Page 26 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 26
Pakistani Fans React with Good Grace after Agonizing Semi-Final Cricket Loss
one of cricket’s all-time greats -- on giant screens erected for the oc- fied after dropping a catch at a key in the event of a Pakistan victory -- a
akistan cricket fans reacted who said the side should be proud. casion. point of the match. common occurrence often with fatal
largely with good grace and “I know exactly how all of you It was very much a party atmo- But many more leapt to his de- consequences.
Phumor Friday to their team’s are feeling right now because I have sphere, particularly as the Pakistani fense, pointing out how many times “At least we are safe from aerial
exit from the Twenty20 World faced similar disappointments on opening pair flayed the Australian he had won games for Pakistan. firing tonight,” she tweeted after the
Cup, after an unbeaten run to the the cricket field,” he tweeted. attack, before a wobble saw the team “We were struck dumb and all match.
semi-finals had given the nation “But you shd all be proud of the finish on 176-4 after 20 overs. clutched our heads,” said Areeba “Thank Hasan Ali,” came one
hope they could win the title for a quality of cricket you played & the Some were prematurely cel- Shakeel, a technology student who reply.
second time. humility you showed in your wins.” ebrating victory as the first Austra- watched with friends at a shopping Shaniera Akram, the Australian
The team bowed out on Thurs- He also congratulated Austra- lian wicket fell for just one run. But mall in Karachi. wife of Pakistan cricket great Wasim
day night, losing by five wickets lia, who faced neighbors New Zea- the bubble burst and the Aussies “Everybody was blaming Akram, told her followers where her
to Australia in a see-saw match in land in Sunday’s final. bashed their way to victory -- Mat- Hasan for the defeat,” she told AFP. loyalties lay after the match.
Dubai settled with an over to spare. Tens of thousands of fans gath- thew Wade finishing with a spec- Amna Baig, a police officer “No matter where my feet are,
The national mood was ered on Thursday night in parks, tacular three sixes in a row. with a huge social media presence my heart seems to always be in Paki-
summed up by Prime Minister Im- clubs and shopping malls to watch Fans on social media heaped in the country, had urged her fol- stan!” she tweeted. - AFP
ran Khan -- a former captain and the semi-final, which was broadcast blame for the loss on Hasan Ali, vili- lowers not to fire weapons in the air
DEATH FROM P23 cial. “What is the Life of this world darkness into the light.’ on the Sirat, sometimes creeping, emerges from their today.
the Garden and the Fire. There but amusement and play? But un- “Another Muslim was being and sometimes just clinging on. His There is a tomorrow for hu-
is no trip after it, for it is the Do- doubtedly the Home of the Hereaf- pursued by flames and sparks of fire. prayer came and put him on his feet manity.
main of Eternity. We shall pass over ter — that is Life indeed if they but His sadaqah (charity) formed a veil and rescued him.’ The tomorrow of humanity
Hellfire, some of us remaining while knew.” (29:64) between him and the fire and shad- “Another Muslim reached the comes on the heels of its existence in
others continue. Among the dreams of the early ed his head.’ gates of the Garden but found it the world.
“Not one of you but will pass Muslims is one related by Yazid bin “Another Muslim was speaking locked against him. His testimony The tomorrow of humankind is
over it: this is, with thy Lord, a De- Nu’ama who said, “A girl died in the to a group of believers who would that there is no god, but Allah different than its today
cree which must accomplish. But al-Jarib plague. Her father met her not speak to him. His upholding of came and opened the gates for him The ultimate tomorrow of in-
We shall save those who guarded in a dream. She said, ‘My father, this kinship came and told the group and let him into the Garden.” dividual and humankind is Akhira,
against evil, and We shall leave the is a big subject you have raised. We of believers that he had maintained The universe we live in is not who would close every chapter of
wrongdoers therein, (humbled) to know but cannot act. You can act ties of kinship and ordered them a haphazard entity. Everything that today and usher in into a new phase
their knees.” (19:71–72) but do not know. By Allah, one or to speak to him. Then the believers exists in it follows specific laws. We The belief in the Hereafter
The Prophet (saw) said: “The two acts of glorification and one or spoke to him and shook hands with call them—the fixed and permanent completes one’s faith in divine guid-
mildest punishment to be inflicted two units of the prayer in the book him.’ laws of Return. Every action taking ance. The Qur’an describes the be-
upon a person in Hell is that he will of my actions are preferable to me “Another Muslim was sur- place in this universe creates its re- lievers …and (in their hearts) have
wear a pair of sandals made of fire, than the world and all it contains.’” rounded by the Zabaniyya (angels action and consequence. We notice the assurance of the Hereafter. (2:4)
which will be so hot that they will The Prophet (saw) related in an of Jahannam). His commanding some results immediately and oth- See also (27:3, 31:5)
make his brain boil like things boil actual dream he had: the right and forbidding the wrong ers later. The response and outcome The Qur’an declares the belief
on a stove. He will imagine that no “He saw one of the Muslims. came and rescued him from them are eternal. For instance, if we do in the Hereafter as a fixed condi-
one is undergoing punishment more The Angel of Death came to take and put him among the angels of not know how to swim and throw tion for understanding divine guid-
severe, although his punishment, in his soul, but his correct behavior mercy.’ ourselves in Deep Ocean, accord- ance. It describes those who do not
reality, will be the mildest in Hell.” towards his parents came and drove “Another Muslim was kneeling ing to the Law of Return, we would believe in this concept as Mushrik
[Bukhari, Muslim] the Angel of Death away from him.’ with a veil between him and Allah. perish. or a polytheist. Furthermore, it says
Others who are not qualified “He saw another of the Mus- His good character came, took his The Qur’an calls such conse- that Evil forces can quickly overtake
to enter Paradise or Hell may be in lims surrounded by shaytans. Then hand, and Allah let him enter His quences immutable and divinely those who do not accept the Hereaf-
a waiting station called Al- A’raf, his remembrance of Allah came and presence.’ created scales or criteria. It has been ter as the ultimate reality.
(border between Hell and Paradise) made the shaytans fly from him.’ “Another Muslim had received Allah’s Sunnah (practice), and there This concept asserts the su-
to wait until forgiven through the “Then he saw a third Muslim his book in his left hand. His fear of will never be a change in this (48:33, premacy of the Law of Return. There
Mercy of Allah. Others will finally surrounded by the angels of punish- Allah came and took his book and 17:77, 35:43): “… the scales fixed by will be a world where everything hu-
end their journey with their Life in ment. His prayer came and rescued placed it in his right hand.’ Allah. (33:38)” man beings do in this world would
Paradise. It is the last destination him from their hands.’ “The scales of another Muslim The laws are self-evident in the be accounted for, and consequences
and hope of every person to arrive “The tongue of a fourth Mus- were light in the balance. Those of physical universe. In the spiritual will be delivered, and a new begin-
here. It is for believers who submit- lim was lolling out from thirst, and his children who had died young world, sometimes, the consequences ning of existence will come into be-
ted themselves to Allah and fol- whenever he approached a pool of came and made the scales level.’ appear instantly and sometimes lat- ing.
lowed His teachings. They are the water, he was stopped and driven “Another Muslim was standing er. This concept of Law of Return at The Law assures that human
ones whose loyalty and obedience away. Then his fasting of Ramadan on the brink of Jahannam, Hellfire. a later phase of existence is the foun- beings will exist after death, and the
were to Allah. Paradise has all the came and gave him water to drink.’ His hope in Allah came and rescued dation of the Hereafter. Qiymat is the phase of the physical
beauties of life to enjoy without ever “He saw another man and the him from it, and he withdrew from Thus, the concept of a hereafter resurrection of human beings. This
being tired. It is a life of excitement, prophets sitting in circles. Every it.’ is the logical culmination of the Law resurrection will be a vast assembly,
peace, and happiness. The Prophet time the Muslim approached one of “Another Muslim had fallen of Return. Akhira or Hereafter is the and every action that human beings
(saw) said: “Allah, the Almighty, the circles, he was stopped and driv- into the fire. The tears that he had concluding phase of existence. Akh- indulge in the world would manifest
says, ‘I have prepared for My righ- en away. His ghusl for janaba came, wept out of fear from Allah came ira is the essence of faith. It leads to itself before everyone.
teous servants that no eyes have took hold of his hand, and sat him and rescued him from it.’ the beginning of a new period of re- What happens after death? The
ever seen, no ears have ever heard, down in the circle.’ “Another Muslim was standing ality that is different from the previ- common belief among Muslims is
and no heart has ever conceived.’” “Another Muslim had dark- on the Sirat trembling like a leaf in ous one. The word Akhira has in r that after death human body will
[Bukhari, Muslim] ness in front of him, behind him, on a strong wind. His good opinion of different meanings in the Qur’an. receive punishment or reward. The
The Qur’an refers to the Life his right, on his left and above him. Allah came, and he was able to go There is a tomorrow or a future Qur’an does not say so. It mentions
Hereafter as the true Life, and the He got lost in it. Then his hajj and on.’ for everything present. two deaths and two lives.
experience in this world a superfi- umrah came and led him out of the “Another Muslim was crawling The tomorrow of individuals DEATH, P28