Page 14 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 14

P14  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER 19, 2021                                                                                         PAKISTAN
         SHC Forms Body to Unearth Quaid’s Lost Assets                                              Bill Providing for Rapist’s   US Properties: Zardari

                                                                                                      Castration Adopted           Gets Interim Bail
        Karachi:  The Sindh High Court on Tuesday ordered
        constitution of a commission to conduct an investiga-                                     Islamabad:  The Criminal Law                 I s l a ma b ad:
        tion and locate precious assets and belongings left by fa-                                (Amendment) Bill 2021 seeks to               Theaccountabili-
        ther of the nation Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah                                       amend the Pakistan Penal Code,               ty court of Islam-
        and his sister Fatima Jinnah.                                                             1860,  and the  Code  of  Criminal           abad on Tuesday
            A single-judge bench of the SHC headed by Jus-                                        Procedure, 1898. — File                      granted pre-ar-
        tice Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan noted that the properties                                            Islamabad: One of the bills              rest interim bail
        as detailed in the around 50-year-old suit, including                                     passed by the joint session of parlia-       till Nov 23 to
        cars, shares, jewelry and bank balances, were never                                       ment on Wednesday provides for the           former president
        discovered while many other items that appeared in                                        punishment of “chemical castration”          Asif Ali Zardari
        earlier reports of the nazirs were also missing in the                                    of the habitual rapist.       in the US properties case.
        latest inventory prepared by an official assignee in                                          The Criminal Law (Amend-     Accountability  Judge  Azam
        the light of its last order.                                                              ment) Bill 2021 seeks to amend   Khan accepted the interim bail of Mr
            The bench said that one-man commission to be                                          the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860,   Zardari against Rs0.5 million surety
        headed by retired Justice Faheem Ahmed Siddiqui                                           and the Code of Criminal Proce-  bonds.
        will probe into the disappearance of several valued                                       dure, 1898.                      According to the prosecution of
        belongings and assets of Quaid-i-Azam and Fatima                                              According to the bill, “chemical   the National Accountability Bureau
        Jinnah, adding that the commission would be em-                                           castration is a process duly notified   (NAB), Mr Zardari allegedly owned
        powered to seek help of any government official and                                       by rules framed by the prime min-  an apartment in Belaire Condomini-
        to call record from any institution in the regard.                                        ister, whereby a person is rendered   ums located at 524 East 72nd Street,
            When the matter came up for hearing on Tues-                                          incapable  of  performing  sexual  in-  New York.
        day, an assistant advocate general (AAG) contended                                        tercourse for any period of his life,   NAB had on June 15 issued a
        that the Oct 13 order of bench about taking over the                                      as may be determined by the court   call-up notice to the former president,
        possession of Qasr-e-Fatima, commonly known as                                            through  administration of  drugs   asking him to appear before a NAB
        Mohatta Palace, by the official assignee and setting   available with it to bring these assets to surface.  which shall be conducted through a   team on June 24 in connection with
        up of a medical college on the premises had been   The court further directed the official assignee   notified medial board”.  the investigation into the ownership
        suspended by a two-judge division bench on Nov 8   to take over possession of the heritage property and   Jamaat-i-Islami Senator Mush-  of an apartment in New York.
        on an intra-court appeal of the provincial govern-  to make a list of all inventory available in the build-  taq Ahmed protested over the bill   Mr Zardari contended in the bail
        ment.                                        ing as well as ordered setting up a medical college   and termed it un-Islamic and against   petition  that the  call-up  notice  was
            The AAG sought adjournment on the grounds   with the consent of all parties.          Sharia. He said a rapist should be   issued  at the behest of the Pakistan
        that the advocate general of Sindh would himself ar-  However, a division bench of the SHC had   hanged publicly, but there was no   Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government. He
        gue the matter.                              restrained the official assignee from taking over   mention of castration in Sharia.  termed the call-up notice “baseless”
            However, the counsel for the plaintiff pointed   the possession of Qasr-e-Fatima till Nov 18 as the   The Anti-Rape (Investigation   and an attempt to malign him.
        out that only the official assignee was restrained   provincial  government  filed  an  intra-court  appeal   and Trial) Bill, 2021, providing for   The petition rejected NAB’s claim
        from taking possession of Mohatta Palace and rest of   against the Oct 13 order of the single bench.  the establishment of special courts   that Mr Zardari was the owner of the
        the order was still in field.                    Initially, the suit was filed by Hussain Waliji, a   and use of modern devices during   New York property and stated that the
            The lawyer for Mohatta Palace Gallery Trust,   relative of Fatima Jinnah, about the administration   the investigation and trial of rape   notice was issued to harass him and
        which is currently maintaining the heritage prop-  of her movable and immovable properties, includ-  cases was also among those bills   damage his reputation.
        erty, filed an application to become intervener in the   ing Qasr-e-Fatima, in 1971 and after the death of the   passed during the joint sitting.  Following the court’s proceed-
        suit and the bench issued notices on the application   original plaintiff his son Amir Ali was impleaded                ing, the former president spoke to the
        to the plaintiff as well as the defendants for Dec 8.  as plaintiff, but he had also passed away during the  succession certificate of such prop-  media persons. He said those who had
            In its Oct 13 order, the bench had resolved that   pendency of this suit and his son Nazish Amir Ali  erties to Shireen Jinnah, the only   brought Imran Khan in power are re-
        it would pursue recovery of all the listed assets left   had become the part of proceedings.  surviving sister of Fatima Jinnah   gretting now and looking to take cor-
        by the father of nation and his sister and use all force   The litigation was initiated after the award of  after her death on July 10, 1967.  rective measures.

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