Page 10 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 10

P10  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER 19, 2021                                                                                           OPINION
            n  By Dr Aslam Abdullah    Life after Death in the Qur’an and Ahadith                                               ‘What is your religion?’ He replies,
                 Fontana, CA                                                                                                    ‘My religion is Islam.’ They ask him,
                                                                                                                                ‘Who is this man sent among you?’
              eath  is  a  reality, and  the                                                                                    He replies, ‘The Messenger of Allah.
              COVID-19 pandemic has                                                                                             Then a Voice from on high declares,
        Dturned it into an every-                                                                                               ‘My slave has spoken the truth, so
        day experience.  Approximately                                                                                          spread out carpets from the Garden
                    150,000 people die                                                                                          for him and open a gate of the Gar-
                    daily.  CAVID-19                                                                                            den for him!’
                    has  added  4,000                                                                                               “Then some of its fragrance and
                    more daily deaths                                                                                           perfume comes to him, his grave is
                    in this tally since                                                                                         expanded for him as far as the eye
                    March.                                                                                                      can see, and a man with beautiful
                       Yet, it’s a reality                                                                                      garments and a fragrant scent comes
                    that most people do                                                                                         to him and says, ‘Rejoice in what de-
        not want to acknowledge. They see                                                                                       lights you for this is the day prom-
        death happening to others, but do                                                                                       ised.’ He asks, ‘Who are you? Yours
        not imagine themselves to be in the                                                                                     is a face which presages good.’ He re-
        queue. This article gives a detailed                                                                                    plies, ‘I am your good actions.’ Then
        account of death and life after death,                                                                                  he says, ‘O Lord, let the Last Hour
        as explained in the primary source                                                                                      come soon so that I may rejoin my
        of Islam, the Qur’an, and the sec-                                                                                      family and my property!’
        ondary source, the hadith or sayings                                                                                        “When an unbeliever is about
        attributed to Prophet Muhammad.                                                                                         to depart from this world and go
        No one has returned from graves to                                                                                      forward into the Next World, an-
        verify any of the details. Death is a                                                                                   gels with black faces descend from
        reality, but life’s accounts after death   In early Judaism, as docu-  universe.          into the presence of Allah, and then   the heavens carrying rough hair-
        are matters of a belief system based   mented in the Torah, there is a place   Life after the Day of Judgment   it returns and sees the washing of   cloth and sit around him in throngs
        on assumptions and conjectures   called Sheol to which one goes down   is not a mystery or an enigma. But   the body, the shrouding, and the fu-  stretching as far as the eye can see.
        rooted in the scripture of Islam and   following this Life. In later Judaism,   the  status  of  the soul  before  that   neral procession. It says either, ‘Take   Then the Angel of Death comes and
        the sayings of the prophet.   the notion of a spiritual life after   phase is a mystery that only conjec-  me forward! Take me forward!’ or   sits at his head and says, ‘Foul soul,
            Life is beautiful. Can one say   death developed.       tures have tried to explain.  ‘Where are you taking me?’ The liv-  come out to the wrath and anger of
        the same thing about death? No one   Islam describes death as the   In  Islamic  belief,  the  soul  and   ing, of course, hears none of this.   Allah!’ Then his soul divides up in
        born was, is, and will live forever.   beginning of a new life that will   the body are together in this Life ex-  The soul comes back and stays float-  his body and drags out like a skewer
        But no dead has ever returned to   achieve its eternity after the Day of   cept during sleep when the soul may   ing above the body, and when the   out of wet wool. Then the angel takes
        tell what happens after death. Only   Judgment.             leave the body and come back in the   corpse is in the grave, it places itself   hold of it. When he has grasped it,
        the dead experience the end. They   The common notion among all   morning, or Allah may take the soul   between the body and the shroud to   the other angels do not leave it in
        are unable to tell others they are   these five concepts is the living of   at that time. “It is God [alone that   answer the questions.  his  hand even for  the  twinkling  of
        gone. Only those who are alive see   the soul after physical death. But all   has this power.- He] who causes all   At the grave of a believer,   an eye. They take it and wrap it in
        the dead. Yet, almost every religion   these concepts are conjectural as no   human beings to die at the time of   Prophet Muhammad used to say,   the rough hair-cloth, and a stench
        has its understanding of Life after   dead has returned to tell the journey   their [bodily] death, and [causes to   “Seek forgiveness for your (Muslim)   comes out of it like the worst stench
        Death.                        after death. Religious texts are the   be as dead], during their sleep, those   brother and pray for his steadfast-  of a corpse on the face of the earth.’
            The world’s 4,300 religions   primary source of our theoretical   that have not yet died: thus, He   ness since angels are questioning   “Then they take it up, and
        promote five major ideas about Life   understanding of the soul and Life   withholds [from Life] those upon   him” [Abu Dawud]  whenever they take it past a com-
        after Death. The concept of reincar-  after Death. Only science describes   whom He has decreed death, and   The angels pray for the believ-  pany of angels, they ask, ‘Who is
        nation was one of the earliest ideas   with certainty what death is. It is   lets the others go free for a term set   er’s soul, just as people pray over the   this foul soul?’ and the angels with
        developed. Human beings perish   the permanent cessation of all bio-  [by Him]. In [all] this, behold, there   body on earth. The soul hears the re-  the soul reply, ‘So-and-so, the son of
        physically, but their souls survive   logical functions that sustain a living   are messages indeed for people who   ceding footsteps of the people who   so-and-so,’ using the worst names by
        in different forms and shapes unless   organism that begins to decompose   think! (39:42)  followed the funeral until the burial   which people used to call him in this
        they join the divine spirit. Hinduism   shortly after death. It is a process oc-  This part of our journey comes   is complete.  world. They bring him to the lowest
        and many other polytheistic reli-  curring in all living organisms.  to an end with our death. No one   The following statement of   heaven and ask for the gate to open
        gious traditions believe in this idea.  In Islam, death is the termina-  knows where, how, and when one   Prophet Muhammad explains the   for him. It does not get opened.’
            Hindusim  describes  death  tion of worldly Life. It is a separa-  will die.          process: “When the believer is about   “The Messenger of Allah, may
        as the individual eternal spiritual   tion of the soul from the body and   “Verily, the knowledge of the   to depart from this world and go   Allah bless him and grant him
        soul exiting the temporary material   a transfer from this world to the af-  Hour is with Allah (alone). He who   forward into the Next World, an-  peace, then recited,
        body. The soul exits this body when   terlife.              sends down rain, and He who knows   gels with faces as bright as the sun   ‘The gates of heaven will not
        the body can no longer sustain the   Muslim  scholars  discuss  in   what is in the wombs, nor does any-  descend from the heavens and sit   open to them, nor will they enter
        conscious self (Life), which may be   detail as what happens before, dur-  one know what it is that he will earn   around him in throngs stretching   the Garden until the camel passes
        due to mental or physical reasons, or   ing, and after death. However, what   on the morrow. Nor does anyone   as far as the eye can see. Then the   through the eye of the needle.’ (7:40)
        more accurately, the inability to act   exactly happens is not empirically   know in what land he is to die. Ver-  Angel of Death comes and sits at his   Then Allah, the Mighty and
        on one’s material desires.    known, and different scholars may   ily, with Allah is full knowledge and   head and says, “Good soul, come   Majestic, will say, ‘Register his book
            Bhagavad-Gītā,  the  holy  text   end  up with different conclusions.   He is acquainted (with all things).”   out to forgiveness and pleasure from   in Sijjin in the lowest earth.’ Then
        of Hinduism in chapter 2 verse 20,   However, one canonical idea is that   (31:34) Izrael, the angel of death, re-  Allah!” Then his soul emerges like   his soul is flung down. The Prophet,
        describes the soul in the following   the angel of death (Arabic: Malak al-  moves the soul out of the body and   a drop of water flows from a water-  then recited,
        words:                        Maut) appears to the dying to take   takes it to a place called the Barzakh.  skin, and the angel takes hold of it.   ‘Whoever associates anything
            “For the soul, there is neither   out their souls. The sinners’ souls   “Say: ‘The Angel of Death,   When he has grasped it, the other   with Allah, it is as though he has
        birth nor death at any time. It has   leave most painfully while the righ-  put in charge of you, will (duly)   angels do not leave it in his hand   fallen from heaven and the birds
        not come into being, does not come   teous leave comfortably.  take your souls. Then shall you be   even  for  the  twinkling  of  an  eye.   snatch him away, or the wind sweeps
        into being, and will not come into   Later, the idea of two angels   brought back to your Lord.” (32:11)  They take it and place it in a per-  him headlong into a place far away.’
        being. It is unborn, eternal, ever-  – Munkar and Nakir, appeared in   “Wherever you are, death will   fumed shroud and fragrance issues   (22:31)
        existing, and primeval. It does not   Islamic literature. The two angels   find you out, even if you are in   from it like the sweetest scent of   “Then  his  soul  returns  to  his
        perish when the body perishes.”  come to question the dead to test   towers built up durable and high!   musk found on the face of the earth.’  body and two angels come and say to
            It further elaborates in chapter   their faith. If the answers are correct,   “(4:78)     “Then they bear it upwards,   him, ‘Who is your Lord?’ He replies,
        2 verse 13: “As the embodied soul   the soul lives in peace and comfort   For those who led a life of evil,   and whenever they take it past a   ‘Alas, alas, I do not know!’ Then a
        continuously passes, in  this  body,   while the disbelievers fail suffering   the removal of the soul is tight and   company of angels, they ask, ‘Who is   voice calls from on high, ‘My slave is
        from boyhood to youth to old age,   punishments. The stage between   stressful. But the soul of people who   this good soul?’ and the angels with   not telling the truth. Spread out car-
        the soul similarly passes into an-  death and the Day of Judgment is   live a good life yearns to meet its   the soul reply, ‘So-and-so, the son of   pets from the fire for him, and open
        other body at death. A sober person   called the Life of barzakh, literally   Lord and leaves the body with ease.   so-and-so,’ using the best names by   its gate for him. A hot blast from it
        is not bewildered by such a change.”  meaning a curtain between the cur-  Then it ascends amid rows of an-  which people used to call him in this   comes to him, and his grave is made
            Buddhism believes that the   rent and the future state.  gels, but those who are there cannot   world. They bring him to the lowest   narrow for him pressing his ribs.
        body disintegrates, but the soul be-  Believing in an afterlife is one   see  or  smell  this.  The  disbelieving   heaven and ask for the gate to open   A voice says, ‘Grieve on account of
        comes part of the universe wander-  of the articles of faith in Islam. The   deceased is questioned, punished,   for him. The angels near Allah from   what has brought you disgrace for
        ing in the infinity. In Buddhism,   Qur’an talks about the Day of Judg-  beaten, and wails and cries out. All   each of the heavens accompany him   this is the day promised.’ He asks,
        death is a reminder of the value of   ment and Heaven and Hell but gives   this happens while he/she lies dead,   to the subsequent heaven until he   ‘Who are you? Yours is a face which
        being born as a human being, which   little details of what happens to the   and the family is around them, but   reaches to the domain where Allah   presages evil.’ He replies, ‘I am your
        is the only state in which one can at-  soul after death as it concurs with   no one can hear or see it.  the Great is. Allah, the Mighty and   bad actions.’ Then he says, ‘O Lord,
        tain enlightenment.           the  physical  disintegration of  the   As explained by Islamic tra-  Majestic, says, ‘Register the book   do not let the Last Hour come!’”
            Purgatory is where the soul   body. However, the statements at-  ditions, the soul after leaving the   of My slave in ‘Illiyun and take him   This grave or interspace is part
        rests until purified before return-  tributed to Prophet Muhammad   body  returns  to  its  pure  state.  The   back to earth. I created them from   of our journey. It separates heaven
        ing to God, an idea promoted by   called Ahadith, describe the phase   relatives in the Next World who are   it, and I return them to it, and I will   and earth, this world and the Next
        the Roman Catholic Church. Other   of punishment and reward that be-  people of the Garden, come to meet   bring them forth from it again.’  World or the period between death
        Christians believe that after  death,   gins  immediately after  the burial.   it with yearning and great joy. They   “His  soul  then  returns  to  his   and resurrection. The reward or
        they will be taken into God’s pres-  The Qur’an gives the rationale of the   ask it about the condition of still   body, and two angels come to him.   punishment of the grave, as ex-
        ence and judged for the deeds they   Day of Judgment and explains that it   alive and ‘suffering’ in this world.   They make him sit up and say to   plained by the books of Hadith, is
        have  done  or  failed  to  do  during   is the only logical and rational out-  The angels then bear the soul from   him, ‘Who is your Lord?’ He replies,   not the same as that of the Hereafter,
        their lifetime.               come of divine laws spread in the   one heaven to the next until it comes   ‘My Lord is Allah.’ They ask him,   DEATH, P11
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