Page 25 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                     NOVEMBER 19,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25
                                  Thanksgiving in Islam                                                                            Gems from the

                                                                                                                                     Holy Qur’an

          n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi

            Then do ye remember Me; I will
        remember you. Be grateful to Me and
        reject not Faith.
            (Al-Baqarah 2:152)
            We bestowed Wisdom on Luq-
        man: “Show (thy) gratitude to Allah.”
        Any who is (so) grateful does so to
                    the profit of his own
                    soul; but if any is un-
                    grateful, verily Allah
                    is free of all wants,
                    worthy of all praise.
                    (Luqman 31:12)
                        The  Qur’anic
                    word for thanks is
        “shukr.” It is mentioned in the Qur’an                                                                                       From the translation by
        many times. Shukr is not only the way                                                                                    Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
        of good human beings; according to
        the Qur’an it is also the way of our                                                                                        About the translator:
        Lord, our Creator. Allah loves thanks                                                                                       Muhammad Asad, Leopold
        and  thankful attitude  and  He  says                                                                                    Weiss, was born of Jewish parents in
        that He Himself is the most Thank-                                                                                       Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900,
        ful and Grateful Being. Four times in                                                                                    and at the age of 22 made his first vis-
        the Qur’an Allah is called “Shakur”                                                                                      it to the Middle East. He later became
        (35:30,34; 42:23; 64:17) which means                                                                                     an outstanding foreign correspon-
        “Most Grateful.” According to schol-                                                                                     dent for the Franfurter Zeitung, and
        ars Shukr means:                                                                                                         after years of devoted study, became
            “It  is  the  consideration  of  the                                                                                 one of the leading Muslim scholars of
        favor and its acknowledgment. Shukr                                                                                      our age. His translation of the Holy
        from the human means the recogni-                                                                                        Qur’an is one of the most lucid and
        tion of the favor. Shukr from Allah                                                                                      well-referenced works in this cat-
        means the reward and appreciation.”                                                                                      egory, dedicated to “li-qawmin yata-
            Shukr is a very important prin-                                                                                      fakkaroon” (people who think). For-
        ciple in Islam. It is a quality of the be-                                                                               warded by Dr Ismat Kamal.
        lievers and it is a source of all good-
        ness. Shukr is used in the Qur’an                                                                                           Chapter 83, Al-Mutaffifiin,
        sometimes as equivalent to faith.   only in happy times; it should be also   not only as duties; we should do them   When we eat, he told us that we   Verses 1-6
        The faithful are thankful people and   in difficult times. Someone may say   with an attitude of thankfulness and   should say:  Woe unto those who give short
        the unfaithful are ungrateful people.   how a person can be thankful when   gratitude  to  our  Lord  and Creator.   When the Prophet – peace be   measure: those who, when they are
        Allah has described His Prophets   he/she is in distress, difficulty, suf-  We should never forget that we are   upon him - used to eat or drink, he   to receive their due from [other]
        and Messengers among those who   fering and pain. We must, however,   constantly under Allah’s favors and   used to say, “Thanks be to Allah Who   people, demand  that  it  be  given  in
        were thankful people. Prophet Noah   know that Shukr can change the dif-                                                 full – but when they have to measure
        was a grateful servant of Allah (Al-  ficulty. It certainly lightens the bur-  We should be thankful to our parents. We   or weigh whatever they owe to oth-
        Isra’ 17:3). Prophet Abraham used to   dens of pain.                                                                     ers, give less than what is due! [1]
        thank  Allah  for His many  blessings   In  Islam thanksgiving  has two   should obey them, serve them and take good        Do they not know that they are
        (Al-Nahl 16:121). Prophet David and   aspects: thankfulness to Allah and                                                 bound to be raised from the dead
        his family were told to be grateful to   thankfulness to human beings.   care of them when they need our help. We        [and called to account] on an awe-
        Allah (Saba’ 34:13). Allah told His   Thankfulness is not only a ceremony   should thank our brothers and sisters, our   some Day – the Day when all men
        Prophet Muhammad:             or festival; it is the whole life. The                                                     shall stand before the Sustainer of all
            Nay, but worship Allah, and be   whole life should be lived in thank-  relatives. We should thank our neighbors,     the worlds?
        of those who give thanks. (Al-Zumar   fulness to Allah who is our Ultimate
        39:66)                        Benefactor. We should also express   coworkers, employers and employees. We                   Chapter 84, Al-Inshiqaaq,
            Thankfulness creates many pos-  our gratitude to many others from   depend on others and we owe many things to       Verses 16-21
        itive qualities in life. It makes a per-  whom we receive benefits and ser-                                                 But nay! I call to witness the
        son happy, contented, hopeful and   vices.                    others. We must show our gratitude to every                sunset’s [fleeting] afterglow, and the
        optimistic. Thankfulness takes away   Allah has been good to us and                                                      night, and what it [step by step] un-
        hate, anger, grudges and jealousy.   so in our thankfulness we should   person in caring and thoughtful ways.            folds, and the moon, as it grows to
        Give thanks to someone and you will   worship Him and obey His com-                                                      its fullness: [2] [even thus, O men,]
        always see a smile in return. Thank-  mands and orders. Our daily prayers,                                               are you bound to move onward from
        fulness makes strangers friends; it   our fasting during Ramadan, our   blessings. The Prophet – peace and   gave us food and drink and made us   stage to stage. [3]
        can win even the hearts of the en-  Zakat and our Hajj are all our acts   blessings of Allah be upon him - was   Muslims.” (Al-Tirmidhi 3379)  What, then, is amiss with them
        emies. Thankfulness should not be   of thanksgiving. We should do them   the most grateful servant of Allah.   When we put on our clothes,   that they will not believe [ in a life
                                                                                    He  taught  us  to   we should say:          to come]? [4] – and [that], when the
                                                                                    remember Allah     Whenever the Prophet – peace   Qur’an is read unto them, they do
                                                                                    and give thanks   be upon him - put on any new dress,   not fall down in prostration?
                                                                                    to Him all the   he would say its name ‘Amamah or   ______________________
                                                                                    times. He told us   shirt or shawl, then he would say, “O   Translator’s Notes
                                                                                    that when we get   Allah, Thanks be to You, You gave   [1]    This passage does not, of
                                                                                    up in the morn-  me this to wear. I ask You to give me   course refer only to commercial deal-
                                                                                    ing we should   the good of this dress and the good   ings but touches upon every aspect
                                                                                    say:           for which it is made and I ask You to   of social relations, both practical and
                                                                                       When the    protect me from the evil of this dress   moral, applying to every individual’s
                                                                                    Prophet – peace   and from the evil of that for which it   rights and obligations no less than to
                                                                                    be upon him    is made.” (Al-Tirmidhi 1689)  his physical possessions.
                                                                                    - used to go to    The Prophet – peace be upon   [2] Thus God “calls to witness”
                                                                                    bed,  he  used  to   him - also said: “Those who do not   the fact that nothing in His creation
                                                                                    say, “In your   thank people, they do not thank Al-  is ever at a standstill, since everything
                                                                                    name I die and I   lah.” (Al-Tirmidhi 1878)  moves unceasingly from one state of
                                                                                    live.” And when    We should be thankful to our   being into another, at every moment
                                                                                    he used to wake   parents. We should obey them,   changing its aspect and its condition:
                                                                                    up, he used to   serve them and take good care of   a phenomenon aptly described by
                                                                                    say, “Thanks be   them when they need our help. We   the Greek philosopher Heraclitus by
                                                                                    to Allah who   should thank our brothers and sis-  the phrase panta rhei (“everything is
                                                                                    brought us to life   ters, our relatives. We should thank   in flux”).
                                                                                    after he made   our neighbors, coworkers, employ-  [3] Or: “from one state to an-
                                                                                    us to die and to   ers and employees. We depend on   other (ref. ZamaKhsharii): i.e., in an
                                                                                    Him  is  the  res-  others and we owe many things to   unceasing progression – conception,
                                                                                    urrection.” (Al-  others. We must show our gratitude   birth, growth, decline, death and, fi-
                                                                                    Bukhari, 5837)  to every person in thoughtful ways.   GEMS, P28
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