Page 15 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 19,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
                Lahore, Delhi Smog Forces School                                                    Shaukat Tarin Outlines Five

                      Closures as Residents Choke                                                    Actions Demanded by IMF

         A man rides a donkey-drawn cart supplying steel rods on a smoggy morning in Lahore
                                                                                                  Islamabad:  Adviser to the Prime   wanted Rs170bn worth of tax ex-
        Lahore:  India’s capital has shut   joining areas.          shut until further notice.    Minister on Finance Shaukat Tarin   emptions in addition to improved
        schools and coal plants as it battles   “It is of utmost importance   “Anti-smog guns” — which   has said Pakistan will have to com-  petroleum levy collections for
        dangerous levels of air pollution in   that the meeting of the Council   spray mist into the air — and water   plete about five “prior actions” be-  which the government had set Rs-
        the  region  that  on  Wednesday  left   be  convened  at  the  earliest  by  the   sprinklers were ordered to operate   fore  the  Inter¬na¬tional  Monetary   610bn target for the year but could
        residents of Lahore choking on ac-  chief minister, Punjab to deliberate   at pollution hotspots at least three   Fund (IMF) calls a meeting of its   collect about Rs50bn in the first
        rid smog.                     upon the calamity of smog and to   times a day.             board of directors to approve revival   four months. The saving grace on
            Air quality has worsened   issue direction for effectively deal-  The commission also said that   of its $6 billion Extended Fund Fa-  this front was revenue collection
        across northern India and adjacent   ing with the situation on an urgent   at least half of government workers   cility suspended in April this year.  that was significantly higher than
        parts of Pakistan in recent years, as   basis,” says Justice Shahid Karim in   were being sent home and private   Talking to journalists at the   the target.
        industrial pollutants, smoke from   his written order issued on a peti-  firms should follow suit.  launch of Corporate Philanthropy   But there are still certain
        seasonal crop burn-off, and colder   tion  relating  to  the  environmental   The order came days after the   Survey here on Tuesday, Mr Tarin   things which cannot be changed
        winter temperatures coalesce into   issues.                 Delhi government pushed back   said all issues with the IMF staff   given the disbursement of $500m
        toxic smog.                       The judge said the meeting of   against a call by India’s Supreme   had  been  settled  on  the  basis  of   is approved by the IMF board on
            In Pakistan, Lahore which is   the council shall be convened and   Court to declare the city’s first “pol-  which they gave “us a list of five   the  basis  of  those  commitments.
        near the border with India, was de-  held within the current week and a   lution lockdown”, which would re-  prior actions” to complete so that   Also, the IMF is no more ready to
        clared the most polluted city in the   report shall be filed by the secretary   strict the population to their homes.  they could call a board meet-  accept ordinances as prior action
        world on Wednesday by a Swiss air   to the chief minister before the next   Nasla Tower   ing on Pakistan’s case. “Don’t ask   for removal of tax exemptions and
        quality monitor.              hearing on Nov 18.                                          me [about] dates but IMF deal is   unprecedented powers and pro-
            Lahore,  a  city  of  11  million,   Earlier, Justice Karim observed   Demolition to Cost   done,” he added.        tections to the SBP management
        had  an  air  quality  ranking  of  348   that the provincial government was                  Mr  Tarin  said these  prior   and has now linked approval of
        according to Swiss air quality moni-  responsible for making Lahore the   Rs220 Million   actions included State Bank of   the bills by parliament as prior ac-
        tor IQAir, well over the hazardous   most polluted city. He regretted                     Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, with-  tions.
        level of 300 set by the WHO.  that the government deliberately   Karachi: The city administration is   drawal  of  tax  exemptions  and   Responding to a question
            “Children are experiencing   failed to make the city clean and   learnt to have sought directions of   increase in energy tariff. He said   about prior actions required from
        breathing diseases... for God’s sake,   green. The judge also reprimanded   the Supreme Court to finalize the   the action pertaining to tariff ad-  the  central  bank,  Mr Tarin  said
        find a solution,” laborer Muham-  the Lahore commissioner and the   demolition of Nasla Tower as one   justment had already been met   the monetary policy and exchange
        mad Saeed told AFP.           Punjab Disaster Management Au-  firm sought Rs220 million for razing   for now with a recent Rs1.39 per   rate were the domain of the SBP
            In recent years, Lahore resi-  thority (PDMA) director general   the high-rise via controlled implo-  unit increase while bills to end tax   and the monetary policy commit-
        dents have built their own purifiers   for not doing on-site inspection.  sion while the other offered free-of-  exemptions and give autonomy to   tee and he would neither like to
        and filed lawsuits against govern-  The petitioner’s counsel, Sher-  cost service via mechanical means.  the SBP had been prepared. The   interfere nor comment.
        ment officials in desperate bids to   az Zaka, presented a government   Well-placed sources told Dawn   next tariff increase would take   In reply to another question,
        clean the air.                notification of 2020 whereby smog   on Sunday that Commissioner Mu-  place by February-March 2022.  he said the shifting of various ac-
            But authorities have been slow   had been declared a calamity under   hammed Iqbal Memon had submit-  The finance adviser said the   counts of a number of federal and
        to act, blaming the smog on India   section 3 of the Punjab National   ted a report to the apex court in-  two bills were being fine-tuned   provincial government entities
        or claiming the figures are exagger-  Calamities (Prevention & Relief)   forming the pros and cons of both   for finalization by the Ministry of   worth trillions of rupees into a
        ated.                         Act 1958.                     the methods proposed by the two   Law and Justice after the two sides   single treasury account was also
            Lahore is consistently ranked   The  PDMA chief, present in   shortlisted companies.  completed discussions. When   a condition of the IMF program,
        one of the world’s worst cities for   court, had not been able to present   He informed the SC that no   pointed out that the IMF board   but this was not a prior action
        air pollution.                any tangible steps which were taken   company or authority had experi-  may meet on December 17 as ear-  and  would  be  gradually  com-
            “We are poor people, we can’t   pursuant to the notification.  ence in demolition of a building in   lier scheduled and then delayed   plied with. It is now a matter of
        even afford a doctor’s charges,”   Delhi is consistently ranked   an  urban area  through  controlled   until February, he explained that   record that those at the helm of
        shopkeeper Ikram Ahmed told   the world’s worst capital for air   implosion.              the IMF board  could be called   economic affairs  at the  time  had
        AFP.                          quality, with levels of pollutants last   He said that a committee of   anytime provided prior actions   pushed through the SBP law that
            “We can only plead with them   week reaching more than 30 times   technical experts was constituted for   were complete.  is now being seen in violation of
        to control the pollution. I am not a   the maximum limit recommended   assessing and evaluating the interest   Sources said Mr Tarin had   the Constitution.
        literate person, but I have read that   by the World Health Organization.  shown by different companies.  also asked the public sector enti-  The central bank manage-
        Lahore has the worst air quality and   The  city  on Tuesday ordered   The SC was informed that the   ties involved in circular debt to   ment had tried to secure complete
        then comes Delhi. If it  continues   the  closure  until  the  end  of  the   committee recommended a firm,   announce dividends based on re-  autonomy for its acts of omissions
        like this, we will die.”      month of six of 11 coal-fired power   Hi-Tech Electronics and Machin-  ceivables on their accounts. The   and commissions without any
            Laborer  Saeed said  he  had   plants surrounding the metropolis   ery/DG Demolition, which offered   government will divert its divi-  accountability. The initial draft
        stopped taking his children outside   in a bid to tackle the filthy air.  demolition by implosion  with all   dend share to clear payables. This   amendment law shared by the
        for walks because of the dirty air.  The move comes after India   safety  measures,  seeking a 60-day   will reduce  circular debt by over   IMF and reconciled by the Min-
            “There are factories and small   led the charge at the weekend to   period for demolition and post-de-  Rs200bn and clear balance sheets   istry of Finance and the central
        industries operating here — either   weaken anti-coal pledges at the UN   molition work.  of the entities on the basis of   bank was still under vetting of
        shift them somewhere else, give   COP26 climate summit, with crit-  The commissioner’s report said   which  the  government  will  raise   the Law Division and the Cabinet
        them compensation or provide   ics  saying  it  prioritized  economic   the  company  had  given  a  cost  of   global depository receipts (GDRs)   Committee on Disposal of Legis-
        them with modern technology, so   growth over the planet’s future.  Rs220m for demolition, including   in the international market.  lative Cases (CCLC) when a new
        we can get rid of this smog,” he said.   The Indian capital of 20 million   rights on debris and attached valu-  The sources said Mr Tarin   draft reached the cabinet seeking
            LHC asks CM Buzdar to con-  people has also cancelled school   able material.         had been able to convince the IMF   exemption from mandatory  re-
        vene  Environment  Protection  classes and urged  people  to work   It said the building designs had   staff to significantly alter the SBP   view by the CCLC in rush.
        Council meeting on smog: The   from home while banning non-es-  been shared with the firm.It was also   amendment bill that former fi-  The cabinet granted the ex-
        Lahore High Court on Tuesday di-  sential trucks from entering the city   indicated in the report that the com-  nance minister Dr Hafeez Shaikh   emption from CCLC review and,
        rected the chief minister to convene   in an effort to clean the smog.  mittee had recommended a firm,   and SBP Governor Dr Reza Baqir   without a detailed presentation or
        a meeting of the Environment Pro-  In  an  order  passed  late  Tues-  ANI  Enterprises, for  demolition of   had committed to the IMF ahead   discussions, also cleared the con-
        tection Council (EPC) at the earli-  day, the city’s Commission for Air   the building through conventional   of $500 million disbursements in   troversial bill on the premise that
        est to discuss the smog situation in   Quality Management said all edu-  means, i.e., with the assistance of   March this year.  it would strengthen institutions
        the provincial metropolis and ad-  cation institutions should remain   machinery and manual labor.  The sources said the IMF   and was unavoidable.
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