Page 12 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 12
Supreme Court Stays Firm but Leaves war argued that for ensuring peaceful, Hamid Khan said it was unfortu- to the powers-that-be, parties in the pirants who did not get party tickets
Room for Consensus honest, just and fair elections, there nate that everyone was doing his own federal coalition were unanimous in for Punjab Assembly elections should
(Continued from page 1) must be mutual respect and under- interpretation of the Constitution. He their opinion that they would do ev- work to play their role in the Nation-
The notices were issued on a hur- standing among the political parties said people calling for a joint general erything in their power to forestall al Assembly and local government
riedly moved petition by a citizen, that participate in the general elections. election in the country were incorrect next month’s polls. If the PML-N had elections. - Dawn
Sardar Kashif Khan, highlighting Historically, the counsel contend- in their interpretation as it was not any doubts, they would have certainly
the alternative means of a political ed, holding of simultaneous elections written in the Constitution. He said all awarded tickets to its candidates, the Ruling Allies Say No to Talks ‘At
dialogue for ending the impasse on to the national and four provincial as- institutions were bound to obey SC’s source added. Gunpoint’
the issue of holding elections to the semblies has secured a more durable orders. He said lawyers had a prime “The Sharifs think that even if (Continued from page 1)
Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa outcome than the staggered elections responsibility to stand by the Constitu- the SC sticks to its decision to hold “Yes, there is a difference of opinion
assemblies. held in 1970 and 1977 as were being tion and judiciary. the Punjab elections on May 14 after among ruling parties on negotiation
During the hearing, AGP Awan envisaged presently for the two provin- Mr Khosa, who held the offices the failure of political parties to reach with PTI, I am trying to create consen-
informed the Supreme Court about his cial assemblies. of Punjab governor, attorney general, a consensus on the same-day polls for sus, but the court order has made my
meeting with Prime Minister Shehbaz Prima facie, the court said, the senator and PPP’s secretary general all provincial and national assemblies, job more difficult,” he added.
Sharif, saying there was a realization submission made by the counsel ap- during the party’s stint in the govern- the federal coalition with the help of In response to a question re-
about political engagement to cool peared to have substance because elec- ment, said he preferred to stand by the powers-that-be would find a way to garding the top court order for
down the prevalent political tempera- tions were contested in the political the Constitution and the country. Last achieve its target,” he claimed. polls in Punjab on May 14, the PPP
ture. arena and these can be best conducted week, PPP removed him as president A federal cabinet member told chief quipped, “Only three people in
He asked for time, since the PML- with the feedback and input of all elec- of the party’s legal wing following his Dawn that the ruling coalition was the country believed that elections
N as well as the PPP, have constituted toral political forces in the country that criticism of the policies of the coalition ready for any sacrifice to forestall elec- should be held on May 14…and that
their respective committees to hold di- would contest such elections. government. tions that were being held only in ‘one the condition of 90 days for holding
alogue with the PTI and said it was his However, the court said it con- Supreme Court Bar Association province’. elections does not apply to polls in
understanding that the latter had also sidered that the alternative route pro- president Abid Zuberi stressed that “Although PML-N leaders and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.”
formed a three-member committee. posed by the counsel cannot operate all institutions were subordinate to former lawmakers have submitted The PPP leader urged the apex
He also recalled that the JI emir to negate or erase the date fixed by the the Constitution. He said if the gov- their nomination papers for the May court to respect parliament and said
has already met the prime minister and court in its April 4 judgement for hold- ernment wanted to delay the election, 14 polls, party quaid Nawaz Sharif that it was the responsibility of politi-
PTI chief Imran Khan. ing elections to the Punjab Assembly it should introduce a constitutional and others have decided not to award cal forces to ensure honor of the apex
The CJP described the AGP’s which is in line with the dictates of the amendment. He believed that the Con- tickets to the aspirants to give a clear court, “But we will not compromise on
statement as “well received” and ob- Constitution. stitution did not allow any legislation message to the apex court that PML-N the prestige of parliament,” he added.
served that what the top law officer “This is for the reason that politi- to clip the powers of Supreme Court. does not accept its decision,” he said. The PPP chief said that the gov-
stating was that the political process, cal dialogue must not be made a means Lahore High Court Bar Associa- The PML-N, however, has not ernment believed that the decision to
which was in a state of paralysis, has for avoiding the imperative obligation tion vice president Rabbiya Bajwa said boycotted the elections as it has not hold polls on May 14 in Punjab was
resumed with engagements with the under Articles 112 and 224 of the Con- politicians should stop saying that par- asked its candidates to withdraw their a minority decision and dubbed it a
opposition. stitution to hold the elections to the liament is supreme, adding that in fact papers. “decision at gunpoint”. Speaking about
However, the top judge highlight- provincial assembly with 90 days of its it is the Constitution that is supreme. PML-N chief organizer Maryam talks, he said talks between political
ed the importance of May 14, saying dissolution,” the court observed. Where was the supremacy of parlia- Nawaz and PM Shehbaz Sharif’s son parties should be held within parlia-
the date was round the corner and that Therefore, time is of the utmost ment when it gave extension to an Hamza Shehbaz are in the run. Ms ment, not through any other institu-
the 90-day constitutional obligation essence in exploring the course sug- army chief and endorsed establishment Nawaz is contesting on four seats and tions.
should also be respected and complied gested by the counsel, the Supreme of military courts? she asked. Mr Hamza on three. No talks with Imran
with. Court said, adding that correspond- Ms Bajwa said holding elections ‘Big coward’ JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur
“I don’t think this court can post- ingly, “we appreciate the initiative in Punjab and KP was a constitutional Reacting to the PML-N’s deci- Rehman also ruled out the possibility
pone the date for long,” the CJP ob- taken by the petitioner to propose mandate and political parties should sion on tickets, PTI chief Imran Khan of holding talks with Pakistan Tehreek-
served, but noted the resistance by the the initiation of a political dialogue not violate it. termed Nawaz Sharif a “big coward”, e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan who
ECP, federal government and defense as a means for settling a practical Senior lawyer Salman Akram saying the “absconder” was leading a was bent on creating hurdles for the
ministry to compliance with the April and feasible date on which general Raja said sanctity of Constitution was party of cowards. country.
4 order fixing May 14 as the election elections, that satisfy the require- not possible without an independent “Seeing its defeat ‘written on the Addressing a press conference
date, observing that the grounds of ment of Article 218(3) of the Con- and united judiciary. He said defi- wall’, the Sharifs and PDM are running in Dera Ismail Khan, the JUI-F chief
their reservations highlighted in their stitution, are held”. ance of the 90-day timeline for general away from elections,” Mr Khan said wondered how a dialogue could be
reports were not germane to the pres- Hours later ANP leader Aimal elections was in fact a disobedience of while talking to supporters during Iftar held with a person who said that he
ent petition. Wali Khan tweeted his party refused Constitution. Former attorney general on Thursday. would accept the elections only after
Political process to appear before the three-member Anwar Mansoor Khan urged senior Meanwhile, PTI central president getting a two-thirds majority in par-
During the hearing, senior coun- bench, because “it has no credibility lawyers to play their role to bring unity Chaudhry Parvez Elahi said PML-N liament. He alleged that the PTI chief
sel Faisal Fareed, who was present in left. If ANP felt the need to talk to among the judges. He said it was writ- had lost its respect and worth among wanted things to get done according to
the courtroom, was asked by the bench PTI, it will directly do so and not ap- ten in the preamble of the Constitution the masses by keeping away from the his wishes as he had already said that
if his party was interested in political pear before its three-member proxy that the state was supposed to be run May 14 elections. he would dissolve the assemblies even
dialogue. team”. - Dawn by the elected representatives. Mr Elahi was speaking at a meet- if he got a simple majority.
The counsel conceded that there However, he added, it was also ing with former federal minister He regretted that Imran Khan,
was a meeting between JI emir Sira- Lawyers’ Moot Gives Constitution written in the same book that Con- Chaudhry Wajahat Hussain, Over- who should have been disqualified by
jul Haq and PTI Chairman Imran Primacy over Parliament stitution had to be followed. He said seas Pakistanis Hong Kong president now, was being made the center of na-
Khan, but also regretted the arrest of (Continued from page 1) it was a mistaken concept that parlia- Chaudhry Gulzar Mohammad, former tional politics. “Why did Imran Khan
party leaders as well as threatening Constitution and Judicial Indepen- ment was the only supreme institution. Lahore Bar president Asim Cheema, dissolve the assemblies? If they are dis-
statements by Interior Minister Rana dence in Pakistan” were Barrister Ait- A statement issued by the hosts Chaudhry Akram and former minister banded deliberately, then it is stupid
Sanaullah Khan issued on a daily basis. zaz Ahsan, Hamid Khan, Sardar Latif said elections to Punjab and KP assem- Muhammad Akram at his residence. and he should be kept out of politics.
The CJP observed that when a po- Khosa, Khwaja Tariq Rahim, Abid blies be held at once as per the dictates Mr Elahi said PML-N is running He is incompetent and we consider
litical process would begin, the court Zuberi, Rabbiya Bajwa, Salman Akram of the Constitution as elucidated in the away from elections just to save itself him incompetent,” the JUI-F leader
would bind the ECP to provide level Raja and Anwar Mansoor Khan. SC order. from a humiliating defeat at the hands thundered.
playing field to every political party. PPP leader Aitzaz Ahsan said no It said SC’s internal issues be de- of people. On the other hand, PTI leader
Justice Ijaz-ul-Ahsan asked the one, including the prime minister and cided by the judges themselves through Lashing out at the Sharifs’ deci- Fawad Chaudhry, who was earlier in
counsel to seek specific instructions in army chief, could defy the Supreme comity of judges and mutual respect. sion not to award party tickets, he ob- favor of direct dialogue, took a new
line with the observation made in the Court order about holding elections in Any permissible legislation to regulate served that PML-N wanted to create an turn and said talks could only be held
court. Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He the court or its processes ought not to undemocratic process in the country. with the government under the watch
The CJP observed that the court said it was obvious that the defiance be deployed, to destroy the court, its The PTI president said PDM was of the SC.
was trying to create a conducive at- of the apex court’s order would lead to independence and authority. ready for negotiations on the Supreme PM slams SC order
mosphere, wondering whether the PTI contempt proceedings. Separately, Federal Minister for Court’s order but not prepared to hold Earlier, Prime Minister Shehbaz
wants conflict on the streets or peace- Mr Ahsan, Mr Khosa and Khwaja Law and Justice Azam Nazeer Tarar elections. Sharif slammed the Supreme Court’s
ful elections. He acknowledged that Rahim hosted the conference, which said that conspiracy to divide the law- “If incompetent rulers do not order to stop the enforcement of a pro-
without certain provisions, elections was attended by lawyers mostly be- yers’ community will not succeed, PPI give up their stubbornness, the conse- posed law that regulated the powers of
would become a battlefield. longing to the Hamid Khan-led Profes- adds. - Dawn quences can be serious,” he cautioned the chief justice of Pakistan.
“We understand your personal sional group and the PTI’s Insaf Law- and added that political parties never He added that when the current
hurt but you (PTI) have to commit to yers Forum. Confident Polls Will Not Be Held on closed doors of negotiations. rulers spoke about holding talks with
the political process,” CJP observed, He believed that the core issue at May 14th, PML-N Issues No Tickets Mr Elahi declared that Pakistan’s the PTI for conducting the elections
adding that the PTI cannot sit outside present was whether elections in the (Continued from page 1) politics was incomplete without Imran across the country on the same date,
the field and dictate terms. two provinces should be held within An insider told Dawn that the Sharifs Khan and asserted that PDM would his party had agreed to it too.
Justice Ahsan observed that both the constitutional timeline of 90 days. were ‘super confident’ after receiving a have to negotiate with Imran Khan in The PTI leader maintained that
sides have to adopt confidence-build- He said the debate on the composition ‘blanket assurance’ from the establish- any case. He said everyone needed to his party was ready for negotiations
ing measures and then have to act in of benches and the question whether ment that elections would not be held find a safe way for the welfare of people. with the government within the frame-
that spirit. the SC’s order for polls was majority or next month. Meanwhile, PTI leader Dr Yas- work of the Constitution. – The Ex-
Meanwhile, Advocate Shah Kha- minority had no significance. The source said that in addition min Rashid said that those PTI as- press Tribune