Page 13 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 13
Vol. 33/16 Shawwal 1, 1444 AH Friday, April 21, 2023 US & Canada $1.00
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Interfaith Iftar Unites Community through Compassion
n By Ras H. Siddiqui were leaders of leading local educational institu-
California tions (e.g., CSU Sacramento, Los Rios, American
River College, etc.). Asif also thanked the people
he Sacramento Area League of Associated who made this Iftar possible with their generous
Muslims (SALAM) held its 23rd Annual sponsorship - Ayad Al-Qazzaz, Javed Iqbal, JTS
T Interfaith Iftar (Ramadan breaking of the Engineering, Kais Menoufy, Metwalli & Rosalie
fast) at its own community center on Tuesday Amer, Sharif Jewelers and Waseem & Joumana
April 11, 2023. This event has Bawa.
become a tradition of sorts for The program formalities started with young
the regional interfaith commu- Taha presenting a recitation from the Holy
nity and remains unique because Qur’an and the English translation of the verses.
people who are not Muslim are This was immediately followed by an official wel-
often observed to be in the ma- come by SALAM’s Board Chairperson Omar Mo-
jority here. The religious tradi- heyEldin. Omar said that today marks the 20th
tions (Passover, Easter and Ramadan) of the three day of Ramadan, and as we approach the last ten
Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Is- days of the month, during which the first verses
lam) overlap or converge every 32 years or so and of the Qur’an were revealed, we are honored to
this year was one of them, giving this Iftar gather- break our fast together and share a meal with all
ing added focus. of you. Ramadan this year, as it did last year, falls
Followers of Islam now have a significant during the same days that our partners in faith
presence here in America, and the Sacramento celebrate Easter and Passover, which is another
region is certainly no exception. This particular reminder of how much we have in common, he
Iftar event provides Muslims an opportunity not said. SALAM is very proud to be a part of this
only to share Islam in practice with other faiths, Sacramento Interfaith community. The theme for
but it also gives other faiths an opportunity to this year’s Iftar is Compassion. You all opened
share their beliefs with Muslims. In essence, this your places of worship to those that escaped war
interfaith Iftar taps into the plurality and diversity and torture. With compassion, you held their
of our region, state, and country, as America con- hands, made sure that they can practice their faith
tinues to be enriched by people of all faiths and freely and learn new skills to live and work with
different ethnic backgrounds. dignity in this community, he added. I am hon-
The event started off with seating and some ored to be with all of you this evening, we have
social time. Emcee Asif Haq called everyone to a special spiritual program for you and definitely
attention and kicked things off a bit differently some good food!
this year as a short video was shown of an Imam The next segment was conceivably the most
in Algeria leading Ramadan prayers while a cat important, because it pointed towards the Sacra-
climbed up on him and sat on his shoulder. This mento region’s collective future. It was introduced
video has gone viral as the Imam was unphased by Sister Anne Kjemtrup who has been associated
and continued leading the prayers and later end- with SALAM for many years in many key capaci-
ed up affectionately acknowledging the cat. This ties. She introduced three young people (in order
video happened to be in accord with the theme of the seniority of the religions) Noah Himovitz-
for the evening. Ries (Judaism), Carter Koenig (Christianity)
Asif next welcomed the attendees and shared and Miriam Huss (Islam). These teenagers were
the program schedule with everyone. He also ac- asked to address the theme, “Compassion begets
knowledged the presence of a few local dignitar- compassion” from their respective faith tradition.
ies present here including representatives of the Noah revisited his Bar mitzvah, social work in
US Attorney’s Office and the FBI. Also present (Continued on page 23)