Page 28 - Pakistan Link - November 19, 2021
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 ouster has strengthened Sanjrani’s Before we came into this world, of Interior announced the easing of leader Farooq H Naik, Kamran Mur-
nally, resurrection. power base, and now his gravy train we were dead, and our birth ushered restrictions across the kingdom, in- taza of JUI-F, and PML-N’s Ata Tarar.
[4] Since the inexorable move- runs through the chairman Senate’s into LifeLife. Death is the end of this cluding those affecting the Grand
ment of all that exists from stage to office all the way to the Balochistan Life. After that, God will raise us Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet’s AFFIDAVIT FROM P1
stage or from one condition to an- chief minister’s office. He can now do again on the Day of Judgment. What (PBUH) Mosque in Madina, allowing yesterday that we have now included
other corresponds to a fundamental a lot, for a lot, in a lot of ways. the Qur’an calls Barzakh is an inter- a full return to operations and capac- overseas Pakistanis in Pakistan’s de-
law evident in all creation, it is un- In the political world cup 2021, im period between death and resur- ity. mocracy,” the prime minister told the
reasonable to assume that man alone operation ‘Get Sanjrani’ is therefore rection. ceremony. He said the rights given to
should be an exception, and that his the semi-final — possibly a knockout The Day of Judgment would US FROM P1 expats meant that “now every gov-
onward movement should cease at stage. From the treasury side, Sanjrani determine the final destination of less than 1% national positivity ratio, ernment will be bound to value our
the moment of his bodily death, not has been playing like David Warner. every human being. Those who did the lowest in more than one-and- overseas Pakistanis because they can
to be followed by a change-over into He’s scored again and again through not believe in the concept of LifeLife a-half years. On Tuesday, the ratio now vote.”
another state of being. intelligent batting that has mixed ag- Hereafter and the Law of Return and remained 0.64%, according to the When they vote, the nine mil-
gression with cheeky singles. But even indulged in actions that defied the National Command and Operation lion non-resident Pakistanis will vote
Warner can lose his wicket — even if divine guidance would live a phase Centre (NCOC). for the government that can improve
HEROES FROM P6 he’s not nicked the ball — in a high- of new LifeLife that would be full of The NCOC, which serves as their lives. “So, the biggest benefit will
tance. Their populations pressure game. pain, turmoil, destruction, and up- the nerve center of the government’s be that a citizen can keep a check on
were decimated. For a long time, The opposition looks strong and heavals. This Life will be their Hell. unified effort against the pandemic, the government through their vote in
the details about the calamities confident like Babar Azam’s team. Those who live their lives according said in its daily update that the na- a democracy,” he emphasized.
suffered by the native popula- With the umpire turning neutral, it to the divine guidance will have a life tional tally of active Covid cases Noting overseas Pakistanis’ gen-
tion brought on by Colum- reckons it can build up to a solid tally of peace and contentment, prosper- came down to 22,626, as 216 more erous contributions for their country
bus and Europeans remained of seats that would be hard to chase. ity, success, and achievement. It will people tested positive for the virus, in times of crises, Prime Minister Im-
unacknowledged. However, But it runs the risk of dropping a be Paradise. while 375 people recovered during ran said they held a “special place” in
the recent florescence of the catch, and allowing Sanjrani to pull a The Life of these two categories the last 24 hours. his heart and termed them Pakistan’s
Black Lives Matter Movement Matthew Wade. of people will be eternal. Thus, the “biggest asset”.
launched by African Americans Or it could rewrite World Cup concept of Akhira is to help human SMOG FROM P1 “Why are you stopping overseas
has spotlighted the injustices 2021 history and send Sanjrani back beings to prepare for eternal LifeLife. close schools in areas with danger- Pakistanis from voting? The country
suffered by them for centuries. to the pavilion. Game is on. The Law of Return, based on the na- ous Air Quality Index (AQI) read- runs on their money but they can’t be
Its success has inspired an hon- (The writer is Dawn’s resident ture of consequences, will determine ings. allowed to vote?” he said while ad-
est discussion of Columbus’ editor in Islamabad. Dawn) the final phase of one’s eternal exis- Earlier, the air quality in Lahore dressing the opposition.
brutal legacy and unspeakable tence. was declared ‘very unhealthy’ for the
atrocities that he directly or in- (Dr Aslam Abdullah is resident inhabitants after smog engulfed the RIGHTS FROM P1
directly inflicted on the native SURRENDER FROM P11 scholar at . He is edi- entire city. The provincial capital has where lawmakers from the oppo-
population. Khan has difficulty reading Urdu tor in chief of Muslim Observer and also been ranked as one of the most sition and government got into a
The realization has spawned — many noted the stumbling and a trustee of American Federation of polluted cities in the world in recent physical altercation, the sergeants-at-
a major reassessment of Co- fumbling during his oath-taking cer- Muslims of Indian Origin. He gives days. arms were seen standing shoulder-
lumbus’s status worldwide. A emony. To compensate, he recently Friday sermons at Islamic centers in The report, submitted by the fo- to-shoulder to create a barrier be-
number of states in the US have ordered all official functions be con- California and other states) cal person of the Judicial Commis- tween the two sides.
moved to rename Columbus ducted in Urdu. sion, suggested that action should be The opposition argued that
Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day Yet more galling to Khan is FUNDING FROM P18 taken against those who burn crop as per the Rules of Procedure and
to honor and celebrate the native that while sermonizing he can According to the press release, residues on a daily basis and said the Conduct of Business in the National
people of this land. There were quote Qur’anic verses and had- the startup has collaborated with Punjab Disaster Management Au- Assembly, 2007, the government re-
at least 150 statues of Colum- ith only in translation but not in various telecommunications firms thority should immediately report quired a majority of the total mem-
bus in various locations in the Arabic. And so, Arabic teaching is and banks including Telenor, Zong, the burning of crop residues to the bership of the NA and Senate to get
US, standing on pedestals; now now compulsory in all Islamabad United Bank Limited, and Bank Al- concerned deputy commissioner. a bill passed in a joint session, which
many of them have been taken schools. His ideological project, the falah in an effort to expand the app amounts to 222 members. However,
down under pressure from peo- Single National Curriculum, is yet ecosystem. OPPOSITION FROM P1 the government side contended that
ple and consigned to museums. another consequence. This radical “Our partnerships with telcos, the opposition had over 200 mem- as per Article 72 of the Constitution,
After more than five centuries, restructuring of education conjoins banks, and wallets means Udhaar bers during the session. However, he it required a simple majority of the
Columbus has lost the exalted all Pakistani regular schools with Book’s 1.4 million small merchants alleged that the government mem- members present during a joint sit-
position that was wrongfully as- madressahs, forcing all to use the are now able to sell mobile top-ups bers were “over counted”. ting to get a bill passed. NA Speaker
signed to him in the first place. same textbooks and take the same digitally to earn ancillary income,” Calling the EVMs the “evil and Asad Qaiser ruled that the Constitu-
(The writer is a former assis- exams. SNC graduates will be yet Kamr said. vicious machines”, the opposition tion held precedence over the Rules.
tant professor, Harvard Medical friendlier to TLP-TTP type organi- He said that in the past three leader said that it was being imposed Earlier, the bill on the use of
School and retired health scien- zations. But these mass-produced months, monthly active users have upon the nation by the government EVMs was deferred at the request
tist administrator, US National ignoramuses will be unemployable skyrocketed 300 per cent with over and the opposition will not let that of Adviser to the Prime Minister on
Institutes of Health) in the competitive global economy. 1.4 million registered users across happen, adding that they will chal- Parliamentary Affairs Babar Awan,
With TLP-TTP on the rise and Pakistan and 510,000 monthly active lenge the move in the Supreme but it was later taken up again and
SANJRANI FROM P7 liberals demolished — and main- users. Court. put up to a vote.
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, they may stream parties too afraid to be seen “Growth has been great, while Speaking on the occasion, Bi- The government then barreled
recall Brutus’ words: as liberal — the consequence of retention rates are trending upwards lawal said the entire country should ahead with numerous other impor-
“Not that I loved Caesar less, but joining state to religion becomes as more business owners stay for our know that the government was “de- tant bills including:
that I loved Rome more.” starker by the day. While Pakistan’s wide variety of solutions,” he said. feated” today as in the joint session • The Elections (Second
Step three would be to decide non-Muslims will remain useful legislations are passed by the majori- Amendment) Bill, 2021
on the opposition’s candidate for the punching bags, insistence on expel- APP FROM P1 ty of the total strength of the Nation- • The International Court
chairman. Since the PPP already has ling France’s ambassador suggests The ministry said that the ser- al Assembly and the Senate jointly. of Justice (Review and Re-consider-
Yousuf Raza Gilani as the leader of TLP has national and global ambi- vice will be effective through the ap- “This number comes out to be ation) Bill, 2021
the opposition, the PML-N may de- tions. As for TTP: a glance at Af- plications just after registering on the 222 votes which the government • The Islamabad Capital Ter-
mand that one of its senators should ghanistan should tell where it wants Saudi “Quddum” platform, it added. failed to muster,” he claimed. ritory Charities Registration, Regula-
be the next chairman. If the PPP were to take us. The ministry urged all users of The PPP chairman asked the tion and Facilitation Bill, 2021
to agree to this, and if the PML-N ac- Crucially: TLP and TTP are Eatmarna and Tawakkalna applica- media to make people aware of the • The National College of
tually succeeds in grabbing the chair- two violent organizations, one tions to take the initiative and update fact that the government was “de- Arts Institute Bill, 2021
manship of the Upper House for it- Barelvi and the other Deobandi. At the two applications on their mobile feated” today. • The SBP Banking Services
self, the perceptional dynamics of the daggers drawn, both have mass fol- app stores. Responding to questions, he Corporation (Amendment) Bill,
country’s political landscape would lowings; that of TTP will skyrocket Last month, Saudi Arabia’s Min- said PPP has a historic stance that 2021
change in a dramatic way. now that the Taliban rule Afghani- istry of Hajj announced that pilgrims every institution must work within • The Muslim Family Laws
But as always, there are compli- stan. Both want a Sharia state but wishing to perform Umrah will no its own constitutional ambit. (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Amend-
cations. with different versions of Sharia. longer be required to wait for 14 days Earlier in the day, the govern- ment in Section 4)
Sadiq Sanjrani has just led a suc- Which one prevails can only be to book for the ritual. ment achieved a crucial victory in • The Muslim Family Laws
cessful change in Balochistan’s top settled by force and civil war. Imran Dr Amr Al-Maddah, the chief the parliament’s joint session as (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Amend-
office. Quddus Bizenjo’s ascension to Khan will have certainly created a of planning and strategy officer at the it managed to pass the Elections ment in Section 7)
the chief minister’s office is actually Naya Pakistan, albeit not the one he ministry, said in an interview with (Amendment) Bill, 2021. • The Anti-Rape (Investiga-
Sanjrani’s win. He has clearly not lost promised. Arab News that by easing preventive The opposition, in protest, tion and Trial) Bill, 2021
the game of perceptions because after (The writer is an Islamabad- measures, the operational capacity of tore copies of the day’s agenda and • The Hyderabad Institute for
all, how can you bring about a ma- based physicist and writer. Dawn) the Grand Mosque for Umrah and walked out of the session in protest. Technical and Management Sciences
jor change at the top in Balochistan prayers has significantly increased. The bill on the use of EVMs was ear- Bill, 2021
without the establishment’s nod? So DEATH FROM P26 “In line with the developments lier deferred at the request of Adviser • The Islamabad Rent Re-
those within the opposition who be- They will say, our Sustainer, twice at this stage, which in turn increased to the Prime Minister on Parliamen- striction (Amendment) Bill, 2021
lieve that the establishment will aban- have you made us without life, and the demand in the dates available to tary Affairs Babar Awan but was • The Criminal Law (Amend-
don Sanjrani, may do so at their own twice have you given us Life! (40:11) perform Umrah, the Saudi Ministry later put up for a vote. ment) Bill, 2021
peril. Sanjrani is the PM’s ally, but he How can you reject Allah’s be- of Hajj and Umrah made this feature The opposition has already an- • The Corporate Restructur-
is not the PM’s man. He has over the lief – seeing that you were without available for pilgrims. This condi- nounced forming a committee to ing Companies (Amendment) Bill,
years — since he sprung the ‘Sanjrani life, and He gave you life; then will tion is no longer necessary and will challenge the constitutional amend- 2021
surprise’ and won the chairmanship He cause you to die, and will again achieve a fair opportunity for all due ments put forward by the incumbent • The Financial Institutions
— become a wheeling-dealing power bring you to Life, and again to Him to the high demand,” he said. government in the Supreme Court. (Secured Transactions) (Amend-
broker in his own right. Jam Kamal’s will you return. (2:28) On Oct 16, the Saudi Ministry The committee comprises PPP ment) Bill, 2021