Page 16 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 16
Saudi Arabia Seeks to Set up players to play in other T20 leagues.”
n By Daniel Brettig NOCs [No Objection Certificates] for
ndian cricket is being wooed by Neither the BCCI nor the ICC
Saudi Arabia to potentially form World's Richest Cricket Competition have hesitated to enter into commer-
Ithe richest men’s Twenty20 league cial agreements with Saudi Arabia,
in the world. whether the sponsorship deals with
Saudi Arabian government repre- board, the BCCI, the Saudi Tourism Aramco or the more recent agreement
sentatives have held talks with Indian Commission announced a major part- between the Saudi Tourism Authority
Premier League owners about a plan nership with the IPL in February. (STA) and the IPL.
to set up the world’s richest Twenty20 Representatives of Saudi govern- When that deal was reached, Al-
tournament in the gulf state. ment and business have been a visible hasan Aldabbagh, president of Asia
Senior cricket administrators, presence across Indian cricket in re- Pacific markets for the authority, said
coaches and players from several coun- cent weeks and months, with mount- that further expansion into cricket was
tries told The Age and The Sydney ing expectation that IPL owners and part of plans to grow the visibility and
Morning Herald they were aware of the BCCI itself are being wooed with tourism market of Saudi Arabia.
informal discussions dating back more the goal of putting together a Twenty20 “IPL is the right platform to con-
than a year, but most asked not to be league that only the IPL could rival for nect us with billions of [cricket] fans
named due to their private nature. financial scale. worldwide. This is a unique, first of its
Some discussions have broached At the same time, leading figures kind partnership with IPL. I believe it
the possibility of Indian players being Indian cricket is being wooed by Saudi Arabia to potentially form the richest men’s Twenty20 in Indian cricket have been approached is the first time that the international
allowed to participate in the proposed league in the world - R. Parthibhan/AP for their views on how best to bring big destination has tied up with this league,
tournament, in what would be a first cricket to Saudi Arabia. Other pos- IPL,” Aldabbagh said.
for Indian cricket. Under rules set by Age and The Sydney Morning Herald pansions have included the advent of sibilities would include the staging of “We host multiple sporting
the Board of Control for Cricket in In- have spoken to players, their agents, the Saudi Arabian Formula 1 Grand the annual Asia Cup, or the opening events, including Formula 1, Formula
dia (BCCI), Indian players are banned administrators and others involved in Prix, the 2021 purchase of Newcastle match, or a round of the IPL itself. E, WWE and the Spanish Super Cup.
from participating in overseas T20 the business of cricket about the IPL’s United in the English Premier League, Even so, the prospect of a huge Next month, we will host the Santosh
competitions. growing dominance, which is shaping the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo for money Twenty20 event backed by IPL Trophy. There are more events coming
Any league would need to be up as the most profound change to the the Al Nassr club, and the bankroll- owners and the BCCI would be a mas- in the pipeline. Cricket is also becom-
sanctioned by the International Cricket sport since Kerry Packer’s World Series ing of the LIV Golf circuit overseen sive change to what is already a packed ing popular in Saudi.”
Council with the assent of its member Cricket upheaval in the late 1970s. by Greg Norman, all of which have cricket schedule, in which major In- At the same announcement, the
countries, including Australia. Saudi Arabia has set the strategic attracted accusations of being cases of dian clubs are wielding increasing in- BCCI’s secretary Jay Shah made it clear
ICC chair Greg Barclay confirmed goal of being the No.1 tourist destina- sportswashing to cover Saudi Arabia’s fluence by buying up stakes in multiple that he wanted to see a growing foot-
Saudi Arabian interest in adding crick- tion for India by 2030. The kingdom is human rights record. leagues. print for Saudi Arabia in cricket. “This
et to its string of recent sporting invest- an associate member of the Interna- LIV has also split the golf world The launch of the ILT20 in the partnership will create newer opportu-
ments. He described the prospect as a tional Cricket Council and fosters local as players defected for multimillion- United Arab Emirates last year, with a nities for cricket in Saudi and strength-
“logical” next development for cricket men’s and women’s cricket programs. dollar payments on a circuit run in vast pool of overseas players contract- en the sport in the region,” Shah said.
in the region. Its infrastructure for cricket currently competition with the established pro- ed, has been the subject of fierce debate Pakistan cricket, too, has been
“If you look at other sports they’ve lacks the stadiums available in the fessional tours. However, LIV players among member countries, because the looking to strengthen ties with Saudi
been involved in, cricket is something I UAE, but large-scale sporting venues have been able to continue competing UAE does not have a strong domestic Arabia. Also in February, the former
imagine would be attractive to them,” form a central part of its building pro- in major championships like last week’s system and playing group of its own. captain Wasim Akram visited Riyadh
he said. gram. Masters in Augusta. “One thing we are working on and spoke of his eagerness to be in-
“Given their advance into sport “Our aim is to create a sustainable Early discussions in the cricket at an international level is to make volved in the launch of a league there.
more generally, cricket would work industry for locals and expats living in space included a similar scenario sure that any new T20 leagues that are “What a trip to Riyadh,” Akram
quite well for Saudi Arabia. the Kingdom and make Saudi Arabia for a Saudi-backed cricket structure, formed and sanctioned by the ICC are wrote in a Facebook post. “Had a great
“They’re pretty keen to invest in a global cricketing destination,” Saudi but there is now a resolution to build committed to growing the game in the meeting with [Prince Saud bin Mishal
sport, and given their regional pres- Arabian Cricket Federation chairman something with the assent of cricket’s territory they’re based,” Cricket Aus- Al-Saud], talked about cricket in Saudi
ence, cricket would seem a pretty obvi- Prince Saud bin Mishal Al-Saud told official powerbrokers. tralia chief executive Nick Hockley Arabia, and so looking forward to a
ous one to pursue.” Arab News last month. After sponsorship deals by Ar- said. “That is why there are regulations Saudi league insha Allah very soon.” -
As part of a special series, The Saudi Arabia’s other sporting ex- amco with the ICC and India’s cricket in place, why boards have to provide
n By Kaiser Permanente and hips and strengthens leg muscles Here are a few ways to spice up your
Step up Your Walking Routine and bones. That helps ease arthritis- strolls.
t’s no secret that regular physi- to Reap the Most Benefits related pain in your joints and can even • Track your trips. Use an activ-
cal activity is important to your help prevent arthritis from forming.4 It ity tracker, pedometer, or health app
I health. Exercise reduces the risk of also boosts your balance and coordina- to count your steps and celebrate your
many chronic diseases, relieves stress, tion and can help prevent weight gain. wins each day.
and may help you live longer. But If pain is keeping you from being • Buddy up. Bring a friend, rela-
you don’t have to spend hours doing active, contact your doctor for advice. tive, or coworker along, join a walking
complicated exercises to get results. A group, or use the time to call a loved
simple routine of brisk walking offers Boosts brain function one.
all the benefits of aerobic exercise — You may notice your mind is • Tune in. Listen to music, a pod-
without special equipment or fitness sharper with a regular walking rou- cast, an audiobook, or a meditation.
experience. tine. That’s because it improves your Keep the volume low and pay attention
Read on to learn about the bene- memory and your ability to think and to your surroundings.
fits of walking and how to get the most learn. It can also lower your risk of de- • Vary your views. Step out in a
from every step. mentia.5 different neighborhood, along a bike
How much do you need to walk? path, or around a lake. An indoor mall
To reap the benefits of an aerobic Supports mental health is a good spot when the weather is bad,
workout, adults should exercise at a Walking relieves stress and de- or you prefer to stay inside.
moderate intensity for at least 150 min- The New York Times creases symptoms of anxiety and de- • Build your fitness. Increase
utes a week, according to the Depart- pression. It also helps you get better your speed to see more results. Walk
ment of Health and Human Services. blood pressure and reduces your risk sleep, feel more energetic, and have a faster for 3 minutes, then slow down
And pace is key — walk a little faster 6 health benefits of walking of stroke. Plus, by getting your blood more positive mood. for 1 or 2 minutes, and repeat.
than you normally do. Your breathing Walking is one of the easiest flowing, walking protects the valves • Walk for charity. Sign up and
and heart rate should increase, but you things you can do for your health. It in your veins that push blood to your Builds immunity train for a 5K charity walk.
should be able to talk comfortably. improves your quality of life and can heart. This can help prevent varicose Regular walking can boost your • Step it up (and up). Include a
An easy way to get in 150 minutes have lasting benefits — even adding veins in your legs, too. immune system, so you’re less likely hill or staircase on your walk, like at a
is to walk for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a years to your life. to catch infectious diseases like colds, high school stadium, city building, or
week. But you can break it up into any Here are 6 ways walking is good Wards off chronic disease the flu, pneumonia, and COVID-19.6 train station.
schedule that works for you. Whether for you. Walking helps lower the risk of And if you do get sick, the symptoms • Add weights. Carry light hand
you take a few 10-minute walks a day some cancers, including breast and co- are usually milder.7 weights (1 to 3 pounds) a couple of
or longer treks when you have time, Strengthens your heart and lungs lon cancer.3 It can also help moderate times a week.
it adds up. A brisk 30-minute walk is Brisk walking builds cardio fit- your blood sugar levels, reducing your Shake up your routine • Try a treadmill workout. A
about 3,000 steps. And your risk of dis- ness, which reduces your risk of risk of type 2 diabetes. Once you’ve made exercise part of popular routine is the 12-3-30 work-
ease and premature death keeps drop- heart disease, heart attack, and even your daily routine, it should be some- out. After warming up, set the tread-
ping the more steps you take, up to chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- Improves physical fitness thing you look forward to — but doing mill’s incline to 12 and the speed to 3
about 10,000 steps a day.1 ease (COPD).2 It also helps lower your Movement lubricates your knees the same thing every day can get dull. (Continued on page 23)