Page 14 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 14

P14 - PAKISTAN  LINK - APRIL 21, 2023                                                                                                    COMMUNITY
             n By Elaine Pasquini              California Lawmakers Celebrate                                                 the things that make us great Ameri-
            Photos by Phil Pasquini                                                                                           cans. And it is with that concept of the
                                           Ramadan with Muslim Community                                                      American dream that all of us belong
       SACRAMENTO:  The  Council  on                                                                                          regardless  of  what  happens  anywhere
                  Relations,  California
                  Chapter  (CAIR-CA)
                  celebrated  the  holy
                  month  of  Ramadan
                  with its annual iftar –
                  the  meal  after  sunset
       that  concludes  Muslims’  daylong  fast
       – co-hosted by speaker of the Califor-
       nia  State  Assembly  Anthony  Rendon
       (D-Lakewood), at the Sacramento state
       Capitol Rotunda on April 10.
           This 17th annual Ramadan iftar   She  reminded  the  audience  that  power our community but other com- charge,  get  in  touch  with  where  that  else.  Regardless  of  the  actions  of  one
       was the first held at the Capitol since  Ramadan  is  a  time  for  community  munities as well.”  empty space in their heart may really  person;  regardless  of  misunderstand-
       2019  when  the  Covid-19  pandemic  members to reach out to their neigh-  Elkarra  went  on  to  explain  the  be coming from and to connect with  ings; we work towards improving that
                                                                                                                              American dream and what that poten-
                                                                                                                              tial American dream holds.
                                                                                                                                  Noting that he is the son of Leba-
                                                                                                                              nese immigrants, Essayli said it is a tes-
                                                                                                                              tament to the United States that the son
                                                                                                                              of immigrants who came to California
                                                                                                                              from a country with nothing can end
                                                                                                                              up in the state legislature. “In what oth-
                                                                                                                              er country is that possible?” he asked.
                                                                                                                                  The  newly  elected  assemblyman
                                                                                                                              recently  authored  Assembly  Concur-
                                                                                                                              rent  Resolution  (ACR)  22  to  express
                                                                                                                              the California Legislature’s respect for
       prevented such in-person gatherings.  bors and build bridges for understand- meaning  of  Ramadan  and  its  impor- the things that matter most in life,” the  Muslims across the state and through-
          Omar Altamimi, CAIR-CA’s poli- ing  and  solidarity.  The  gathering  in  tance to Muslims worldwide. “This is  senator stated.  out  the  world  and  acknowledge  the
       cy and advocacy coordinator based out  the  Capitol,  she  said,  is  a  “wonderful  the month that we feel how the less for-  Senator  Aisha  Wahab,  author  of  Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
       of the Sacramento Valley and Central  opportunity  to  come  together  as  one  tunate feel and their struggles,” he said.  Senate bill SB 461 that allows people to   Essayli believes it is important to
       California office, was the program em- community to share in the blessings of  “It’s a time for families and communi- choose whatever holiday they want to  break down the barrier between differ-
       cee and one of the hard-working orga- Ramadan and to deepen our bonds of  ties to come together.”  celebrate as a day off for state employ- ent communities and the best way to
       nizers of the evening event.  friendship  and  cooperation.  May  this   He  noted  that  in  mosques  ees, mentioned how proud she is to be  do that is to dispel the notion of ‘other-
          The program began with a Qur’an  gathering  be  a  source  of  inspiration,  throughout  California  when  Muslims  the first Muslim American to serve in  ness’ that separates people. “We should
       recitation on the subject of fasting dur- enlightenment, and unity for us all.”  gather for nightly prayers one-30th of  the California state Senate, but added  focus on our similarities…and we can
       ing  the  holy  month  of  Ramadan  by   CAIR  Sacramento  Valley/Cen- the  Qur’an  is  read  every  evening  so  that she wouldn’t be the last.  have healthy and respectful discussion
       Imam Abdullah of the Muslim Ameri- tral  Valley  executive  director  Basim  that when the month is over the entire   I  want  to  highlight  the  diversity  about  our  differences.  But  we  should
       can  Society  Community  and  Youth  Elkarra  pointed  out  that  history  had  Qur’an has been recited.  in our communities. The Muslim com- dispel this notion of otherness.”
       Center in Elk Grove, California.  been made with the election of the first   Rabbi  Seth  Castleman,  director  munity  is  not  one  color;  it’s  not  one   Other attendees and speakers in-
          Next, Khydeeja Alam Javid, presi- Muslim-American Senator Aisha Wa- of the Exodus Project, mentioned the  gender;  there’s  not  one  viewpoint;  it’s  cluded West Sacramento Mayor Mar-
       dent of the CAIR Sacramento Valley/ hab (D-Hayward), who is also the first  convergence this year of Easter, Pass- not one language. We stand here today  tha Guerrero, Folsom Vice Mayor YK
       Central Valley Chapter, welcomed the  Afghan-American  woman  elected  to  over  and  Ramadan,  which  happens  next to each other for different reasons.  Chalamcherla, Elk Grove Vice Mayor
       150  community  members  and  guests  public office in the United States.  only  once  every  30  years.  “All  three  Some of us came here to support the  Kevin Spease and Josh Becker (D-San
       gathered  in  the  Capitol  Rotunda  be-  Elkarra  also  noted  that  Assem- traditions talk about renunciation, de- Muslim community. Some of us came  Mateo).
       neath the historic dome.      blymember Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) is  votion and aligning one’s own will with  here  to  seek  representation.  Some  of   Following  the  reception,  guests
          “We come together today to hon- the first Muslim in history to be elected  the will of the Divine,” he added.  us  came  here  to  show  our  children  enjoyed  a  fast-breaking  dinner  at
       or the values of compassion, unity, and  to the California State Assembly.  While Senator Dave Cortese (D- that anything is possible. But we came  CAIR’s Sacramento office and new art
       generosity that is at the heart of Rama-  “Our Muslim community is a very  San Jose) was raised Catholic, he told  here united in the thought that in this  gallery.
       dan,” Javid said. “This month is a time  vibrant  and  diverse  community  with  the  crowd  that  he  believes  Ramadan  country it does not matter where you   (Elaine  Pasquini  is  a  freelance
       of  reflection,  self-improvement,  and  both Democrats and Republicans,” he  carries a universal message – for Mus- come  from;  it  only  matters  what  you  journalist. Her reports appear in the
       spiritual renewal for millions of Mus- said. “We all respect one another and  lims and non-Muslims. “Everyone can  plan to do with your life. Loving each  Washington  Report  on  Middle  East
       lims around the world.”       work together to uplift and not just em- benefit from some time to reflect, re- other, respecting each other. These are  Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)

       n By Edna Tarigan and Mariam Fam    Muslims around the World Consider                                                  phasizing  recycling  and  using  dona-
       J  akarta, Indonesia: In the heart of          Climate during Ramadan                                                  tions to fund clean energy projects.
                                                                                                                                  For the world to limit the effects
                                                                                                                              of climate change — which is already
          Jakarta, the grand Istiqlal Mosque
          was  built  with  a  vision  for  it  to
       stand for a thousand years.                                                                                            causing  worsening  droughts,  floods
                                                                                                                              and heat waves — the use of dirty fu-
          The  mosque  was  conceived  by                                                       hopes that Islam's holiest month, when  els  for  electricity  and  transport,  pet-
       Soekarno, Indonesia’s founding father,                                                   the faithful flock to mosques in greater  rochemicals  to  make  products  like
       and  was  designed  as  an  impressive                                                   numbers,  can  provide  momentum  to  plastics  and  the  emissions  from  food
       symbol  for  the  country's  indepen-                                                    Istiqlal's  solar  project  through  dona- waste in landfills all need to be drasti-
       dence. Its seven gates — representing                                                    tions.                        cally slashed, scientists say. Though in-
       the seven heavens in Islam — welcome                                                         The mosque's climate push is just  dividual initiatives are just a small part
       visitors  from  across  the  archipelago                                                 one  example  of  different  “Green  Ra- of that transition, experts say growing
       and the world into the mosque's lofty                                                    madan”  initiatives  in  Indonesia  and  momentum  behind  climate  goals  can
       interior.                                                                                around the world that promote an ar- have an effect.
          But  they  don't  just  see  the  light                                               ray of changes during the Muslim holy   Groups  taking  an  Islamic-based
       here. It fuels them.                                                                     month, which has fasting and, in many  approach often highlight environmen-
          A  major  renovation  in  2019  in-                                                   cases, feasting elements as people gath- tal understandings of certain Qur’anic
       stalled  upwards  of  500  solar  panels                                                 er to break their fasts.      verses  and  sayings  and  practices  of
       on  the  mosque's  expansive  roof,  now                                                     In  a  month  where  restraint  and  Prophet Muhammad about the earth,
       a  major  and  clean  source  of  Istiqlal's                                             charity are emphasized, recommenda- water and against wastefulness.
       electricity.  And  this  Ramadan,  the                                                   tions can include using less water while   Last year, at a meeting of the Mus-
       mosque  has  encouraged  an  energy                                                      performing  the  ritual  washing  before  lim  Congress  for  Sustainable  Indone-
       waqf  —  a  type  of  donation  in  Islam  Groups taking an Islamic-based approach often highlight environmental un-  prayers,  replacing  plastic  bottles  and  sia, the country’s vice president Ma’ruf
       that continues to bear fruit over time  derstandings of certain Qur’anic verses and sayings and practices of Prophet   cutlery  during  community  iftars  with  Amin called on clerics and community
       — to grow its capacity to make renew- Muhammad about the earth, water and against wastefulness  reusable ones and reducing food waste.  leaders “to play an active role in con-
       able power.                                                                              Other  suggestions  include  carpooling  veying issues related to environmental
          Her  Pramtama,  deputy  head  of  the  Ri’ayah  —  or  building  manage- ment  —  division  of  Istiqlal  Mosque,  to mosques, using local produce, em- damage” and asked for concrete action
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