Page 18 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  NOVEMBER 19, 2021                                                                                    COMMUNITY
         Bergen’s Shama Haider Makes
            History as First Muslim                         Neighborhood Council Leaders Unite behind
           Elected to NJ Legislature                                      Faisal Gill for City Attorney

                                       Los Angeles, CA: Demonstraing his                                                        gresswoman Karen Bass, Los An-
                                      wide-ranging support from grass-                                                          geles County Supervisor Holly
                                      roots leaders throughout Los Ange-                                                        Mitchell, Congressman Ro Khanna,
                                      les, Faisal Gill, a civil rights attorney                                                 State Senator Sydney Kamlager, and
                                      running for Los Angeles City At-                                                          the California College Democrats,
                                      torney, announced he received the                                                         among scores of others.
                                      endorsements of five neighborhood                                                             Previously,  Gill  formally
                                      council leaders representing diverse                                                      launched his campaign for Los An-
                                      communities throughout the city.                                                          geles City Attorney by releasing a
                                      They are:                                                                                 video ad titled “Do Better”.
                                          •   Michael Ebenkamp, North                                                               To view “Do Better”, click here
                                      Hills East Neighborhood Council                                                           or on the screenshot below:
                                      President                                                                                      Faisal Gill is an immigrant, civil
                                          •   Mustafaa Tajuddin, former                                                         rights attorney, husband, and father
                                      PICO Neighborhood Council Presi-                                                          who lives in Los Angeles, California.
                                      dent                                                                                      As a civil rights attorney, Faisal has
                                          •   Mansoor Khan, Echo Park   esteemed Los Angeles religious lead-  healthier and safer. I thank our local   taken on clients who faced discrimi-
              n By Hannan Adely       Neighborhood Council President  ers.                        leaders for their endorsements, and   nation from the federal government,
                                          •  Furkan  Yalcin,  North     In a statement reflecting on the   we’ll work together to make this a   state governments, immigration en-
                                      Westwood Neighborhood Council   announced endorsements, Gill com-  city that delivers for everyone.”  forcement, police departments, and
              ew Jersey’s Muslim com-  President                    mented:                           Recently,  Gill  released  a  new   their employers. He hopes to bring
              munity  has made  strides   •   Daymond Johnson, Em-      “I’m humbled to gain the confi-  digital ad titled “Progressive Ap-  his perspective as an immigrant and
        Nin  local  politics  in  recent   powerment Congress Central Presi-  dence and support of these respected   proach.” The ad highlights the fail-  civil rights attorney to the office of
        years, winning seats across the   dent                      neighborhood council presidents   ures of LA’s approach in criminaliz-  LA City Attorney and restore trust
        state as mayors, council members   This comes on the heels of Gill’s   and leaders throughout the city. Our   ing homelessness as well as his plans   and transparency in local govern-
        and school board commissioners.   campaign last week announcing   neighborhood councils are the back-  to help fix the broken system.  ment.
            Despite  their  growing  political   the powerful support of Assembly-  bone of our communities and power   Notably, Gill has also earned   For more information, please
        power, no Muslim has ever served in   member  Isaac  Bryan  and  a  trio  of   Los Angeles to make our city better,   key endorsements from US Con-  visit
        the state Legislature.
            That changed on Election Day,             ‘It’s Time to Flip the Script’: Riz                                        Pakistani Digital
        however, when former Tenafly coun-
        cilwoman Shama Haider won the                Ahmed Talks about Poor Muslim                                              Bookkeeping App
        race for state Assembly in the 37th
        District in Bergen County.                                                                                                  Raises $6m in
            “I am  extraordinarily proud of       Representation in the Film Industry
        our campaign,” Haider, a Democrat,                                                                                          Seed Funding
        said Wednesday morning. “I’m grate-
        ful to my historic running mates,   ritish-Pakistani actor Riz                                                              Udhaar Book, a digital book-
        who have been an immense support   Ahmed recently slammed                                                               keeping app for small businesses in
        through these months, and I am im- Bthe depiction of Muslims                                                            Pakistan, has raised $6 million in seed
        measurably grateful to all the people  in the global media, tracing the                                                 funding, it emerged on Monday.
        who worked and volunteered to make  structure of minority representa-                                                       The round saw the participa-
        this victory possible.”       tion in the film industry and high-                                                       tion of multiple investors including
            Haider  was  part  of  a  ground-  lighting how powerful the painted                                                Fatima  Gobi  Ventures  (FGV),  Plaid
        breaking Democratic ticket in the  picture can be.                                                                      co-founder William Hockey’s Muir
        37th, which covers eastern Bergen   “The stories we tell about com-                                                     Capital, Tinder co-founder Justin
        County. Voters also chose Gordon   munities affect the laws that get                                                    Mateen’s JAM Fund, Commerce Ven-
        Johnson  to be  the  first African-  passed, the people that get attacked,                                              tures, Liberty City Ventures, Atlas
        American state senator from New   the countries that get invaded,” he                                                   Ventures, Integra Partners, Omri Da-
        Jersey’s most populous county and   said in an interview to Muslim, a                                                   han of Marqeta and Immad Akhund
        Ellen Park as what’s believed to be the   YouTube  channel  and media outlet                                            of Mercury Bank.
        first Korean American woman in the   that makes content for young Mus-                                                      According to a press release, the
        Assembly.                     lims to connect with and empower                                                          funds will be used to build the app’s
            While  acknowledging  the  his-  each other, amplify their faith, and                                               ecosystem, which now enables small
        toric nature of her victory as a Mus-  share their lifestyles and views.                                                businesses to conduct digital book-
        lim woman, Haider also said that   He pointed out the very real and                                                     keeping, manage inventory, invoic-
        should not define her.        damaging effects a certain portrayal   reotype to the last and ideal stage   graphically, we need more women,   ing, staff attendance and payroll.
            “I  don’t want  to  be  this token   of a community can have, rightfully   where a Muslim guy is “just a guy —   different sexualities, abilities.”  Udhaar Book was launched last
        Muslim woman in the Assembly,” she   calling it “dangerous” seeing as hate   not about any agendas we’ve set or   He ended the interview with an   year to help small businesses keep a
        said. “No, I want to be known as an   crimes are often based on misunder-  are forced to respond to.”  example of minorities bending over   track of sales, expenses and credit and
        effective legislator.”        standings and stereotypes. The Till-  The  activist  also  highlighted  a   backwards to make acceptance easier   crossed over a million installs a few
            Haider, 72, has been active in lo-  man Story (2010), a film on war in   very skewed ratio and said under 2%   — Muslims altering their names not   months ago.
        cal politics for over two decades, serv-  Afghanistan, is an example of a pure-  of speaking roles in the top 200 films   out of choice but to fit in because   The brainchild of Fahad Kamr,
        ing on the Tenafly Borough Council   ly American narrative used to glorify   in the last few years have been played   people struggle with pronounc-  Shah Warraich, and Myra Ali, the app
        twice in terms beginning in 2001 and   their side while reducing the other to   by Muslims despite them being a   ing their names. Some examples of   has since graduated from Y Combi-
        in 2015. While the events of the Sept.   nothing but violence.  “quarter of the world’s population”.   brown people who’ve had to morph   nator’s accelerator program and ex-
        11 attacks spurred many Muslims to   Ahmed went on to define the   He said we’ve “got to bridge that gap”.  their names to make it easier for peo-  panded its solutions to become a su-
        get involved in politics and reach out   image that Muslims are assigned,   Ahmed shared his own experi-  ple to pronounce are Mindy Kaling,   per app for small businesses.
        to  their  communities,  Haider  said,   establishing its two poles — “We’re   ences with discrimination and said,   whose full name is Vera Mindy Cho-  Kamr, Udhaar Book’s founder
        she had already been deeply involved   either invisible or villainized.”  “Individual experiences of success   kalingam, and  Hasan  Minhaj,  who   and CEO, said that a majority of small
        in local issues at the time.      The Sound of Metal star spoke   don’t change how an entire commu-  now uses the pronunciation hass-  business owners in Pakistan continue
            Her activism dates back to her   about  the  lack  of  depth  a  Muslim   nity is viewed.” Examples of Muslims   ahn rather than hass-un because it’s   to do their accounts on paper and
        youth in Pakistan when she was a   character has on screen and said they   who have succeeded in the West are   easier for American people to under-  process payments in cash which is
        college student protesting against   are often shown in an Islamophobic   Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul   stand. There’s also Kumail Nanjiani   kept in a “wooden cash drawer”.
        military dictatorship as part of the   light. He asserted that such a depic-  Jabbar,  two athletes  whose  names   at the opposite end of the spectrum,   “So small business owners typi-
        progressive Pakistan People’s Party.   tion must be met with the same level   are known the world over. However,   who commendably continues to use   cally work 16-hour days to monitor
        Later, she became secretary to the   of disgust as films featuring blackface   these success stories are just a frac-  his full name and refuses to change it   this drawer and minimize theft. Solv-
        first lady of Pakistan, Begum Nusrat   and discrimination against indig-  tion  of true Muslim  representation.   for the comfort of other people.  ing this problem requires digitizing
        Bhutto.                       enous people. Tropic Thunder star-  For the most part, the Islamophobic   “I ask myself the same question   all manual elements of the business,
            Haider came to the US in 1977,   ring Robert Downey Jr has been crit-  lens prevails.  — I have kind of censored my own   while making the transition as seam-
        settling in Bergen County. She is a   icized many times for its depiction of   Ahmed is also the first Muslim   name,” Ahmed said. He uses Riz in-  less as possible for the already busy
        former fundraiser for a nonprofit that   blackface and Disney has faced back-  to  be  nominated  for  a Best  Actor   stead of Rizwan.  business owner,” he said.
        supports arts in schools and is the   lash for its misconstructed and toxic   award at the Oscars and while it’s a   He concluded with a statement   “Udhaar Book has now evolved
        chairwoman of the Tenafly Demo-  portrayal of indigenous people.  great achievement, the fact that it   quoting a Sweatshirt Boys’ lyric say-  into a super app, essentially an oper-
        cratic party. Over the years she has   He  also  critiqued  scenes  from   only happened in 2021 is sad.  ing  instead  of editing  the self, we   ating system for small businesses. We
        also served on county and borough   American Sniper and his own movie   In general, we need to change   must get the others to stretch and   free up the small merchant’s time so
        commissions focused on women, hu-  Mogul Mowgli and categorized mi-  the way Muslims are viewed in the   shared his step forward declaring   he can spend it with his family and
        man services, the environment and   nority community representation   global media. We can do this by,   he’s  begun introducing  himself as   develop the full potential of his busi-
        business development.  – northjersey.  into several groups . The range goes   as Ahmed said, “showing a diverse   Rizwan.  ness,” he added.
        com                           from the very common terrorist ste-  Muslim community — racially, geo-                    FUNDING, P28
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