Page 23 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
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CONTINUATION                                                                                                         PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 13, 2023 - P23

              Is Pakistan Unusual?   phisticated,  multipronged  Hamas  “remain  calm,  exercise  restraint  and  tivity – Excessive presence on social  tential harms, benefits of social media
            (Continued from page 4)  attack  could  happen  without  Israel’s  immediately  end  the  hostilities  to  media  encourages  risk-taking  and  for kids
       how  impotent  the  state  had  become  vast  intelligence  apparatus  —or  that  protect  civilians  and  avoid  further  our children may engage in behaviors   4  Constantly  Connected:  How
       when confronted by the forces it had  of the US — seeing it ahead of time.  deterioration of the situation.” It went  they normally wouldn’t. For example,  Media  Use  Can  Affect  Your  Child  -
       nurtured.                       “There  will  be  some  kind  of  na- on to call for a two-state solution.  sexting  (sending,  receiving,  or  for-  and  Social  Me-
         That  impotence  is  glaringly  evi- tional commission of inquiry as to the   For  Israelis,  this  is  infuriating.  warding  sexually  explicit  messages,  dia’s Concerning Effect on Teen Men-
       dent  today  as  well.  Even  in  heavily  intelligence  failures  that  occurred,”  The  latest  attacks  are  arguably  the  photographs, or videos). In addition,  tal Health
       policed Islamabad every two of three  Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation  worst  violence  they’ve  experienced  children  are  constantly  targeted  by   5 Blue Light and Your Eyes - Na-
       mosques and madressahs are built on  for Defense of Democracies predicted. in 50 years. They come from a heav- the  porn  industry  looking  for  their  tional Center
       encroached  land.  Civic  authorities   Schanzer  said  the  conventional  ily armed outfit that took control of  future clients. A share by a friend or   6  Associations of media use and
       stand helpless before this anarchy, un- thinking in Israel is that Hamas has  a territory after Israel had dismantled  an advertisement on the wall/feed can  early  childhood  development:  cross-
       able  to  demolish  hastily  constructed  always been a “tactical” threat — se- settlements there in the hopes of pav- easily lead our children down a hor- sectional  findings  from  the  LIFE
       structures.                   rious, but not one that could end the  ing the way for long-term peace.  rible path.     Child study
         Government attempts to have the  viability  of  Israel.  But  maybe  Israel   Israelis  feel  they  have  every  right   • Radicalization – With so much   7  The  association  between  social
       same  prayer  time  for  all  mosques  didn’t  fully  appreciate  that  Hamas,  to strike back against Hamas.  time  being  spent  on  social  media  media  use  and  body  dysmorphic
       in  Islamabad  have  also  foundered.  with help from Iran, had evolved into   Yuval Waks, a senior official at the  and  hundreds  of  followers,  it  is  dif- symptoms in young people
       Madressah reform is dead in the wa- a more strategic threat, Schanzer said. Israeli embassy in Beijing, expressed  ficult  for  parents  to  navigate  down   8    Does  Social  Media  Use  Cause
       ter. Instead, now that the Single Na-  Israel fought with Hamas in 2021,  disappointment on China’s statement.  the list of friends. Our children are at  Depression? - Child Mind Institute
       tional Curriculum is being imposed,  taking  out  numerous  targets  of  the  “When  people  are  being  murdered,  higher risk of being exposed to radi-  9 Social Media Addiction
       regular  schools  have  become  like  militant group in Gaza over 11 days  slaughtered in the streets, this is not  cal information that may change their   (Tayaabah  Qazi  has  a  master’s
       madressahs.                   that left at least 260 Palestinians and  the time to call for a two-state solu- tarbiyah (upbringing) at home. They  degree  in  Educational  Leadership,
         Religious  fanaticism,  like  every  a  dozen  Israelis  dead.  Is  it  possible  tion,” Waks told reporters, according  may lend their allegiance or loyalty to  an  AdminI/II  Certification  from  the
       deadly  infectious  disease,  spreads  it ended that fight too quickly — be- to Reuters.  individuals with dangerous intentions  State  of  Maryland  Education  De-
       when  those  in  power  deliberately  fore  it  had  done  enough  damage  to   That said, China is an increasingly  on either side of the spectrum. They  partment, and a Secondary Teaching
       employ faith to further their political  Hamas’ capabilities?  important  player  in  the  region,  and  may  get  sucked  into  the  propagan- Certification in Chemistry as well as
       ambitions. Pakistani politicians freely   The  United  States  at  the  time  one Israel — or Saudi Arabia or Iran  da  of  either  religious  extremism  or  a  CPP  certificate.  She  has  served  in
       pander  to  hare-brained  clerics  and  made  a  concerted  effort  to  convince  — is unlikely to shun any time soon.  doubting Islam all together, one click  the  education  field  as  a  teacher  and
       their hate-filled rants.      Israel to limit the operation’s length.   (David Cohen and Lara Seligman  at a time on their social media feed.  an administrator of schools. She has
         Among others, Zulfikar Ali Bhut- Still, Israel also had reached a point  contributed to this report. Politico)  • Time  Wasted  –  Hours  go  by  served at Community College of Bal-
       to,  Nawaz  Sharif,  and  Imran  Khan  of diminishing returns when it came               scrolling down the Instagram reels or  timore  County  as  a  Coordinator  of
       reaped benefits from this strategy, but  to the number of targets it could hit,   The Influence of Social Media on   YouTube Shorts. It starts with no time  Adult Basic Education program. Tay-
       the cost was paid by society. Conse- Schanzer said.          Children’s Growth and Development  for dhikr or remembrance of Allah, no  aabah is currently working as a Grant
       quently, more and more of Pakistan’s   This  round  of  fighting  could  last   (Continued from page 6)  time  for  learning  of  Qur’an  and  Ha- Program  Manager  at  the  Office  of
       population is ready to lynch first, ask  much  longer  than  11  days,  not  least   • Poor  Physical  Development  –  dith as well as tazkiyah (reflections,)  Workforce Development at Maryland
       later. Even our friends fear us.  because Israel may stage a ground in- Children spending too much time on  to  missed  prayers  and  fasting  which  Department of Labor. She has been a
         (The writer is an Islamabad-based  cursion and because Hamas is hold- devices  do  not  venture  out  to  play- are  all  essential  to  developing  and  long-time  resident  of  Maryland  for
       physicist and writer. Dawn)   ing numerous hostages.        grounds  or  their  backyards  to  have  maintaining a healthy spiritual life.  17  years,  with  her  family,  but  hails
                                       Will this affect Ukraine?   fun  with  their  peers  and  siblings.                    from Southern California. She is also
       How Big Is This Going to Get? What to   The United States already is ramp- Lack  of  physical  activity  results  in  Solutions   a staunch believer of the 4 Cs: Com-
        Watch for in the Israel-Hamas Battle  ing up its provision of military equip- poor muscular and skeletal growth as   It is easy to become addicted and  passion. Commitment. Conversation.
           (Continued from page 5)   ment, munitions and other resources  well, as is causing obesity.  to live in the invisible bubble of so- Cultivation.   https://www.soundvi-
       United Arab Emirates and Morocco.  to Israel. It’s also deploying ships and   • Safety – Our perception of pri- cial media.  As parents, here is what
       It  has  many  incentives  —  including  aircraft near Israel in a show of sup- vacy has changed with the arrival of  is being done by other parents and are  of-social-media-use-on-our-child-
       economic — to strike such a deal with  port.                social  media.  What  was  considered  suggestions from your doctors:  rens-growth-and-development)
       Saudi Arabia, home to the holiest sites   The  moves  come  amid  a  parti- sacred  once,  is  no  more.  However,   1.  Be  a  role  model  by  curtailing
       of Islam.                     san  fight  over  whether  Washington  sharing of personal information also  your own SMU.  Foremost Priority in Pak-US Ties
         For  the  United  States,  anything  should  keep  providing  military  and  places children at a very high risk of   2.  Engage  and  increase  physical   Is to Take It to a Higher Level
       that brings more calm to the Middle  economic aid to Ukraine as it battles  being targeted by criminals and sex- family  activities  and  include  your   (Continued from page 13)
       East is welcome for reasons that affect  Russia’s invasion.  ual  predators  which  can  then  place  kids in the planning to balance social  Ambassador Joan A. Polaschik, direc-
       policies ranging from counterterror-  Republicans  who  have  expressed  them in extreme physical danger.  media use.  tor of FSI, also briefed the ambassador
       ism to energy. Another major factor  growing  misgivings  about  ongoing                    3. Give kids full attention and de- about  various  training  programs  at
       is  a  desire  by  Washington  to  offset  support for Ukraine quickly spoke in   Emotional Development   mand theirs, too. Turn off your own  FSI  which  impart  world-class  diplo-
       growing  Chinese  influence  in  the  favor of aiding Israel. (The latter is a   Mind  and  body  are  connected.  notifications.  matic training to the US Foreign Ser-
       Middle East.                  top  cause  for  evangelical  Christians  Emotional  and  psychological  prob-  4. Look out for signs of trouble.   vice Officers and help them to excel in
         “China  is  not  just  showing  up.  who make up a notable chunk of the  lems  become  amplified  when  the   5.  Make  family  rules  for  social  today’s global arena.
       They  are  showing  up  with  massive,  GOP base.)          body is not doing well and vice versa.  media use for meal, sleep, and prayer   The possibilities of forging collab-

       massive  offers  to  these  countries,”  a   For  now,  US  officials  insist  that  Here are a few issues our children are  times.   oration  between  the  Foreign  Service
       senior  Biden  administration  official  aiding  Israel  on  the  military  front  encountering in terms of their emo-  6.  Teach  kids  about  safeguarding  Academy of Pakistan and the US For-
       told POLITICO last week, before the  won’t  affect  the  aid  to  Ukraine.  Dif- tional health.   privacy on social media.  eign Service Institute to benefit from
       Hamas attack. The official declined to  ferent  systems  are  involved  in  many   • Self-image  –  The  filters  on  so-  7.  Discuss  unhealthy  activity  on  mutual  expertise  and  experiences
       detail the shape of the grand bargain,  cases.              cial media are not doing any good to  social  media  that  compromises  your  were also discussed.
       including  what  security  guarantees   Ukrainians  may  be  disappointed  our children. Harmless fun is now a  religious tarbiyah at home and encour-  (Elaine  Pasquini  is  a  freelance
       the US would offer the Saudis.  in how America treats them versus Is- serious problem for some of our kids  ages children to defy Islamic values.   journalist. Her reports appear in the
         The  official  also  said  Palestinians  rael, a country whose military might  who are exhibiting body dysmorphic   The need to maintain balance in life  Washington Report on Middle East
       had been participating.       they  hope  to  echo.  It  doesn’t  help  disorder symptoms (BDD).7 The ex- is an unrelenting task for mankind, but  Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)
         ”They want to be a part of this pro- that  Israel  has  not  offered  Ukraine  cessive use of media is not only dis- a mandate from Allah. There are some
       cess, and we would not do it without  as much support as it could, chilling  torting  their  image  of  self  but  also  great benefits of social media use, how-  PML-N, PPP Hail SC Verdict on Law
       them,” the official said. “That is a ma- their relations.   encouraging a false sense of worth as  ever, it is much harder for children to   Curbing CJ’s Powers
       jor  change  from  their  policy,  which   Israel  has  refused  to  send  the  well as pushing toward eating disor- limit  their  access  without  parental  or   (Continued on page 23)
       has been they will never engage in any  Iron Dome, an air defense system, to  ders.      adult support. Just like how they need  Regarding exercising the apex court’s
       process that has to do with an Arab  Ukraine  to  help  protect  its  civilians   • Depression  –  Continuous  in- to learn how to walk and talk, it is im- original jurisdiction, the Act said that
       state normalizing relations with Israel  and  military  positions  from  Russian  activity  and  physical  disconnection  portant  for  our  children  to  learn  how  any matter invoking the use of Article
       absent a Palestinian state.”  attacks.                      from peers and family due to exces- to safely engage with social media. Let  184(3)  would  first  be  placed  before
         The  official  didn’t  specify  which   What about China’s role?  sive SMU use has been shown to have  us educate ourselves and support each  the committee.
       Palestinians,  but  the  reference  was   Earlier this year, Chinese officials  a  direct  effect  on  our  teen’s  mental  other  as  a  community  in  keeping  our   On  matters  where  the  interpreta-
       likely to people affiliated with the Pal- said they’d be willing to make a run  well-being.8   children from experiencing the harmful  tion  of  the  Constitution  is  required,
       estinian Authority.           at  peace  talks  between  Israelis  and   • Addiction – Excessive use of so- effects of excessive social media usage.  the  Act  said  the  committee  would
         That  body,  which  governs  in  the  Palestinians. This followed a success- cial media puts our children at a very   compose a bench comprising no less
       West Bank, is a weak rival to Hamas  ful Chinese role in the restoration of  high risk of developing an addiction   End Notes  than five apex court judges.
       and an ongoing agitator against Isra- diplomatic  relations  between  Saudi  that  makes  it  difficult  to  achieve  a   1 Parents in a town in Ireland came   About appeals for any verdict by
       el. But its fate may be affected by the  Arabia and Iran.   healthy life balance.9       together  to  voluntarily  ban  smart- an apex court bench that exercised
       new fighting. After all, noted one for-  But  China’s  reaction  to  the  latest         phones for kids as old as 13   Article  184(3)’s  jurisdiction,  the
       mer senior State Department official,  violence may temporarily sour Israe-  Spiritual Development   2  At  Waldorf  School  in  Silicon  Act  said  that  the  appeal  would  lie
       there  is  “the  question  of  who  rules  lis on Beijing’s advances.  Of  course,  the  state  of  mind  and  Valley,  Technology  Can  Wait  -  The  within 30 days of the bench’s order
       Gaza when this is done.”        In  a  statement  Sunday,  the  Chi- body  has  a  direct  connection  to  the  New York Times and Waldorf Schools  to a larger SC bench. It added that
         How did Israel not see this coming? nese Foreign Ministry said Israel and  state  of  our  spirituality  and  connec- teach  without  technology  —  here’s  the appeal would be fixed for hear-
         There’s  no  quick  answer  to  the  Palestine — it used that term instead  tion to God.  what it is like            ing  within  a  period  not  exceeding
       glaring  question  of  how  such  a  so- of  Hamas  or  Palestinians  —  should   • Undesirable  Content  and  Ac-  3 APA chief scientist outlines po- 14 days. - The News
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