Page 9 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 9
Pakistan to Celebrate Eidul the first of Shawwal will be on April Anwarul Haq Elected AJK PM
22,” Maulana Azad said.
Fitr on Saturday was made, the Ministry of Religious
Shortly after the announcement
Affairs issued a notification stating that
Shawwal 1, 1444 AH would commence
on Saturday.
Separately, an unofficial Ruet-i-
Hilal committee headed by Mufti Sha-
habuddin Popalzai met in Peshawar
and concurred that the moon had not
been sighted, therefore, Eid would be
celebrated on Saturday.
Earlier in the day, the Pakistan
Meteorological Department (PMD)
had released the coordinates and
chances for sighting the moon.
“According to astronomical pa-
rameters, there is no chance of sighting
the new moon of Shawwal, 1444 AH
on the evening of April 20, 2023, i.e., MUZAFFARABAD: In a dramatic fluence of President Barrister Sultan
on 29th Ramadan, 1444 AH,” the de- move, the AJK Legislative Assembly Mahmood.
partment said. elected its Speaker Chaudhry Anwarul Mr Haq was among the three law-
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia an- Haq as the next prime minister in the makers who PTI chief Imran Khan had
nounced that Eidul Fitr would be cel- small hours of Thursday, apparently shortlisted and asked the parliamen-
ebrated on Friday. ending a weeklong deadlock in the tary party to build consensus on one
Members of the Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee try to spot the Shawwal “Tomorrow, Friday, is the first day wake of the disqualification of ex-PM name.
moon in Islamabad of Eidul Fitr for this year,” with Thurs- Sardar Tanveer Ilyas. However, in a surprise develop-
day the last day of Ramadan, the official Since no one submitted nomina- ment on Wednesday night his name
ISLAMABAD: The Central Ruet-i-Hi- district Ruet-i-Hilal committees Saudi Press Agency said on its Twitter tion papers against him, Mr Haq got emerged as a joint candidate of the
lal Committee on Thursday announced were also held at their respective account citing a royal court statement. the trust of all 48 members present in combined opposition and a 12-mem-
that Eidul Fitr would be celebrated on headquarters in Karachi, Lahore, Pe- Eidul Fitr is a significant festival the house, including 29 from the rul- ber PTI ‘forward bloc’.
Saturday (April 22) as the Shawwal shawar and Quetta. in the Islamic calendar, celebrated at ing PTI as well as opposition members In a statement, PTI regional presi-
moon had not been sighted. During the press conference, the end of the Holy month of Ramazan. from the PPP and PML-N. dent Ilyas said the party had not named
The announcement was made by Maulana Azad said that the weather Muslims all over the world ob- Ever since the disqualification of anyone as its candidate for the post.
the committee’s chairman, Maulana was clear in most areas but was cloudy serve a month of fasting, and Eid cel- Mr Ilyas, Mr Haq remained with the “Today, I have come to know
Abdul Khabir Azad, at a press confer- in some. He went on to say that moon- ebrations mark the end of this period PTI “to ensure its return to power in about the machinations of Mr Haq. On
ence in Islamabad. sighting testimonies were not received of self-restraint. the face of maneuvers by the combined the one hand he was assuring PTI lead-
The announcement came after from any area, therefore, Eidul Fitr The government has announced a opposition” which wanted to clinch ership of his efforts to save the party,
the committee met in the capital. would fall on Saturday. five-day holiday for Eid from April 21 power with the help of another small on the other he was striking a deal with
Separate meetings of the zonal and “It was unanimously decided that to April 25. - Dawn group of PTI deserters, under the in- the establishment,” he said. - Dawn