Page 15 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 15
on climate change including through their habits." provide enough electricity through its campaign. within the mosque."
donations to solar projects like those at The Islamic Society of North strained grid. “I feel like, as a Muslim, that Ummah for Earth, an alliance-
Istiqlal Mosque. America website calls on Muslims to In Edison, New Jersey, Masjid Al- mosques are the hub of the commu- led initiative that aims to empower
Muhammad Ali Yusuf, a board be “an eco-friendly community”, say- Wali¸ a mosque and community cen- nities and they should take a little bit Muslim communities facing climate
member at the faith-based Nahdlatul ing looking after the environment is ter, has been adopting changes such as more leading role for sustainability and change, is urging people to pledge to
Ulama’s Institution for Disaster Man- “based upon the premise that Islam has selling reusable water bottles to mem- toward recycling,” PAP founder Nas- adopt one eco-friendly practice during
agement and Climate Change in Indo- ordained us to be the stewards and pro- bers at cost and installing more water eem Talukdar said. “During the month Ramadan. Options include asking an
nesia, said spreading awareness about tectors of this planet.” coolers to discourage the use of dispos- of Ramadan is where I’ve really seen imam to address environmental issues,
clean energy is a “shared responsibil- Some mosques and Muslims able plastic bottles, said board member a ridiculous amount of plastic being donating to environmental charities
ity” for Muslims, where mosques' own around the world are heeding such Akil Mansuri. used and thrown away.” and shopping sustainably.
solar panel installations can be cata- calls, one small step at a time. “Preserving the environment is Mosques are urged to raise aware- “Many Muslims are not aware
lysts toward a greater transition. Ahead of Ramadan this year, the the Islamically right thing to do,” Man- ness on plastic pollution and reduce that there are environmental teach-
In the United States and Cana- mosque at Al Ma’hadul Islamic Board- suri said. “People accept the message, reliance on single-use plastic. Seven ings in the Qur’an and the sayings of
da, environmental groups that began ing School in Indonesia received solar but adoption is always slower.” Bristol mosques participated in a pilot the prophet and that they have a role
springing up in Muslim communities panels through Islamic donations, sup- Several years ago, Masjid Al-Wali, project last year, with varying results, that they can play to protect the plan-
in the mid-2000s independently from plying enough energy for the mosque's whose activities include an Islamic and a national campaign, with more et,” said Nouhad Awwad, Beirut-based
one another formed “green Muslim entire needs. The electricity from the school and monthly community din- than 20 participating mosques, was campaigner and global outreach coor-
understandings” from within their re- solar panels also lights up schools and ners, installed solar panels. rolled out this year. dinator for the Ummah for Earth proj-
ligious traditions, according to Imam roads in the vicinity. Meals this Ramadan for the Besides education, another chal- ect at Greenpeace MENA.
Saffet Catovic, a US Muslim commu- The Nizamiye Mosque in Johan- mosque’s community iftars come in lenge is when mosques don’t have As they work to raise awareness,
nity environmental activist. nesburg, South Africa, with its tow- plastic pre-packaged boxes for now, enough funds to buy reusable cutlery, campaigners often encounter the argu-
“In some cases, the mosques ering minarets and spacious interior, Mansuri said. But mosque leaders en- dishwashers and water fountains. ment that climate change is “destined”
were receptive to it,” he said. In others, has a roof dotted with domes and courage members to take leftovers and “We knew we were going to hit and that “you cannot change God’s
mosque leaders, “didn’t fully under- solar panels that help keep the power reuse the boxes, instead of throwing some hard walls and some pushbacks, destiny,” Awwad said.
stand” the drive, he added. on at the mosque and its surrounding them away, he said, adding he hopes al- but to be honest, the engagement “We’re trying to change the nar-
Ramadan offers a “possibility for schools, clinic and bazaar. ternatives can be found next Ramadan. that we’ve seen so far, it was a little rative,” she said. “We have things that
ecological training that’s unique to The 143 panels cover over a third In the United Kingdom, Projects overwhelming,” Talukdar said. “Even we can do on an individual level, on
the Muslim community,” Catovic said. of the complex's energy use in a coun- Against Plastic, a Bristol-based char- though the progress is slow, but there’s a community level and on a political
“Thirty days allow someone to change try that has struggled in recent years to ity, is leading a plastic-free Ramadan a real appetite for this kind of initiative level.” - AP
Not Lobbying for
Muslim Legislators Help Usher in a to pull you down, there are 10 people Imran Khan, Say US
to pull you up,” Lalani said. “When I
Wave of Firsts at Texas Capitol read the Ramadan resolution, I had the Lawmaker, Diplomat
majority of the votes. I'm focusing and
celebrating the 143 people that sup-
ported.” n By Anwar Iqbal
At the Capitol iftar on March 29,
representatives shared about their dif- WASHINGTON: A senior US law-
ferent faiths and found many similari- maker, Brad Sherman, has said that
ties among their beliefs, Lalani said. former prime minister Imran Khan
Rep. Salman Bhojani takes on the has assured him that he was not
Religious Freedom Agenda against America.
Beyond his efforts in the Capitol, Mr Sherman, a Democrat Con-
Bhojani proposed a package of bills he gressman from California, and the
calls the Religious Freedom Agenda. chief negotiator of the US-Taliban
“I'm really honored that I'm not deal have both rejected the sug-
just fighting for the Muslim faith. I'm gestion that they support former
fighting for Hinduism, Buddhism, Mr Khan’s campaign for regaining
Sikhism, all the other faiths, including power.
Christianity and Judaism,” Bhojani said. Mr Sherman, however, con-
House Bill 1882, currently in the firmed that he spoke with Mr Khan
State Affairs Committee, would ex- recently and shared with him his
pand the list of optional state holidays concerns over alleged human rights
to include holy days in more faiths. violations in Pakistan.
HB 1883, left pending in the Pub- In that telephone call, Mr Khan
lic Education Committee, would en- told him that “he believes in the rule
sure that state-mandated tests such as of law” and wants good relations
the STAAR exams cannot be scheduled with the United States, Mr Sherman
on religious holidays. said in an interview to VOA Urdu
HB 1884, left pending in the Ju- this weekend.
venile Justice and Family Issues Com- Last week, Mr Sherman wrote a
mittee, would expand those authorized letter to US Secretary of State Ant-
to conduct marriage ceremonies in ony Blinken, asking him to “use all
n By Addie Costello ter the election of the first two Muslim “I hope whoever took it was able the state to include individuals autho- diplomatic channels to urge Paki-
state representatives, Bhojani and Sule- to actually browse through to see that rized by any religious organization. In stani authorities to investigate the al-
hile advocating at the Texas man Lalani, D-Sugar Land, the Capitol it is very similar to the Bible,” Rashed current state law, only licensed or or- leged abuses and to hold accountable
Capitol during the begin- held its first iftar dinner, a meal shared said. dained Christian ministers or priests or anybody who may be responsible”.
Wning of Ramadan, Sarah by Muslims when they break their dai- “Having Muslim minority mem- Jewish rabbis are listed. Like Mr Sherman, Ambassador
Syed needed a place to pray. She was ly fast during Ramadan. But when Syed bers there that look like me goes a long “What we need to do is have reli- Zalmay Khalilzad, who negotiated
directed toward the fourth-floor cha- returned to the chapel a week after the way,” said Syed, the senior community gious parity and equity for every Tex- the US-Taliban deal, also rejected
pel, where she saw only one religious first Qur’an was added, she found that organizer for Woori Juntos, a Texas- an,” Bhojani said. the impression that he was lobby-
text represented — the Bible. it had been stolen. based organization supporting local Representation through legisla- ing for Imran Khan. Recently, Mr
“I was like, ‘Maybe that's an easy “I am pleased and relieved that immigrant and Asian-American com- tion and actions such as adding the Khalilzad released several tweets,
fix,'” Syed said. “Maybe that's some- my family Qur’an has been located and munities. Qur’an and hosting the first iftar are condemning alleged human rights
thing that we can contribute to, and there will soon be a Qur’an available Bhojani and Lalani filed resolu- needed, Bhojani said. violations in Pakistan and calling for
maybe that's something that will set for use again in the Capitol chapel. The tions in the House recognizing Ra- “The community wants to see fresh elections.
precedents.” chapel is a safe space for all Texans to madan. House Resolution 613 recog- real change happening in law, but they Earlier this week, former presi-
Syed reached out to Rep. Salman practice their faith traditions, and I’m nized the month of Ramadan in 2023 also want to see these practical small dent Asif Zardari told a Pakistani TV
Bhojani, D-Euless, one of the state’s honored that our Muslim brothers and — March 22 to April 20 — and was wins for them to say, ‘Yes, we got the channel that Mr Khalilzad was doing
first Muslim representatives, about sisters have a place to pray and reflect, adopted in the House with only two first Qur’an. We got the first Muslims so because “someone might have ac-
placing a Qur’an in the chapel. Within especially during this holy month of Republican representatives voting in elected,’” Bhojani said. “We got all these quired his services” and that’s why he
a week, Bhojani’s family Qur’an was Ramadan,” Bhojani said in a statement opposition. Lalani introduced HR 532, things that will, in the future, ensure was supporting Imran Khan.
displayed alongside the Bible in the last week. which commemorated the first iftar that our voices are being heard.” Mr Khalilzad used Twitter to
chapel, Syed said. Shakeel Rashed, a member of the dinner at the Capitol, and it also passed (This article originally appeared respond to Mr Zardari’s allegation as
The addition of the Qur’an was Islamic Center of Lake Travis' board, with only two representatives voting in on Austin American-Statesman: First well. “I do not lobby for anyone or
one in a series of firsts for Muslim rep- said he was not surprised when the opposition. Qur’an added to Texas' Capitol chapel, any country and am no one’s agent,”
resentation at the Capitol this year. Af- Qur’an disappeared. “Whenever there are two people stolen in first week) he wrote. – Dawn