Page 13 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 19,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13
             Fazl Urges Institutions to Stay within                                                     Concerns of PML-Q, MQM Are

                        their Constitutional Limits                                                Addressed, Alliance with PTI Survives

                                                                        Fazl further said that the strug-
                                                                    gle against the government will con-
                                                                        Speaking on the occasion,
                                                                    Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party
                                                                    (PkMAP) chief Mehmood Khan
                                                                    Achakzai said that Pakistan was
                                                                    sinking due to our own mistakes as
                                                                    we failed to establish a truly people’s
                                                                    government in the country.
                                                                        “We fought for this country be-
                                                                    cause we consider Pakistan as our
                                                                    motherland,” he added. “You could
                                                                    be jailed for talking about the con-
                                                                    stitution in this country.”
                                                                        He said that a round table con-
                                                                    ference will have to be convened for
                                                                    supremacy of the constitution. “We
                                                                    are out [on the streets] to save this
        “Questions are also being raised on our judiciary. We (civilians) have to run this   country,” Mehmood said, adding
        country and its institutions,” Fazl said, while addressing a public gathering held at   that the country was caught playing   The MQM had sought inclusion of two bills in the agenda of the joint sitting. They
        Quetta’s Hockey Chowk ground                                a “dangerous game”.            are Hyderabad University Bill-2021 and Amendment in Census Bill-2021, under
                                                                        President National Party Dr   which constituencies of the national and provincial assemblies in Karachi would be
        Quetta:  Reiterating his earlier   to overseas Pakistanis and the use of   Abdul  Malik  Baloch  said  that  the   re-demarcated
        tance, the head of Pakistan Demo-  electronic voting machines – which   country will remain backward till   Islamabad: The ‘disgruntled’ allies   islations in the house with their
        cratic Movement (PDM) and Jamiat   the  overnment managed to pass in   the supremacy of the constitution   of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-In-  support,” Fawad Chaudhry said.
        Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) Amir, Mau-  a joint sitting or parliament earlier   and parliament.  saf — Muttahida Qaumi Movement   Responding to a query about
        lana Fazlur Rehman on Wednesday   in the day.                   “For the first time in history,   (MQM) and the Pakistan Muslim   the opposition’s claim that its
        urged the state institutions to “stay   JUI-F chief said that he didn’t   people are selling their children due   League-Quaid (PML-Q) — decided   members were being asked not to
        within their constitutional limits”.  care about the laws regarding elec-  to high prices,” said Baloch, adding   on Tuesday to vote for the bills to be   attend the joint sitting, the minis-
            “Questions are also being   toral reforms. “Only a fraudulent   that the PDM movement was aimed   tabled in a joint session of the parlia-  ter said: “I think the opposition’s
        raised on our judiciary. We (civil-  government can talk about such re-  at achieving the supremacy of peo-  ment on Wednesday after their con-  hopes of sabotaging the legisla-
        ians) have to run this country and   forms,” he added.      ple and democracy.            cerns were addressed by the prime   tion have been dashed.”
        its institutions,” Fazl said, while ad-  He said that instead of fulfilling   Criticizing the government’s   minister.      On the other hand, Pakistan
        dressing a public gathering held at   the promise of giving five million   negotiations with IMF, he wondered   After  this  development,  Democratic  Movement  presi-
        Quetta’s Hockey Chowk ground.  houses and 10 million jobs, the PTI   what would happen when the in-  Prime Minister Imran Khan ap-  dent Maulana Fazlur Rehman
            “A bill is  being  formulated to   government was demolishing many   ternational financial institutions   peared optimistic about getting   said members of some opposition
        bring SBP (State Bank of Pakistan)   homes. “We will not disappoint the   stopped giving loans to Pakistan one   over two dozen bills passed dur-  parties had received phone calls,
        directly under IMF,” he said, refer-  nation. The country should have a   day.He maintained that the PDM   ing the joint sitting of the parlia-  dissuading them from attending
        ring to the Elections (Amendment)   constitutional and democratic rule,”   will never accept the electronic vot-  ment.  the joint sitting. However, he did
        Bill, 2021 — granting voting rights   he asserted.          ing system.                       The opposition, on the other   not say who was contacting the
          Opposition to Remember EVM Bill                                   Auction               hand, appea¬red demoralized   opposition members.
                                                                                                  and claimed that its parliamen-
                                                                                                                                    Federal Information Tech-
           ‘Defeat’ for Years to Come: Fawad                              of Nawaz’s              tarians were getting phone calls in   nology Minister Syed Aminul
                                                                                                  which they were being dissuaded
                                                                                                                                Haq, who is from the MQM,
                                                                    Properties Stayed             from attending the session.   said the government had assured
        Islamabad:  Federal Minister for                                                              “When a sportsman steps   his party that all its reservations
                                                                                                  into a playing field, he always be-  would be addressed.
        Iformation and Broadcasting Fawad                           Lahore:  The Board of Revenue   lieves in winning,” Prime Minis-  Regarding the use of EVMs,
        Chaudhry said on Wednesday the                              (BoR) member (judicial VII) has   ter Khan said while responding   Mr Haq said the MQM had
        opposition will remember today’s                            stayed the auction of two proper-  to a question from a reporter in   sought assurances from the gov-
        “historic defeat” on crucial legisla-                       ties owned by former prime minis-  the  corridors  of  the  Parliament   ernment that transparency and
        tive issues for a long time to come.                        ter Nawaz Sharif. The auction was   House on Tuesday. Mr Khan   security of votes would not be
            The statement came hours after                          scheduled to be held on Nov 19.  spent a busy day in the Parliament   compromised. “We were assured
        the government achieved crucial vic-                            The  member,  Muhammad    House, meeting a number of par-  that our reservations in this re-
        tory in the parliament’s joint session                      Yaqoob, issued the stay order on an   liamentarians hailing from the   gard would be looked into,” he
        as it managed to pass the Elections                         application filed by Abdul Aziz and   PTI,  MQM,  PML-Q  and  Grand   added.
        (Amendment) Bill,  2021,  granting   against the Senate chairman.  other claimants of the properties in   Democratic Alliance (GDA), who   The IT minister said the gov-
        voting rights to overseas Pakistanis   “These people now know where   question. The Lahore division addi-  assured him of their support in   ernment would also introduce
        and the use of electronic voting ma-  they stand after today’s verdict which   tional commissioner (revenue) had   getting the bills passed.  the Hyderabad University Bill-
        chines.                       is in favor of the ruling party.”  on Oct 29 ordered auction of the   According  to  Informa-  2021 and Amendment in Census
            The opposition, in protest,   Fawad said amongst the legisla-  properties to recover the fine of £8   tion Minister Fawad Chaudhry,   Bill-2021, as per the demand of
        tore copies of the day’s agenda and   tions was electronic voting machines   million imposed on Mr Sharif by tri-  around 28 bills were to be pre-  the Karachi-based party.
        walked out of the session in protest.   (EVMs) and giving overseas Paki-  al courts in two references of the Na-  sented  during  the  joint  sitting,   When contacted, PML-Q
        The bill on the use of EVMs was ear-  stanis the right to vote.  tional Accountability Bureau (NAB).  including the most controversial   spokesman Kamil Ali Agha said
        lier deferred at the request of Adviser   “The historic legislation also   The  district  government  had   one related to the use of elec-  the government had accepted
        to the Prime Minister on Parliamen-  included anti-rape  and  pro-women   also put up notices at the properties   tronic voting machines (EVMs)   their demands and assured his
        tary Affairs Babar Awan but was later   and children amendments. It will al-  regarding the Nov 19 sale.The ag-  in the next general elections and   party of taking it on board in
        put up for a vote.            low formation of special courts and   grieved persons filed a revision peti-  giving voting rights to overseas   the decision-making process. Mr
            “We had invited the opposition   investigations cells against rape, and   tion against the auction along with   Pakistanis.  Agha said the government had
        earlier to come on common grounds   law for heirship for women.”  a civil miscellaneous application for   In a give-and-take deal, the   postponed the scheduled joint
        and move forward in unison,” Fawad   These laws will lay the founda-  granting status quo in the case. Ad-  MQM,  which  had  been  accus-  sitting of the parliament on Nov
        said while speaking to the media   tion of long-term benefits for the   vocate Chaudhry Iqbal Ahmad Khan   ing the government of failing to   11, and realized that it could not
        outside the parliament house.  country, he remarked.        completed his arguments on behalf   control price hike, has managed   run without the support of its al-
            “But they refused our offer and   According  to  the  minister,  the   of the petitioners before the member   to win the prime minister’s as-  lies.
        today it has been proven once again   legislation also exposed truth for   (judicial VII) during hearing on Nov   surance of getting their demands   “If the government deceives
        that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)   those projecting an alleged distance   11.          fulfilled.                    us again we will have a right to
        is  the  biggest  political  party  of  the   between PTI and the institutions.  The BoR member in his order   The MQM had sought inclu-  leave  the  ruling  coalition,”  he
        country.”                         “The elements are waging a   noted that prima facie counsel for the   sion of two bills in the agenda of   said, adding that once the prime
            According  to  the  minister,  the   confrontation against the govern-  petitioners had satisfied the court to   the joint sitting. They are Hyder-  minister had accepted PML-Q’s
        opposition could only muster a few   ment and institutions, one after an-  establish his case for granting status   abad University Bill-2021 and   demands, how  could it  quit the
        votes in response to the 223 votes   other,”  he  opined.  “Those  who  rely   quo.       Amend¬ment in Census Bill-    government.
        shown by PTI in the Senate and the   on other’s shoulders are telling us   “The balance of convenience lies   2021, under which constituencies   Meanwhile, the National
        National Assembly.            about how to indulge in politics. All   in favor of the petitioner,” the mem-  of the national and provincial as-  Assembly Secretariat issued a
            “This sheds light on the fact that   political dwarfs have united under   ber observed, allowing the stay appli-  semblies in Karachi would be re-  50-point agenda for the joint sit-
        we, at the moment, enjoy a full ma-  one alliance known as the Pakistan   cation and suspended the operation   demarcated.  ting which included 29 bills and
        jority in the NA as well as Senate.”  Democratic Movement,” he added.  of the impugned order passed by the   “The government has ad-  a reference against the decision of
            The opposition, he added, was   Fawad urged the opposition to   additional commissioner (revenue)   dressed  the  reservations  of  the   the Council of Common Interests
        under the impression they would   change their strategy and move for-  till the next hearing on Dec 15.  coalition partners, and we will   regarding Census-2017.
        bring  a  no-confidence  motion   ward together on the legislation.                       now carry out the pending leg-
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