and his wife
prolong the detention peared before the court. however, if the court still to in the purported affida- According to the document, were taking tea in the lawn, I found
of former prime minis- Advocate Ahmed wants to proceed he sub- vit, was also not contacted Shamim’s statement was given under the Chief Justice of Pakistan to be
ter Nawaz Sharif and his Hassan Rana, who ap- mits himself to be solely and Mr Abbasi could also oath before the Oath Commissioner very disturbed and continuously
daughter Maryam Nawaz peared on behalf of Rana tried under the contempt not give any satisfactory on November 10, 2021. The affidavit, talking on the phone to his registrar,
following their conviction Shamim, informed the law as the editor-in-chief justification for notariza- duly notarized, contains the signa- directing him to go to the residence
in the Avenfield apart- court that the latter was and the editor were not re- tion of the purported af- ture of the ex-CJ of Gilgit Baltistan of Justice ------ of ------ and request
ments reference. not well and, therefore, he sponsible for the story in fidavit in the United King- as well as an image of his NIC card. him to immediately call him (the
IHC Chief Justice could not appear. question. dom on November 10 this The notary public stamped the af- CJP).
Athar Minallah directed Chief Justice Minal- In the affidavit, the year, while the brother of fidavit and recorded that it was 3. That in case his call does not
the above-mentioned re- lah asked Mr Abbasi GB’s ex-chief judge stated the executor had passed “sworn under oath before me” on get through, then convey to him on
spondents to submit their whether he had contacted that then CJP Saqib Nisar away in Pakistan on No- Nov 10, 2021. his (Mian Saqib Nisar’s) behalf that
replies by November 26 — the IHC registrar before had made a call to Jus- vember 6. Both Nawaz Sharif and Mary- Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and
Ex-GB Chief Judge Rana Shamim Has ‘Direct Relations’ am Nawaz were convicted by an Maryam Nawaz Sharif must not be
accountability court in a graft case
released on bail before the general
with Nawaz & Served as His Lawyer: Son before the July 25, 2018, general elections at any cost.
elections. Their lawyers had moved
4. That shortly afterwards he
court for suspension of the convic- also spoke to Justice ------ directly
Islamabad: Former chief judge of judge Shamim and two others. [Nawaz’s] lawyer so the two have re- tion but the case after initial hear- and told him that Mian Muhammad
Gilgit-Baltistan Rana Mohammad The court had taken notice on lations. They have direct relations,” ings was postponed till the last week Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz
Shamim, who has accused former Monday of a report published in The Rana said. of July. Sharif must remain in jail until the
chief justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib News by Abbasi, which quoted Jus- During the live program, Rana When approached on Sunday, general elections are over. On assur-
Nisar of judicial interference in the tice Shamim as saying in an affidavit appeared to take Justice Shamim live Rana Shamim initially confirmed ance from the other side, he became
corruption references against PML- that he witnessed ex-CJP Nasir relay- on a call to ask him about his meeting the content of the affidavit read to calm and happily demanded another
N leaders Nawaz Sharif and Mary- ing instructions to a high court judge with Nawaz, but told Khanzada that him on a WhatsApp call by this cor- cup of tea.
am Nawaz, has had long-standing three years ago to not release Nawaz his father had responded with “no respondent. Then he said that he 5. I, as his colleague and host,
relations with the PML-N supremo and Maryam in the corruption refer- comments”. could not hear this scribe clearly. requested him to spend his vacations
and his party in the capacity of an ences against them ahead of the 2018 However, he read out a text from He was called back immediately but with his family in Gilgit Baltistan and
officer-bearer as well as lawyer, it general elections. Shamim in which the former judge his WhatsApp was found turned off. then asked him why he conveyed
emerged on Tuesday. The report, which was hailed by stated that he had not released the af- He also did not pick up regular calls, such a message to Justice ----- and
According to Supreme Court the PML-N as vindication, has been fidavit in question to any journalist, repeatedly made to him. Later, his for what. He said, “Rana Sahib you
advocate Ahmed Hassan Rana, the refuted by Justice Nisar. Justice Sha- and that it may have been “leaked” mobile phone was also found turned will never understand. You must
son as well as lawyer of the former mim was not present due to health from the office of the notary public in off. After a break of a few hours, the treat it as if you never heard any-
GB top judge, his father has re- reasons for today’s proceedings pre- London who attested the document. former top judge of GB sent a mo- thing.” I told him in the presence of
mained “in direct touch” with Nawaz sided over by the IHC Chief Justice While answering a question, bile message to this correspondent my late wife and his wife that Mian
and even met the PML-N supremo in Athar Minallah and was represented Rana said his father would appear be- from another number confirming Nawaz Sharif has been falsely impli-
England before the pandemic. by his son in court. fore the IHC on November 26, when the content of the statement. cated and his sentence and that of
Speaking on Geo News program During his appearance on the next hearing of the case will be Former Chief Justice Saqib Maryam Nawaz were both managed
Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Saath, Khanzada’s show, Advocate Rana, held. Nisar when approached categori- as was evident from his phone calls.
Rana acknowledged that Justice Sha- while refusing to answer any ques- Appearing on ARY News show cally denied that he had ever direct- He was initially disturbed to hear
mim had also served as the vice-pres- tions on his father’s behalf, said he Off the Record, Advocate Rana told ed any of his subordinate judges in that but then relaxed again and said,
ident of PML-N Sindh in the past and himself was serving as the Punjab as- anchor Kashif Abbasi that he was not connection with any judicial order “Rana Sahib, the chemistry of Pun-
was Nawaz’s lawyer in the Memogate sistant advocate general at the time of aware that his father would make the whether it pertained to Nawaz Shar- jab is different from Gilgit Baltistan.”
scandal case. Nawaz’s arrest in 2018 and also met statement about Nisar while visit- if, Shehbaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz 6. That whatever is stated vol-
Rana’s appearances on the me- the PML-N leader in jail. ing London — where the affidavit or anyone else. untarily herein above constitutes the
dia came on the same day on which He said his father had last met in question was notarized — adding Except for the editing of the complete truth.”
the Islamabad High Court (IHC) is- Nawaz while visiting the UK before that he had not seen the actual affida- name of the high court judge, the
sued show-cause notices to The News the coronavirus pandemic struck. vit, and only saw pictures of it.
journalist Ansar Abbasi, former “[Shamim] has remained “I was made aware of this for the first time by [journalist] Matiullah Jan yesterday,” he added.