Page 11 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 11

OPINION                                                                                                      NOVEMBER 19,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11

                n Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy                    No, It Wasn’t a Surrender!                                       of khooni liberals at 300; other Pakistanis are
                      Islamabad                                                                                          good Muslims, he said. But, judging from
                                                                                                                         the  present  public  outrage,  the  number  of
             he hottest news in town: the PTI gov-                                                                       bad Muslims could actually be several thou-
             ernment  says  it  wanted  force  used                                                                      sand times greater.
        Tagainst violent Tehreek-i-Labbaik                                                                                   Defining liberal is hard enough, iden-
        Pakistan (TLP) protesters but the Pakistan                                                                       tifying khooni liberals is still harder. But,
                    Army did not agree. Well,                                                                            broadly speaking, liberals endorse personal
                    perhaps that’s true — or per-                                                                        freedoms and fairness to all, men and wom-
                    haps not. What we do know                                                                            en. This large, fractious, and quarrelsome
                    is  that  much property  was                                                                         family  respects  diversity,  pluralism  and
                    destroyed and much blood                                                                             belief in a democracy where the Constitu-
                    spilled — that of at least eight                                                                     tion holds sway. Some liberals are faithfully
                    dead policemen. Some 8,000                                                                           religious, others are indifferent. Just as hypo-
                    TLP members were arrested                                                                            crites and crooks among the ultra-religious
        for rioting, arson and murder but the deal                                                                       are plentiful, many liberals are also bad
        requires dropping charges against all. Pun-                                                                      people.
        jab’s police force stands demoralized and in                                                                         Why Imran Khan angrily blames lib-
        disarray.                                                                                                        erals for all that’s gone wrong in Pakistan
            Many call it surrender. But could this                                                                       is  puzzling. This hopelessly fragmented
        be in sly anticipation of TLP joining main-                                                                      bunch of individuals has zero political rep-
        stream politics and becoming PTI’s part-                                                                         resentation. Its ‘candle-light mafias’ carry
        ner in the next elections? PM Khan’s close                                                                       no dandas, firebombs, or submachine guns
        ideological affinity with TLP as a Barelvi                                                                       like the ones with which TLP defended the
        organization makes this an open possibility.                                                                     honor of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). In fact,
        In April he stressed that “TLP and the gov-                                                                      liberals can barely muster a few dozens to
        ernment have the same objective,  but  our                                                                       mourn those slain by terrorists or to show
        methods are  different”. To  underscore  his                                                                     solidarity with rape victims.
        fondness for TLP, weeks ago Khan launched   Pakistan.                      critics as disgruntled “bloody liberals”. This   Khan despises liberals, but why? He has
        the blasphemy-busting Rehmatulil Alameen   A grateful TTP responded by authoriz-  phrase,  a  20-year-old  trademark  of  Khan,   told his story multiple times: his colorful
        Authority (RAA). That TLP protests began   ing Imran Khan, along with Maulana Abdul   has morphed slightly under chief negotiator   past in the West (he gives no details) owes
        from the Rehmatulil Alameen mosque in   Aziz and Maulana Samiul Haq, to negotiate   of the TLP deal, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman,   to him having been seduced by what he calls
        Lahore is coincidental? Well maybe, maybe   on its behalf. Then, just weeks later, TTP   who prefers “bloodthirsty liberals”.  ‘liberalism’ — until faith finally came to his
        not.                                  militants played football  with  the  severed   It can’t be clearer: much as Narendra   rescue. Actually, his case is typical: many
            Separately: the Afghan Taliban — who   heads of 23 captured Frontier Corps sol-  Modi would like India cleansed of Muslims   young,  virile  Pakistani  men  eventually re-
        flatly refuse to disown TTP — have just bro-  diers in a macabre, video-recorded football   and Christians, Imran  Khan wants to do   turn from Western countries consumed by
        kered a TTP-government ceasefire. Main-  match. The APS massacre followed in De-  away with Pakistan’s liberal scum, as he calls   guilt and, as atonement, turn ultra-conser-
        streaming could follow. For this PM Khan   cember 2014. When newly-wed Imran Khan   it. But who are these creatures, how many   vative.
        could try blaming the army again. He might,   and his wife Reham Khan visited the school   are there, what do they want, why does our   Khan’s messianic anti-liberal zeal also
        however, have a credibility problem because   one month later, parents of the murdered   prime minister hate them, and what does   owes to his schooling at ultra-elite Aitchison
        he has never condemned any Taliban atroc-  children greeted them with ‘go Imran go’   victory over liberalism mean for the future   College which, he says, never taught him
        ity. In September 2013 — at the height of   slogans.                       of Pakistan?                          Iqbal’s poetry. Indeed, he cannot quote Urdu
        TTP’s suicide attacks against Pakistan’s peo-  The present: all bluster of banning ter-  Count me in as a fleck of liberal scum —   verses of the poet who he declares to be his
        ple, police, and army — Khan as PTI leader   ror groups has evaporated. So have the usual   anyone upset at terrorist organizations being   inspiration. Quite bizarrely, he believes lib-
        insisted the Nawaz government declare a   accusations of TLP and TTP being Indian   pampered is one. Our total strength? Some-  erals cannot read or appreciate Iqbal. In fact,
        ceasefire  and allow  TTP  to  open  offices  in   proxies. PM Khan and his coterie dismiss   time ago a popular preacher put the number   SURRENDER, P28

         DEATH FROM P11               panse, light, or greenery. They would   Jahannam’s hot stones because they   ments. Afterward, our journey con-  the Most Gracious has promised!
        but rather something that happens   not find an open door through which   did not purify their property by pay-  tinues, and the  believer is  relieved   And His message-bearers spoke the
        between the two worlds.       they could see the Garden. They do   ing Zakat.             of its pressure while the unbeliever   truth!” (36:51–52)
            In death, the body disintegrates   not see bliss or torment. It is only the   Some have to eat foul, pu-  remains in the sentence.  Everyone will rise with the
        while the soul is in the interspace or   soul of the dead person who is aware   trid  meat  because  they  fornicated.   The next part of our journey in-  same identification features down
        Barzakh  between  the  two  worlds.   of these things and sees them. Allah,   Some have bellies as big as houses,   cludes the rebirth from our bodies.   to our very fingerprints. “Does man
        However, the two are still connect-  through His wisdom, has the power   and whenever one of them gets up,   This method of the revival of human   think that We cannot assemble his
        ed, so the bliss or punishment hap-  to veil this from the living. There are   they are knocked down and say, “O   beings is like the rebirth of a plant   bones? Nay, we can put together in
        pens to them. When Allah desires   other creatures like the Jinn who live   Allah, do not let the Hour come!”   from its seeds. Plants carry seeds   perfect order the very tips of his fin-
        reward or punishment for the soul,   with us on the earth, but we do not   They are in the path of the people   that have their genetic traits embed-  gers.” (75:3–4)
        He joins it to the body. It is depen-  see or hear them. Angels were fight-  of Pharaoh who come and trample   ded on chromosomes. The genes on   After  our  rebirth,  our  journey
        dent on the will of Allah and depen-  ing with the believers (at Badr), but   them while they can do nothing   the chromosomes carry everything   continues as each of us will reach a
        dent on a person’s actions. The soul   the Muslims did not see or listen   but scream. These are people who   needed to bring the plant back to   place of Assembly.
        exists in more than one place at the   to them. Jibril came to the Prophet   devoured usury. Some of them are   its shape, height, variety, chemical   AND ON that Day, “We shall
        same time. The Prophet (saw) saw   (saw) amid the people, and they did   screaming  with  their  mouths  gap-  composition, and other characteris-  [call forth all humankind and] leave
        Musa (as) on the night of the Night   not see or hear him.  ing open while eating hot coals that   tics. In the same way, the embryos   them to surge like waves [that dash]
        Journey standing in prayer in his   If the soul was disobedient, a   come out of their anuses. These are   of human beings germinate, and the   against one another, and the trum-
        grave, and he also saw him in the   door to the Garden opens for a short   people who consumed the property   new Life will start on the Day of Ris-  pet [of judgment] will blow, and
        sixth and seventh heavens.    while for it to view the Garden of   of orphans.            ing.                          We shall gather them all together.
            The souls either receive re-  bliss. Then another door opens, and   Some of them cut pieces from   The Hadith books narrate that   (18:99)
        wards or punishment with the body   the blast of hot air from it contin-  their sides and eat their flesh. They   Allah instructs Angel Israfeel to   All will be waiting for the Court
        in the grave. The liberated souls visit   ues to reach them until the Day of   are the slanderers and those about   blow the horn twice. The first is to   of Allah, the Court of Justice to de-
        each  other  and discuss  the affairs   Rising. The earth presses in on him   whom the Prophet (saw) said, “We   ready every seed for germination.   cide for them. The Day of Assembly
        and people of the world they have   and crushes to the point that the ribs   saw people cutting flesh from their   The water of life falls upon these   is a day of fear, agony, and anxiety.
        left. Allah says, “Whoever obeys Al-  split apart.          sides and eating it. They were told   seeds in their graves. The soul comes   It is a day when each of us will be
        lah and the Messenger, they are with   This part of our journey in   that “As you used to consume the   back from the barzakh to join its bi-  worried about what will happen to
        those whom Allah has blessed, the   our graves is still a mystery and an   flesh of your brother!” I asked,   ological entity at this time. The sec-  us personally.
        prophets, the sincere, the martyrs   unknown territory. Outwardly the   “Who are they?” and I was told,   ond blow of the trumpet helps those   “At length, when there comes
        and the righteous. Very excellent   burial place is still and quiet while   “Those of your community who   seeds  to  germinate  and  produce   the Deafening Noise — that Day
        companions they are!” (4:69)  inwardly, it contains secrets, which   slandered.” Some of them have brass   every person back to normal. They   shall a man flee from his brother,
            As the hadiths narrate, if the   an ordinary person cannot perceive.   nails with which they scratch their   come out of their graves in a state of   and his mother and his father, and
        soul was a believing one, a door   The Prophet said that animals could   faces and chests. They are those who   shock, naked.  his wife and his children. Each
        onto the fire opens for it to see the   hear  the punishment in  the  grave   were backbiters and maligned peo-  And [on that Day,] the trum-  one of them, that Day, will have
        disbelieving people’s status. Then   while human beings cannot. “They   ple’s honor.      pet [of judgment] will blow, and all   enough concern (of his own) to
        the door closes, and another door   face punishment, and the animals   Part of the Night Journey’s Ha-  [creatures] that are in the heavens   make him indifferent to the others.”
        onto the Garden opens for it to view   hear it.”            dith is as follows: “Some people were   on the earth will fall senseless unless   (80:33–37)
        the comfortable resting place. This   Various forms of punishment   cracking open their heads with a   they are such as God wills [to ex-  With the heat of the sun,
        door remains open until the Day of   rain down on a person in the grave   stone. Every time they did this, their   empt]. And then it will sound again   sweating, and overcrowded place,
        Judgment.  Some  of  the  sweetness   according to the type of wrong ac-  heads rejoined to what they were   – and lo! Standing [before the Seat   the situation will be horrifying and
        and fragrance of the Garden reaches   tions they commit. There are hadiths   like in the first place. It went on and   of Judgment], they will begin to see   chaotic.
        them, and their grave becomes spa-  of the Prophet (saw) about the Night   on without stopping. I said, “Jibril,   [the truth]! (39:68)  “O humankind! Fear your
        cious. The believer sleeps in peace,   Journey, which contain descriptions   who are they?” Jibril replied, “They   And [then] the trumpet [of res-  Lord! For the convulsion of the
        just as if they were in one of the Gar-  of the many types of punishment   turned away from the prayer.”  urrection] will blow – and lo! Out of   Hour (of Judgement) will be a thing
        den’s meadows. Their narrow grave   he saw in the interspace between   The grave is an embrace from   their graves towards their Sustainer,   terrible! The Day you shall see it, ev-
        expands and stretches for the soul as   the two worlds. Some are driven   which neither believer nor unbe-  will they all rush forth! They will say:   ery mother giving suck shall forget
        far as the eye can see.       like cattle and forced to eat herbage   liever can escape. Our souls stay in   “Oh, woe unto us! Who has roused   her suckling babe, and every preg-
            If a living person were to open   more bitter than aloes and the bit-  the Barzakh and visit the cemetery   us from our sleep [of death]?” [after   nant female shall drop her load (un
        a grave, they would not find any ex-  ter fruit of Zaqqum and driven on to   regularly for rewards or punish-  that, they will be told:] “This is what   DEATH, P23
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