Page 23 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 23

COMMENTARY                                                                                                   NOVEMBER 19,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P23

        Khan expounds on how designers   Sears Tower, all in Chicago, World   this project in 1981. In 1983, after   he became more spiritual. He came   book on the life and accomplish-
        have to face up to urban problems   Trade Center, Hong Kong, and Hajj   his death in 1982, the Haj Terminal   to  know  that  the  truly  integrated   ments of the greatest structural en-
        and let their consciences push them   Terminal, Jeddah, are some of his   was awarded the Aga Khan Award   person was one for whom a spiritual   gineer of the 21st century. Professor
        in that direction.”           best known completed projects.   for Architecture.          dimension in life was important.   Mir Ali has presented to the people
            Professor Ali has also present-  The Hajj terminal of the King Ab-  Dr Khan once said that he   Although he was not orthodox, and   around  the world a  tribute to  the
        ed the other facets of Dr Khan’s per-  dul Aziz International Airport at   did not wish to be known as Fa-  had a respect for all religions, he was   brilliance of Dr F R Khan. He has
        sonality:  a philosopher, a thinker,   Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is the largest   zlur Khan; he preferred to be called   loyal to his faith. He was a student of   done a wonderful job of combining
        an educator, and a prolific writer. He   fabric  roof structure. It comprises   by his full name, Fazlur Rehman   Islam, studying Islamic history and   the biography of Dr Fazlur Rahman
        had a keen interest in the people, art   tents  that  reflect  Arab  culture  and   Khan. The Arabic meaning of the   philosophy. When Joseph Colaco (a   Khan, with the technical problems
        and literature.               contribute to the spirituality of the   name is lost when the middle name   close associate) asked him about his   and challenges associated with the
            Dr Fazlur Rahman Khan has   annual  Hajj.  Reflecting  on  the  de-  is dropped. Commenting  on the   religious belief, he replied “I have   construction of tall buildings. It is a
        left behind a legacy of tall building   sign of the structure, Dr Khan said   transformation of Dr Khan after   always been a Muslim.” And when   fascinating story of the genius of Dr
        design.  In  his  design  he  believed   “…in my opinion, it (the Hajj Ter-  performing Hajj, Dr Ali observes,   Chandra  Jha  (his  friend)  and  he   Fazlur Rahman Khan; a must read
        in logic, truth, objectivity, and ra-  minal) should evoke the spirit of   “Khan went to Mecca to perform   discussed  religious  matters,  Khan   for all technical and non-technical
        tionality. He practiced collabora-  Hajj and that’s all it should do. It   Hajj in 1976 …Those who knew   would quote from the Qur’an to   minds; and an invaluable resource
        tion. His innovative ideas are pres-  creates a spirit, it gives you a feeling   him most intimately saw a gradual   make his point. He had a clear dis-  for students, architects, and engi-
        ent in the form of tall buildings in   of tranquility and sense of continu-  but profound change in him in the   tinction between right and wrong”   neers.
        the major cities of the world today.   ity, of transition into the real place,   late 1970s. He became still more in-  (pp. 195-196).  (Dr Ahmed S. Khan -
        One Magnificent Mile and Onterie   which is Mecca.”  He won the 28th   wardly directed --- although he was   Art of the Skyscraper: The Ge- - is a Fulbright
        Center,  John Hancock Center, The   Progressive Architecture Award for   already an introspective man --- and   nius of Fazlur Khan is an important   Specialist Scholar 2017-2022).
                                                                  Rescue on the Sea
                 n By Zeenat Hussain                                                                                     so as not to tip the balance of the boat as the
                                                                                                                         surf sprayed them from head to toe. The taste of
              ery little has been written about the                                                                      salt lingered in their mouths during the voyage.
              ancient coastal people of Lyari – the                                                                      They were not bothered by their appearance.
        Virrepressible Makranis  – who take                                                                              On the contrary, they felt no different from
        their name from the Makran coast of Sindh                                                                        when they started out dry.
        and  Balochistan,  which  also  indicates  a                                                                         Suddenly, a dark object was thrown at
        common history of the two provinces. The                                                                         them on the crest of a wave. It was a man. They
        Makran coast constitutes the South-East                                                                          held on to the poor fellow and eventually suc-
        of Iran and the South-West of Pakistan; a                                                                        ceeded in dragging him aboard. Nobody felt
        1,000-km stretch along the Gulf of Oman                                                                          sorry that this time, there was no prize. They
        from RA’s (cape) Al-Kuh, Iran (West of                                                                           rowed back to their village.
        Jask), to the Lasbela District of Pakistan                                                                           Couples fought with each other to offer
        (near Karachi). The Makran coast is on the                                                                       hospitality to this half dead man; and they al-
        Arabian Sea, to the North-West of Quetta in                                                                      most came to blows in their struggle for this
        Balochistan.                                                                                                     visa to heaven.
            The following is a story of one such coastal                                                                     They fetched a doctor from a nearby vil-
        village:                                                                                                         lage, while the women sat all around him wear-
            Children on  bare-back camels, watch  the                                                                    ing their beads. The doctor was a Karachiite
        sea, its  vastness spanning even beyond the                                                                      who had been sent to the village to serve them.
        grasp of their eyes. Fishermen on the beach                                                                      The doctor prompted the man to speak. The
        watch the sky, like the city dwellers read their                                                                 man said, “Mahganj” very faintly. Repeated at-
        newspapers first thing in the morning. Through                                                                   tempts, received the same response. The diag-
        the knots of their nets hanging on the line, they                                                                nosis stated that he was a victim of a traumatic
        seem to predict the weather. This exercise de-  kameez itself a deterrent for swimming.  the Makranic dialect. The man’s eyes tried to   shock and was suffering from amnesia, which
        termines whether they should take a boat out   The story told here is that of a villager who   see beyond the direction of the location being   meant a loss of memory, if only temporarily.
        or not on the deep sea, for their daily expedi-  because of his sharp sense of hearing helped in   pointed at. A boat in trouble, he thought aloud.   The priest, who was also a member of the
        tion to catch fish.                   the rescue of a drowning man. The villager was   Without wasting any time, they woke the other   village council, was also summoned, as was the
            The air is filled with the smell of rancid   alone and as he had no family to fend for, hence   men.         case in other similar incidents. “What’s going
        water that is due to the deposits of oil, resulting   he had no responsibilities to drain his energy.   A rule of the sea states that half the pur-  on here?” he asked one of the ladies. “A mir-
        in decayed and dead sea-life. Music, which is a   Somehow, he had also preserved his youth,   chase price of the vessel of the sea is given to   acle,” said all the ladies together. The Makrani
        part of their lives, plays in the background. The   which he owed to mother nature. Religion that   the rescue party. This prize money was quite a   women are predominantly Muslim.
        sounds  are  a  fusion  of  musical  cultures  from   usually comes into the house with the presence   temptation, but since it was always dangerous   The priest was briefed about the rescue
        the Middle East, Indo-Pakistan and Africa.  of a woman was lacking in his and he was quite   the case required to be argued, all hands knew   and what followed. Being an elderly fellow, he
            The shells on the beach look like the aban-  oblivious of it.          that the proposed journey was perilous.  recalled that a girl by the name of ‘Mahganj’
        doned toenails of the old fishermen, and they   One evening when it was well after ten and   The village women all having gathered on   had been registered in the mosque some eigh-
        are more beautiful there, than on the foot. The   the moon was full with black clouds scudding   the beach, saw their men disappear, reappear,   teen years ago.
        broken wings, the sand-logged crabs, a wom-  in ordered masses across the sky, he was still   disappear, reappear and finally disappear into   Now, it was easy to put two and two to-
        an’s lonely shoe, a rusty toy damaged beyond   sitting on his wall, all alone. A cool wind sud-  the  darkness.They were now a tiny speck in   gether. The man they found was associated with
        recognition, the plank or sail from a doomed   denly sighed from an unexpected quarter and   the vast vista of the sea – the ocean that is open   Mahganj and was discovered as belonging to
        boat, all lay sprawled on the beach, each with   in its wake was a noise like that from a distant   to all and merciful to none, that which threat-  the same village as her’s.  He was also supposed
        a story behind it, cleansed and sterilized by the   cavalry charge. His razor-sharp ears picked   ens even when it seems to yield, pitiless always   to marry her.
        salt and iodine in the great hospital of the sea.   up the sound. His brow creased up as his eyes   to weakness.     Mahganj was the granddaughter of the vil-
        In the night, the light from the tower was but   searched the distance. He hobbled to his neigh-  Many of the Makrani women now worked   lage tailor. Thus, it was decided that the man
        a spot against the background of the sky and   bor’s house and banged on the door of his tradi-  as domestic servants in Karachi; they were also   be taken back to the same village that he origi-
        spectacular cliffs.                   tional mud-hut – the two men, though natural   experts in the art of massaging any mother   nated from. Similar surroundings would help
            The weather-beaten villagers munched   life-guards, knew thoroughly all that was writ-  and child    after    birth.  Their traditional long     to revive his memory, it was hoped.
        dates from the interior while watching holi-  ten in the books about rescue on the seas. The   dresses with hand-woven embroidery gave   A therapist was hired from the city and
        daymakers trying to teach their children to   coastal blacks were descendants of imported   them a distinct ‘folk’ touch, separating them   surely, slowly though, his memory came back
        swim, like fish to water, amidst the shouts and   slaves – the fishermen being known as the   from the typical Karachiites. The skirt-like   in bits and pieces. Mahganj’s presence always
        screams of the children who are already sub-  Meds and the seamen as the Koras. When there   look, with its wide circumference, and the loose   evoked a response in the man, so strong was
        merged in the waters. The steps of the ladies fal-  was no response, he banged on the door again.   shalwar could be compared to the costumes of   the bond of love. His memory did eventually
        tered as they approached the sea, clad in shal-  A groggy fellow soon appeared. He pointed to-  the Pathan and Kabuli women.  return, which in turn led to their marriage.
        war kameezes filled with the wind, the shalwar   wards the horizon and mumbled something in   The men in the rescue boat changed sides,   They led a happy married life.
        DEATH FROM P11                His purpose and parted, remember-  together all human beings with their   birth till death. This book includes   and they will be distressed with fear
        formed). You shall see humankind   ing Him,                 (respective) Imams” (17:71)   activities, appearance, and inten-  and anxiety. They will wish and beg
        as in a drunken riot, yet not drunk,   5) A man invited by a beautiful   Judgment Day will be our next   tion. Such a book could be similar   to start their life all over again on the
        but dreadful will be the Chastise-  and charming woman but declined   stop. It is the Day when Allah per-  to videotape, which records all these   earth.
        ment of Allah.” (22:1–2)      her offer, saying “I fear Allah”;  sonally will judge everyone directly   three parameters. It is not unfath-  Allah will also select a third
            On this Day, seven groups of   6) A person who gave charity   with absolute justice. Abu Hurayrah   omable to think about this in a time   group of people:
        people have the protection of Allah.   so secretly that their left hand did   related that the Prophet (saw) said:   in which we have CD Roms whose   “And those Foremost (in faith)
        Hadith mention these: “Seven types   not know what was given by the   “Every servant of Allah will remain   glinting thin surface contains ency-  will be Foremost (in the Hereafter).
        of people will be under the shelter of   right hand, and    standing before Allah on the Day of   clopedias full of information.  These will be those Nearest to Allah.
        mercy on the Day when there will be   7) A person who remembered   Judgment until he has answered five   “Then he who is given his Re-  In Gardens of bliss: several people
        no shade other than that of Allah’s   Allah privately, so that their eyes   questions about five things: His life   cord in his right hand, soon will his   from  those  of  old,  and  a  few  from
        mercy:                        brimmed with tears.” [Bukhari,   — how he spent it; his knowledge   account be taken by an easy reckon-  those of later times. (They will be)
            1) A just imam,           Muslim]                       — how much he acted upon it; his   ing, and he will turn to his people,   on Thrones encrusted (with gold
            2) A young person who kept    Each person shall be behind his   wealth — how he acquired it and   rejoicing!” (84:7–9)  and precious stones), reclining on
        busy in Allah’s worship,      or her leader, Prophet, Messenger,   how he spent it; and his body (and   “And he that will be given his   them, facing each other.” (56:10–16)
            3) A person whose heart is at-  mentor, celebrity, etc. All will be put   health) — how he used it.” [Muslim]  record in his left hand will say: “Ah!   It is where we near the end of
        tached to the masjid,         in lines waiting for the Court of Al-  Each person will then receive   Would that my records remain hid-  our journey. We shall enter the ever-
            4) Two people who loved each   lah to take place and our journey to   their book that contains everything   den of me!” (69:25)  lasting domain, which comprises of
        other for Allah’s sake gathered for   continue. “On the day We shall call   they have done from the time of   Their faces will be in the gloom,   DEATH, P26
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