Page 17 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 17
Dua’s during Ramadan are saying. During du’a your heart, Gems from the Holy Qur’an
mind and soul should all be towards
Allah. The Prophet – peace be upon
n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi him - said,
may be guided. (Al-Baqarah 2:186) Make du’a and be sure that Al-
Islamic Society of Orange County Allah is near those who make lah will respond. But know that Al-
Garden Grove, CA du’a and He responds to them. How- lah does not respond to a du’a that
ever, it does make a difference who comes from a heart that is inattentive
(This khutba was delivered on Ra- is calling Allah and where and when. and distracted. (Al-Tirmidhi and al-
madan 23, 1436/July 10, 2015, at the Allah responds to all those who call Hakim)
Islamic Society of Orange County) upon Him, but the du’a of the righ- It is good, though not required,
teous people is more accepted. Allah to raise hands with palms open to-
e are in the last few days of responds to the calls from any place wards heaven when making du’a. The
the month of Ramadan. and at any time, but the du’as done in Prophet – peace be upon him - said,
W This month of Allah’s special places and at particular times Allah is shy and generous. He
special mercy and have also a great significance and ef- feels shy when a person raises his
blessings is about to ficacy. hands begging Him to return them
leave us. We pray that Du’as of the Prophets, espe- empty. (Reported Ahmad, Abu From the translation by Muham- and in trees, and in what [men] may
Allah accept our fasts cially du’as of Allah’s last Prophet, Daud, al-Tirmidhi and al-Hakim) mad Asad (Leopold Weiss) build [for thee by way of hives]; and
and our devotion in have great power. Du’as of pious and • Good opening: Begin your then eat all manner of fruit, and fol-
this month and give righteous people bring more results. du’a with the praise of Allah and with About the translator: low humbly the paths ordained for
us many opportuni- Similarly, du’as done in Makkah, Ma- Salat and Salam on Prophet Muham- Muhammad Asad, Leopold thee by thy Sustainer.”
ties to receive this month again with dinah and Jerusalem have great sig- mad, his family and followers. It is Weiss, was born of Jewish parents [And lo!] there issues from
Iman and in good health, and ob- nificance. Du’as after every obliga- recommended: in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in within these [bees] a fluid of many
serve it with love and devotion. tory salat, du’a in the last part of the When you pray, begin with the 1900, and at the age of 22 made his hues, wherein there is health for man.
It is interesting that when night, on Friday, during Ramadan, thanks and praise of Allah and then first visit to the Middle East. He later In all this, behold, there is a mes-
Qur’an opened the subject of fasting, during the last ten days of Rama- with salat of the Prophet and then became an outstanding foreign cor- sage indeed for people who think!
it said ‘Ayama Madoodat’ (a num- dan and specially during the Night ask whatever you wish. (Abu Daud, respondent for the Franfurter Zei-
ber of days). Ramadan is the whole of Qadr, and du’as in Hajj specially al-Tirmidhi, and Ibn Hibban) tung, and after years of devoted study Chapter 16, Verses 90-91
month, but when you start fasting, on the day of ‘Arafah, all have great • Blessings here and in Here- became one of the leading Muslim Behold, God enjoins justice,
it goes so quickly that you feel that meaning and power. We should try after: When you pray, pray for good scholars of our age. His translation of and the doing of good, and generos-
it was only few days. The month of to learn the du’as of Allah’s great things of this life and for the life to the Holy Qur’an is one of the most lu- ity towards [one’s] fellow-men; and
Ramadan goes fast with fasts. Let us Prophets and Messengers and we come. Do not pray only for the good cid and well-referenced works in this He forbids all that is shameful and all
take full advantage of the remaining should try to seek those places and things of this life. Allah says, category, dedicated to “li-qawmin that runs counter to reason, as well as
days and nights of this month. times that are special for du’as. Among the people there are yatafakkaroon” (people who think). envy; [and] He exhorts you [repeat-
This is a special time of du’a. Whatever du’a we make and some who pray, ‘Our Lord, give us Forwarded by Dr Ismat Kamal. edly] so that you might bear [all this]
Du’a means ‘calling, supplication, wherever we make it we should ob- good in this world,’ and they shall in mind.
invocation, prayer.’ Du’a is our spe- serve some rules and manners of have no share in the Hereafter. There Chapter 16, Verse 63 And be true to your bond with
cial conversation with Allah. Allah du’a to make our du’as more effective are others who say, ‘Our Lord, give us By God, [O Prophet,] even be- God whenever you bind yourselves
has honored human beings that they and acceptable to Allah. good in this world and in the Hereaf- fore thy time have We sent apostles by a pledge, and do not break [your]
can speak to Him at any time. Du’a • Sincerity: Pray to Allah with the ter, and protect us from the torments unto [various] communities: but oaths after having [freely] confirmed
can be done at any time, at any good most sincere heart. There should not of the Fire. They will have the share [those who were bent on denying them and having called upon God to
place and in any language. We do not be any shirk in du’a. Du’a should be they have worked for. Allah is swift in the truth have always refused to lis- be witness to your good faith: behold,
need a mediator, an interpreter and only to Allah, not to any angel, proph- reckoning. (Al-Baqarah 2:200-202) ten to Our messages because] Satan God knows all that you do.
we do not need an appointment to et, saint or any person. The Prophet – • Du’a with good deeds: The has made all their own doings seem
speak to Allah. Allah says, peace be upon him - advised his young du’as done after doing some good goodly to them: and he is [as] close to Chapter 16, Verse 93
Your Lord says, ‘Call on Me and cousin Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, deeds and the acts of charity are al- them today [as he was to the sinners For, had God so willed, He
I will answer you; those who are too Whenever you pray for some- ways very effective. It is good to give of yore]; hence, grievous suffering could surely have made all of you
proud to serve Me will enter Hell hu- thing, pray to Allah; whenever you some sadaqah before making du’a. awaits them. one single community; however, He
miliated.’ (Ghafir 40:60) need help seek help from Allah… Ask Allah for everything. lets go astray him that wills [to go
If My servants ask you about (Sunan al-Tirmidhi) There is nothing too big for Allah Chapter 16, Verses 68-69 astray], and guides aright him that
Me, I am near. I respond to those • Full attention and devo- and there is nothing impossible to And [consider how] the Sus- wills [to be guided]; and you will
who call Me, so let them respond to tion: When you make du’a, you Him. Always ask him for Halal and tainer has inspired the bee: “Prepare surely be called to account for all
Me, and believe in Me, so that they should pay full attention to what you good things, never ask Allah for that for thyself dwellings in mountains that you ever did!
which is Haram, sinful, corrupt and
oppressive. Among the etiquettes of
du’a is that you pray to Allah always Coalition Govt Plans National Dialogue Earlier, chairing a meeting, the
in all situations. Do not pray to Him after Eid prime minister directed officials to
only at the time of difficulties and (Continued from page 1) ensure minimum loadshedding of
troubles; pray to Him when you are According to an official statement is- electricity during summer, adding that
happy, healthy, and prosperous as sued late on Wednesday night, a high- work on the restoration of the Neelum-
well as when you are sad, sick, and level consultative meeting of the rul- Jhelum project should be expedited.
poor. Those who remember Him in ing parties held at the Prime Minister The meeting was informed about
the situations of prosperity and com- House reviewed the country’s situation the production of electricity and the
fort, He also remembers them when in detail and held consultations on fu- expected demand during this summer.
they are in pain and difficulty. ture strategies on constitutional and Furthermore, with regard to the revival
All prayers are beneficial. The legal issues. of the Neelum-Jhelum power project, it
Prophet - peace be upon him - told The meeting, after consulting on was said that the project would be fully
us that some of our prayers come as the previously stated position of hold- restored and will start generating cheap
we ask immediately. Some are kept ing general elections on the same day and clean electricity by July this year.
for us for our future benefit in this under the caretaker governments as The meeting was also informed in
world or the hereafter and some are per the constitutional procedure, said detail about the provision of gas to the
used to avert evil from us. Let us all that the process of pre-consultation and urea industry, besides the data of its pro-
make special du’as at this time. Pray negotiations regarding the holding of duction and consumption in the country.
with utmost humbleness and devo- elections is going on among the coali- PM Shehbaz directed authorities
tion and without any grudge and ill tion parties, for which the prime min- to keep an eye on the demand and sup-
feeling towards anyone. I like the fol- ister has already formed a committee. ply of fertilizer. Keeping in view the
lowing inspiring and moving prayer “As politicians, we have never consumption and production of fertil-
of a Muslim scholar: closed the door of dialogue to anyone, izer, he directed relevant quarters to
O Allah, remove our ills, change nor can any democrat do so. At every present a comprehensive plan for buf-
our condition from weakness to stage since the presentation of the eco- fer stock and provision of gas to the
strength, from difficulties to ease, nomic pact, the coalition government industries.
from fear to safety, from despair to has expressed its willingness to engage In addition, the PM directed
hope, from humiliation to honor, in meaningful, serious and constitu- fast implementation of solar proj-
from defeat to victory, from division tionally-bounded negotiations,” the ects in the country by immediately
to unity, from errors to guidance and participants reiterated. removing all impediments in the im-
from the evils of ignorance to the port of solar panels and other parts,
virtues of Islam. Loadshedding APP reported. - Dawn