Page 5 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 5

OPINION                                                                                                                 PAKISTAN  LINK - APRIL 21, 2023 - P5
          n By Abdul Malik Mujahid      Our Ramadan Duties to Muslims Who                                                     least one day of Ramadan. It will raise
                 Chicago, IL                                                                                                  awareness  among  students  about  the

          met him at the train station in Ra-       Don't Fast This Holy Month                                                blessed month and may even encour-
                                                                                                                              age those who drink and are involved
          madan. He was an acquaintance I                                                                                     in other vices to stop, at least during
       I ad encountered at Muslim com-                                                                                        the month of fasting.
       munity  events  here  and  there,  but  I                                                    This small gesture to inform an-
                  didn’t  know  him  very                                                       other Muslim about the blessed month  5. Don’t forget Facebook and Twitter
                  well. This time though,                                                       reaped  unexpected  benefits  for  both   Make  sure  to  update  your  status
                  he was drinking from                                                          the giver of good news and its receiver. throughout Ramadan to share what you
                  a  bottle  in  a  brown                                                                                     are doing. Beyond the first day of wish-
                  bag. As soon as he saw                                                        3. Host an Iftar party        ing everyone Ramadan Mubarak, you
                  me, he became a little                                                            A  number  of  Muslims  have  can include messages like (your name):
                  angry.                                                                        stopped hosting or attending Iftar par-  •  is  listening  to  awesome  recita-
          “Why didn’t you tell me Ramadan                                                       ties in Ramadan. They feel that since the  tion of Surah al-Anfal during Taraweeh
       was here, brother?” he asked, his voice                                                  month should be devoted to worship-  • wishes he could give more mon-
       accusatory.                                                                              ping God, parties take away from that.  ey for (cause of choice) this Ramadan
          I had no answer. But I did know                                                           But  one  thing  these  gatherings   • is feeling hungry but feeling for
       that had this brother fasted, he would                                                   are good for is bringing Muslims oth- the  panhandler  on  Michigan  avenue
       have gotten away from the other ills he                                                  erwise distant from the community to- four hours before Iftar
       was involved in, even if it was for one                                                  gether. They are a venue they not only   • is trying to eat that one-third of
       month.  It  was  a  mistake  I  promised  means not only the limited number of   Call and/or email every person in  enjoy,  but  crave,  during  the  blessed  food for Iftar
       myself I would never again make.  people we may meet in the mosque for  your email list to wish them Ramadan  month. If you host only one Iftar party   •  is  trying  to  eat  during  Suhoor
          Not  more  than  10  to  15  per- prayers or at the Iftar parties we attend.  Mubarak. For those who don’t frequent  this  Ramadan,  please  do  so  for  your  with her eyes open
       cent of Muslims are connected to the  It  includes  those  who,  for  whatever  Islamic institutions, send a personalized  family  members  or  friends  who  nor-  The point is to share various as-
       mosque, and Islamic life in general, in  their reasons, have chosen to distance  message instead of a generic one, wish- mally don’t associate with Muslims or  pects of Ramadan in a fun and person-
       the United States. That means that as  themselves from the Muslim commu- ing they, their spouse, and every one of  the Masjid.  al way without sounding preachy.
       announcements  about  the  start  and  nity and its institutions.  their children a blessed Ramadan.  Very often, people who don’t usu-  You  can  do  the  same  thing  with
       end of Ramadan, timings for Taraweeh   But while we share the good news                  ally  partake  in  Ramadan’s  duties  and  text messages on your phone.
       prayers, and opportunities to give char- of  Ramadan’s  arrival  and  encourage  2. Don’t be shy to approach someone  rituals  will,  for  example,  fast  if  they   (Imam  Abdul  Malik  Mujahid
       ity are made regularly within our Mas- fellow  Muslims  to  gain  its  benefits,  in person  have to go to an Iftar party to share in  is  the  founding  Chairman  of  Sound
       jids, the majority of American Muslims  it’s  crucial  that  we  use  wisdom  and   A  brother  I  know  once  went  to  the experience with their hosts.  Vision  Foundation,  the  leading  pro-
       don’t get this information. This comes  beautiful  preaching.  If  Allah  ordered  the home of a Muslim acquaintance to   ducer  of  educational  content  on  Is-
       under our Ramadan duties to inform  Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, to  wish him a Ramadan Mubarak. When  4. On campus: host a collective day of  lam and Muslims. He is also executive
       and help them about.          approach  Pharaoh  in  the  most  polite  he didn’t find him there, he left a note  fasting  producer of the daily Radio Islam talk
          And yes, there are Muslims who  manner (Qur’an 20:44), then we have  on his door, saying he just wanted to let   In a survey, the Institute for So- show on WCEV 1450 AM in Chicago.)
       don’t  fast,  as  well  as  those  who  don’t  no excuse to be harsh and judgmental  him know that Ramadan had begun.  cial Policy Understanding found that   Photo Attribution  -  Seier+Seier
       know how to pray.             when sharing the beauty and brother/  After  the  blessed  month  had  47  percent  of  Muslim  students  had  -
          While  it’s  easy  to  forget  about  sisterhood of this blessed month. Here  ended,  the  acquaintance  contacted  consumed alcohol during the previ- er/1786608880/
       these brothers and sisters and focus on  are some ways we can share the news  this brother and told him the past Ra- ous year.
       our own spiritual development during  of Ramadan with others this year:  madan had been the first one during   It is likely that these students are  ticle/our-duty-to-muslims-who-dont-
       the blessed month, this attitude ignores                    which he had fasted since his arrival in  also those who don’t fast. This is why  fast-this-ramadan?eType=EmailBlas
       the  fact  that  community  is  a  criti- 1. Scour your phonebook and email  the United States almost two decades  Muslim Students’ Associations should  tContent&eId=3ce21fd1-7813-478d-
       cal part of Ramadan duties. And that  address list, then send a message  earlier.        organize  a  collective  fast  and  Iftar  at  845e-efbdd5e518c4

        Eid & The New Muslim – Ways to Make the Day Special                                                                   translators to make sure that those who
                                                                                                                              were not natural Arabic speakers would
                                                                                                                              understand and know his message.
                                                                                                                                  • Sit with them at the Eid Salah so
         n By Mahasin D. Shamsid-Deen                                                           daily life in an Islamic way.  they are not alone. If you are able to,
                    US                                                                              So, make the day special. For the  pick them up and take them to the Eid
                                                                                                new Muslim convert, this is their first  prayer.
               e  all  agree  that  Eid  is  the                                                Eid,  and  first  experiences  are  often   • Give them decorations for their
               most  wonderful  time  of                                                        the  most  memorable.  Think  about  it:  home or identify websites where they
       W year.  Muslims  who  are                                                               If  the  convert  is  fairly  new,  this  may  can  buy  their  own  decorations  and
       new  converts  to  Islam  anticipate  the                                                have  been  their  first  time  fasting  in  beautify  their  spaces  based  on  their
       Eid with a mixture of wonder and un-                                                     the month of Ramadan, so as the day  own preferences.
       certainty.  Unlike  single  Muslims  who                                                 of  Eid  approaches,  refer  them  to  the   • Send them an Eid card. Ameri-
       may deal with loneliness or isolation,                                                   Qur’an and point out how pleasing the  cans love receiving holiday cards.
       the new Muslim convert often lacks a                                                     fast is to Allah, The Most High.  •  Share  pictures  of  past  Eid  cel-
       frame of reference for what Eid is all                                                       On Eid ul Fitr itself:    ebrations.
       about and what happens.                                                                      • Explain to the new Muslim con-  • If your community is having an
          It  is  reported  by  Ibn  Umar  that                                                 vert  what  happens  on  Eid  day.  Give  Eid event after the Salah (prayer), then
       Prophet Muhammad, God’s peace and                                                        them  examples  from  the  Sunnah  of  be at the side of the new Muslim so that
       blessings be upon him, instructed the                                                    how the Muslim should prepare, wear  they never feel alone.
       believers,  "Let  no  person  get  up  only                                              their best clothes, say the Takbir (say-  • Take the opportunity where so
       to have another to sit in his place, but                                                 ing  “God  is  Greater,  which  is  Allahu  many Muslims have gathered to intro-
       rather  make  room  and  enlarge  your  the personality and level of outgoing- Muslims completely oblivious to this  Akbar in Arabic) and how all should  duce the new Muslims to others.
       circle" (Bukhari and Muslim).  ’ness’ of the person who converted, this  cultural tradition.   attend this special day.    • Give Eid gifts to the new Muslim
          This particular Prophetic tradition  may or may not be successful.  The key to enhancing the Eid ex-  •  Call  the  new  Believer  on  Eid  and their family.
       is a reminder for us to always remem-  It is the best Adab (etiquette) for  perience for the new Muslim convert  morning and wish blessings of the day.   • Reassure the new Muslim con-
       ber to widen our circle of compassion.  Muslims in the community to extend  is similar to that for the single Muslim  In a Hadith it is reported “At the time  vert that they can make and enjoy their
       Many converts or reverts to Islam come  themselves to the new convert rather  – inclusion, inclusion, inclusion. Keep  of  the  Prophet  when  people  met  one  own  culturally  relevant  celebration
       from a culture in North America where  than  the  other  way  around.  In  days  the new Muslim in the loop!  For the  another on the day of `Eid, they would  foods  on  this  day.  If  special  days  in
       their previous faith communities go out  past, some communities would pair a  new Muslim convert, go the extra step  say, ‘Taqabbal Allahu minnaa wa min- their culture include tres leches cake or
       of the way to welcome attendees even  new convert with a Muslim of similar  by providing an example as well.   ka.’ (May Allah accept good deeds from  peach  cobbler,  help  them  understand
       if just for being present at one religious  age and situation. For example, a Mus-  To celebrate this recurring hap- us  and  from  you)”  (Reported  by  Ibn  the importance of family and commu-
       service.  But  the  new  Muslim  convert  lim mother of four would pair up with  piness,  explain  what  Eid  is  to  them.  Hajar) or simply “Eid Mubarak”.    nity connectedness of this day.
       may  not  have  any  introduction  other  a new convert mother with children.  They  may  have  the  official  version   • Give them a copy of the Takbi-  • Make Dua that Allah, The Most
       than the one they received on the day  This person would serve as a compan- from the Imam or a book on Islam,  ratul Eid and practice with them so they  High, blesses them with a beautiful Eid.
       they  took  their  Shahadah.  After  that,  ion and guide so the new convert did  but  share  what  Eid  means  and  has  know how to say it. Make sure you have
       for many communities, the onus is on  not  have  to  navigate  the  etiquette  of  meant  to  you  and  your  family.  Per- the English/Spanish or French transla- article/supporting-new-muslims-con-
       the  new  Muslim  convert  to  ingratiate  Islam  or  meet  other  people  on  their  sonalizing  Islamic  practices  is  con- tion  so  that  they  know  what  they  are  verts-this-eid-ul-fitr?eType=EmailBla
       themselves in the community, seek out  own.  Unfortunately,  over  time,  these  sistent with the Hadith and example  saying.  Culturally,  people  from  North  stContent&eId=b1495ffa-b9e4-4a05-
       study groups and classes on their own,  once  common  practices  have  all  but  of the Prophet. His example provided  America are not comfortable repeating  bea0-2e34ea71532d&eType=EmailBla
       and  attend  community  functions  to  slipped  away  as  the  Muslim  com- real life instances of how to internal- words  in  foreign  languages  that  they  stContent&eId=f633121e-1209-4af8-
       meet and make friends. Depending on  munity  grew  with  a  diverse  array  of  ize  and  respond  to  situations  in  our  do not understand.  The Prophet used  a631-6905255dc59e
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